sunnydaylemons ago

calling alertsense womt do anything, mr. curtis reed says he cant talk about employees

Jakestr ago

Wow this is some amazing work keep it up

Jakestr ago

There's a lot of talk that the earthquake was man-made because they say usually when there is an earthquake in Haiti there's always a tsunami that comes with it but that was not the case here

HennyPenny ago

There must be a good reason why Romania in 2005 and then Russia in 2013 put the brakes on intercountry adoptions particularly to the US. In Russia in 2009 there were 1586 children adopted by US citizens and in 2015, none. Romania now requires that the adopting US citizen be of Romanian descent and same sex parents can not jointly adopt. In the 1990s untold thousands of Romanian children were placed abroad with no detailed record keeping. Look at this article about US pedophiles in Romania at that time: "American Kurt Treptow was also jailed in Iasi for the same reason. His case was made worse by the fact that the US ambassador to Romania at the time Michael Guest who had already caused deep disgust to Romanians when appointed as brought his male lover to live with him in Bucharest plied thankfully without success for Treptow’s release from jail in Iasi., Kurt Treptow, a Rhodes scholar like Rhodes scholar wannabe Bill Clinton.

AHuman ago

Great post OP.

I have been looking at the blog from Molly Hightower and she speaks about Vern, Mary Sue and Thomas

Vern, Mary Sue and Thomas are a family that have ties to NPFS and Father Rick and visit every now and again. They recently moved to the DR where Mary Sue works at the embassy, and visited us earlier this week.

  • This shows us Mary Sue's last name is Conaway

The reception also served to welcome his replacement Mary Sue Conaway.

This I can't work out. The article above is dated 6 Aug 2010 but Molly Hightowers blog post mentioning Mary Sue and Vern was from 9 Sept 2009

This article from 25 July 2011 mentions she worked at the US Embassy in DR for two years.

Christopher A. Lambert, the embassy's minister-counselor, said in his speech that it was two years since Mary Sue Conaway arrived in the Dominican Republic to join the team at the US embassy and then oversee the embassy section of the embassy.

Devestation when I went to the hospital to discover my Jolene girl had been transferred to an unknown orphanage the evening before. I don't know where she is, but I'm trying to find her to force her caregivers to bring her in for physical therapy. She was so close to walking on her own, and they left her orthopedic shoe behind. They ended up doing a complete overworking of the tap tap room, with all my abandoned babies being sent out (including Carmella and Cassandra).

  • Vern and Mary Sue Conaway visited the orphanage 2 months previous to the kids getting shipped out according to the timeline of Molly Hightowers blog.

Some extra reading about how bad the DR embassy was during her time at the embassy Inspection of Embassy Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Consul General Mary Sue Conaway heads one of the busiest visa-issuing missions in the world. Although operating in a high-fraud environment, consular services are, for the most part, well run.


Looking further into Mary Sue Conaway we find she used to work in the Deputy Secretary of State department in Washington DC.ref

  • The Deputy Secretary of State at the time was John D. Negroponte. In John D Negroponte wiki page it mentions he was involved in human rights violations.

Substantial evidence subsequently emerged to support the contention that Negroponte was aware that serious violations of human rights were carried out by the Honduran government, but despite this did not recommend ending U.S. military aid to the country. Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, on September 14, 2001, as reported in the Congressional Record, aired his suspicions on the occasion of Negroponte's nomination to the position of UN ambassador:

  • John D. Negroponte was Deputy Secretary of State to Condoleezza Rice a the time ref during George Bushes time i nthe Whitehouse. GW Bush even made him Director of National Intelligence between 2005–2007.


UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Excellent findings. You guys literally blow my bleeping mind on here. Seriously. Keep it up!!

redberries ago

Great research!

cobceo ago

This old article popped up, not sure if it has anything important in it. I took screenshots too since i dont know how to save it any other way.

waxdino ago

That infographic should be on v/pizzagatememes!

Eastwood350 ago

Wow, Silsby wasn't the only one removing children who weren't orphans after the earthquake. According to this blogger who has posted a slew of links, it sounded like a "free for all" with children being flown out on private planes, military aircraft, shipped to the Netherlands, the US etc etc. Even the Governor of PA flew down to Haiti and flew back with 54 children who weren't "processed" meaning it hadn't been documented that the children were actually orphans.

