christa ago

So they are alleging that in the span of a year, we saw THAT kind of dramatic increase because of runaway teenagers? Were teenagers not running away last year or what?

Pretty fucking weird.

Notyourmom ago

Lots of families, that don't know our language or law

mjmoore ago

Also notable - dude mentions Kleinman having a degree in special needs education. That weirdo was using sign language in the IndieGoGo pitch video. This guy knows what he is talking about.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

They most definitely have an internal database, which is queried based on the information you specify in the search form. It is very weird that this information is not more readily available for public use. The process of obtaining this information is unnecessarily time consuming and difficult. At face value, you would think they would want additional outside research on such a large and emotionally stirring issue. As @FuckUredditFuckuSpez states, there's some implicating information about NCMEC, so maybe not.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Hey man, this is my exchange with someone else, about getting some stats.


Missing from: choose state

Missing date: put in a date range for when a child was reported missing

Click Submit

As of today, for the date range 11/29/15 - 11/29/16, there are 303 children missing in Virginia, that were first reported missing during that one-year time period.

Compared with 25 from last year, between 11/29/14-11/29/15

Yesterday as I was working on that time frame, the Virginia number climbed from 293 to 308. Today it is at 303 for that time period so that is a slight improvement.

The researcher from the YouTube video might have gotten his data by linking to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's website ( through the Virginia State Police website. That is a different data set than I used. I think it lists all adults and children missing in Virginia, whether reported this year or in prior years. When he said so many were reported missing this year, I decided to just check this year against prior years, and it is unbelievably different.


I think The guy in the video, said he specifically called somewhere, because he couldn't find them. And at one point in the video he goes month by month but starting with May or something, So he went through 2015 into 2016.

That being said, He nor I looked hard enough, because obviously found them... I actually went to the page you linked, first...But didn't notice the search by stay on the side. In my defense, I was on my phone. I'll look into this more thoroughly but I just did 1-1-2014 - 11/29/2016 And it only said there is 338 total cases...

338 total missing, They only show 9 at a time, but out of the first 36 missing kids, 27 DID NOT have pictures..

New york, same time period... 88 missing. First 36 all had pictures.

Illinois between the same dates, 93 missing. First 36 all had pictures.

Fuckery continues to be a foot.

loconut22 ago

I live in fairfax. I will be on the look out on the ground. No worries mate.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

And thank you for showing me where to get the stats...

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I think The guy in the video, said he specifically called somewhere, because he couldn't find them. And at one point in the video he goes month by month but starting with May or something, So he went through 2015 into 2016.

That being said, He nor I looked hard enough, because obviously found them... I actually went to the page you linked, first...But didn't notice the search by stay on the side. In my defense, I was on my phone. I'll look into this more thoroughly but I just did 1-1-2014 - 11/29/2016 And it only said there is 338 total cases...

338 total missing, They only show 9 at a time, but out of the first 36 missing kids, 27 DID NOT have pictures..

New york, same time period... 88 missing. First 36 all had pictures.

Illinois between the same dates, 93 missing. First 36 all had pictures.

Fuckery continues to be a foot.

pizzaparallel ago

I don't know how you got only 338 cases. I did it just now and got 2012 cases since January 2014.

Also, I think the thing about the first 36 having pictures is a problem with that search sidebar. More pictures come up if you view from other sources.

If you replace the VA with whatever state you want data for, you can view all the missing kids from a single state on one page, here:

You can also go here and put in more parameters

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Yeah I didn't do before 2014.

pizzaparallel ago

Neither did I. I searched from 1/1/2014 - 11/30/2016. Same as you. I think you must have left a different parameter on that limited the search because that's a number I've gotten consistently.

EDIT: It went up to 2023 cases but it's still right around what I said.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. You're searching the whole fucking country. We are talking about virginia.

pizzaparallel ago

I think The guy in the video, said he specifically called somewhere, because he couldn't find them. And at one point in the video he goes month by month but starting with May or something, So he went through 2015 into 2016.

That being said, He nor I looked hard enough, because obviously found them... I actually went to the page you linked, first...But didn't notice the search by stay on the side. In my defense, I was on my phone. I'll look into this more thoroughly but I just did 1-1-2014 - 11/29/2016 And it only said there is 338 total cases...

