Carolleej2 ago

Well, this goes along with what Ted Gunderson, ex California FBI, was saying before he was poisoned with Arsenic.

gr8H8er ago

It makes no difference how pure hearted they were when they first started.... All it takes is one time turning a blind eye and each is as dirty as the other.

HarveyKlinger ago

Here's the company that makes the pedo badges:

The badge (and product page):

Waukegan, IL -

HarveyKlinger ago

And Oregon (ebay link to actual badge)

VieBleu ago

I think you should throw it up as it's own post actually. And maybe a call for people to dig into other similar stories involving cops, especially LAPD/Sheriff's Dept.

GeorgeT ago

This all starting to make sense. They have been doing it for so long, openly mocking us!

Forgetmenot ago

Remember where the obamas went after leaving White House? California. They talk abaout secession, riots with police standing down, a questionable law about minors and prostitution and then a bunch of low level pedo arrests. Something may be amiss.

DeathToMasons ago

Is this real????

target_blank ago

This is laughable but insane. Don't think they realize how most people are not that dumb and will come after you or make you change your logo. As a graphic designer, EVERY simple stroke or line means something. Using a well known FBI symbol most designers wont know, I hope this symbol can get through to all designers that have designed this type of symbol for a brand and what they may stand behind.

VieBleu ago

Using a well known FBI symbol most designers wont know, I hope this symbol can get through to all designers that have designed this type of symbol for a brand and what they may stand behind.>

I'm sorry - this comment didn't make sense. Could you rephrase?

The_Kuru ago

A design on a badge to fill in the triangles of the badge is exciting? Who would the LAPD be trying to advertise to with that? At most you have a badge designer snickering about getting paid to design a badge for LAPD that uses a pedo symbol, and even more likely is that it is a reasonable fill to ornament the badge and it had no pedo intention. Think reasonably, people.

Alpo ago

It's the LASD not LAPD, and the badge has had the spiral triangle since the '40s, if not the '30s. We don't know exactly why it is there or who is responsible, but the Sheriff at the time founded two organizations for boys, and was a member of the Uplifters Club, of which Walt Disney was also a member. This group was known for naked romps in the woods, drinking heavily during prohibition, and hosting Luciferian drama. Maybe it is a coincidence, but maybe this is where the Boy Lover symbol originated. As of now we don't have any solid information about the origins of the symbol.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Exactly. This is coroborating the FBI's symbol list.

Alpo ago

Yes, but the spiral triangles were on badges before that. See pages 59 and 60 in the document on this page:

moonlaundry ago

Everything you need to know in that document. And the original was custom designed, as discussed elsewhere in this thread, by the fella connected to The Uplifters.

Gone20 ago

It couldn't be that it's just a very easy to draw symbol. So fuckjgf dumb

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You guys know I'm a hardliner, but.... I'm a doodler. I've probably doodled all these symbols before I learned about them, around 11 years ago. Best be sure. I know, I know, they had it forged in metal. Still...

ScientiaPotentia ago

It's in there. Anyway, bears have significant occult symbology. They don't use the meme of pedo-bear for nothing.

Here are 2 pages of many which you might find interesting....

VieBleu ago

rolling eyes again.

So is Putin and all of Russia a pedo ring because Bear is the symbol of Russia? Is Ursa Major a big pedo constellation? Please stop.


It's very possible that no one noticed or might have even known about the boylover symbol. I don't think it makes sense to say that they accidentally made the logo on their badges and then decided to continue to wear it when they found out because coinicidentally they were pedophiles all along. Also this scenario would still involve someone making it by accident.

Pay attention because there are posts like these all the time of people noticing the logos out in the world, but they're all almost certainly coincidental. I don't think there's any known use of them outside the internet for pedophilic purposes, since that wouldn't actually serve a purpose anyway.

Coloradical2 ago

The button to turn on the flashers in my car is a triangle within a triangle within a triangle. Totally looks like a pedophile symbol. That does not mean that's what it is.

newworldahead ago

It's not just "triangle within a triangle", it's the same logo. Look at the fbi logo once more

victuruslibertas ago

As I stated in my video. We need to stick with facts. No one is accusing anyone of anything.. FACT that IS the BoyLove Symbol as declared by the FBI in 2007. We are reporting on facts and building a case. There is MUCH circumstantial evidence in this case. There are MANY investigators involved that are working around the clock. This WILL be RESOLVED.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Notice the bear on the badges;

From the Wiki on Candlemas


From antiquity to the Middle Ages, bears were an object of cult.........This festival was characterized by bear costumes or disguises, and mock rapes and abductions of young girls.