From a letter written to the State Dept 3 days after the quake:

" Within three days of the earthquake, Catholic Charities of Miami had set up a scheme modeled on Operation Pedro Pan, a joint State Department-CIA-Miami Diocese project in the early 1960s to separate children from their parents, creating young pawns in the US war against the Castro government. Although “Operation Pierre Pan” in Haiti is on hold, at least for now, numerous evangelical churches and ministries, adoption agencies, secular organizations, unfinalized adoptive parents and other individuals--many with conflicts of interest--have joined the rescue mission call to remove children immediately, no matter what their family status, to the US for the purpose of adoption."

Captcha822 ago

I'm so happy you brought that up. This deserves it's own post. Ed Rendell he's tied to that sick pedophile Savitz. He's also in the wikileaks!. Something shady about him.

Eastwood350 ago

Gov. Rendell was mentioned in the blog but there were also two links provided on him, one has been scrubbed and the other was to the NYT which I couldn't access because I'm not a subscriber. This blog is interesting as there are a lot of Haiti links and I've only gone through a few of them.

Eastwood350 ago

"Puello told the AP on Wednesday that the missionaries "willingly accepted kids they knew were not orphans because the parents said they would starve otherwise."

Truthseeker3000 ago

The numbers are interesting, 13 children here, 33 children there. Masonic occult numbers.

DisobedientMedia ago

Friends of the Orphans 2015 Financials (From )

2015 Functional Expenses: $16,155,000

  • Program services:75% ($12M)
  • Fundraising:15% ($2.4M)
  • Management & General: 10% ($1.6M)

Remember to also follow the money!

JoJoVoat ago

red berries. you kick ass

reasonedandinformed ago

Good catch. I just did a thorough review of Wikileaks. I had read about the "Haitian special" but cannot find a direct link. It was a pretty thorough search, so maybe I conflated it with other items. I will remove. Thanks.

cloakslanga ago

the "haitian special" was a comment on one of alefantis' instagram pics. however i believe it occurred after pizzagate came to light but before alefantis made his instagram private, so it was pretty likely to just be one of us.

duerheltdum ago

And some people say this sub isn't batshit crazy. lol.

Downvote me and I chemtrail your whole family. Serious.

shortymcbossypants ago

Ok, so let me give you some empirical evidence. Four years ago this month I was about 6 weeks pregnant, and doing my dishes before my husband came home from work. All of a sudden I, as well as four other people in my apartment complex felt rumbling of the ground, then a loud humming that was so loud that I couldn't hear myself think or anything. It consumed my entire body down into the pit of stomach. I and the other tenents in this small apartment complex of about 2 buildings and 20 apartments went outside to see our landlord. It went on for 15 minutes exactly down to the second. When it ended, we all walked up to each other and the landlord and was like what was that, when our landlord stated go inside right now and google the word HAARP program, and you'll see there is a HAARP facility on The Lake of the Ozarks, which wasn't far from where I was living at at that point in time.

There were two other women that lived in that complex that was pregnant and within two weeks, all 3 of us had miscarried after that incident. We were 6, 11, and 13 weeks. Now I have two kids and one of the ladies had 3 kids. You may try to debunk that my miscarriage was because of something else or that I'm crazy but I know what I believe and that is that HAARP and shit like that exist not only to control the weather but also as a means of population control.

waxdino ago

It is a crazy path I'd say this sub has largely avoided, despite the indisputable fact that man-made earthquakes are entirely possible. Do a quick search and see the completely mainstream articles about it... The timing of the Clintons in Haiti is shady as fuck.

anolegion ago

So the Clintons had ties to the Silsby kidnapping racktet before the missionaries were arrested? You don't say.

Here I was reading in all MSM that Clinton had no ties to Silsby whatsoever.

She only intervened because Jim Allen, a self-employed construction worker from Texas, wrote to her via his high-powered lawyers Reginald Brown and Jennifer O'Connor. The former a high-end DC lawyer at a prestigious firm, the latter a former 'senior Clinton Administration aide'.