338 total missing, They only show 9 at a time, but out of the first 36 missing kids, 27 DID NOT have pictures..

New york, same time period... 88 missing. First 36 all had pictures.

Illinois between the same dates, 93 missing. First 36 all had pictures.

Fuckery continues to be a foot.

And I thought you were talking about the whole country too because you never mentioned Virginia. That's why I was insisting that it made no sense. If you're talking about Virginia fine but I can't read your mind.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. The whole fucking thread is about virginia, you don't need to read my mind. Read the post title.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Well that comment was in response to another comment. That other comment was talking about virgina, and that's the comment I replied to. You replied to my reply.

pizzaparallel ago

You mention more than just Virginia and that's why it wasn't clear to me but sure, I'll take the blame for misunderstanding. Arguing about whether I should have known what you meant doesn't help us move forward. The number seemed super wrong because I thought you were reporting a different number. So in conclusion, both of our numbers are correct but we were talking about a different things. Confusion clarified and hopefully no one else will be confused either.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

... What? You know The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is most likely involved, right? There have been multiple threads detailing why and how. That being said, No one said they don't have a database for themselves.... As to why wouldn't The NCMEC, that's linked to all of this, not have a public database... That is your question?

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

That is a really good idea! We can not depend on NCMEC and its board to care beyond its own self interest.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Since NCMEC and ICMEC receives operating grants from DOJ, Here is a complaint hotline to make online report of waste, fraud, abuse, misconduct, or whistleblower reprisal relating to a Department of Justice (DOJ) employee, program, contract, or grant.

Submit a Complaint Related to:DOJ Employees or Programs DOJ Contracts or Subcontracts It may be the case that no one has has ever complained about NCMEC or ICMEC waste and misuse because of all the supposed wonderful things they do. I am preparing a complaint. I am including in the complaint NCMEC lack of compiled nationwide statistics and numbers of missing children. I am also including that their present database is archaic and impossible for the average person to search and compile numbers of the missing per their age, date they went missing, their age when they went missing, location taken from, identifying marks, lack of pictures or information in regards to reported sightings or remarks of witnesses( such as suspect perpetrator sketches, and or witness identified vehicle information, etc) They also have other programs like SMART there are student id' with tracking chips connected to phone app....why are there more missing now than ever before?

It has become all to easy for these abductors to take people, which is crazy considering the surveillance and tracking we all are under. We have face recognition on most new cell phone models; and almost every 16 year old has a phone, how is it that 183 of 264 missing in missouri are ages 14-16 years old, and they can not be located? The only way this can be explained is that cyber security innocent images division of the FBI,(whose seal btw is a Black widow spider) ICE and Interpol knows they are missing and is complicit in making sure they are never heard from again.

Here is the link of FBi innocent image division of cyber security task force seal with the Black widow. (If you know the deep symbolism of that, then its like wtf....on a division of the fbi seal) I came across this division in a NCMEC pdf in regards to the agencies it works with The head of the division is Nicholas Savage. Here is a slideshow of how they are catching so many pedophiles, working in conjunction with agencies in the UK example they give for an arrest has evidence that could be considered paltry in comparison to Podesta and the rest of these worms.

pizzaparallel ago

Missing Children By State (as of 11/30/2016 via

  • AL - 33
  • AK - 14
  • AZ - 120
  • AR - 24
  • CA – 588 (Cases in 2016: 151; 2015: 74; 2014: 29; 2013: 17)
  • CO - 68
  • CT - 23
  • (DC) – 6 (Cases in 2016: 2)
  • DE - 8
  • FL – 354 (Cases in 2016: 159; Cases in 2015: 19; Cases in 2014: 17; Cases from 2013: 7)
  • GA - 89
  • HI - 15
  • ID - 18
  • IL - 132
  • IN - 59
  • IA - 9
  • KS - 28
  • LA - 33
  • ME - 6
  • MD – 108 (Cases in 2016: 28)
  • MA - 113
  • MI - 91
  • MN - 36
  • MS - 24
  • MO - 59
  • MT - 8
  • NE - 31
  • NV - 54
  • NH - 12
  • NJ - 55
  • NM - 37
  • NY – 194 (Cases in 2016: 64; Cases in 2015: 24; 2014: 1; 2013: 5)
  • NC - 67
  • ND - 7
  • OH - 120
  • OK - 88
  • OR - 54
  • PA - 109
  • RI - 2
  • SC - 45
  • SD - 2
  • TN - 70
  • TX – 329 (Cases in 2016: 140; Cases in 2015: 23; Cases in 2014: 4; 2013: 3)
  • UT - 17
  • VT - 6
  • VA – 398 (Cases in 2016: 297; Cases from 2015: 30; Cases from 2014: 12; Cases from 2013: 7)

