thezodiac ago

please read that:

  1. Unhealthy Childhood Relationships With Females
  2. Distorted Concepts of Gender
  3. Feeling Incongruent With One’s Own Gender
  4. Problems In Relationships With Other Males
  5. Sexual Conditioning
  6. Sexual Abuse
  7. Certain Biological and Physical Issues
  8. Certain Emotional and Psychological Problem

Z11Mama ago

For whatever reason this child made this video, it was NOT because he loves going to CPP. He is posturing in a way that has 'coached' written all over it and his facial expressions are very clearly in opposition to what he is saying. Something very off here.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

It's NOT a good photo, ... But it was originally uploaded by a teen girl doing teen blog stuff seemingly ENTIRELY unrelated to gate. If you watch this vid.. I say this is a time-waster. NOT trying to accuse people in here of being shills.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

How can I find out?

Chistock ago

I don't necessarily think that is the same girl, and I have seen both of these pictures before the election. I wish we could verify who the girl with her hands taped to the table really is. Did her parents see the picture and are ok with it? Did they not see the pciture? I know its just probably someone playing around, but there is a vibe to the picture I do not like.

VieBleu ago

agree on twinks agree on AreWeSure the bear thing was just a matter of degree, Im sure there is a "Bears and Twinks" night somewhere in the USA pretty often

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Fairly certain my comment was not directed at you; it was at this one particular person who keeps derailing the investigation with his weird "gays=pedos" fixation on literally every single relevant post. Sorry for the confusion, I'm not sure why my original comment was posted twice, and one of the times in a different place. For the record, StormFags are usually vehemently homophobic/ridiculously racist; so as someone who isn't straight herself, I find "Stormfag" rather ironic and amusing as it clearly is implying they are gay for Hitler. But I digress, you weren't the offending party anyway, so it's all good.

VieBleu ago

Actually the other person is correct. Bear is a body type - a regular or slightly chubby hairy man basically.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Posted 4 years ago, but the instagram photo has a tag of 126 weeks. That makes it 2.5 years before pgate broke. April 2014. Cant be the same girl months later. Album

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Great. This perfectly legitimate investigation into people who abuse children (need I remind you that straight women and men are involved and implicated as well) into full Stormfag ridiculous. Really? Blame the fucking gay community and not the pedophiles and human traffickers? This is some scapegoat bullshit. There goes this group's credibility: you're literally perpetuating the "alt-right conspiracy theory" narrative beautifully for them.

hanknut42 ago

it looks like two different girls i m convinced the girl taped to the table has down syndrome just look at her eye placement. the girl in the second looks like her kinda but theres enough of a difference its hard to say

Goldenshowergirl ago

It really does look like the same girl, check the dimples and the eyes.

kingforpres ago

Same chin too

zzvoat ago


zzvoat ago

Could be the same girl, maybe not. I think not, veeery close, yes, but not her.

That does not in the least detract from the importance of the pic.

atheist4thecause ago

Even if we're not close to untangling this mess (although I think we are), we're making a heck of a lot of progress. Progress is what matters. This is a fantastic infographic. I'd like to see someone keep making this to update them as time goes on. In the future, I hope people put a date on these, though, so we know how outdated the information is.

AreWeSure ago

Being a bear is about body type and hairyness. You can be young and be a bear, but most only get that burly body as they get older. Big and burly even chubby is a bear. Why would I troll about twinks and bears?

VieBleu ago

you are right about this one.

TheRedPi11 ago

That poor little girl. It does look like the same girl. She seems to be in the hands of people who enjoy humiliating her. Even though they don't post images of acts of pedophilia, these people are showcasing their perverted sense of humor which centers on sexualizing & demeaning children. At the very least the authorities could & should investigate this, theres more than enough circumstantial evidence to build a case.

21yearsofdigging ago

This is just so not funny. I know, some people have a quirky sense of humor(me included) but this is not that.

3333333333y ago

Thanks appreciate it.

bopper ago

What my wife said, even if it's a joke, um, not too funny.