So instead of Silsby cs., this ordinary construction worker from Texas - not Idaho, mind - acquires the best defensive team ever assembled in an international case:

Brown says the group has assembled what he called a "dream team" for Allen that now includes Wilmer government affairs partner Benjamin Powell; Jackson Walker associate Amanda Bush and Mullin Hoard & Brown's Jeffrey Ritter in Amarillo; Liberty Legal's Hiram Sasser; and local counsel Louis Gary Lissade in Port au Prince. (Lissade is a former minister of justice and two-time president of the Haitian Bar Association; Bush is married to former President George W. Bush's eldest nephew, George P. Bush; and Powell is the former general counsel for the Director of National Intelligence under Presidents Bush and Obama.)

atheist4thecause ago

It's my understanding that some of the team was from Texas, but they were on the Dominican Republic side. They left the island as soon as Silsby got caught.

anolegion ago

They had tried it the week before with a different group of 40 children. So that (or a) DR side team would have been there then too.

atheist4thecause ago

The orphanage Silsby was creating wasn't actually completed yet, so they were still working on it. Keep in mind, they were taking kids from Haiti and then bringing them to their orphanage in the Dominican Republic with the hopes of having them adopted out to the USA. Legitimate adoption agencies simply don't take children across international borders and then have them adopted out to yet another country. Why not just build the orphanage in Haiti if they are legitimate?

anolegion ago

What we can deduce about their MO so far: mislead, corrupt and control a congregation - in this case, East Side and Central Valley Baptist Churches - involve them with and take them to a 'crisis spot' - barter/buy/kidnap children - have another team (or cell, or group from a different state etc.) ready at the other side, even to take the fall (as in Silsby's case) - sell the children, - launder the money (where's Silsby's?), rinse, repeat.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I never thought I would say this but I hope it gets out of hand and we go all medieval on them.....torches and pitchforks....maybe some tar and feathers.

reasonedandinformed ago

This post, debunking the WaPo fabricated story on Monica Petersen (, is very relevant (, especially since it links to a blog (archived here: that Monica Petersen had written on the Human Trafficking Center website that was scrubbed out of existence on its site and from the Wayback machine. Why all the effort to erase this history? Easy: Because it contradicts the major lie contained in the Washington Post "fake news" cover-up story, which claims that Monica Petersen was not looking into human trafficking.This fact exposes HTC to be active participants in the cover up of her true story.

crazimal ago

Nice but why is it incriminating for puello to call the orphanage by the English/US NPH name, when talking to an English speaking US reporter? Perhaps his French is poor, or he doesn't know if Greta speaks French?

I am not defending the convicted scum Puello, or Silsby, by any means. Maybe I am missing something, but I just want to understand OP's thinking here?

OP? Anybody?

redberries ago

It was a clarification for people who believe that Jorge Torres made it up on the spot. He couldn't have known the orphanage's English name, unless he was told by somebody who knew about the orphanage. This is because you couldn't get the name "Friends of the Orphans" from the French/Spanish name that it is known for in Haiti. If Puello translated it, he would have called it "Our Little Brothers and Sisters". Hence, this leads to the conclusion that Laura Silsby did in fact receive children from the orphanage.

Nana66 ago

Every comment in this post has a down Voat....I am seeing a lot of this.. Shills are among us. They are gaining power ups someplace.

Vindicator ago

Yes. Mods have noticed and are trying to provide counteracting upvoats. You all should do the same.

quantokitty ago

OMG, this is so disturbing. How can these people live with themselves knowing they're selling children? I so hope that justice is carried out and that these people are punished for what they've done.

justforthissubverse ago

Because they are sociopaths. Pretty simple explanation but difficult for normal people like me and you to grasp.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, I guess it boils down to that. They're merciless. Without remorse. Very sad ... for the kids I mean. Can you imagine a little child dealing with these monsters? So frightening.

reasonedandinformed ago

This is a major find and continues to beg the same question asked by Ben Swann. Where is the investigation (meme:

The Silsby and Petersen cases looked to be very important based on:

  • The specifics of what happened with Laura Silsby, a very well-documented case of a large-scale kidnapping that could not be misunderstood. She had even been warned prior to the attempt to traffic 33 children ( AND

  • It is very suspicious how the State Department intervened for Silsby and seemed to be very interested in her situation...with Hillary showing knowledge of her on a first-name basis in the email communications. She got off with a slap on the wrist after having been represented by an attorney, who himself, it turns out, was convicted to be a pedophile.

