WeCanDoThisThing ago

I remember an old post from?reddit that showed a missing baby from Kansas? Or Kansas City? that looked just like this girl...anyone remember that?

gopluckyourself ago

relevance of the whole post not the picture. Also as an aside while I do think that the shirt is inappropriate it in itself isn't incriminating. also please source what led you to every statement you made otherwise this may get hit up for rule 2.

spez_dispenser ago


Go to this link:


Scroll down about 3/4 of the page to the paragraph:

"This is the best way to spot all the agents of the illuminati, politicians, deceivers in media, agents of intelligence services, infiltrators in truth movements, and all professional liars. Permanent puffy eye bags cannot be the result of sleep disorder or so many party nights; this is a fact. "

ChristoRedentor2018 ago

too good (and fucking too bad)...too be true sick shit pedo pizza front at hell´s gates.

This is ADELE calling her VAGINA for a PIZZA on ELLEN SHOW last feb...:D wtf..common word !?..adele is an angel, she should know by now. YO,PIZZAGATERS support from EUROPIA..make europe great agian mr trump please dont be like them predators..bring them to heel its fucking time yo its yuge grab monsters by its potang. adele at 2.35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJY5VVQsFZ0YouTube

ps. i used to have pizzeria, even had wood burning oven:D

theese fuckers aint bakers..theese mofos fakers. I SMELL EVIL.IN THEIR SAUCE AND STUFFING. // GET `EM!

militant ago

Not this again...

SecureYourSeats ago

Yes, this again. 100 times this again if it helps protect a little girl.

militant ago

We already know 'where is Caris James'. Do some researches, read the previous threads, you'll see that some 'people' were trying to push the same hashtag weeks ago.

SecureYourSeats ago

I have read threads that make a guess as to where she might be, IE. in Oregon with her parents. But nothing that has been substantiated.

militant ago

Then by all means go ahead and spam this hashtag everywhere if you truly believe that it is crucial. But let me guess, you won't. You want other people to do that.

SecureYourSeats ago

Yes, I guess you're right I don't "spam", I don't have a twitter account.

AreWeSure ago

When you say it's incriminating, of what? What crime is it evidence of?

SlackeryTurnBull ago

There is no proof that the girl in the pizza slut t shirt is Caris James. I think the pizza slut photo was found in the avalanche of random questionable pizza images on the net.

Fateswebb ago

Carisjames refers to James alefantis not the girl in the photos. I think he nicknamed himself that because of the date rape drug he uses or maybe for another reason, but it bugs me when people call this girl that.

zoltan907 ago

One of her family members identified her as Caris Cummings in FB photos. Whether James is her middle name or not is speculation based on Alefantis's frequent use of "#carisjames."




zoltan907 ago

Further evidence: An obituary for Elsie Ford Owen, which states: "Also surviving are great and great, great nephews and nieces, including Michael, Scott, Mae, Caris, and Quinlyn Cummings..."


SlackeryTurnBull ago

"Caris" means love in Greek. What kind of name is Alefantis again? Greek. It is most likely the girl's name, or at least has not been proven otherwise at all. Why are you trying to spread disinfo?

Fateswebb ago

Wait, trying to spread disinformation when I am asking people to stop assuming that is this girls name? Wow!!! How about then explaining why he has used the carisjames hashtag on photos that do not contain this young girl? Funny how you're the one making assumptions and even admit you are, and then call me out for spreading disinformation simply because I asked you not to make assumptions. So do explain why James would tag other photos with the same hashtag when this girls isn't even in them?

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Source? I've not seen the CarisJames hashtag on photos not of this girl. But I guess you can just say things and we're meant to believe them. This is how the shills are running this site, by giving up the burden of proof to make assumptions.

Assuming that Caris implies a date rape drug, or is code for some genetic eye mutation without any proof is much worse than assuming its just the child's name.

Fateswebb ago

Okay wait, I was under the impression that these are different children, I guess it could be conceived that they're the same child. https://i.sli.mg/dkpNmv.jpg

I was referring to the baby eating euros for instance, it's so young I hadn't considered it the same child, but certainly I can see how that's possible.. so is that what we are to conclude is these are all the same child and so that's why he is tagging them that? I'll look closer..