3333333333y ago

For sure did you go through every year and month? It is a lot to go through so I asked for some help on pizzagatewhatever .

victuruslibertas ago

This appears to be the source post Oct 8th 2012

AreWeSure ago

you have this wrong. A bear is a hairy guy and a twink is a hairless guy. A younger version of a bear is a Cub.

That Milo Guy from Brietbart had a Twinks for Trump campaign this year.

3333333333y ago

Directories are wide open with no .htaccess protection!!! Have at it boys and girls:

bopper ago

Exactly, got lost in the ensuing fervor.

Geo_synchronous ago

No human being with any integrity would put that kind of shirt on a child.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Does it surprise anyone? People are brainwashed to think this stuff is cute. Look at the Disney mind-control slaves like Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry marketed to young girls and their parents.

Geo_synchronous ago

Yep. Daughters are on the down stairs tv, learning to be sluts while dad is jerking off up stairs watching Katy's boobies giggle and mom is walking around the house at 10am half baked on scripts and vodka. Only in America.

newworldahead ago

Disgusting stuff. Nice find OP... I remember seeing that pic as well but forgot about it. The worst pic for me though has to be the one with the pinata full of "alcohol and condoms" and the guy in the comments laughing at the kids because they look "disappointed". This just instantly broke my heart and brought my blood to a boil.

Millennial_Falcon ago

It's the same girl which has been taped to the table

@R4WX She looks similar, but how do you know it's the same girl?

R4WX ago

I don't. I assumed it was her, since the infographic you guys shared here ( ) said it was. That's why I asked myself where this comes from and why this isn't spread.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Bang, meme the shit out of this

e-traiu ago

Never saw that pic before. Poor girl.


I've never seen it in Instagram format anywhere.


Come on, most older straight men want young girlfriends. I was vacationing in Spain once in an area where lots of successful Austrian men had holiday houses and most of them were over 50s males with under-25 girlfriends. You'd think they were father and daughter if you didn't know otherwise.

OrwellKnew ago

Sickening. But after several weeks of seeing this garbage, not at all surprising

DarkMath ago

I don't see any hard evidence. The shirt's sketchy but clearly not hers. Yes it's sick to put that on a small child but not illegal just creepy as hell. And I haven't seen the picture before either.

Atatarkus ago

This is really weird ive been wary of buying into any other pizza places being implicated in Pizzagate without much evidence because well that would be the absolute best way to discredit us, make us look like a bunch of crazy bastards targetting pizza places almost randomly. All it would take is for one or two provably innocent places to be targeted for the msm to write us all off and never speak of this again but... That picture has given me cause for concern, not for whats in it but for how its shot. Firstly, i dont think it is the same girl from the cpp instagram pics, if it was that would be great because a) it might suggest shes still alive and b) it might lead to evidence of how the kids are moved around. Secondly, its worth mentioning that there really isnt much wrong with this picture it could easily be joke, it is just a t-shirt plenty of people put t-shirts with offensive slogans on their infants and children for their own ironic amusement. However, look at how similar it is to the cpp pictures. With the exception of #chickenlover pic there tends to be no identifiable adults in any of these pics even when there is clearly someone in shot. This one actually has the same ominous tone as the girl taped down, there is clearly someone standing behind her coaching her for the picture. If this was a kid i knew id want to be in that picture with her with a big smile on my face at the hilarious joke i was making, not lurking around creepily in the background. Very unsettling but to reiterate, i think its probably best not to start going after pizza places left right and centre, maybe store this one away for later use.

Yuke ago

That's not the same girl.

EQJ ago

Could it be the girl in the basket with an orange?



The_Kuru ago

Is it possible that all of us saw that pic at one point and just flipped right past it because we thought it was just a kid in a Pizza Hut shirt and not pertinent to the investigation? It doesn't jump right out.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Look at Batman and Robin.

Splinterinyourmind ago

As a liberal, Its been trying holding my tongue as of late. These investigations must lead to arrests one day.

