goodguy1367 ago

Also just noticed trying to make out the bodies hidden on the left side, the one second up from the bottom looks like a girls chest with 2 necklaces on?

iamthepizzanow ago

Things I noticed:

Looks like a Vag on the font side of that steak. A really small Vag. DAFUQ??? WOW

The candle looks like its supposed to be his dick whilst standing there, as in getting a boner over a steak/cake/etc Thats all I got for now.

irie ago

ADDENDUM: Possible signs and symbols: 1. The flame on the candle may be Luciferian or Promethean occult knowledge 2. The phallic candle is blue code for male. 3. The pink sprinkles on the donut is code for female. 4. The donut torroid shape is code for vagina. 5. The white icing with chocolate lacing on the sweet bun (bum) may be BDSM binding or whipping. 6. The hand grip on the knife is inappropriate for the length of the knife, because it is a stabbing grip, not a slicing grip. 7. Fishing and Camping bring to mind Scouts and kids activities. One YouTube video cited below mentioned that Satanists in Los Angeles practice some of their rituals in the mountains and forests of Hollywood Hills [and other nearby State Parks] based on evidence of low-impact camping detritus and residues: Elite child sex slaves "1981" forgotten documentary Another reliable source stated that the Los Angeles Police Department finds many ritually mutilated, raped and tortured bodies of young boys and girls but rarely if ever mentions any Satanic Ritual Abuse or Sacrifice of the bodies as such in their official reports. 8. In contrast to the interpretation above, I see a dead body on the right side of the photograph: The head is under the green cloth on the left end of the cadaver next to the steak, the left arm and hand are under the right end of the green cloth, the two legs are under the red-and-white cloths, and the complete cadaver from head to toe is less than 3 feet long, a child. 9. The Cake sign in over a white cup or bowl full of some red and green substance. 10. A Man In Black in holding the knife and standing in a posture that may be symbolic of something.

TopResidue ago

What is more troubling to me, Alefantis bought 12 tons of tomatoes and canned them in 2012 or maybe 2013. In 2015 he said again that they buy 10 tons of tomatoes every year, can them and store them. Lets assume he meant US tons 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg).
So quick math: he uses cca 1 ton per month. 900kg or 2000 punds per month is 30kg or 66 punds per day.
Isnt that a bit too much of tomato sauce? How many restaurants does this guy own?

Heffter ago

lordcantido ago

240 views and only 6 upvotes so far. Come on people.

reasonedandinformed ago

Please post the analyzed image...Posted here: Do you have a clearer image for this analysis?? My image looks like it may be cropped versus some of the details you describe.

lordcantido ago

No, that looks to be the full size image at its original resolution. I'm thinking you might just have to adjust the levels on you display.

Gretch ago

"Cake" any theory on that one

lordcantido ago

I'm actually going with literal on this one.

OtisFirefly ago

There was a thread last night from an "insider" he was talking about lingo used in previous years used for cp, etc. One of the words used was cake.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I knew I'd seen oysters used as a code before somewhere. Here it is:

He remembered the windows were boarded up and there was a mattress on the floor.

“He used to call girls ‘oysters’,” the singer said.

“I don’t know why he called them that. What does an oyster look like?”

Kayzza ago

Comet may entirely be a case of misdirection, I totally agree. We should devote more time and energy into researching it, past and present.

Headstart ago

Not how I see it. Comet is real, so is Bucks. Both are. Now the big question, that keeps coming up, is, why are all these businesses connected either by ownership or ties to Clinton? One theory is there is a basement or tunnel under Bucks and they are all there to protect this information. Or, victims could be kidnapped or moved from Comet to a neighboring business involved, which may or may not have a basement or tunnel. There is a reason they are hogging this block of businesses.

lordcantido ago

When you start talking about such things as tunnels most peoples eyes tend to glaze over. Merely speculating about the existence of secret tunnels is not helpful. It will remain speculation until visual conformation verifies their existence. You are not going to find any work orders or other documents to authenticate them if it was clandestinely built.

Kayzza ago

Those are fair points, anything could be going on. With the information we have about abandoned tunnels under DC, I wouldn't be surprised.

Headstart ago

For some reason, the pedo mafia HAS to be on this one street, grouped together.

Kayzza ago

I think this location must be important somehow. Maybe it is the tunnels, but this street is a convenient front.

Headstart ago

Yes, at the VERY LEAST, it's a strategic grouping made so if investigators ever question neighboring businesses if they saw/heard anything suspicious, they would say no.

I've seen this in other areas. Police get called to area after getting 911 call, or call about suspicious activity. They investigate, all neighbors / businesses say everything is OK, nothing heard.

Kayzza ago

It allows them to spread out evidence very thinly too, making gatherings less obvious.