Fateswebb ago

I agree about the comments on Israel and the constitution. However considering the last 8 years it doesn't bother me that much yet. But I'm keeping a close eye on these because they are important to me. America and the constitution first.

Fateswebb ago

Trump is doing great so far. But it's only been 2 weeks or so... who knows what will happen I think this week will be very important.

privatepizza ago

Fox is on there?

privatepizza ago

Wow, interesting! I recall them saying they wanted to counter the fake news which appeared during the election. However, funny that it appeared just as PG revelations we're coming out. Another coincendence?

dickface8 ago

So, I just happened to click on one citation link and one only so far, and this is what came up https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/in-trumps-america-pizzagate-could-be-the-new-normal/2016/12/05/b6e26298-bb3b-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.2f8a721fea8f Notice anything suspicious at all? Just read the first few paragraphs until you hit it...

privatepizza ago

Do you mean, the journalist reporting that he and his colleagues are being threatened?

dickface8 ago

No, this: "If you doubt that, consider the events in recent days at Comet Ping Pong, the family pizza place in Northwest Washington I’ve been frequenting with my daughter ever since she was a toddler a decade ago."

privatepizza ago

Ahh, I see. Thanks. And yes, strange line. The 'family pizza place', 'frequenting with my daughter'. Seriously.... ? These journos certainly manage to include all the key phrases, don't they ? The whole article stinks imo.

Fateswebb ago

I think all I can do is upvoat. And say thanks I think this is important.

privatepizza ago

Thanks. I've just added another 2 links to Voat threads which also contain censorship documentation.

reasonedandinformed ago

I did a cumulative post about this, which continues to be updated: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1580566

privatepizza ago

Brilliant work. Thanks for doing this! I've added a link to it in the post.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks! We are literally helping in a battle of good versus evil in our time.

ablamj ago

TYT should be on the list

privatepizza ago

Nice one - cheers. They did do a terrible reportage of Pizzagate, I see it was discussed on VOAT. I'll leave that here for anyone updating the docs above (I'm just sharing, they're not my work). TYT PG Debunk - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1469905

archons ago

This is exactly what we need.

nomorepepperoni ago

And I agree it should be added until they wake up.

Fateswebb ago

I agree that maybe there should be a third category, for FOX. Because nobody else has the same take. Fox being owned by a different group of possible criminals. These criminals are entertained so, fox comes off as less intertwined but I think Murdoch while still bad isn't near as bad and I agree that the Fox News one is suspect in that while it talked about it it was even an attack upon it..... look we know that now fox is lining up to lead the masses... but that's what we're fighting so let's be honest fox was the least or worst of the MSM we're not sure yet?

nomorepepperoni ago

They never do address the actual claims, because if you do, your segment gets shitcanned. :(

downwithpizzaelite ago

Don't forget to add Voat to the list!

Edit: good, it's on there! Fuck this shill community, unfortunately.

privatepizza ago

Goes with the territory I guess. Pfff ; )

islandofdelight ago

Thanks. Everyone bookmark, and get ready to melt these outlets with a blowtorch when the arrests begin. :)

privatepizza ago

A pleasure. Wouldn't that be such a good feeling? Don't want to be presumptuous but hey, I can't help but feel excited this weekend. Looks like you're on it too ; )

privatepizza ago

Thank YOU!

privatepizza ago

Did as you said but links not working. Any ideas?

privatepizza ago

Aww cheers effie ; )