From other research, I think that also includes boys too.

PawnsInTheGame ago

These are the kind of key positions that the Pedophile cabal need under their thumb. MK Ultra in Hollywood shouldn't be such a crazy idea after this...

earthbalance1 ago

An underground fraternal order of PedoCops? Chilling thought.

aleeum ago

Yo FBI? confirm this please.

atheist4thecause ago

Something like this might be worth looking into more, but remember, it's not just having a single symbol that raises serious concern. That can be coincidence. It's when they have these symbols along with other things that creates serious concern. The first thing you need to figure out is where the problem happened. Was this how the badges were designed by the police department? Was it the badge-maker that designed them? Was it a 3rd Party? Because really, this comes down to design.

Alpo ago

You're right, and that's what I've been trying to get to the bottom of. Is it just a coincidence that the head of the Sheriff's department, who seemed to have a hand in the design, or at least approved the design, was part of a secretive men's club with occult associations, and who also developed several organizations for boys? Maybe it is, but we won't know unless we look into it.

Marthvedderette ago

Let's look at some other sheriff badges. Shall we?

Alpo ago

The Sheriff's badge of Waukegan, Illinois seems to be a copy of the Los Angeles one. The LA Sheriff's badge has had the symbol on it since at least the 1940s. To find out what other sheriff's departments have the symbol as well, and how long they have had it, would be a big undertaking.

Marthvedderette ago

It might not actually prove much. 2 is a coincidence, if it was just LA, it would be strange, alternatively though, if there were alot more than 2 that would not be a coincidence.

victuruslibertas ago

Great Catch .. Did a video

ScientiaPotentia ago

Notice the bear on the badges; You should add in to the video the occult symbology of bears.

Bears are often associated with child abduction rape and murder in the occult. Bears wake in the spring and hunt at night and eat little "bunnies" symbolizing children.

Coincidentally, today is Feb 2 - the occult holiday of Candlemas which has bears as it's main symbol...

From the Wiki on Candlemas

Bears: From antiquity to the Middle Ages, bears were an object of cult.........This festival was characterized by bear costumes or disguises, and mock rapes and abductions of young girls.

From other research, I think that also includes boys too and it wasn't mock.

victuruslibertas ago

Good point.. I will mention it. Thanks.. Sick people

mrohm ago

Candlemas is not an "occult" holiday. It is devoted to St. Brigid and the Blessed Virgin.

Occultists use it, and it was originally pagan, but rightly speaking, the holiday is not "occult." It is Roman Catholic.

teefymcteephteeth ago

Woah thats pretty crazy how did nobody notice this sooner?!?

Lobotomy ago

Not every spiral triangle shape is the boylove logo. It existed in history for as long as humans have used decorations. I'll remain on the fence about this one. Worth looking into, I suppose, but I doubt anything would come of it.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

True, but when a Sheriff has a custom-made badge with those triangles and also happens to found Boy Bands that's certainly a bit strange.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Secret symbols wouldn't blend in well if literally every example was really code. Its good to see it being checked out though.

Alpo ago

Can you give some examples of spiral triangles which predate the Boy Lover symbol?

Lobotomy ago

Alpo ago

Thanks - that's definitely very similar.

earthbalance1 ago

Spiral symbolism has deep Celtic roots and can be found on jewelry associated with the neolithic New Grange site in Ireland.

EDIT: The spirals are also carved onto the stone columns of New Grange.

This site is believed by some to show the process of egg fertilization in a stone triptych within a specifically designed chamber. IRELAND: LAND OF THE PHAROAHS would be a good reference. The spiral symbolizes "eternal life" IIRC, so that principle ties directly to spirit cooking.

I suspect many who may have these badges have them incidentally, following a general rule of "plausible deniability". That said, it is likely that there are those who do know the hidden meaning and are perhaps signalled as "safe" in certain enterprises and activities.