  • WA - 90

  • WV - 4
  • WI - 33
  • WY - 7

The number of kids missing in Virginia from 9/1/2016 - 11/30/2016 = 228 228/297 = 77%

The number of kids missing in Virginia from 9/1/2015 - 11/30/2015 = 15 15/30 = 50%

The number of kids missing in Virginia from 9/1/2014 - 11/30/2015 = 3 3/12 = 25%

I think it's too hard to say whether there's really an uptick in the number reported missing in the last few months. The numbers for the state of Virginia are quite high though.

Manning ago

if you guys are interested in Texas, Aaric - the guy that talked about $65,000 for Obama Hotdogs being flown in, is part of WikiLeaks Emails and is directly tied to Podesta and and Global Enterprises

his wife and him discuss hiring someone that kidnapped a young child, a death of an infant, an island for Men to live with children... strange shit.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

I have been researching the board members....(Oddly I couldnt post this 20 minutes ago when I wrote it and would have lost it had I note stuck it in notepad... see if it works now. ) While we are discussing NCMEC and their numbers, I just want point this related thing out. Jeff Koons Board member NCMEC stared ICMEC and a legal agency to help families of missing children

Balloon art 'flower' at World Trade Center 7 (is it just me me or does that balloon flower appear 'swollen'?)

The people on the Board of the National.Center for Missing and Exploited Children NCMEC are interesting.

(Funny how all these 'cats' love their ' art'...and 'craft'.)

Jeff Koons, who also started the Koons Family Institute, an initiative of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children with money from his art which was more flamboyant back in the 80's and 90's than the CLOWN like balloon art he does now.

Google jeff koons Made in Heaven (Explicit) Here is his nude children art

He also did one of Michael and Bubbles and Lady Gaga art pop blue ball

Clinton Foundation donations- favorite artist of alefantis also his ex-wife, the woman in in the Made in Heaven series established Italy's first Libertarian Green Party, and while working as a ' housekeeper'  she claimed that she had provided the Hungarian authorities with information on American diplomats staying at a Budapest luxury hotel. She also dated several foreign other words shes an agent.

Clinton and art...those two things tie all these people together. And mockery of relevant injustices of course.

Here is Sec. Of State Clinton giving Koons an awardd for 'art diplomacy'

The DOJ appointed group charged to find missing children is in fact a masquerade more concerned with their galas parties art benefits social standing above all else.

Letsdoit ago

Looking at this years participants of bilderberg i came across this economist that is steering member of bilderberg aswell as board of directors ICMEC (

dookiehowzer ago

edit: please click the link then click on the bottom where it says open, its 2 click process to see the pic, this is weird this is the first time iv seen that probably because im on an old mac and the conversion messed up due to outdated os? anywho sorry, ill try to fix it on my phone

look at the kids on the side the majority being from fairfax in this one screen shot

it says there are 297 cases of missing children from 1/1/2016 -11/30/2016

now look at the route from fairfax va to wash dc this is just one example of how easy it is

now i search how many missing cases reported this year in DC 1/1/2016-11/30/2016

i only find 2

thats 297 vs 2 which means they thought just driving 30 min into va would be enough to NOT draw attention in their very location, slightly clever

Blacksmith21 ago

Please tell me that is you with #NSFW in greasepaint on your chest dancing about with a hula hoop.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Here is the link for all State Police clearinghouse missing persons**

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

The stats are available online. There is a clearinghouse operated by state police and NCMEC. Every state police operates its own missing persons database those are then reported to NCMEC.. this is NCMEC MO

Here is state police clearinghouse

Google State police missing Juveniles to find the one you want

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Call the National center for missing and exploited kids... It is not available online. The person who got these stats had to call. He was also told that they have a 93-97% successful recovery rate. When he asked how they got that number, no one could answer... HE asked ,Who he should talk to, to get an answer to this number... No one knew.

