HarveyKlinger ago

check ebay. I found other states have the same symbol. I also found the badge manufacturer and they sell that as a basic design to any police dept.

Fatsack ago

Simple. X marks the spot. Maybe some person randomly made a swirled triangle in their logo. But with 2 marks like an X and a swirled triangle, pedo's would be more confident of a locations participation.

Theupsidedown ago

You guys know that the swastika used to mean good luck before Hitler fucked it up, right?

Logos mean different things in different times.

Alpo ago

I don't think this has been given the attention it deserves. People keep saying that this symbol has been around for centuries, but they never show anything identical, though there are some similar symbols from the distant past. The sheriff's badge shows the earliest use of this symbol I have seen so far, but we still don't know if it meant anything in particular at that time - it could be a coincidence.

anonymousj ago

And exactly what does all this agitation prove? Yes, there probably is some merit to the logo meaning something (originally), but I really think the triangle in triangle dates back to Greek as a classic element. I'm sure I've seen swirls/spirals on friggn' cave man art - long before the Egyptians. Just because it was picked up the points of other "star" badges does not in my mind imply that there is a pedo "friend" in the department. Not from the badge at least. Do I think there are pedos who are cops? Absolutely. Do I think an organized structure exists, for "pedo friendly" police departments - maybe. But I don't think the symbology or proof is the badge. The badge, when a star has, points.....which are themselves triangles. An inner triangle would seem a natural decorative element to embellish. Let's not get too carried away thinking every police badge that has a triangle inside a star point or a swirl as part of a scroll design element is a "pedo" element. And no, for friggin' sake, I am not a shill, just giving an opinion.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no you didn't.

you didn't explain at all

how do you think some symbols on some badges will help you actually lead to the arrests of these child raping kidnapping torturing sociopaths?

Chimerarose ago

My brother is a Vice detective. Last year he busted two of his fellow officers for CP. He has been red pilled to a degree. I think he is still too trusting of his fellow officers but it was definitely eye opening for him. I have started digging into local sheriff's offices. not really finding anything so far but you never know. Its worth looking at.

IDeliverPizza ago

Sorry that link directly connected soros to tinkling with White House.go.v petitions

Pwner1775 ago

I don't think it has any significant meaning, but maybe...

an_angrier_dave ago

So now the symbol is tainted. Why not redesign the badge?

VIrginiaPerson ago

You know why this is such a great point? Because people who have the same first or last name as a famously bad person usually change their name.

survey_girl ago

Is there any correlation between these cities/counties and sanctuary cities? It seems like cities that are easy on illegals would be easier to sneak trafficked children in.

Fateswebb ago

I noticed this as soon as the LA county bust happened and have seen other counties as well. That's why I have been asking if the kids are really saved or just stolen.

redditsuckz ago

Police are here to "serve" you tickets and "protect" the elite/establishment...




There is a reason James Alefantis and his friends are not scared and do false flags every single day...its because the cops are in their pockets and on their side.

This is why no Law Enforcement Agency will EVER look into Pizzagate - You are now the ONLY investigators

At Comet #pizzagate ping pong pizzeria in neighborhood solidarity. Owner Jim Alifantis & Interim-DC Police Chief Peter Newsham below. Cool.




There is a 99.9% chance that the top level officers in the world are Masons...and a 95% chance that all underlings are Masons...females are of the "Eastern Star" secret society.

PGTAway818949 ago

I saw the symbol last night on my mother in law's dessert plates. I think there's a strong chance here that it's a common design element people use and our minds are tainted because we know of its misuse.

DangerPizza ago

Or some creepy pedo designed it

alanna ago

I wonder if that's where the "Officer may I see your badge please?" question came into play.

kneo24 ago

Here's the questions I really see no one ask. What did the boy lovers symbol mean before it was appropriated for that? Or was the symbol created specifically for it?

looking4truth ago

Holy shit I have been here since the beginning but I'm really shocked now. Its so scary to think that everything was before our eyes IN PLAIN SIGHT .these people are bold....and fucking sick. Now the theory is that 1) the pedos copied this symbol from the police 2) or its the other way round and it signals that the pedos don't have anything to worry about because they are protected by the elite. It doesn't implicate the cops though atleast not all of them

4thDaGrymReaper ago

hey buds try not to be anti-cop soon, respect your boys in blue. This is probably a psy-op/coincidence.

DangerPizza ago

The "pedo friendly" nature of the county probably doesn't extend to most of the actual rank and file police who do their duty and make arrests. You would have too many potential leaks and, as has been speculated, they would only take blackmailed pedos into the fold. It seems more that you just need to own some judges and prosecutors (cough Loretta Lynch cough).