I would consider it something to look for but not something to base immediate action on.

herbsmoke ago

The point is pizzagate is proving the criminality decadency and depravity of the ruling class and their law enforcement lackeys, and when people begin to see through the trump illusion they will rise up for their freedom and the whole house of vatican royal family pedo bloodline satanism cards will crumble under its own perverted weight. law enforcement must be abolished to clean out the cancer. The future is decentralized everything, including "governement" and law enforcement which means they will no longer have power over free people, and will fall to the wayside of irrelevancy like newspaper landlines, and aol


This is more evidence of how the design could come about by accident. As one user found out, this badge design has been used since 1948. Is there any evidence that the boylover design has been used anywhere near that far back?

veritatem_quaerens ago

This doesn't provide specific evidence that the boylover symbol was used during that time, but it is a good article outlining that cases of child abuse were rarely reported back in the 50s-80s. Key quotes:

"In a lecture at King’s College London on Wednesday evening, the Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge said so many historic sexual abuse cases are emerging because the country is “catching up with the consequences of the problems ignored or created by earlier generations”."

"He said there were very few cases of child sexual abuse in the 60s, 70s and 80s, firstly because “so few cases were brought” and secondly because when they were brought “so few resulted in convictions”."

"But Lord Judge warned that in another 50 years, people may look back at current processes differently. He said: “We need to be very sure indeed that our grandchildren, 50 years from now, may not be astounded, and appalled, at the way we do things now.""

"He also called for “properly gathered statistics” of the number of child victims who are involved in the criminal justice process"


herbsmoke ago

or I never gave them power over me, they started as slave patrols well before my birth, and they do not have my consent, they are predatory and parasitic by nature and pedophilia is a natural manifestation of their sociopathic behavior towards their fellow man

gr8H8er ago

Actually, prior to the passing of the Dick Act, there was a system of checks and balances. WE The PEOPLE once were vested and acoutred; WE mustered, drilled and marched. OUR Constitutionally elected Sheriffs upheld the will of the PEOPLE and had the power of Posse Comitatus. Every man aged 16 to 45 WAS the Law. WE were some bad assed mofo's, OUR governments feared us. Then COTUS snatched out our teeth. Look it up: The Dick Act. What the fuck is an "unorganised militia"? What is the one thing necessary to the security of a free state? A WELL REGULATED Militia.

DevilintheDetails ago

"Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, which has faced criticism for handing out official-looking credentials to civilians with no law enforcement duties, is recalling an estimated 200 badges the department gave to local politicians, according to documents and interviews.

SHERIFF LEE BACA's decision to recall the badges comes two weeks after the FBI arrested three city officials in Cudahy on bribery charges. In support of the charges, the U.S. attorney's office released a photo of a smiling young woman in a Cudahy nightclub, brandishing two handguns and wearing a councilman's badge on her chest."

"The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department recalled official-looking identification cards but continued giving badges to council members and city managers in cities that contracted for the department's police services.

At first glance, the badges closely resemble those deputies wear, with the same six-pointed star design. Instead of identifying the person as a "deputy sheriff," the badges read "City Official Los Angeles County."

Whitmore said the badges were given to city officials for use during emergencies so they could pass through sheriff's command posts. He estimated that about 200 badges will be recalled from about 40 cities."

sheriff baca was incharge before this Jim McDonnell in the article (the one whose name was misspelled ) from the thread this thread was birthed from. Baca got in trouble for concealing evidence from the fbi (covering the existence of an fbi informant in his prison) and a suit from ACLU for prisoner abuse- excessive beatings and also rape under the neglectful watch of Baca:

Wikipedia :"On February 10, 2016, Baca pled guilty to a single count of lying during a federal investigation into civil rights violations at the county jail.[1] The investigation into brutality and corruption by sheriff's deputies already resulted in convictions and guilty pleas by a number of lower-ranking officers, including a retired sheriff's captain.[1] Baca pled guilty to "lying twice about his involvement in hiding a jail inmate from FBI investigators" and to knowing that his subordinates had threatened an FBI special agent investigating Baca's department. Shortly after Lee Baca plead guilty to obstruction of justice, the Attorney General decided to re-open and investigate another inmate abuse case involving Mitrice Richardson, a young African American woman who was released in middle of the night without any means of returning home safely, who was found months later deceased not far from Malibu Sheriff station .[15] On April 6, 2016, his former Undersheriff, Paul Tanaka was convicted on conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges by a federal jury related to the same prison abuses."