california 39,000,000 592 missing

Texas 27 million 327 missing

Florida 20 million 355 missing

New york 19 million 203 missing

Illinois 12 million 135

Pennsylvania 12 million 112

Ohio 11 million 122

georgia 10 million 92

north carolina 10 mill 68

Michigan 9 mill 92

New jersey 9 mill 59

*Virginia 8 million 392

As OP says, the majority of the missing in Virgina are from three counties bordering DC. Another detail: HUNDREDS of these missing kids don't even have a picture submitted. All the other kids from missing states had pictures. Well a few didn't have pictures, for each state... But not dozens, let alone hundreds, like Virginia.

I did not call NCMEC's myself, to verify these stats myself, this is where I first heard these states

If someone finds out these stats are incorrect, PLEASE let me know.

EDit: Whoops, Did not see that OP linked to the video as well...

Edit: Someone replied saying that stats are available online for all states. The close I could find to substantiating that claim, is this

It has 399 missing persons from virgina, But is not specific to 2015-2016. The 399 people on that list, have gone missing anywhere between 1970-2016. The stats the OP is referring to, are from 2015-2016 alone. So the claim is that 392 people have gone missing in 2015-2016 alone...

If someone can point me to an actual list, for the states and dates in question. That would be much appreciated.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I don't have time to research this thoroughly at the moment.... But as of right now, this is what I've got.. .

That contains 399 missing persons, But that is not from 2015-2016 alone. Some of the cases go back as far as 1970.. I'm confident more than 399 people have gone missing in virgina, since 1970. Am I missing something?

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

This is why I am making a complaint to DOJ waste/fraud/misuse of funds...they receive DOJ grants and their database is inaccurate outdated not being updated, it provides nothing to help identify anything its more like a funerary and its search parameters are limited. The least they could do is provide a decent database.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

If you do Make a complaint, and if they somehow do respond, Please share.

I Think an out of date, inaccurate database is intentional. If it was up to date, accurate, and included specific details, there would be a lot more people asking questions. Again, They claimed to have 93-97% recovery rate. So It'd be interesting to hear them try to defend it. I know they won't...But we'll see.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Really? Mind sending the link? Not that I don't believe you... I was just under the impression they were not. I'll look now, but if you have the link easily available, that'd be much appreciated.

I don't have time to research this thoroughly at the moment.... But as of right now, this is what I've got.. .

That contains 399 missing persons, But that is not from 2015-2016 alone. Some of the cases go back as far as 1970.. I'm confident more than 399 people have gone missing in virgina, since 1970. Am I missing something?

TryOurSalsa ago

It is solid "circumstantial" evidence. Probably won't be enough to make anything happen :(

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

I noticed discrepancies in the numbers between the State Police reported missing Juveniles and NCMEC. Here is one example. Missouri State police reports 388 active missing Juveniles.

NCMEC states 61.

Why such a huge discrepancy? The Virginia State Police numbers and NCMEC numbers are now about the same. From what I understand is the State Clearinghouse works in conjunction with NCMEC which is in fact a corporation with its own Board of Directors who receives Fed grants from Department of Justice.

I haven't checked other states to see if its the case elsewhere but I certainly noticed this when I checked. The reason why I was checking MO is because NCMEC associated FALET (Family Advocacy Law Enforcement Training operates at 401 manscen loop Suite 1721 thurman hall Ft leonard wood MissourI

This is divergent from the majority of NCMEC/DOJ associated organizations which operate in and around Alexandria-Fairfax Virginia.

The states with some of the highest numbers have NCMEC operating offices there.

stuartangel11 ago

Yea we are second only to California. Roanoke has 98k and basically no missing kids and Manassas city with is 48k has in the 20's of missing kids. You do the math. The ladies that I am working with are building a Map with all the data

stuartangel11 ago You can go into it and filter the settings as you see fit....

LtSilverFox ago

Yes that to. I'd take this opportunity to go out and get the raw uncut testimonies, but I'm still a kid in college way over here in Texas soooo lol. Please though if anyone is interested, by all means pursue the truth!

Notyourmom ago

Interesting point, Fairfax Virginia is a sanctuary City. There are a lot of immigrant children.

FiftyMillionFables ago

I think this might be the reason..