  • Despite this history, Silsby was hired and is a high-level executive with the company that issues Amber Alerts, a key piece in the machine to help provide intelligence to the human-trafficking ring and/or aid and abet their crimes:

  • Silsby is connected to JA ( Reddit banned the pizzagate subreddit after we started connecting the dots on these various connections (Silsby/Haiti to Clinton/JA):

  • Monica Petersen was investigating the child-trafficking connections with Haiti. Details can be found here: and here The Washington Post went out of its way to explicitly dismiss any connection of the death of Monica Petersen with such an investigation (another pizzagate conspiracy that they "debunked"): Who writes a news story about a death to explicitly deny the "fake news" element? Our "fake news" is not being presented in the media, so they must be closely watching the links we make and then try to discredit us when we seem to be making inroads. Meanwhile, the mother does not buy the story that her daughter committed suicide:

  • At the time of her death, her boss (Claude d'Estree, former Dyncorp) claimed that they would make sure to release her 110-page report on her research into child trafficking...then this went silent. It was captured in a live stream (39:30 mark of the stream), but I cannot find the original video as I believe the thread was erased online.

  • The Haitian people have been trying for years to let us know about this corruption:

shortymcbossypants ago

Also the day before our sub-Reddit was shut down there was a thread of a young woman who had just, a few weeks earlier escaped being trafficked, with this Irish traveller Gypsy fellow being her handler who wound up being arrested somewhere in North Carolina. I've looked into archives for that dang thread and can't find it for anything. If you are reading this, the girl who started that thread, I know I can't be the only one that was praying for your protection and even offered if you are in the Southern part of the US, you do have a safe place to stay in my home.

jml1201 ago

This should be top comment. It's more related to this post.

SterlingJB ago

An analysis of the WP debunking of the Petersen story worth taking a look at:

crystalclearme ago

Another outstanding contribution.

wellington33 ago

Excellent work @redberries.

VOAT, you all need to understand, we need more Clinton Foundation, and less Alefantis.

Love to see your work, as always red. Thank you.

EDIT: Let me do myself a little of promo here, OP.

More Clinton Foundation connections: CF-LUMOS-TAVISTOCK-CORAM.

atheist4thecause ago

I haven't been able to really look at this much, but it sounds like something up your alley:

SturdyGal ago

WOW! This should be interesting!

DL4L ago

This is really well presented and in a fantastic format. Should be emulated.

ploppy ago

This is quite simply stunning research. This is the standard we need to follow.

unbiased_researcher ago

This is quality research. An example for all of us to follow.

3301 ago

This seems odd...

-Devestation when I went to the hospital to discover my Jolene girl had been transferred to an unknown orphanage the evening before. I don't know where she is, but I'm trying to find her to force her caregivers to bring her in for physical therapy. She was so close to walking on her own, and they left her orthopedic shoe behind. They ended up doing a complete overworking of the tap tap room, with all my abandoned babies being sent out (including Carmella and Cassandra). Annabelle is the only one still there.

Near the bottom of Molly Hightowers blog page (Entry dated Sunday, November 8, 2009)

waxdino ago

I think this sort of thing is what we need to look into with this new info. How shady is this friend-of-the-Clintons-run orphanage? I've been wanting to jump down this rabbit hole all day and haven't had time. What other info is in that blog?!

DawnofTruth ago

Really makes me wonder if the Clintons weren't behind the earthquake itself!!!! They are among the most lying, conniving, controlling, corrupt heartless bastards on the face of this planet! (Chelsea Hubbell included)

SterlingJB ago


JoJoVoat ago

I have actually wondered that myself. And agree with everything you say

NotTooLate ago

"What is it about Hillary Rodham Clinton and earthquakes? Seems the secretary of state rarely takes an overseas trip that is not in some way affected by a temblor."

"Haiti’s Natural Disaster–Made in Israel?"

srayzie ago

I agree! How sick can someone be? I feel so bad for those volunteers that were being such great loving people dying because of these evil heartless bastards. I definitely believe they caused the earthquake. What these people do is so corrupt and twisted that it's no wonder everything is considered a conspiracy theory.

atheist4thecause ago

I'll tell you what I told someone else: From what I have researched, it's my opinion that the earthquake was an obstacle. Silsby & Co. didn't seem to be completely ready, and they seemed to have rushed things because of the earthquake. In my view, the earthquake is what created their sloppiness, so it wouldn't have made sense for her to be coordinating with a Clinton- or DynCorp-created earthquake.