JesusOfNazareth ago

Kill all cops.

quantokitty ago

WTH?!!!! Looked online for other sheriff badges in other states just to see if it's common, and a random search confirmed they didn't have this pedo symbol so that leaves why CA has it? I can't wait until something goes down and these pedos are arrested! I want them out of positions of power!!!

HarveyKlinger ago

Others have it. I found some on ebay as well as the manufacturer who makes the badges. It's now a common design.

quantokitty ago

It's probably that they've been referred to the same company producing them because it didn't look to be. Has anyone looked into who produces/designs these things? have the contracts switched hands?

HarveyKlinger ago

Yep. In another comment I posted a link to an old Oregon badge that is just like the others. On the back I was able to read the maker (out of CA BTW) and went to their website. It's now a standard design for 6 star badges. Someone else found another company making 6 star badges with the logo (albeit backwards) in silver.

quantokitty ago

It figures. The thing is that most of us wouldn't even know the irony of them weaving that into the design. I would have had zero idea. None and I doubt most people would. So we'd have to track down the designer and company and figure out whether it was an accident (doubtful), or purposeful, and if purposeful, who was in on this. That's an investigation in itself. I think the better way to go about is, is to send a general email to law enforcement with the pedophile symbol and an example of the badges. The text could read, "Please look for this before signing off on new badges." Something welcoming because it really is doubtful that most would even pick this up. General awareness will go a LONG way.

HarveyKlinger ago

I don't know who initially found this but hats off to them. I never thought to look on a police badge.

I have a friend who actually orders police badges for the district he works at. I'm going to have him call up and inquire. As a cop with a long standing purchase history, he'll have better luck than any of us will on finding out if they know what they're selling and what they're going to do about it.

quantokitty ago

Excellent. Yes, I wish a mass mailing could go out ... or a mailing to a central depository that could then be distributed to local law enforcement officials.

wankatanka ago

The boy lover logo was trademarked in the 90s. So I don't know if it was used as a boy lover logo much before that. Badges designed long before the boy lover logo may well have been the inspiration for the design. The points of the badge lend themselves very well to this design. I'm not too sure if the cart is before the horse or if the cart is the horse.

The_Kuru ago

What's your theory? That they advertise on their uniforms that they protect pedophiles? Let me guess, you've been "red-pilled"?

r3dtr1x ago

They go back to cave drawings. Swirly triangles have been used a very, very long time.

GoogleistheNSA ago

Jesus. When Trump said that he was going to restore our military to it's former might, I thought that it seemed like our good guy police and law enforcement have been weakened. This makes me think that a coup situation might not fare as well as I'd thought. Maybe I'm way off about that. But look at Sweden's police force being completely fucking useless now. Seems very intentional.

Devious1 ago

I suppose it's no surprise then that the logo is also on the vehicles


Nana66 ago

I don't think wearing the badge means you know. I feel it's more along the lines of a, don't worry about evidence because we got people on every level to protect and serve you.

StringEmUp ago

I think what's more likely is it's to show that they've been infiltrated at some high level so the powerful elites involved who are in the know know that some one somewhere in there is a "friend" and will help them out if they need it.

HarveyKlinger ago

Here's the company that made the pedo badges:


The badge (and product page): http://www.entenmann-rovin.com/proddetail.php?prod=pstr_027

Waukegan, IL - http://www.entenmann-rovin.com/prodimages/pstr_027.jpg

I'll have someone contact the company on Monday.

Dressage2 ago

Do you think this pic is photoshopped? The reason I ask is it is for Waukegan, IL PD, but the inner part says, "Great seal of the state of Arizona." What the hell is that? Why AZ in IL?

HarveyKlinger ago

Very possible. It's their product page so it wouldn't surprise me that the web guy is lazy.

Mad_Dog91 ago

That's right by me 😱

HarveyKlinger ago

Waukegan? Howdy neighbor. I'm very near there too.

Mad_Dog91 ago

Hi :D

cantsleepawink ago

Master Leather Carver Bob Brown designed the LA County badge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLOjlvQXbAU

HarveyKlinger ago

Didn't look through all 3200 but did find a pedo triangle badge right away:

Monmouth County Oregon - http://www.ebay.com/itm/Monmouth-County-Oregon-Badge-Entennman-9L-/182444811512?hash=item2a7a8ee4f8:g:~6MAAOSw241YlnZD

It looks like there are 2 basic badge patterns with the triangles. I think we need to look into the badge company(s) that made them.

SaveTheChildren ago

I live very near here... Scary.

