Pwner1775 ago

have you seen their retarded "time magazine caught trolling trump!", ive even called them hotards too

DavidBernheart ago

I was a subscriber and huge TYT fan during the Bush administration. I credit Cenk with teaching me how to decode the bullshit that comes out of D.C. But that was then. Cenk is a shill now. His shilling for HRC this cycle was relentless. I pulled my TYT subscription and I give that money to Jimmy Dore and Caitlin Johnstone now.

h2d ago

FUCK CENK and FUCK the Young TURDS. As a former employee (no I won't say who I am and no I am not lying) I can say firsthand that the arrogance he displays on air pales in comparison to his behavior off camera. He's a greasy shitbag.

scanspeak ago

They are now shilling for $2 Million to create an investigative reporting team. More like a fake news, anti-Trump squad.

h2d ago

Ugh - this is disgusting. Even more so because I know how little they pay their employees there and the fact that they claim to be "independent media" when they are not only fucking bankrolled by big-time REPUBLICAN money people (shocker, right /s) but as well as the Qatari government and other shady Arabic connections + Soros.

Galact1c ago

On their Facebook the top comments are all criticizing Cenks view on this. I stopped paying attention to them when Bernie lost, but after seeing their videos on pizzagate I can only laugh at how they are trying to join the club by playing along with this fake news shit.

mosswitch ago

Anyone that is going out of their way to make videos to say this is fake is most likely fucking kids in their spare time.

mosswitch ago

Good for you! Welcome to the rabbit hole. We will win this battle together.

speepsie ago

conservatives are the new liberals. we are the anti-establishment now... progressives just suck the governments dick all day, like the media. Hillary is the definition of an Elite but they worship her.

francisco_DANKonia ago

If there's anything I know 100% it's that this isn't some teenagers work. That statement makes TYT completely discredited.

BedAndRektfast ago

There are discrediting statements in every video they make

starrydust ago

I get that you're really disappointed and angry, it feels like a betrayal to me as well. I am disappointed and disheartened - I trusted them more than most other news sources, and I have been watching them, on occasion, for years. I actually emailed them weeks ago in the hopes that they would cover Pizzagate.

However, while I believe they are truly wrong this time round, I'm not swearing off their videos forever because being wrong here doesn't mean that they are wrong about everything. It's okay to have big disagreements - they open the way to more critical thinking, greater knowlege and awareness of strengths and weaknesses, and often enlightenment on one or both sides.

I still think that they have some insight, value and interesting points to share. Although I am more wary and less trusting of their judgement now.

h2d ago

Dude do you seriously have any respect for yourself watching them? I mean no offense, but I would think that even their most ardent supporters who consistently support them, despite the fact that they are "reporting" consistently upon truly fake news stories, or skewing things entirely without sourcing anything/focusing entirely on emotionally charged bullshit would be done with them by now. How could you still watch them after their ridiculous antics and especially that cunt Ana's insane histrionics and soapboxing on election night? Her shameful, trashy & profanity-laden tirade against women who voted for Trump "because they're fucking stupid" (her words, not mine) was so disgusting I can't believe that anyone would willingly watch them if not specifically to mock them or point out how wrong they are.

demoTheGorgon ago

They're funded by Soros. Nuff said.

CrackerJacks ago

Why would you watch that wanker in the first place? Him and nose job Ana.....Only time I watched a full video of theirs was the one of election night.......Maybe one of the best videos on the net....Oh do they get mad.

Ziggystrife ago

Same. I watched clips of it to taste their tears.

Qrieball ago

Tell me about it I posted about pizzagate on my fb and all my progressive friends attacked me, you think this is something anti establishmwnt progressives could get behind, we know how evil the etablishment is. Ill never be a right winger in any sense but they got it right on this one, its apoltical really you just need to look at the evidence with an open mind i wish it would be seperated from the likes of milo and alex jones

voatcaesarpizza ago

No evidence? Also who the hell is claiming this thing is ran by Hillary Clinton?

xeemee ago

if it's news you're interested in, you have to be very careful with any source - the Young Turks, CNN, FOX, NPR, etc., all have very good stories on occasion, but none are generally reliable - you will not find a generally reliable news program on any mainstream outlet, be it on the www, TV, radio or print

you can have a look at the side-bar of /v/altnews for some good resources if you like - even they fuck-up on occasion, especially regarding certain historical events, but the sources i list there are, i believe, generally reliable

bopper ago

Can't stand those phonies.

hardrock ago

Denying #PizzaGate is about what to expect from #CenkUyger . He also denies Turkish guilt for the Armenian Genocide. How appropriate calling his show "The Young Turks" since it was the real (historic) "Young Turks" revolutionaries who murdered 1.5 million Armenians in cold blood.

Qrieball ago

To be fair hes changed his position on this


I'm not convinced about the Armenian genocide myself. If you study Anglo-French foreign policy in the late 19th century, they were eagerly looking for ways to undermine, overthrow and partition the Ottoman Empire. There was a massive amount of propaganda about the Empire that is not easily distinguished from the Zionist motives guiding Anglo-French policy up until the Empire was overthrown.

voteforfreedom ago

fuck the young kuks

and fuck mike rivero at Wrh....

to pretend that pizzagate is fake is to deny that savile/harris/epstein/andrew and charles are not sick fucks

When you got so much money you wipe your ass with savings bonds you tend to want what you can't have...and for them it is the innocence of children

Mi5/Mi6/FBI/BBC...all knew harris and savile were sick pigs...hid that shit for 40+ years....

Nobody in their circle is innocent if they call these fucking bastards <friends>

I know what my friend's are into...and these chaps are filthy fucking swines that like to fiddle kids.

Pizzagate is the fucking straw that broke the camel's and his mama's fucking back....they have ALWAYS flaunted their sick shit, this is nothing new