Gammi ago

Wow!....I am dumbfounded, It could be coincidence, but I would not be surprised by anything today as deviant as the world has become.

cakeoflightylight ago

I knew there was a reason I hated cops and they usually hate me back. I'm going to have fun asking every cop I see for a close up of his badge lmao.

herbsmoke ago

Yes sir

bikergang_accountant ago

Can't have anyone attracted to post-pubescent girls looking at jailbait, or worse, cartoons. Lock them up.

Now I think I'm late volunteering extra hours guarding juvie. I work late, but it's worth it.

Fateswebb ago

Stealing pimps slaves and throwing them competition in jail...

remedy4reality ago

It's what is done with drug dealers who pinch CIA profits.

Alpo ago

That's what I was trying to find out, but apparently the man responsible for this badge design had some unusual interests. See my comment near the top.

herbsmoke ago

XX is also a freemasonry symbol besides the pedo shit

Nana66 ago

File change date and time 04:46, 16 February 2013

PNG file comment Created with GIMP

What was going on there at that time is a good question....maybe this guy...

LA County Sheriff Named 2013 “Sheriff of the Year”

"Sheriff Baca, a United States Marine Corps Reserve veteran, earned his Doctorate in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. He was elected to the NSA Board of Directors in 2005 and elected to the Executive Committee in 2011. He is the chair of the NSA Global Affairs Policing Committee and also serves on the Congressional Affairs and Homeland Security Committees. The National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) is one of the largest associations of law enforcement professionals in the United States, representing more than 3,080 elected sheriffs across the nation, and a total membership of approximately 20,000. NSA is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising the level of professionalism among sheriffs, their deputies, and others in the field of criminal justice and public safety. Throughout its seventy-two year history, NSA has served as an information clearinghouse for sheriffs, deputies, chiefs of police, other law enforcement professionals, state governments and the federal government. For more information on NSA, visit”

Uh oh...

Baca plead guilty to federal charges of lying during an investigation into civil rights violations at the county jail.

He opposed the California ban on shark fins.[9] Baca is a Republican who opposed California Proposition 8.[10] Baca supported Secure Communities, a program by the Department of Homeland Security in which the federal government collaborates with local law enforcement to detain and deport illegal immigrants.[5]

Gorillion ago

Yep, 100%.

Pedos literally have a one-track mind. They've got to make everything about kiddyfucking.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I have to go pick up my kids. But I will give you some more information. Please remember that the information I am about to share is not proof of guilt or wrong doing. To avoid doxxing or alerting the man in question, I will tell you how to get to this information so you can verify it yourself.

Someone, please archive it, I'm on mobile and can't.

If you check the whois data for this site, the man who owns it lists his real name.

Search his name in duckduckgo, and you can find his linkedin account.

If you look at the whois, you will see he also listed his address. Do a google map search; That address is right next door to a kindergarten.

He also provided a phone number. If you search that phone number, you will see several German business sites that list his business. However, it also lists another address that isn't the same as the one in the whois. Interestingly, if you search that address in google earth, the building has been completely blurred out. The surrounding buildings are fine, but his isn't. Weird.

Again, this could be nothing. Please do not jump to conclusions. But it should also be investigated, just in case.

EDIT! READ!!!: After doing some more digging, this is the information I have come up with:

  1. This man is on a German Fire Brigade (I guess that's the USA equivalent of fire fighters or volunteer fire fighters?) and seems to have won some local awards for his service.
  2. This man has 3 different URLs for selling police and special organization badges. Why would you need three different URLs to sell your stuff?
  3. He also posts on various auction websites selling his badges. I am wondering why he has so many different badges and how he has such a huge market selling them? I mean, it's not like he's creating badges for police companies to buy - he's selling and auctioning these to whoever wants them, and has you sign a disclosure after buying. So my question is, who the hell is buying these? Maybe they are used as movie props... but I don't know. More information is needed.
  4. Didn't find much else about the guy. He doesn't try to hide who he is or what he sells, he seems quite proud of his business, so perhaps it is a legit business and it just seems weird to us.
  5. He lists two different addresses, though the one next door to a kindergarten appears to be the most up to date one.
  6. Can someone from Germany answer why certain buildings are blurred and why there is no street view on these addresses? Is it due to stricter German photography laws compared to USA laws? I don't want to jump to conclusions and assume it's some weird coverup when it could just be that Germany doesn't allow certain buildings to be photographed and shared with the public.
  7. So far nothing suggests this guy is apart of PG. He just sells replicas of the badges, so he could easily be selling these badges completely unaware.
  8. I'm done searching, I believe this man is not apart of PG and if he is doing something illegal, it's selling FBI/police/ICE/etc. badges illegally. Feel free to keep digging if you want.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Thank you. My sister took my dad's badge. Against the law to impersonate a cop, so I hope it's enforced. Impersonation would not be hinging on whether badge is real.

