Hanshan ago

Editing is blocked for anon users. One must get registered first. Right now I am working on granting HTTPS by default so you can hide better, but certificates are not that handy.

Hanshan ago

Yes, I am working on that. My apologies.

JrSlimss ago

I added comments to main page for Artist additions under discussion. Can you also break the artists into subsets for Comet Ping Pong Performers and Tony Podesta Related Artists?

Hanshan ago

Sure, but may you please help me make that distinction?

anonmoose ago

Can we get an "open leads to investigate" page please?

Keeping it updated would provide an increase to the production of evidence.

Hanshan ago


Her you have it. May you please make a list of those leads? Thanks!

anonmoose ago

I will get on it tomorrow! apologies for delay.

HolyMoly0 ago

This wiki has great potential to be used as an introduction for the public. So there should be no reason for a newcomer to dismiss it right away. The first information shown needs to be compelling, obvious, and most importantly, factual. Have links to everything you claim. Don't just say it. If you can't provide a link from a credible source, then don't make a claim.

You should not have Hillary first on your list of people, and you definitely should not say she is "known to have facilitated child trafficking." Yes, she is high-profile, but that's exactly why she doesn't need to be first--people already know about her. And yes, there has been child trafficking within her organization, but there is no concrete evidence that she has personally "facilitated" any of it. A newcomer will read something like that and immediately assume the whole thing is crazy.

It is much more effective to start with someone like Tony Podesta. He has an actual (self-admittedly ongoing) friendship with a convicted pedophile/former politician. And you could start his section with the Washington Post article about Tony's art--plus, mention that the Washington Post took the article down as soon as Pizzagate investigators started sharing it. It's mainstream evidence, and more importantly, it's evidence of the mainstream media's dishonest treatment of this information.

I love idea of the "Pizzagate is a hoax" section. But maybe rename it to describe what its actual function is--something like "But isn't Pizzagate a hoax?" And you could even put this section nearer to the top of the page, and have a section inside that points out misinformation in mainstream articles (New York Times, Washington Post, etc.)

Hanshan ago

Thanks for your contribution! :)

RecycledUser ago

Awesome! Thank you!

LtSilverFox ago

Once this starts getting filled I'll then start leaving little bits of information at all college campuses around me. I live in a big state so I'll take it a region at a time but I do plan to get friends together to help cover this state.

lawfag123 ago

Can you make it so we can use https on your website

Hanshan ago

Yes if someone helps me get a free and reliable SSL certificate!

EraseYourHistory ago

You could use https://letsencrypt.org/ if you're interested in going that route.

dookiehowzer ago

can you see my pics uploaded here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1448645

Hanshan ago

I can't find them.

dookiehowzer ago

could you reupload them for me i think im on an outdated os, you just have to click open on the bottom once you click the link, sorry but i think its very important

SecularPenguinist ago

I know /pol/ has been amassing quite an archive as well.

LtSilverFox ago

You sir are a hero, bless you! Come on guys lets use this platform we have been given!

LionParty ago

This site really needs to be stickied, I've worked on it quite a bit and it's very organized. One our biggest problems with this investigation is that we have so much info that it's begun to pile up and get lost. We probably have hundreds of archived pages that we'll never find again lost in Reddit and Voat. This is the perfect site to organize everything, stop losing info, and allow others to spread #pizzagate in a digestible form for everyone.

KnowThyself ago

I've never edited a wiki before, how do I include the source for a statement I make to include the little [1], [2]. [3], etc. at the end of sentences?

Hanshan ago

I am still figuring out. It seems it is a module so you can call for <sources/>. But so far you can use the structure *[link link_name] to reference something you say directly from the link.

VoteOrDie ago

Can you add proof that you are the webmaster somewhere on the site?

Hanshan ago

Look at the table in the (protected) main page. Middle column.

VoteOrDie ago

Hah. Wasn't sure what I was supposed to be looking for, but I found it. Thanks for the verification! I think that helps w/ trust on posts like these. So many shills out there.

As for a question... what are the best new recent pieces of evidence? Haven't had much time to really dig through a lot of stuff lately--only look at a few headlines here and there.

Hanshan ago

Thanks to you. As far as I know, the emails and the Instagram elements are the strongest evidence. There are some good visual compositions out there explaining everything. As someone said, we should focus on the Foundation.

KnowThyself ago

You've done a great service. I'm going to go add an article for DuPont Underground. This allows people who go deep into one area to add to the overall picture.

KnowThyself ago

Thanks, I got caught up fleshing out some of the other pages, but will work on that one when I get a sec. I've at least got the structure down.