Manning ago

I'm looking through Aaric's emails to his wife... bunch posted here. His wife is the one that posted the survivor email where she says they should have a TV show where you survive on an island with 3 young children

2impendingdoom ago

She seems to be saying more about men not appreciating motherhood/raising kids more than encouraging pedo behavior, but that doesn't mean the husband isn't one.

Manning ago

I agree, and that's why it's a "TV Pitch"

But, then you have this 2016 New Article from the New York Post about Jeffrey Epstein's Island

"Epstein’s private plane, dubbed “The Lolita Express”

In a 2006 court filing, Palm Beach police noted that a search of Epstein’s home uncovered two hidden cameras. The Mirror reported that in 2015, a 6-year-old civil lawsuit filed by “Jane Doe No. 3,” believed to be the now-married Giuffre, alleged that Epstein wired his mansion with hidden cameras, secretly recording orgies involving his prominent friends and underage girls. The ultimate purpose: blackmail, according to court papers.

2impendingdoom ago

Hi, I'm new to this so I'm not sure if this is a private message or to all. You don't have to convince me, Pizzagate is real. I think they are all creeps. I just don't see anything specific in the wife's emails. I don't see the dead child, of Hannah in any photo. Its just way too over the top to bring a 16 year old child home from hospital to die in the company of a one year old. There would be hospice etc. The woman seems truly grieving but this is not how would treat the death of a teenager. I think Hannah is a cat or dog. I agree that blackmail is the standard operating procedure, which is how they get so much power. It explains so much. I feel like I woke on the deathstar.

Manning ago

yeah, the picture is supposedly of their 1 year old child...

the death could easily be a pet, but with everything else I just wanted to post it

Manning ago

This is an Email from Aaric's wife to him talking about the death of a young child

therealwopD ago

How do you know it's a young child?? This could easily be a pet.

Manning ago

This is super Creepy, this is the Dead Child Photo, Aaric's wife again

2impendingdoom ago

I think the dead kid mentioned in the other email was Hannah aged 16. Could Hannah be a pet? This photo is an invite to a one year olds party, which means he isn't dead. "Proof" could be that it is a pre-printed design copy for proofreading, for mark up/editing. I don't think the woman's emails are suspicious.

Manning ago

says, "come play with me"

who do you think Hannah is? 8 year old child that died?

2impendingdoom ago

I though the wife wrote an email about hannah being 16 years old and 8 months. I think hannah is a pet. But it could be anything. I don't know. I didn't see "come play with me" but having a 15 year old dog, it could apply to my own old dog who still wants to play. I'm not arguing with you, I just don't see the wife as a pedo. Husband probably is.

therealwopD ago

I agree, I think shes referring to a pet not a child.

Manning ago

This is an Email by Aaric's wife talking about placing Three Children Living on an Island with Adult Men

Manning ago

-----Original Message----- From: Aaric Eisenstein [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:21 PM To: 'George Friedman' Subject: RE: USNI Review

Only to self-mockingly note my internal battle between irony and child-induced exhaustion, but I'd sent your email to the team tacked on to the one I sent earlier. Just an fyi in case anyone comments on receiving it twice.

Manning ago

From: [email protected] Date: September 21, 2010 11:25:17 AM CDT To: [email protected] Subject: [Customer Service/Technical Issues] PBA antisland sent a message using the contact form at

Have Stratfor seen the reference to stratfor on Reason I am asking is I used to be director and they are a bunch of pretenders and fantasists. I resigned with the rest of the accredited staff on 7th April 2010 when we discovered unethical and possible criminal activities. Current directorship and share holders of the group are Craig Knowles and his brother Roy Van Reekum. This is the same Roy van Reekum who served 2 years imprisonment from 2007 until 2009 for attempted child abduction (google him). If they are members this is not my concern but I am just worried that he has taken some of my documents and trying to push it as if Stratfor are in partnership with them?

Manning ago

this is also strange... it's a email talking about marrying someone for their money, then spawns into an email about a youth camp.