VieBleu ago

Always an interesting story with you. : ) Why in the heck did your sister take your father's badge? How did she get caught?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

After he passed. She wasn't caught, I just know she has it, because I closed down the house.

MrG13 ago

I know in the US you can request goolge to blur your house. I would imagine Germany offers the same.

I would check Bingmaps too as I recall a year or two ago that someone brought up a house on /r/conspiracy and bing had it just fine still.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I already checked Bing, they don't offer street view at all over there, which isn't surprising given that Bing often doesn't have street view maps where Google does.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I just wanted to let you know your research is strong. And you are smart to avoid the doxing of an individual. Major props.

MysticMa ago

La seems to be the only one w/logo You can look at other states from this page

awarenessadventurer ago

here is the archive

IPleadThe2nd ago

WTF is going on??!!!

carmencita ago

So do all the Sheriffs wear these or just those that want to identify as BLs? Really strange. Can't believe the entire Dept. is infected. Also if only worn by some how would others not notice. All of this has been a hug long list of enlightenment. Learning something new each day.

herbsmoke ago

cops are epic faggots why is it so hard to believe?

carmencita ago

Not all of them. As in every group their are rotten apples. Unfortunately they are chosen by those that want those type of people as of late. our govt. and We must weed out the garbage out of our Govt. and LE.

herbsmoke ago

there is no such thing as a good cop. the so-called "good ones" aide and abet the crimes of the so called "bad apples" via their code of silence among fellow officers, tainting them all making them all scumbags.

ConcernedParent2 ago was seized sometime between May 2015 and October 2015 according to Wayback Machine. In May 2015, this is what it looked like before it was seized:

And sometime in before or in October, it looked like this

Astrodreamer ago

I bet they were (and are?) an outfit making counterfeit (unauthorized) badges, US & German.

newworldahead ago

Thanks. They probably seized the domain just for copyright violations. Will remove the update from the post. I don't think this is relevant

ConcernedParent2 ago

The man who owns the site and business is a man from Germany who has been making and selling police badges since 1999. Weird he only got in trouble for it in 2015.

newworldahead ago

You're right, thanks again! I've just "updated the update" instead of deleting it.

ConcernedParent2 ago

His listed address is right next door to a kindergarten school. I'm not giving it out just yet due to doxxing concerns but this is starting to not look good at all.

Fateswebb ago

Right I wonder if we can skip or blur out the dozing but I wanna see this in google earth and I'm lazy lol... but I may just go ahead and do the research this is weird.. also notice the sample badge mentioned some county in ILL so it would be fair to conclude that county may have been involved in the original design...

unclassified ago

Wow. that sure is boylove logo. Crazy.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Well, at least I'm no so moronic as to believe something as ridiculous as pizzagate. For that I am grateful.

Fateswebb ago

Pizzagate has been proven you retard. The texts of Anthony weiner have been made public, as well as an interview with his 15 year old victim. Add to that the podesta emails about hastert and taking him to china to avoid prison, and the Laura silsby trafficking and subsquesent rescue by Hillary taking her not to prison but to work for amber alert. So you claiming not to believe in it. Do you believe the texts of weiner are not real? Do you believe that hastert was innocent? Do you believe that silsby was framed?

You have made a claim that proven facts are not reality.

You even named your username after it, showing a clear motive to be here to do your duty to stop investigations into pedofilia..