MolochHunter ago

me too, Ive always been a leftie until this point in history. But with SJWs aligning with globalists, Hillary's war machine, and attacking free speech (in my youth it was the left who had to remind the right of Voltaire's maxim) I now believe that for the 1st time since WW2 the Right is bearing the torch of Humanism more faithfully than the Left

I think we can now rebrand the Alt-Right as the 'Humanist Right'

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Came up before, I don't think people found the source.

B3nd3r ago

go back, make screenshot, crop it, upload to, link it here. That would be awesome.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Its been around since at least before xmas 2016 because i posted it on voat back then. A commentor at the time said he had seen it earlier. I do not know the source or if it is photoshopped but imo its the same girl caris cummings

Piscina ago

Thank you. I've been looking for that for a long time.

Freemasonsrus ago

That entire info graphic is awesome. Some info on there I hadn't seen before,min clouding that pic. Most disturbing is whoever is holding her arms. She's perfectly capable of holding up her arms and the way they are being held up for some reason seems wrong. Anyone else notice that?

Yates ago

Is it normal for a child to have undereye bags like that? Seems a little weird but I dunno. There was a theory about that a couple months ago but I don't know if it's true or not, can't bear to type it tbh.

ConcernedParent ago

Do NOT do this.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


The_Kuru ago

We gotta tell Alefantis what someone did with his God-daughter. He's gonna be so pissed.

Anyone have theories about that stuff in the background? Art gallery? Preschool?

silvertri ago

great work!

rippingtheveil ago

look at these guys, is that the same guy behind her ole James

Criticalthinker615 ago

I've been here/there since thestart and have never seen this pic. If this is the same girl but not connected to JA then we have probable cause for a welfare check of this child.

Z11Mama ago

The only agencies that would do welfare checks are part of it. No one there to save her. This is why it is worth the effort to be here.

Selnee ago

I've seen it and it was discussed on here and some people said it was fake but I don't know what's true anymore.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Who the fuck does this to kids? Humor doesnt entail adding a sexual element to children, unless you are twisted

doolord ago

I feel like by doing this we'd be giving them ammunition to demonize us further.

"Pizzagaters photoshop Megyn Kelly's daughter into sexualized position."

BUT if they do this it would probably have the '4D chess' effect, making people want to see the original pic, and see that it's just as fucked up as the shop. I think it's a good idea. I'd do it.


4d chess sounds like a fun game

Z11Mama ago

It looks like the same child, absolutely.

Gorillion ago

"Gay people are so silly and inappropriate with their humor!!"

Perfect hiding place for the pedo community. Every bit of weirdness that would get a straight guy social "creep status" in a heartbeat is waved off as some cultural misunderstanding or "joke" you don't quite get. And if you pick away at it because it troubles you, then the "muh homophobia!!!" shield comes out.

Gays. You need to start purging these fucks from your "community". In the same way SJWs became the public face of letfism, Pedos are becoming the new face of "alternative sexuality". If you don't act now, you're going to be taking serious damage when the big child trafficking network sweep comes. Any community that was giving these fuckers "safe harbor" is going to get flagged as incompatible with the incoming revised behavioral norms.

Start informing. Once Trump is in, start feeling out avenues for safe reporting of suspect behavior (don't get yourself "sucided" by telling the wrong person or agency). Identifying open pedo activism happening within your social circles. Creepy dark-webbish ares of your local gay scene. Purge these fuckers. If you're really brave, get video evidence and spread it everywhere.

MolochHunter ago

you dont just purge gays from your community. You put them on the spot to declare their loyalty to either adult consensual or paedo-tolerance. If they declare for the former they are an ally (you can make them aware of the repercussions of betrayal) if they declare the latter, then you purge them from your community.

Freemasonsrus ago

I would specify that to gay men. Gay women are in many instances victims of men in some way and therefore are closed off to them. Gay men however, in many instances are overly sexual and much more promiscuous and sexually deviant. I hate to use generalizations, but it's true.