The Finders, a child abuse ring, is known to operate in northern Virginia. Documents relating to the Finders went around not too long ago, and it's clearly been covered up. Can we get some autism on this?

ProudTruther ago

I was listening to Ted Gunderson the other night and he said when things got too hot for them in they relocated to Wichita Kansas, but by the numbers it looks like they went back to DC area. Also Ted Gunderson tried to take the files up to his superiors four times and was always denied.

quatrocero ago

I have looked into The Finders quite a bit over the years. This group has very deep ties and roots to the Intel and federal LE community. The original investigation into the two men arrested with a group of school children from Florida was swept under the rug. This was after the WaPo article 20 years ago on The Finders. Shortly after all the media attention the group went dark. I used to have names and some old locations associated with their "leadership" which I will try to dig up. For the most part The Finders went dark for or more likely have morphed into something different and more sinister.

I am 100% in agreement with you that this should be looked into some more because I too believe there is definitely something there. I could devote an entire website on The Finders alone that's how much shit there is. One common theme you will start to notice once you look into The Finders is how deeply intertwined this group is with the CIA and the MIC. Again, definitely relevant and a string that should be pulled on.

stuartangel11 ago

Also were are trying to match their missing person pic to all the spirit cook and other pics around of the elites with children.. or adults that they may have groomed.

LtSilverFox ago

I have a feeling an interview with a victim in virginia could be massive in this story if we could provide one.

stuartangel11 ago

Yea its gross me and the two ladies ive been working with are putting together a map today of where exactly these kids were taken from and the proximity to DC its crazy they all are within 175 miles of DC and its mostly Black and Hispanic children

Prepper_Jack ago

We can't entirely discount the illegal migrant influx, and their potential role in this. MS-13 has seen a resurgence in NoVA in the past few years, and they're well known for human trafficking - particularly in children and sex. Could there be a connection to these gangs and the criminal elite?

I do remember that while looking at bargain home deals in Herndon, VA in 2008, that many had been lived in by MS-13. You could always tell, because there was Satanic graffiti all over the damn place. Obama seems to have a vested interest in not keeping these people in jail. Wonder why?

BerksResident ago

What does MS-13 mean?

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

Very very very bad news.

3 homicides in local news right now being attributed to them. 3 teenage girls. So sad.

Prepper_Jack ago

The name derives from "Mara Salvatrucha 13". The origin of the name is debated, but it appears to mean "group of Salvadoran rebels". The 13 signifies their allegiance to the Mexican mafia.

stuartangel11 ago

Yea we have been thinking about cps as well. In a lot of these lower socioeconomic areas there are higher rates of kids in cps.. Another variable for the equation. Thanks for everything you all are doing and we all have to stick together. I started a Blog website to put all of this pic and other circumstantial evidence together in packages that make sense and flow well. Share the link if you see fit and I appreciate it. The second post will be going up tonight.

i_am_the_ginger ago

Is it from Arlington and Fairfax?

stuartangel11 ago

There are basically none in Maryland

stuartangel11 ago

Yea the whole Northern Va area. Also Richmond and Va beach areas. I live in Va near Roanoke and we basically have none. Its nuts its like the Bermuda Triangle of Missing Kids

pizzaparallel ago

It looks like a lot but it's actually almost perfectly proportional to the percentage of Virginia's population that lives in Northern Virginia.

Missing Children in Northern Virginia and Approximate Distance from DC (Defined to include Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties and the independent cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and Manassas Park because that's what I have population statistics on)

Fairfax (IC and County): 57 (19.6 miles) Alexandria (IC): 19 (8.6 miles) Arlington (City and County): 5 (4.6 miles) Falls Church (IC): 1 (9.8 miles) Mclean (Fairfax County): 2 (11 miles) Bristow (Prince William County): 1 (39.7 miles) Centreville (Fairfax County): 1 (25 miles) Springfield (Fairfax County): 2 (13.7 miles) Lorton (Fairfax County): 1 (19.8 miles) Vienna (Fairfax County): 1 (17.2 miles) Herndon (Fairfax County): 2 (24.2 miles) Leesburg (Loudon County): 5 (41.3 miles) Sterling (Loudon County): 1 (29.7 miles) Prince William (County): 1 (30.53 miles) Woodbridge (Prince William County): 1 (23.2 miles) Manassas (IC): 25 (31 miles)