Alpo ago

We were on it here first: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1612852

The logo has been on the badge since before 1948. See page 59 of this document: http://www.scvhistory.com/scvhistory/lasdhistory2011.htm

alanna ago

So Bob Brown designed. There was a custom made one for Sheriff Biscailuz in the 1950's

Alpo ago

Bob Brown designed the current badge, but there are pictures of LASD badges that predate Brown's design that still have the symbol.

Phenomenonanon ago

Interesting date

Alpo ago

That's a good find. The main thing though is to figure out who used the badge first and why. Other departments may have copied it without knowing anything about the symbol. We still don't know if the symbol had any meaning (or maybe had a different meaning) back then when the badge was designed.

cantsleepawink ago

Master Leather Carver Bob Brown designed the LA County badge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLOjlvQXbAU

Alpo ago

Yes, but the symbol was on the badge before Bob Brown's design, according to this document on page 59: http://www.scvhistory.com/scvhistory/lasdhistory2011.htm

Bob Brown seems like an ok guy, and I doubt he knew about the symbol.

cantsleepawink ago

I see. Wasn't aware. Thanks.

Shitseverewhere ago

I think your boy band discovery removes doubt that it had a different meaning back then.

Alpo ago

It does seem very suspicious, especially with the Luciferian Uplifters Club, but I'm still open to the idea that it's not a direct connection. Maybe this symbol was some kind of occult symbol used by the Uplifters, and one of their other members went on to make it the Boy Lover symbol, or something like that. I was trying to find a connection with Harry Hay of NAMBLA, who may have hung out with some Uplifters members, but I couldn't find anything solid. Hopefully someone else will pursue it further - it may take a trip to the UCLA library or something to really get to the bottom of it.

HarveyKlinger ago

The badge manufacturer probably makes badges for a lot of departments and have a basic template that they can choose from. This looks just like many of the others.

EDIT: The Oregon badge was made in Commerce, CA - Company name: Entennman-Rovin Badge style is 9L

Alpo ago

That's probably how it ended up getting used by multiple departments in different locations. As far as we can tell so far, it originated with the LASD.

HarveyKlinger ago

Here's the company that makese the pedo badges:


The badge (and product page): http://www.entenmann-rovin.com/proddetail.php?prod=pstr_027

Waukegan, IL - http://www.entenmann-rovin.com/prodimages/pstr_027.jpg

Alpo ago

That's who makes it now, but it's been made by several different companies, and may not have any relation to who first made it. The scv history document linked to above has some clues.

IDeliverPizza ago

i didnt see that thread damn my bad. I'm still sketched the fuck out.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Tell your mom NOT to talk to her Superiors about this. Your whole family could have an "unfortunate accident."

HarveyKlinger ago


Alpo ago

It looks like some other people missed it too.

Devious1 ago

https://archive.is/fUepI Archived thread for when the post gets deleted.

CWenstra ago

And it appears that it did indeed get deleted. This makes me believe in pizzagate even more. The dummies.

PizzaGate711 ago

The logo is just like Frank Giustra's Elpida logo on that was on the front door to his refugee factory in Greece ... and the FBI's official acknowledgement of the Boy Lover Logo. So in your face, for those in the know/ring.

r3dtr1x ago

They were similar, but the logs you speak of are blue in color.

HarveyKlinger ago

Just did a quick perusal on ebay of all the sheriff's badges. I didn't see any with the pedo triangles but I did see some from Texas with something VERY close to the pedo swirl:




Unbelievable find on those police badges in the OP link. I checked the 2 badges I have here at the house (from IL) and none have it. Will now start checking ALL police badges.

EDIT: Just archived the OP link to make sure it doesn't go anywhere for a little while. http://archive.is/c3ywK

PizzaGate711 ago

Can you please kindly check Gaithersburg MD and Washington DC please? I think I've found something. I will explain soon. TY :-))

PizzaGate711 ago

Can no longer open. OMG this is the deep state!!!!

PizzaGate711 ago

Thank YOU!

IDeliverPizza ago

UPDATE: I just took a look at my moms cop badge and she has it all FUCKING over it. She's been a police officer in CA for 28 years. had no fucking idea what the hell this sheeit was. I just redpilled my cop mom who has put away gang members, thugs, and low level pedos showing her the FBI report with the symbols and the BEN Swann video. She will talk to her captain tomorrow.