Must be an interesting life you lead where it bother you that people investigate crimes against children so much that you literally have decided to stop those investigations.. man isn't it time to feed the slaves dude? Don't let those kids starve you freak.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

'Pizzagate has been proven you retard." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

"The texts of Anthony weiner have been made public" Oh so Anthony Weiner was found sexting with a 15 year old, that means that the ridiculous conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton, Obama, the Podesta Brothers and James Alefantis being part of a global elite satanic cult responsible for abducting raping and sacrificing children in satanic rituals inside of a pizzeria in Washington DC with the involvement of law authorities, fact checking sites, the media all the way to known youtube comedians, was proven to be true. You people are so retarded it hurts, there's no point in talking to people like you.

Fateswebb ago

Oh Jesus Man not you again. It seems you figured out how to type again.

Seriously though dude you should be packing your bags and getting ready to flee the fucking country... but then again you don't actually have critical thinking skills, so... yeah why should I provide hints to you.

You're playing checkers and we're playing chess...

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

"You're playing checkers and we're playing chess" You were never in the position of playing chess because you didn't have any moves, just a ridiculous conspiracy theory made up in places like reddit and 4chan.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

LA isn't known for straight-and-narrow cops, but could this just be a design coincidence? Every Sheriff's department puts their own unique design in the outer triangles, eventually, someone is going to pick a spiral triangle.

Saying "This is beyond insane" is a stretch.

thestormking ago

I suppose you have a point. They just so happened to have busted 474 pedophiles but it's probably just a coincidence that no one in the human trafficking division has any idea what the boy lover logo looks like or any idea what a hexagram is. I suppose now is as good a time as any to start believing in fake news just so long as it falls in line with our confirmation bias. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Alpo ago

Does anyone know, or can we find out, how long LASD has been using this badge design, and exactly what its origin is?

DopeandDiamonds ago

I googled and found a deputy won a contest to design the new badge on 1948. It has the triangles on it. Cannot link to it because it was on Pinterest and I am on mobile. I am trying to see the designs from before that.

Alpo ago

Thanks, this must be the link: I don't see anything about a contest, though. See my comment near the top which ties to Sheriff Biscailuz.

Phenomenonanon ago


GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes the badge itself is a six pointed star which is occult....then the are waving their boylover penises in our faces.....they love doing stuff out in the open and mocking the police and courts and military...its like they are marking their territory. \

doubletake ago

SORRY BUT you cannot just point to star symbols and say they are occult. Occult comes way after the symbol. the symbol is a geometric construct first. THEN it is a symbol. The hexagram is used in occult works; but it is also known as the Star of David or Solomon's Seal, but only in the Jewish religion. You also find it on New World Pottery going back thousands of years, as well as symbolic motifs. And you find it all over Asia, and Africa. It is everywhere because geometric construction traditions were everywhere. When you say "occult," what you should be thinking is that it is a universal design (think snowflakes) that you can make in the dirt with two sticks and some string or other simple implements, and that way later in time and in a particular region, by a particular culture it means such and such. MEANINGS ARE APPROPRIATED, and dependent on cultural decisions of a particular culture or religion. The structure of the star is not open up to debate since it is derived easily from a circle, and you find it all over nature before humans ever existed. All this to say it is not an IF-Then proposition. Same with saying it is occult BECAUSE it is a 6-ptd star. There is nothing intrinsic to the star shape that makes it Jewish, or Occult, or anything else. It was merely a geometric construction that someone or some religion selected to represent a certain thing. Check out ceramic design elements from around the world. Or, go ask Buddha what that swastika is doing on his forehead.

By the same token, just because a boy-love symbol was one of many chosen by badge designers does not necessarily relate to pedophilia, but maybe it just looked like a cool symbol to use in this case. Not saying it is, or is not. Just, we have to be careful when we jump to conclusions and snap judgements. Pizzagate is all about symbols, and this work in this post is incredible, and very professional. and cautious. As is concernedparent2. good stuff.

equineluvr ago

Discernment is in order. It is critical that CONTEXT be taken into consideration.

VieBleu ago

good answer. glad someone else is taking over this duty for me lol.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes it could be as you say....but if you watch the video I will see there is a good chance it is not random appropriation.

