shootermcgvn ago

You're getting the pedo thing from that kid who said people raped him on Malcolm in the Middle, tossing that in with Cranston being a good guy and letting him eat with his family to have a normal childhood. I highly doubt Cranston molested him. It was the producers.

redditsuckz ago

Brian Hutchinson: Pickton case ‘has all the familiar hallmarks of a police cover-up’: lawyer

Police involved at the Pickton Farm;

"Starting with the province’s refusal to fund organizations’ legal counsel—leading to a mass boycott by Amnesty International, the Assembly of First Nations and others—the MWCI’s executive director was suspended after a string of anonymous sexual harassment allegations within its own ranks. Another officer testified that police were having sex with the very women Pickton targeted."

Selnee ago

"We Stand with Comet" Barf. You would think there was a freaking massacre at this restaurant or something the way they are all acting. I saw a pic the other day outside CPP with tons of flowers and signs. It seriously looked like Pulse Nightclub.

chelseasPizza ago

"I FUCK CHILDREN, Because I CAN" -- Official Slogan of the DC Police

"If your not cop, then you be little people" - Blade Runner

We know the logo "I like young boy", we know the logo "I like dick"

What is logo "I like cop dick"? What is the logo cops use for "Cop Likes little boys dick"?

This has been a pattern for years in all USA city's where the HOMO mayor get's an open HOMO police chief.

Israel (DHS) is laughing their ass off at the stupid fucking goyim.

redditsuckz ago

Police with Big Brothers Big Sisters

Double heart pedo logo Big Brothers Big Siters;

chelseasPizza ago

“The Bigs in Blue program is another great opportunity for officers to build meaningful relationships with area children.”

I think they really mean an easy way to get laid.

Kids are suckers for authority and PIGS know it, what kind of person is attracted to this kind of job? Sodomites.


Note Unlike "DHS" Home Land Security TSA Finger-Banging infants at checkpoints, once you find a cooperative parent, you know you have Hit payload. Scan their ID and add a photo of the kid and parents to little black book and CC: to all area 'players'

shootermcgvn ago

This reminds me of Breaking Bad, the picture of Gus Fring shaking hands with the D.E.A.

Takeitslow ago

The arc of the universe bends towards justice- MLK Keep digging keep posting There are kids who are fighting for their lives right now, so we won't stop fighting for them.

carmencita ago

My husband wonders why I keep reading the disgusting stories that appear on #pizzagate. They have made me cry and stay awake some nights. This story right here is why I have tried to gently break the news to people I know and some have not been too open to believe. I did go to a meeting of activists that had some believers but one or two were in denial and point blank stared me in the face demanding sources immediately. I said go to #pizzagate if you cannot believe what I just told you. I really believe some people just will not be able to face the shock and their brains will shut down. We need to reach the rest.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

This is the case with my girlfriend. She understands that pedo rings are real, but she doesn't want to accept the scale of it. She's even said she's "content with believing that these people are a tiny tiny minority." She can't accept the fact that they're everywhere, all the time, and have been for years. That's the ultimate red-pill, when you finally realize...they're ALL in on it.

Takeitslow ago

Repetition, notice the media uses terms over and over and over again till it enters mass consciousness?

The social programmers know how the human mind works and they never stop drilling the "fake news" or "weapons of mass distraction" until it breaks into people's psyche. We have to do the same thing, keep hammering and speaking our truth... for the kids sake.

There's big pagan ceremonies happening at the end of December and many more children will die. They will sacrifice on Easter aka Ishtar also... don't forget spring equinox. this isn't a one time false flag, it's in going satanic ritual murder and abuse. I'm willing to lose friends over this. What's right is right.

People hate david icke but when he called out the royals for being pedos along with saclike and trd Heath people ridiculed him for decades. He lost everything.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I thought people ridiculed him because of this video:

carmencita ago

This is all very scary and * * * * * * This is all very scary. I agree with you that I would lose friends as well. I have not yet. Most of the people I know agree it exists but do not want to hear more than the basic news. It is too much to handle. I have gotten a couple to spread the word, so that is good. I will keep trying.

Takeitslow ago

All that is good is on our side. It'll work out hisbis not about us, it's about support of the victims. Thank you for what you do.

Bolux ago

Try being a little more subtle about it your dealing with people who have been brainwashed for a long time. Try something like "have you heard about that pizzagate thing ,yeah your right it's probably made up,but someone showed me the instagrams from the owner of that pizza joint they are disturbing as fuck you should check them out". Get their curiosity going try and get them to at least peer down the rabbit hole.I have had a few people come back to me and say holy shit and are now looking into it let's get those sick fucks

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

This approach works. I showed the Ben Swann video to a coworker, and then afterwards showed him the Instagram pictures that Swann deemed "too disturbing to show on-air." The combination of the fact-based Swann video, and then the pics, it red-pilled him pretty quickly, at least to the point where he said that there is definitely something strange going on with this circle of people.

Stellarjay ago

You are so right, most people do not want to hear about this. It upsets their comfortable life. This is what the degenerate idiots want...they want people to not talk about it.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Because eventually it means that the sickos can do their deeds in the public eye and people will either A. genuinely not care, B. be too scared to talk about it, or C. they will be brainwashed to the point of accepting it as a good thing.

2impendingdoom ago

So they can't claim the shooter or our investigation hurt their business.

IgnorantBliss ago

Well, who knows? It only took over 1 month to reach alot of people. If that's the case, I pray it reaches millions, billions even! Then what? I dunno, but you can't ignore that!!! I hope this snowball will grow big enough to crush these sick f.....

redditsuckz ago

This has to be in the millions already. As long as you keep shining light on these roaches they will have nowhere to hide and all their crimes will come to a halt with so many eyes watching their every move.

They sure like the symbol of the eye...well we are the "eyes" now...we are their "big brother".

redditsuckz ago

Interim police chief Peter Newsham #StandsWithComet