Fateswebb ago

Hey wait maybe you're right, notice the last picture someone else calls her caris I believe. It's low quality but that looks like what the guys said was two names one being Caris okay I am starting to believe now, also I found a thread on here where the guy claims it's Caris Cunningham but haven't read the rest.

banusaur ago

The image wasn't random. It was found on one of JA's friends' instagrams.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Whose instagram? You got any documentation of that? Other people have said that it came from a Tumblr of random pizza pictures. I seem to remember that's where it came from, too.

wellington33 ago

What have you guys done with voat dude? This pic is real, its the same girl. Her name is Caris, we even know who their parents are. I cant believe this is naive desinformation... all i see around here is shitty shills.

Fateswebb ago

What wait? Her name is Caris where did you get that? We know who her parents are? Where did you get that? Funny how you seem to be the only one sure of these things and you provide no explanation as to how.

wellington33 ago

im not gonna look for all the sources BUT, i uploaded a fucking huge archive to this board: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1522057

there you have the info about the girl.

militant ago

Just read this comment now. What @wellington33 wrote are known facts since several weeks...

Fateswebb ago

I have not seen this forgive my cognitive dissonance, that's why I was asking for some sort of proof..... as it appears the entire thread is.

militant ago

Watch this, it won't take long and I believe that it answers all of your questions: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@gizmosia/the-mother-the-husband-the-day-care-center-pizza-making

SlackeryTurnBull ago

The shill tactic is not scepticism or downvoting, it's using upvoting to direct people to disinformation,... what i'd say you're doing. Same girl? Prove it. Or do we just take your or somebody else's word for it?

Alpo ago

There are multiple shill tactics, probably being used at the same time, possibly by multiple shill organizations.

banusaur ago

carisjames was a hashtag used on multiple kids' photos. The prevailing theory is that it has to do with the date-rape drug carisprodol and James A.

wellington33 ago

in fact, this was one of them: https://www.instagram.com/scummimgs/ the account is deleted now. you can see it tagged in some of the ig pics i sent you.

EDIT: "@scummimgs #carisjames loves being in Europe, spending euros!!"

wellington33 ago

That was before we discovered who the parents were. i dont remember the names dude, but they were in some IG pics. And man, dont even talk to me about that, i was one of the first ones talking about carisoprodol over here, i even made a graphic saying it could be carisoprodol or the name of the girl: https://i.sli.mg/bbx3CG.jpg i did this in 14 of December m8.

Download my archive and you'll find more info about the girl and her parents. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1522057

militant ago

The prevailing theory... among shills.

Fateswebb ago

Do you have a better theory? I don't see one that's more realistic being put forth but you call people shills? Proof up or shut up.

militant ago

  • Are you aware that there is already a lot of disinformation regarding this poor little girl because this is one of the best leads from Jimmy's Instagram?

  • How am I supposed to prove that shills are shills exactly?

  • It's borderline suspicious to tell me to shut up.

  • Here you go for the theory:


From Ancient Greek καρίς ‎(karís). Noun

cāris f ‎(genitive cāridis); third declension

kind of crustacean, possibly the sea-crab or the shrimp



A word used in reference to pussy or poon.

Connor is going to get some shrimp tonight!

shrimp poon pussy vag vagina


Is it a better theory? No. Is it a worse theory? No. Is it important? No. We will certainly never know why they chose that particular name anyway, so why should we focus on it?

Fateswebb ago

I just don't like calling her that, I feel like he has used the same hashtag referring to other pictures but either way if there is proof I would like to see it.. I didn't tell anyone to shut up, I just asked that we not call her that without some sort of proof it is actually her name or he is actually referring to her. I feel like the other drug explanation makes more sense but without James himself telling us what it means I doubt we will ever know. Certainly don't shut up, I don't care who tells you.. well unless it's your mom or your wife then maybe do what they say ahaha

AreWeSure ago

isn't there also no evidence her name is Caris James?

Fateswebb ago

I believe James if referring to HIMSELF when saying Carisjames not the girl. Probably referring to date rape drugs or something else.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Sounds like something young hip people in Alefantis' circle would name their child, which seems more likely to me than some of the theories that have been floated about the meaning of CARIS.

AreWeSure ago

I believe Caris is her name, but James refers to Alefantis.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

If James is her middle name, it could be confirmation that she is his godchild and named after him.