Just like straight men!

slickleg64 ago

LOL people are going to downvote this because "you just hate gays dont say that" Sadly this speaks a mountain of truth, Ive heard that one thing that within the open gay community, pedophilia is rampant as alot of men want to experiment with younger members, they get hooked and want to keep going lower. And all this gets hushed out as gays dont want anything to tarnish their image, whether they agree with it or not. During the 50's when anti-gay was full blown mainstream, it was heavily associated with pedophilia, men in 40's with boys 12-13, and since it was already taboo, it was easier to conceal.

thezodiac ago

You're right. Being gay is a sexual perversion by nature. Very few become gay without any triggering events like sexual abuse, rejection, escalated porn use, etc.

Yates ago

And if you pick away at it because it troubles you, then the "muh homophobia!!!" shield comes out.

I've been seeing a lot of responses accusing the person posting about PG of being a pedo themselves. "You must be one since you're so into it" type attitude

PresudentMcCheese ago

This is a great idea. Why not drag her kids into your delusion?

Fateswebb ago

So the pizza slut shirt is a delusion, or the hands taped to the table? Or that it's the same girl? Or are you saying that sexualizing the words pizza slut is delusional, I'm just trying to define exactly where the delusion is here.. you seem to know.. so point it out..

Vic138 ago

If you think this whole investigation is delusional, why are you here?

B3nd3r ago

downoat&move on. only provocation to bind energy


Just got an idea.....why dont we collage all these fucked up pics and mail them as a flier to all the major MSM anchors? Caption is DO YOUR JOB

slickleg64 ago

Be like "Hey CNN, wana make up for the pissgate fuck-up?"


Hahaha true!!

Godwillwin ago

I've never seen it. That's definitely Twisted

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

A lot of people call Pizza Hut Pizza Slut. People are stupid and don't know when to quit.

Silex ago

If that's not pedo, that's disgustingly innapropriate. Poor child.

StrangeHologram ago

Crazy! It's her!

vacvape ago

I just did a childish search for pizzahut + kids.. wound up looking at their kids menu. Now I'm wondering why the fuck they need a kids menu. Who pays? It's all just pizza.

What I was actually looking for was whether they had any 'summer camp for kids' programs like say Tim Hortons has. Those all creep me the fuck out and they're obviously scams on a number of levels. So why not that too.

Vic138 ago

The logo on that shirt is a direct rip off off Pizza Huts logo. I wonder if Pizza Hut knows their logo and a take-off of their name is being researched as part of the Pizzagate investigation?

We should send this photo and description to Pizzahut's PR dept. I don't think they'd like to be associated with pedophilia.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Looks like they may know! Pizza Slut Funny Spoof Slogan Mens & Ladies ... › Pizza-Slogan-Ladies-Unis... Buy Pizza Slut Funny Spoof Slogan Mens & Ladies Unisex Fit T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at ... Rating 4.6 (18)

nitro169 ago

Send this to Megan Kelly along with a "thank you" for everything she has done to protect the innocent.

Or we could all just post it to her facebook...

charlieijoker ago

God that person has a vice grip on her arms.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yes, even if we assume that there isn't any pedo stuff going on, which I'm 99.9% certain that there is, these people are disgusting because they seem to love having laughs at the expense of little kids, who are obviously too little to even know what they doing, wearing, etc.

Very disturbing that so many would find that funny, even if you give them the benefit of the doubt that they're not all pedos.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Strange, if not same little girl in both pics, they both have those deep bags under their eyes.

pizzaequalspedo ago

These people are so disgusting and vile.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I haven't seen that before either, the fact that it might be the same girl isn't as important as the source of the picture, was that also from his Instagram? Or a friend's site? What's the original source of the standalone pizza slut pic?

passwordsonvoatrbad ago

what the fuck?


I was wondering where it came from. It's off a Tumblr, not an Instagram. Not sure that it connects with Alefantis or Comet.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

How do we know this is Caris from the Alefantis instagram?

Womb_Raider ago

He uses the hashtag Carisjames for multiple babies, not a specific one from what I could tell

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I thought it was just one. Supposedly his "god-child". If it were for multiple babies, we'd be all over this.