Total = 125

125/396* = 31.56% of all missing children in Virginia

*398 is total Virginia missing children. 2 records don't have city/county locations

Population of Northern Virginia (2013) = 2,775,354

Population of Virginia (2013) = 8,185,867

27775354/8185867 = 33.904%

For comparison, there's 9 in Roanoke. 9/396 = 2.27%

While the population of Roanoke makes up only 1.20% of the Virginia population.

stuartangel11 ago

Thanks for doing the math ive been all over the place today... How do we account for the #2 ranking in the country?

pizzaparallel ago

No problem. I just wanted to cover our bases because if our claims can't stand up to other explanations, we won't convince anyone.

I haven't found anything to explain why Virginia has such a high percentage of missing children.

Population-wise, using estimates from 2013

VA population: 8,185,867

US Population: 316,500,000

8185867/316500000 = 2.586%

But based on the numbers I got yesterday, adding up all missing children from all missing states = 3889

From VA alone there was a total of 398. 398/3889 = 10.23%

So about 4 times the percentage that would be proportional to the VA population. That seems odd but I'm trying to think about other possible explanations.

Another thing that is interesting, more kids are missing in 2016 from Virginia than from any other state.

Total Kids missing between 1/1/2016 – 12/1/2016 = 1563

CA Population of US = 12.142% 2016 Missing Population = 154/1563 = 9.853% Difference = -2.289%

TX Population = 8.376% 2016 Missing Population = 140/1563 = 8.957% Difference = +.581%

FL Population = 6.193% 2016 Missing Population = 163/1563 = 10.429% Difference = +4.236

NY Population = 6.224% 2016 Missing Population = 62/1563 = 3.967% Difference = -2.257

VA Population = 2.586% = 2016 Missing Population = 285/1563 = 18.234% Difference = +15.648

The other states are within 5% of their population percentages but Virginias is off by more than 3 times that. Of course, there's no reason that the number NEEDS to be proportional to the population but I don't have a plausible explanation for this discrepancy.

stuartangel11 ago

You are awesome. Yea we were getting about 4x the average also. Cool if I post this on twitter and Gab?? I'm gonna look into Cps and see what I can find out. I'm in Virginia and am familiar with how this place works. Even Nova and the beach are good old boy networks so we will see....I keep you posted. Thanks again.

pizzaparallel ago

Yeah that's fine. Sounds good. Good luck.

Kazzy ago

Also try to find missing children reports/statistics archived from the 80's and 90' s and 2000's

mocat ago

i went on the site and it had 186 children missing in VA from 10/1/2016 - 11/30/2016 - MD had 10, PA had 12 and NC had 4.

Freemasonsrus ago

I was just going to say that. I did the same search almost. The date thing kept saying I wasn't entering the date correctly so I picked random dates of Oct 2-Nov 28 and came up with 183 missing.

Now most are teens and I would assume quite a few runaways. But even that seems a bit crazy considering how many would be running away in the same area, unless they're getting lured into something maybe?

PizzaAccount ago

That's something I've been wondering. If there are really so many victims, where are they now? Where are the parents, teachers, and friends that should have noticed they are gone? Even if they killed everyone who knew anything and completely erased their bodies, wouldn't there still be people talking about them?

Rydal ago

My guesses are A) Adoption... tricky and paper trail B) Surrogate... C) Import...

Actually stealing children would be possible but would be more of a hassle when there are simpler options. Remember, children = product to these guys.

Edit : interesting DC list >_<

PizzaAccount ago

It just sounds weird to me for a lot of those reasons. The logistics behind kidnapping and disposing of that many kids is mind-boggling. Not impossible, but it's hard to imagine a way to do it that would be practical.

Rydal ago

Lol, the disposal part is fairly simple nom nom or liquify.

