Yates ago

I recommend watching all these HB vids on MUTE. Not because the music is shitty but because there are too many odd sounds in the mix and I don't trust these freaks one bit. Anything from binaural beats to weird tones could be in there. I believe this and the other related bands are used for MK programming so just be aware.

Fateswebb ago

Fyi I found the drummers Facebook, and was considering trying to find the rest of the band as well, I did find their names, but I'm pretty sure this is the drummer.

https://m.facebook.com/maxdrumsalot The bottom of this site lists him as the drummer and the rest of the bands name.


EDIT: also now I have found the guitarist


EDIT VOCALIST https://m.facebook.com/james.p.cooper

And this is the bassist whom doesn't seem to have a Facebook profile unless it's one I found but couldn't confirm was him. It appears actually that he deleted it.


Fateswebb ago

lol I made a meme the other day.. as a joke but pointing out the very same thing... see...


Haldelos ago

1:59 -Not Alefantis...If you've been researching this enough you've seen tons of pics of JA and that's not him. Also this is clearly a clip from a movie or TV show. 2:48 - Also a movie clip 1:27 - "HOT Dog Costume"guy or whatever...if you pause it at 1:27 it's also clearly not Alefantis...nose is all wrong...looks more like a young Jeff Ross from Comedy Roast fame (not suggesting it's him either but def not JA)

Not trying to be a downer just don't want ppl to waste their time. HOWEVER this is a messed up video with some serious trance/hypnosis/subliminal message inducing imagery...someone knows what they're doing....I think that's the important part of this

TheSpeaker2 ago

The part about this band that I find noteworthy is their videos. They have, it would seem, absolutely no following on Youtube or social media. They're as underground as it gets. Of course, they realize that putting lots of effort into music videos such as this will get them nowhere. This is not music that will get them better-paying gigs, nor will their videos go viral on the internet. So...why? Why are they putting this much effort into creating and posting sickening videos instead of putting up their live performances on their Youtube channel?

Bands that are into music with all their hearts want to put themselves out their as performers. And yet, you can't find any video footage of any of this band's live performances...this is peculiar.

There must be reason for this, and I think that reason may hold the answer as to their significance. The arguments focusing on their pathology lack of empathy seem correct on the surface, but I suspect a degree of intelligence and calculation behind this I just can't put my finger on yet. Have they been sheep-dipped? Has Alefantis been setup as a fail-safe fall guy just in case there's a whiff of danger, and that the whole operation might be exposed?

There's more to this band than what it might seem, I think.

Fateswebb ago

Maybe the videos are used in mind control programming and that's why they contain hundreds of quick subliminal message that rotate around pedophilia, murder, torture, and cannibalism.

Yates ago

I think this is correct. We had some significant threads about just this a couple months ago, worth searching for. There is a whole web of these bands and they all seem to know each other and be similarly obscure yet continually active.


Not him. A thread went around on this awhile back. I don't feel like looking for it at the moment.

rooting4redpillers ago

I remember the thread. Someone found the "face on the tongue" graphic in an unrelated context. I've looked for that comment here with no luck. I wish we could find it, as this continues to come up like it's new info.

happyme73db ago

This is so gross and creepy, the picture on the wall of the room is of 2 kidnapped boys tied up and gagged, not to mention the multiple pedo images in the entire video.... it is hard to understand how they just keep getting away with this in your face stuff....

just_clueless ago

It does look a hell of a lot like Jimmy Comet.....And Heavy Breathing once again shows they're just a "Family Friendly" act suitable for any establishment

Criticalthinker615 ago

Also 2:48 appears to be James as well

Fateswebb ago

This one has his ear in the shot so it should be very easy to prove or disprove.

Criticalthinker615 ago

What about at 1:30 dressed in a hot dog costume. Looks like him to me

Fateswebb ago

That's not a hot dog, it's a tongue. ;) and that has been discussed a lot actually.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Still wierd...and good that has been discussed already. No reason it can't be discussed again....or is there?

Fateswebb ago

No, and absolutely it does look like James.

DarkMath ago

Not Alefantis at 1:59. I had trouble watching even a few seconds of this video. The music is horrible and the imagery is psychotic. This crowd exhibits classic traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder: https://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder

They have almost no talent which isn't a sin but their lack of empathy means they can't comprehend how their audience will react to their music as in I want to wash out my ear canals right now it was so bad. You mix that in with Narcissism and you get Heavy Breathing's music videos. Psychology departments at major Universities could use this shit. It's textbook pathology.

Empathy and self-doubt are vital components of normal human psychology. It's what allows us to live with each other. When you don't have those crucial ingredients this is what you get. You also see this type of shit on Wall Street, just replace music with money and you throw in a side order of Psychopathy and you get "American Psycho". Who else could sell toxic credit default swaps to a convent or do the innumerable other sins those Psychopaths committed around ~2008.

tjarco ago

Why is this not Alefantis? Could you soruce this claim?

DarkMath ago

Besides the fact he's not on the credits for the video as Ozpecto points out all I have is me looking at the still frames and they don't look like the same person.

Bee tee dubs tjarco why do you still think I'm a shill. It's starting to piss me off. Dissenting opinions don't prove shillage. ;-)

tjarco ago

I'm not thinking you are a shill, I was just wondering if you found evidence

DarkMath ago

Good. That's a relief. Peace.

Fateswebb ago

I don't know if it's him but I don't think it is. But what this looks like to me is someone is watching a movie on TV. So identify the movie somehow and you have the actors name. I agree it looks a little like James but I don't think it is him.

0xFFF ago

why is this Alefantis? Could you provide screenshot with comparision? Looks to me like cut out from another movie, like most of the other parts.

tjarco ago

I'm not claiming it is Alefantis, I'm looking for the same evidence you are as I suspect the same thing (not Alefantis / cut from movie), so I wondered if @DarkMath had sources to back this up...

0xFFF ago

Well, everyone can go to the time mark and compare the still with photos of JA, and verify DarkMath's claim that they are not the same person. It would be a waste of time and energy to prove a baseless assumption as this false.