Gone20 ago

Seriously? The highest rated comment is a theory that the clintons caused an earthquake. The intent of this post will now be instantly dismissed because you didn't take your meds, or perhaps that was your agenda in the first place.

throwawaa ago

So, the counter explanation will be that the Clintons have long been friends of this orphanage, perhaps via some personal connection. So when the earthquake happened, it makes perfect sense that one of their USA friends (Silsby) would go down to rescue the kids after their building collapsed. And then being a good person, she also tried to "rescue" 33 other kids, and the Haitian authorities got confused and didn't trust her for some reason.

listenandsee ago

Will be? More like was.

When it was happening, a church I visit for its weekly bible study, with missions to Haiti, brought up the news in our group. This was the line of thinking, minus tye Clintons.

DawnofTruth ago

When it comes to the Clintons, this government, the global Elite.............truth is stranger than fiction.

Not to digress or derail this thread but I don't know about you or anyone else, but my sky is CONSTANTLY filled with trails. Now whether deliberate or an innocent manifestation of traffic... I won't debate anymore. But if my skies are affected then I HAVE to conclude, so is the weather. HAARP anyone?

SterlingJB ago

You start off with not wanting to derail, use CAPS and lots of .....s, then Chemtrails, then haarp. What about the reptile agenda, mandela, steel beams, the Montauk experiment, the moon being the death star and Saturn controlling the matrix, the grays, the Sirians, the fairy people, or the communcations of RA in the 80s? Maybe I didn't use enough CAPS and ...s for you to get the picture, but shut up already.

shortymcbossypants ago

Dude only used two sets of short ellipses. As for the caps and the theories he might, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

SterlingJB ago

Hey, I agree with you. I think truth is much stranger than fiction. Just by my comment you should know I'm aware of all this stuff and find it fascinating. The top comment though? And now metaphysical rabbit holes? Come on. That's what the Voat community thought was the most interesting or valid element here? Shill. Shill with a bunch of shill followers x3 I've never called out a shill till now, but if y'all want make something out of this, how bout we stick to the stuff that's actually workable? (Also, if you've been amused by kek theology, looked at if after election and not a trump voter, check out the web address).

shortymcbossypants ago

I'm not a Kek person, I'm a Sabbath keeping Christian stay at home mom in the Southeastern part of the United States. This top comment is suspect and slightly sketchy from my perspective but that is neither here nor there. We all need to unite together, look past some of the bat guano crazy things that have been pointed out here and get to work trying to prosecute these people and save the children and young people being abused. I have my own ideas and theories about some things, and I imagine you do because we are individuals. Like for instance I believe that aliens are actually demons, and Satan will use that to get people to play into his hands and his rituals and way. Do you believe that? Probably not, but that is because you have your own ideas and theories.

So far we've done decent in the past few months, and are uncovering things on a daily basis, but that is because we all have a common goal, but every now and then I've noticed this since becoming a pizzagater literally the day after the election, that some shills will come along and they use the same boring things to throw people off track.

This is one of those things, as well as if you see a post that all Jews (which btw I'm ethnically part Jewish on my mother's side) are evil and we're all in charge of this whole thing, as well as we all own the worlds banks, when in reality that is so far from the case it's hilarious. I can show ya'll screenshots from my bank account that has all of 130 dollars in it to last us from now until the 6th of next month. I know for myself I can't exactly take over the entire world with 130 dollars and a stack of about 900 dollars worth of coupons in my purse. I could probably coupon clip my way into feeding most of us pizzagaters but that is about all I can really do.

What I'm saying is people are going to believe and promote in things that they believe themselves and we as individuals must decide whether that is right or wrong, and move from there.

SterlingJB ago

Word up, shortymcbossypants, just got a bit pissed at this one since this post actually dealt with the tangible. I'll try to not add to those trying to produce discord. Also with kek, I only looked at that stuff after election (didn't vote trump), but the side of me that enjoys metaphysical stuff got a kick out of it.

SturdyGal ago

That did occur to me, but the fact that Hillary Clinton sent suspected trafficker Jorge Puello Torres to pose as a lawyer to get Silsby out, pretty much torpedoes that idea.

srayzie ago

Is Hillary the one that sent Jorge Puello Torres?

waxdino ago

My understanding is that, no, Clinton didn't send Puello. The story is that Puello called and offered his "services." Either way, he did not act as lawyer for long and was replaced.

NotTooLate ago

This is what all this disruption is about in my opinion. I believe it is possible there was an agreement to put Trump in in order to stop the investigation into all of the crimes of HRC and the deep state.