PizzaAccount ago

For one kid, sure. But you're talking thousands of bodies at least, maybe way more.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Hundreds of the kids listed as missing in Virgina, Don't even have a picture submitted... That factor is not normal, and can not be seen in any of the other states. That's not an answer to your question, but just some relevant information. They also claim to have 93-97% success rate, but can not give any information to back that up.

pizzaparallel ago

The majority of the children posted by Virginia Missing Children's Clearinghouse don't have pictures. It may be more of a problem with that source specifically.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

It is... But I don't think it's a technical glitch. I bet they do not have pictures to post. Or maybe it is just a technical glitch. All i know is If that was one of my kids, I'd be pissed if they weren't even showing a picture. I guess we will have to see if they update it. I'm guessing they don't.

pizzaparallel ago

I don't think the lack of a picture from that source is a glitch, I was saying in my other comment that the thing about only the first 36 having a picture is probably a technical glitch. Since most of the missing pictures are from the same source I meant that that source is probably particularly unreliable about putting up pictures. Not saying I wouldn't be a pissed parent too but I'm pointing out that it seems to be related to that source in particular.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. The only "Glitch" is the state that has the alleged child kidnapping problem. It wasn't 36 kids that didn't have a picture... It was 27 out of the first 36. I didn't look past 36.

pizzaparallel ago

Oh, I misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying that after the first 36 of multiple states the rest didn't have pictures.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

No problem..I probably made it confusing. I typed that in rush. But to clarify, All the states I checked, had pictures for every kid, except for Virgina was missing 27 out of the first 36. I'm sure the pattern continues further, but I only had time to check the first 36.

pizzaparallel ago

Ok fair enough. The only other thing that I was trying to say is if you are interested in seeing the pictures of all the kids in VA or whatever other state, you can view them all on one page (but not restricted by date).

i_am_the_ginger ago

In 2015, there were over 400,000 kids reported missing to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. They alone have helped identify over 12,000 individual victims in child pornography, I'm sure the FBI has many, many more on file. There's unfortunately a lot of people in the world, and they go missing often. The parents are out there probably still holding out hope a little like Elizabeth Smart's parents, just hoping another missing kid will walk in the door one day. They probably get treated like any other parent with a kid that vanishes, they probably have no idea.

smokratez ago

They get told by the cops that they are looking as hard as they can, that lots of kids disappear and finding them can be almost impossible. Then they get talked to by counselors and shrinks who convince them to try to move on and find some peace with it, and got put on zombie pills. Or the parents sold their kids. That happens too.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yup, that is exactly what happened to me. Told to move on. That was 21 years ago and I was starting LionsGate. Yes that LIonsGate with a lawyer from Vancouver named John Hardy(specialized in litigation and mining companies. My son was threatened to be hurt if he talked to me. I tried to find out what was going on but all police, Children's Aid and human rights organizations stopped me from ever getting a concrete answer. I was at the time a fairly successful actor. Believe me or not I don't care but I find it interesting that Frank is so thick in this. He claims to have started LionsGate. False. It was myself and Hardy In March or April of 1996 I was told to 'forget about your kids or you're dead" by Hardy. What followed was just insane. I was tracked, followed , harassed, death threatened, even having safety box break ins. All paperwork on Lions Gate stolen as well as screenplays, treatments. I was poison to the industry after that. John Hardy founded Versatile Systems in Vancouver and now is chief executive at Equus Total Return. As far as I can tell, he is not linked to LionsGate in any way now however I did get a print out of the formation of it from the registry's office in Victoria Canada. Word to the wise, I have never been a coward or easily frightened but these people are beyond your worst nightmares. I am still alive (thank God) but they have lots of resources at their disposal as in alphabet spy agencies, mercenaries etc etc. Dark Agenda barely covers it. In closing I may add that I have seen my children as recently as a couple years ago(for 5 days). They are adults now. My ex wife turned out to be a call girl prostitute and was involved in a phony orphanage in Cambodia, most likely used for trafficking. She figured prominently in my situation. She has D.I.D. and ...well you figure it out. Ritual abuse programming is NOT a joke. I know I have rambled, I have a tendency to do this when spewing out details, very muddy waters

smokratez ago

It's a shame that I can't tell if you are honest or not anymore. That's how good the shills have been.

21yearsofdigging ago

Sadly I understand

ByTheBook ago

$? Threats?

Also if as many of these missing kids agencies are as corrupted as some are now seeming to be they could drive parents into spinning their wheels.

revofire ago

Now that's disturbing.

dindonufin ago

Most of the cases with no photo are from this year. I don't know what to make of it.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Or the demon-crats were planning a big celebration for HRC's presidential win! and they needed party favors!

stuartangel11 ago

That and their is always a spike around Halloween