THIS SHITS GONE TOO FAR IM OUT VOAT FAAACK. I knew that was the missing PIECE to ALL of this YOU can't run a MASSIVE PEDO SCHEME WITHOUT inside help from law enforcement BEING ABLE TO QUICKLY IDENTIFY WHETHER OR NOT SOMEONE IS ON YOUR SIDE. at a crime scene you cannot slip up ONE MINUTE OF EXPOSURE COULD RUIN EVERYTHING and reveal the whole gig. So only the higher up officers get the symbol??? i don't think my mom has ever hidden anything from me but she does still massively hate trump and talks only about HILDABEAST ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

kekistocrat ago

DON'T talk to captain. If he's in on it, then they know she's against them. If this is a pedo protection ring, then she's kept her position because she hasn't said anything. Figure out whos got her back first, then get dirt on captain in case shit goes south. Not to blackmail, but leverage in litigation. TRUST NO ONE.

Satanicsuperbowl ago

This post is about 80-90% shills responding, youve definitely found something important. Its not "random", a lot of thought goes into these badges and it would make perfect sense as a way for child fuckers to find "pedo-friendly" police departments for places to live. My account was deleted yesterday after making 1 comment about the nfl extra point yardage beijg chNged to 33 yards. Voat is almost all disinformation shills at this point trying to discourage the investigation. This is huge OP, entire fucking police departments in on this. Bet they didnt think anyone would notice that symbol on the badge and now theyre fucked.

EndDrugAndOtherWars ago

She really shouldn't talk to her Capitan about this. She should retire.

memegod420 ago

or both!

EndDrugAndOtherWars ago

what county? Everyone should go check the Sheriff badge for your county. I think they are only SoCal Counties, an anon searched all of them in CA...

PizzaGate711 ago

Here are 3 photos of Police Cars - one taken in a suburban street in Gaithersburg MD and two Washington DC police cars parked on Park Rd on the same block as Monroe where Trolley Park is and on 14th NW. Wonder what their PD badges look like?

  1. Seen outside the cult house of Freemasonry 'Iglesia Ni Cristo' In Gaithersburg MD http://imgur.com/MW3mOos http://imgur.com/OkdIkhC INC is a for-profit cult that harvests bone marrow and blood on massive medical and dental missions etc and runs sweat shops in Haiti under the UNLAB label - HQ's was the Marriott Hotel in the North and now is the 'UN' Camp HQ's in Port Au Prince.

  2. Washington DC .... This Google Maps Local Guide photo album of 'DSW Footwear' which is clearly a street pic of a Chick A Fil store, there's daycare centre up the escalator and CVS Pharmacy and Fed Ex are nearby. Rotate the photo to see the police car on watch!


  1. Again in Washington DC - Coinstar Review - which is on Park Rd NW that runs parallel to Monroe where Trolley Park is located. The photo takes you to a full plant onsite drycleaners, like that near Comet Ping Pong on Connecticut Ave and the location was marked by a Trolley Park Google Maps 'Local Guide'. Rotate the photo and you'll see a police car again on watch! http://imgur.com/yVbRdL7 https://www.google.com.au/maps/contrib/109518345568055591359/place/ChIJ6zNgOB_It4kRcK1G8EGb89c/@38.9297759,-77.0336836,18.24z/data=!4m6!1m5!8m4!1e1!2s109518345568055591359!3m1!1e1



What's the likelihood of the POLICE actually being on guard in these locations and Google Maps Local Guide being used to show that the coast is clear - Police are protecting transfer of kids/organ transfer/bone marrow/etc ?

Lots seems to be happening in the vicinity of Trolley Park/Pegasus Museum and it seems much of it is guarded by Police.

Need to zoom in down the street to see the police car tucked away behind the truck. Come back in the opposite direction however and it's gone. Notice the dry cleaners?


mergen ago

WTF Iglesia Ni Christo is founded in my country. I knew it was a cult but I did not know of its trafficking stuff. Shit

Give me more links so I could redpill my buddy who's in the cult pls

PizzaGate711 ago

Oh look - 'INC' - Found in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

United Nations Philippine Contingent Camp Minustah, Port-Au Prince Port-au-Prince, Haiti 95


PizzaGate711 ago

Something's not right here .... with the Iglesias Ni Christo, INC, Church of Christ set up.

This 'Church' is big on blood and bone marrow donations. https://incmedia.org/giving-the-gift-of-life-fym-foundation-sponsors-blood-donation-bone-marrow-registry-drives/

Quick background on the Church - it originated in the Philippines - in 1914 and is planted all over the world - over 100 countries - http://iglesianicristo.net/directory/ It's crest looks awfully like the Freemasons. http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/95555836.jpgJPG

I was led to this little community church setup in residential Gaithersburg MD by default after a Google Map search of Turkey Run Park near CIA HQ's Mclean Washington. There was no address, police car on guard, carpark closed off and a truck out the back. Wonder if they're trafficking bone marrow/blood trafficking?






