reasonedandinformed ago

And the DC Police was fully exposed in the lie, repeated by the MSM, that they had thoroughly investigated Comet Ping Pong and the allegations...when the truth revealed in a FOIA request is that the DC Police did not conduct ANY investigation:

They just ran cover, and now we understand this even better given and

User890020 ago

He must have a nice badge

srayzie ago

I think we need to dig into his background.

Is Interim DC Police Chief Peter Newsham fit to be top cop? At 25 years old, Peter Newsham started his career with the Metropolitan Police Department as a rookie officer. For the past 14 and a half years, he has stood in the shadows of two police chiefs-- passed up for the position of the city’s top cop once before.

Peter Newsham has had a long history of both personal and professional scandals. The 1990s and 2000s were plagued with allegations of alcoholism and domestic violence, a history of love affairs, as well as the mass unconstitutional arrest of 400 people at DC’s Pershing Park and a scathing third-party report uncovering the department’s mishandling of sexual assault cases while Newsham was at the helm of the MPD’s Investigative Services Bureau.

Votescam ago

Looks like lots of our police officers/sheriffs are involved in child trafficking/kidnapping.

When will DC make the decision on whether not they're going to give this guy the job? Wow!! Things aren't bad enough with pedophiles rings, DC is being set up for another protector?

Fatsack ago

It's going to be mostly the top brass in big cities. Maybe some small towns used as holding areas for trafficked kids. George Webb covers this in his series. The brownstone operations are specifically targeted at the judiciary and law enforcement, so they have compromised operatives that can shut down investigations before they get off the ground.

srayzie ago

I guess maybe because he would be less likely to snitch. Pathetic!

Fateswebb ago

All of the responses to his tweet are negative so AHAHAHAHA

sugarskull ago

can these people photographed here...READ FFS?!?!?

rickman ago

I bet most of the people who signed that sign haven't got a clue.

Astrodreamer ago

The fact that Comet Ping Pong has the protection of the DC police chief is actually strong evidence for the truth of Pizzagate: He's a blatantly dirty cop, as a lurid crime town like DC would need to have.

Votescam ago

Very much agree with you on that. If he wasn't filthy enough already to do this kind of thing, then he's being blackmailed into protecting Comet PP/Alefantis.

Who could be stupid enough to sign that poster on the wall supporting Comet? Are they all people who can't read internet reports, or watch a YouTube report on Pizzagate? Or are they supporting pedophiles?

crystalclearme ago

Read the article attached to that tweet This whole situation is lining up as replay of Franklin Scandal/Boystown -- An 11 year old girl raped by multiple men and DC police just happen to screw it up

Xpol ago


This is just what the pedo community is trying to achieve, normozing sex with children, and allowing them to "consent".

A 20 year old having sex with an 11 year old is RAPE

sugarskull ago

YEAH because 11 year old girls loooove making this kinda shit up right? Are you kidding me?

surgeson ago

Jim eh? I'd like to see the chief's badge.

DavidBernheart ago

That's exactly right asshole! That's what we're saying: It would appear that the DC Police are standing in solidarity with Comet Ping Pong. Thank you for agreeing with us.

Marthvedderette ago

This means two things. D.C. Police chief is blackmailed at the very least, and James Alefontis doesn't like being called James... James it is then fucker.

cantsleepawink ago

we covered this in voat a few days ago

crystalclearme ago

Those were my thoughts!

derram ago :

Frank Smyth on Twitter: "At Comet #pizzagate ping pong pizzeria in neighborhood solidarity. Owner Jim Alifantis & Interim-DC Police Chief Peter Newsham below. Cool."

This has been an automated message.

sugarskull ago

I'll say it again...Why cant DEXTER be a reality show?!?!