Womb_Raider ago

I saw a thread pointing out he used it for multiple... I can try to find it again for you

ConcernedParent ago

We need to verify that this is the same child. It does look like her, but without a source people will just dismiss it.

webofslime ago

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Millennial_Falcon ago

@webofslime, do you happen to know how this photo/tumblr was discovered (i.e. what is the link to Alefantis or Comet)?. I want to include the photo in the summary sticky, but I need to confirm the connection. (It sure looks a lot like that girl from the taped-to-the-table pic, but she's much chubbier and I'm not sure).

webofslime ago

Unfortunately, I have no clear link other than it looks really similar to the girl who is taped up.

Twitter removes the picture every time it gets posted in relation to Pizzagate.

Millennial_Falcon ago

OK, thanks.

OccamsTaser ago

Damn, notice the caption of the picture? "t0uchmyburritopizzaslut" what the fuck.

concernedaboutitall ago

That website gave me the creeps. I wonder if that girl is #carisjames? If so, that would be a strange "coincidence."

LeChevalBlanc ago

Can't even save this. With a name like this I suppose some will find it normal :

zzvoat ago

LeChevalBlanc ago

Thanks. Pandas there too.

Ezekiel2517 ago

Posted by letthislovecarry0n-deactivated2; its deactivated, is there anyway to access it postmortem?

webofslime ago

May be another young girl out of Sydney, Australia.

littlemrsMAGA ago

Guys, look at the top of the tumblr, click the "" link. Will go to the website of a pizza place in Philadelphia called Pizza Brain.

LOOK AT THE "ABOUT" SECTION. First pic shows the same kind of bizarre, ugly album art that all these people seem to like so much. But keep scrolling-IT SAYS IT'S "Right next door to LITTLE BABY'S ICE CREAM WORLD HEADQUARTERS". Seriously??

  • Editing this is for visibility:

Bryan Dwyer is the former owner, check out this Reddit thread he did about Pizza Brain!

Several comments from patrons who were asking why they didn't accept credit cards, and one called that fact "sketchy". There are quite a few interesting comments. If it seems important, someone should archive maybe, no idea how to do it.

archons ago

If you haven't found multiple pedophiles from pizzabrain and little babys ice cream you haven't been looking. They are connected to some serious shit.

3141592653 ago

Can you share more?

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Holy fucking shit. Great work, comrade. Make sure to archive. <3

zzvoat ago

Reddit AMA archive:

anolegion ago

Little Baby's Ice Cream sure has a funny way of marketing... to kids, right?

Iceboundend ago

"i eat little babies..icecream"

i scream

damnittohell ago

What The FUUUUCK....

atheist4thecause ago

They are ethical, you just have to go and talk to them in person about their ethics apparently:

But more importantly, it’s a community-driven business; a pizza shop with a conscience – meaning we strive to do things in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible fashion. To find out exactly what we mean by this, feel free to contact us or stop in for a visit. Our shop is located at 2313-2311 Frankford Avenue, Pizzadelphia, ZA 19125. We generally enjoy conversing.

Criticalthinker615 ago

The about section is really trying hard to seem like a community, family friendly business. Another brownstone op?

3333333333y ago

Directories are wide open with no .htaccess protection!!! Have at it boys and girls:

webofslime ago


File Number: 4100606

Filing State: Pennsylvania (PA)

Filing Status: Active

Filing Date: April 9, 2012

Company Age: 4 Years, 9 Months

Registered Agent: United States Corporation Agents, Inc.

[email protected]

[email protected]

onemilligram ago

Interesting, PizzaBrain is exactly 8 miles from my house. I can literally walk there from where I work. I would be happy to stop in and investigate, not sure what exactly I could do there or what kind of information I can gather myself. I might take the wife and kids there one day and see if there is anything going on. I know a lot of people who commute between DC and Philly. With all the heat on DC I would not be surprised if they decided to pick up and move shop might be worth looking into since their connected to CPP but not under any heat.

littlemrsMAGA ago

Bryan Dwyer is the former owner, check out this Reddit thread he did about Pizza Brain!