Orange_Circle ago

She lives in the Pacific Northwest now, with her parents.

AFriend ago

Could you link proof of life?

Orange_Circle ago

After they moved, Alefantis posted a pic of them at their new place. (On his IG.)

I don't want to dox anyone, and Alefantis IG is private now. But I saw the pic before he went private.

reasonedandinformed ago

The last evidence of "#carisjames" being alive is a picture from January 31, 2015 (from JA's instagram). There has been zero effort by the media to ask who this child is or her current status/health. I fear the worst.I posted this submission https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504555 several weeks ago trying to take this issue to ground, but no evidence developed of her well being. Many theorize that she is the daughter of Corey Wren Woolman and Scott Cummings, based on some circumstantial data, but this has never been proven. The parents themselves seem very suspicious based on the online findings. The fact that she did not show in the July 2016 instagram images from her "grandmother" (not fully confirmed), while her sister Mae was featured in these, adds to the concern.

I think that the strongest single thing for us to push is #WhereIsCarisJames, personally, as this is a child documented in many images in the disturbing JA instagram account, she is placed into abusive positions/images, she looks very unhealthy (bags under her eyes), and no one has confirmed that she is currently alive and okay with her parents.

Fateswebb ago

Can we please stop referring to her as that? So far it is horrible speculation and would immediately make such a investigation look like it's based on nothing factual.

reasonedandinformed ago

The reference is related to the child who is hashtagged as #carisjames. We are guessing her real name may be Caris Cummings, but that has just been a guess based on some data. No one knows. Regardless, where is the child who has been tagged this way in so many of JA's instagrams. There has been no conclusive finding on who this child really is, who are her parents, her current whereabouts, and her health. Alefantis has claimed in several interviews that she is his "goddaughter." So #WhereIsAlefantisGoddaughter? The point is that the media have done nothing to pursue an answer to this simple question.

Fateswebb ago

Well yeah I mean do we have pictures of this Cummings girl? Hmm. Haven't followed that line of data yet...

reasonedandinformed ago

With thousands researching, and their connections/friends, no one has ever stepped forward to say that they know who this girl is or to confirm her current state. If this were about nothing, this would have happened naturally by now. Last known picture of the girl regularly tagged with #carisjames by JA was dated 1/31/15.

SecureYourSeats ago


throwawaa ago

The problem is she could very well be the child of one of them, and thus JA's god-daughter (or at least no way to prove she isn't), and they could show she's alive and pretend that she's healthy.

I'm all for demanding information on her as long as we don't stake any credibility on the suspicion that she's not OK.

reasonedandinformed ago

It would be good to at least get to that truth that she is alive and healthy, but I strongly sense that they could not produce this fact. It is the most basic level inquiry. The investigation does not hinge on this, but it would be worthwhile for the media to ask for and get a response on this.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

Does the rape drug cause allergic reactions in kids?

60% of kiddie rape done by close family members.

Pedos are short, less right handed, 10 points lower IQ than average.

Post Modern Machiavellian Pedo-Ops https://lokisrevengeblog.wordpress.com/2017/01/12/post-modern-machiavellian-pedo-ops/

Don-Keyhote ago

Hm I've heard homosexuals are more likely to be artistic/intelligent and left handed.

Giabean123 ago

Two pics now I have seen of his GodDaughter in strange circumstances. Hope the authorities check in on her.

reasonedandinformed ago

The police is DC falsely claimed that they "investigated" CPP. The fraud in this claim was exposed by a FOIA request: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1525587

Giabean123 ago

There was a pic of Alefantis in the hospital after his god daughter was born. I saw on Evies Crib, is it the same girl taped to the table, I don't know but at least it is documented from many years ago he has a goddaughter. It is a shame the police are not doing anything. Thanks for the link

reasonedandinformed ago

No (from http://archive.is/JGhR6)). This is a cousin to the three girls from the infamous message where the three girls (named by age) will be there for entertainment - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/49435, with the Grande Tam (Tamera Luzzatto) being her non-biological (by-marriage) grandmother. I believe that Evie is a cousin to these three girls.

Z11Mama ago

The only 'authorities' to check in on her would be children's services or the police. The police in her hometown are corrupt and children's services in her state are worse than criminals. So...her best and possibly only hope for rescue, IF it is needed, is the people right here, refusing to give up.