This is very important work the OP is doing and more importantly, the courage to put it out here. You really do have to go back and look at 9/11 and even Katrina if you are honest with yourself.

shoosh ago

Cathy O'Brien claims they did the same thing after the Bush debacle - by putting clinton in as a shell game to distract the global public. It was a case of "meet the new boss same as the old boss."

Before the Haiti eathquake the then Canadian prime minister chose to remove the former canadian governor gemeral with a new one who originally came from Haiti and was an unknown who was assigned into one of the most powerful Canadian political positions as Govenor General for the Queen.

Shortly after the Haiti quake she left the post to take a position in the UN and provide a foundation in her name for child services for rhe Canadian aboriginals. But today aboriginals claim that their children are lost in the CPS child system. Im not seeing her great help in that area. The governor general is a position that acts on behalf of The Queen Elizabeth in Canada. A webpage described that she left the post at the time of the quake to assist as she had family in Haiti.

The day before the cpp gunman incident I researched links and didn't know how to get screen shots. So I gave the info to someone here in hope that they could dig. I haven't got any word as to that dig. I got duped because today I went back to the links describing that Governor General from Haiti and the data has been edited from the days I checked it prior to cpp gunmen.

The original data stated that she wasnt well received and provided reasons. Now that specific data is gone. I wonder if anyone can dig on her and her husbands aboriginal child projects or any potential connections.


conspiracy is that after Tesla's death, our Govenment was able to create some of his unfinished inventions on a bigger scale, one of them being an "earthquake machine"

Freemasonsrus ago

Under water nukes cause earthquakes. There were reports three days after quake of missing kids and kids being sent to US.

JoJoVoat ago

Absolutely. The capability is there. Anyone who thinks its not possible, well... has their head in the sand.

DawnofTruth ago

I always felt Tesla was responsible for the Tunguska 'meteorite' (which was never found).

Giving this a little credence, Nikola at the same time lived on Long Island and had the perfect trajectory/arch to land it into Siberia if..........he was playing around with his 'death ray' that is ;)

SterlingJB ago

Even without Tesla's possible inventions or HAARP, drilling and explosives can cause man made earthquakes. Edit: I also agree with justanotherpizza. Possible or not, it distracts from the tangible elements of post

paulf ago

Dyncorp was behind the earthquake. Clinton affiliates moved in immediately to exploit the conditions in the aftermath and are still there. They use a tried and tested method of disruption to create an environment where child trafficking, money laundering and organ harvesting can happen. Watch George Webb's video series on YouTube for a detailed explanation.

justanotherpizza ago

copying relevant posts here, stay on topic folks. will remove if not needed,. but when you have such a quality post with a full page of discussion about something else than the topic of the post.... .

from reasonedandinformed:

This is a major find and continues to beg the same question asked by Ben Swann. Where is the investigation (meme:

The Silsby and Petersen cases looked to be very important based on:

The specifics of what happened with Laura Silsby, a very well-documented case of a large-scale kidnapping that could not be misunderstood. She had even been warned prior to the attempt to traffic 33 children ( AND

It is very suspicious how the State Department intervened for Silsby and seemed to be very interested in her situation...with Hillary showing knowledge of her on a first-name basis in the email communications. She got off with a slap on the wrist after having been represented by an attorney, who himself, it turns out, was convicted to be a pedophile.

Despite this history, Silsby was hired and is a high-level executive with the company that issues Amber Alerts, a key piece in the machine to help provide intelligence to the human-trafficking ring and/or aid and abet their crimes:

Silsby is connected to JA ( Reddit banned the pizzagate subreddit after we started connecting the dots on these various connections (Silsby/Haiti to Clinton/JA):

Monica Petersen was investigating the child-trafficking connections with Haiti. Details can be found here: and here The Washington Post went out of its way to explicitly dismiss any connection of the death of Monica Petersen with such an investigation (another pizzagate conspiracy that they "debunked"): Who writes a news story about a death to explicitly deny the "fake news" element? Our "fake news" is not being presented in the media, so they must be closely watching the links we make and then try to discredit us when we seem to be making inroads. Meanwhile, the mother does not buy the story that her daughter committed suicide:

At the time of her death, her boss (Claude d'Estree, former Dyncorp) claimed that they would make sure to release her 110-page report on her research into child trafficking...then this went silent. It was captured in a live stream (39:30 mark of the stream), but I cannot find the original video as I believe the thread was erased online.