Several comments from patrons who were asking why they didn't accept credit cards, and one called that fact "sketchy". There are quite a few interesting comments. If it seems important, someone should archive maybe, no idea how to do it.

7607512? ago

You just paste the link into the input box at one or more archive sites like or and hit enter/return/go.

I did it and someone else did 30 minutes ago.

waxdino ago

Is this tumblr connected to Alefantis and co? "wereallgoingt0hell," "society-kicked-me-out," sounds like pedo usernames.

Godwillwin ago

And "mycityoflostsouls" and "young--blood"

They are so obvious

bopper ago

"You better leave my daughter alone." 1:17

webofslime ago

Not that I can tell. Girl definitely looks the same. Doesn't look like the Tumblr acct posts pictures they, themselves, take. The picture came from somewhere else, most likely.

a11en ago

Yikes the URL. Could be a plant. But it's: "touchmyburritolittlekid" slightly obscured.

webofslime ago

It's too old to be a plant.

a11en ago

Too many coincidences. These guys are sick.

carmencita ago

I have been on here a lot and have not seen it. The two pics are not the same girl imo. Both are uncalled for and disgusting and demeaning. Pedophiles hate children that is why they put them in these demoralizing and awful pictures. Yes, I do believe we are getting close too or JA would not have gone off the rails just recently.

bopper ago

I've seen it, can't remember where, glad you posted it ... and I don't know why it hasn't been circulated more.

Devious1 ago

Also seen this sometime ago, unsure where though.

Newfind ago

I literally had to pray for this child to be safe. I don't know what those pictures represent or even if it's the same person, but it makes me sick to think a child is in danger like this allegedly.

followthemoney ago

I found it on a random Tumblr account awhile back.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Is it the same Caris as the Alefantis Instagram? I've seen it, but don't remember who, how, and where.

goodguy1367 ago

Yep first time I've seen it! Do you know the source I.e Instagram or where ever?

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


R4WX ago

Why is this getting downvoted? Provided links and asked questions. This refers to #Pizzagate without a doubt. Wtf?

FR33D0M ago

Do you happen to know the original source of the photo? Before we can spread this we need the confirmation its the same girl. Thanks!

SlackeryTurnBull ago

One downvote. Ooh, the shills are out in droves tonight.

B3nder ago

first time seeing this, too


New_years_day ago

1st time here too, and I've been loosely following since this shit broke before the election.

Flat_Truth ago

I saw that picture quite a while back, but wondered then where it came from, because i've never seen it with any instagram things by it.

FriesischShipping ago


Phenomenonanon ago

Me too

SayWhatNOWAY ago


logjam ago

Same. I'm quite skeptical and think this would have come to light way sooner if it were legit.

New_years_day ago

Nice concern trolling faggot

Bratton912 ago

Doing some basic fact-checking before trying to promote this seems logical. This is one of the most damning set of pictures I've seen to come out of the PG investigation.

You have to realize, if we make a big deal about ONE THING that gets proven false, a lot of the general public will assume it's all fake.

I'm not asking for 100% proof and assurance it is real, just for anyone who has some expertise to take a look at it and make sure it isn't obviously fake.

This should definitely be promoted. Normal people don't put kids in "slut" shirts. And it further connects pizza with child sex.

BTW, I wonder if Pizza Hut realizes their logo is being used in this manner?

New_years_day ago

I take back my faggot, after you proving not to be a faggot. Please excuse my faggotry.

logjam ago

You should probably take that cock out of your mouth before you type. It seems to be impairing your ability to think coherently.

New_years_day ago

Good one, you faggy retarded faggot

logjam ago

You were so fucking ugly when you were born - the doctor spanked your mother. It's not my fault though, therefore not my problem either. The fact that your a faggot has no bearing on my life - therefore you should fuck off. Kind regards.

New_years_day ago

nice, come back. did you think of that all by yourself? You silly faggot, lmao

Bratton912 ago

Does anyone here have the capability to see if this was Photoshopped?

It is so damning, it almost seems as if they are setting us up to look dumb.

RecycledUser ago

same here.