Zooming in you'll find the address of the Church being '222' Cedar Ave, Gaithersburg Maryland. http://imgur.com/OkdIkhC

Close up of the Church Seal http://imgur.com/Cbw0ida

Looks like something is being transported in and out from the Church property in Gaithersburg, under close police guard and those in the know using Google Maps Local Guide for Turkey Run Park, McLean were being tipped off.

Abduction and Corruption Charges: http://news.abs-cbn.com/nation/08/28/15/timeline-iglesia-ni-cristo-crisis

mergen ago

Now, Im starting to look into them. INC supports a major drug runner politician, ministers going missing (assasinated?)... So sinister.

mergen ago

Thank you very much.

INC is very secretive and controlling. They log their members attendances or get penalised.

Their founder is allegedly a sex-maniac, ephebophile rapist too.

PizzaGate711 ago

Members are now finger printed. The founder is a known Freemason. It's a very powerful - in over 100 countries and 130 or so from memory centres throughout the US. It would be great if when you dig you could establish some connections to those in power with those in power in Washington. For example - Bush family connection. They too are freemasons and are very chummy with the Moonie Cult of Sth Korea - or the Unification Church - it now has many names. Best of luck and stay safe.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I've heard from different people that the dry cleaners would have access to the chemical needed to fully dissolve a body...

Pizzatemp420 ago

Dry cleaner chemicals dissolve proteins like a champ.

PizzaGate711 ago

Yes. I think they've moved the regular business activities that were staged along Connecticut Ave possibly to these newer locations - or they've been using them all along. There's even a Politics and Prose bookshop affiliate that these local guides frequent that is known as Busboys and Poets (that promotes sick occult artwork in it) and a pizza place called RedRocks (behind Trolley Park) that's been reviewed/marked on the map - but with no address - just a photo and named as 'Columbia Heights'. https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Columbia+Heights/@38.9318932,-77.028043,3a,90y,198.21h,82.73t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sWSispB3NAsEYm7_tyVYgfA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DWSispB3NAsEYm7_tyVYgfA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.TACTILE.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D392%26h%3D106%26yaw%3D163.98367%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m11!1m5!8m4!1e1!2s109518345568055591359!3m1!1e1!3m4!1s0x89b7c8195754e899:0x1c82777f9b13b043!8m2!3d38.9316823!4d-77.0280133!6m1!1e1


I'm convinced Google Maps Local Guide is the way these traffickers are communicating. They can add a location. Ask and answer questions, submit photo's and delete as they wish. And boy oh boy do some of them get around.

r3dtr1x ago

The FBI clearly makes the disctinction that the triangular Boylover logo is "BLUE". Why would they say it was blue if it could be any color? It's most likely not a pedo logo, but rather a design logo that's been around for a very long time. There have been numerous threads on these badges. SOme have research to the badge's origin, going back to the 30s and 40s. If it were a blue spiral triangle, I'd think you are correct.. But I really think it's nothing.

joeysaperv ago

If that is the case the old Besta Pizza logo is meaningless.

r3dtr1x ago

It possibly is meaningless. Zero concrete connections to Besta have been made, but lots of speculation about Andrew Kline, etc.. Saudis and whatnot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

help me out here

you're saying

shapes on a badge.... is proof of... what now?

path ago

Help me out here

You're saying

On a pizzagate sub...you can't...put 2 and 2 together...?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ooo it's a ctr shill -looking account!

(pgers you weren't here for them)

help me out here

you're saying

because voat's v and a put together equal a star of david, that voat's based in the occult mysticism of the kaballh?

path ago

Coming from you? Ha

SaneGoatiSwear ago

/|\ 1.6 year account with near no activity. talking as if it's been here the whole time, talking.

shill shilling.

path ago

I don't need to explain myself. My post history proves I'm no shill, yet all you focus on is the duration. It's picked up recently, no? I wonder why that is. But shills always project, so you automatically call me a shill. Wasn't there a post recently calling you out for starting shit and derailing conversations?

Alpo ago

It may not prove anything, but the symbol on the points of the star of the badge is basically identical to the Boy Lover logo found on the unclassified FBI document: https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols

IDeliverPizza ago

*also side note. Anons also discovered the blue state web design company who created obamas campaign page and the whitehouse.gov petition site created a back door blocking signatures for certain petitions. Fucking snakes can ya'll help get this to Alex Jones?


HarveyKlinger ago

your link is dead.

RIP :(

IDeliverPizza ago


PizzaGate711 ago

OMGGGGG - Totally SCRUBBED !!!!!!!!!!!!