The Haitian people have been trying for years to let us know about this corruption:

From 3301:

This seems odd...

-Devestation when I went to the hospital to discover my Jolene girl had been transferred to an unknown orphanage the evening before. I don't know where she is, but I'm trying to find her to force her caregivers to bring her in for physical therapy. She was so close to walking on her own, and they left her orthopedic shoe behind. They ended up doing a complete overworking of the tap tap room, with all my abandoned babies being sent out (including Carmella and Cassandra). Annabelle is the only one still there. Near the bottom of Molly Hightowers blog page (Entry dated Sunday, November 8, 2009)

from Wellington33:

Excellent work @redberries.

VOAT, you all need to understand, we need more Clinton Foundation, and less Alefantis.

Love to see your work, as always red. Thank you.

EDIT: Let me do myself a little of promo here, OP.

More Clinton Foundation connections: CF-LUMOS-TAVISTOCK-CORAM.

From reasonedandinformed:

This post, debunking the WaPo fabricated story on Monica Petersen (, is very relevant (, especially since it links to a blog (archived here: that Monica Petersen had written on the Human Trafficking Center website that was scrubbed out of existence on its site and from the Wayback machine. Why all the effort to erase this history? Easy: Because it contradicts the major lie contained in the Washington Post "fake news" cover-up story, which claims that Monica Petersen was not looking into human trafficking.This fact exposes HTC to be active participants in the cover up of her true story.

From Anolegion:

So the Clintons had ties to the Silsby kidnapping racktet before the missionaries were arrested? You don't say.

Here I was reading in all MSM that Clinton had no ties to Silsby whatsoever.

She only intervened because Jim Allen, a self-employed construction worker from Texas, wrote to her via his high-powered lawyers Reginald Brown and Jennifer O'Connor. The former a high-end DC lawyer at a prestigious firm, the latter a former 'senior Clinton Administration aide'.

So instead of Silsby cs., this ordinary construction worker from Texas - not Idaho, mind - acquires the best defensive team ever assembled in an international case:

Brown says the group has assembled what he called a "dream team" for Allen that now includes Wilmer government affairs partner Benjamin Powell; Jackson Walker associate Amanda Bush and Mullin Hoard & Brown's Jeffrey Ritter in Amarillo; Liberty Legal's Hiram Sasser; and local counsel Louis Gary Lissade in Port au Prince. (Lissade is a former minister of justice and two-time president of the Haitian Bar Association; Bush is married to former President George W. Bush's eldest nephew, George P. Bush; and Powell is the former general counsel for the Director of National Intelligence under Presidents Bush and Obama.)

From Largepepporoni:

Folks, please note this post is just to highlight the excellent followups from other people that are getting buried in my opinion.

SterlingJB ago

Did you reply to shill or is this your own comment. If so, make your own comment.

atheist4thecause ago

He put it here I'm guessing so that people would see his comment, because it'll be attached to the top comment.

SterlingJB ago

Not sure why your post isn't flying to the top. People keep sayin there needs to be a victim. Monica Petersen sure looks like a victim who was an advocate for victims. Out of all I've seen, Monica seems like the most viable route to demand an investigation. If that domino falls, the CPP domino might fall also. Edit: starting to think there really is an army of trolls on here pushing the moloc tesla mandela topics to the top. For all you non bots. All that stuff is interesting, could even be true, but you can't force an investigation with a folder full of metaphysical evidence.

RexAxisMundi ago

Fantastic work.

SturdyGal ago

Great work! Can we postulate a reason why Bill Clinton was going there? I am not joking. Has got to be something other than sex with underage girls which he gets pretty much everywhere he goes.

MolochHunter ago

yer, money

postfascion ago

Simple, those the kids could be trafficked too, would be controlled by threat of disclosure. Political power often comes from the ability to blackmail. The franklin scandal exposed this.

waxdino ago

But the implication is that they had planned this before the earthquake, and just "lucked out" that the disaster would give them an excuse.

atheist4thecause ago

I would actually argue that the earthquake was an obstacle they had to overcome. It forced them to hurry plans, things got sloppy, and that's why they made mistakes IMO.

Nana66 ago

Or....fracking was discovered while creating Earthquakes and Cheney and Hillary just got lucky $$$.

postfascion ago

Were getting into strange territory, one that isn't necedsarie helpful to the investigation but: haarp (not claiming its a factor)

wellington33 ago

Upvote this motherfucker VOAT. :)