Marthvedderette ago

A six segmented star is a geometric design. You start with a circle and divide it into six equal parts. You have to have a compass to divide a circle, in building trades they are called dividers, not a compass. In medieval times, and the renaissance period, geometry was known by very few people, and those people guarded it fiercely. Pi is the basis of sacred geometry, the first people that discovered 3.1416, created secret societies to guard it. That is why you see pentagrams(a circle divided in five parts), six pointed stars, a square so you have a true 90 degree angle to divide the circle. Any of this sound familiar? Freemasonry maybe?

sound_of_silence ago

keeping secrets hidden in plain sight is part of what they're all about...

that's one of the reasons PG was such a blow to them, because it unmasks the world to the secrets right in front of their eyes.

concentric triangles are modified greek key symbols and i think we all know what was popular in greece back in the day 12-yr old boys were about as good as it got.

incidentally, in greece, pedophiles supposedly tend to get more disability benefits than organ transplant recipients

Wolftrail7272 ago

I knew these busts were fishy when the bust recently in New Orleans mentioned they had the vatican helping them as well as other "children protection" groups. It should be handled by the FBI and the FBI alone.

I believe these busts are simply the locals trying to say "no, look, we got them ALL. There are none left so don't bother with our city."

Just watch and wait. The people who have been hardcore investigating this will leak data on these so called busts shortly, implicating the local investigators and officials. This post is a good example of the power dynamics that are at play. They make a move, we make a move. This logo was not an accident, and we are showing them that we know, which will encourage them to act out of fear. When people act under pressure like that... they make mistakes.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

No, nothing, no single thing should be handled by anyone "alone".

This monopoly-thinking is exactly the reason why all these cover-ups are possible.

People who think that the police "alone" should investigate (so shut down reddit and voat, right?), etc.

Nobody is guaranteed to do their jobs properly, therefore nobody should be given a monopoly for anything.

Alpo ago


See pages 20, 25, 26, 59 and 60.

The badge with the Boy Lover symbol originated with Sheriff E. W. Biscailuz, who had a badge custom made for him with this symbol.

"Around 1939, Sheriff Biscailuz developed the Sheriff's Boys Band. This group of juvenile musicians was organized and trained by Colonel Vesey Walker, an experienced and veteran conductor. Under the sponsorship of the Sheriff's Department they appeared in various cities, proudly representing the finest Sheriff's Deptpartment in the entire country."

"Another innovative first by Sheriff Biscailuz was the creation of the “Junior Deputy” program in the 30’s. The program has since morphed into today’s Law Enforcement Explorer program."

Could this be just another coincidence?

Additional information: "During Prohibition, Biscailuz was one of an influential band of revelers who called themselves the Uplifters Club and built their own Rustic Canyon hangout. The exclusive men's group, drawn from the rich, powerful and famous, included newspaper and bank executives, and Hollywood celebrities Will Rogers, Walt Disney, Spencer Tracy, Clark Gable, Harold Lloyd and Daryl F. Zanuck."

More about the Uplifters:

Yet more: The Uplifters produced a play titled "The Uplift of Lucifer"

Flat_Truth ago

Now is the stuff I post about Walt Disney, and his buddy Wernher Von Braun (founder of NASA) and others in those circles being way further up the flag pole starting to make sense? Now maybe people will hold off giving thumbs down and maybe try to figure out what I try to say when I sit down and write like 10,000 words. And if anyone else has better writing skills and can put it all together more eloquently and concisely....please do!

VieBleu ago

Alpo - interesting stuff.

Fatsack ago

According to George Webb's open source investigation Sheriffs, captains and lieutenants are some of the biggest targets of Brownstone operations by the CIA and DynCorp. These are the ops where they compromise the top brass of a department in illegal or embarassing sex acts, and they control the rest of the police force for the CIA out of aligned interest.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Don't you hate that shit? Locally, we have our own Hitler youth. The police have a citizen patrol, oh yeah, with their own patrol cars. They're real hair splitters and nosey Nancy's. NOW, they have THEIR own child patrol, complete with uniforms. Military haircuts, mostly blondes. I wish they also had a couple of undercover, Serpico-type kid detectives. Pancho wearing, reflective aviators, bell bottoms. Lol Yes, I keep myself entertained.

equineluvr ago

Where do you live that has all that stuff?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Id rather not say where I live. Where do you live?

DopeandDiamonds ago

On the picture I found which I could not link to you in the prior post, it states the deputy who won the contest was deputy Bob Brown.

Biscailuz did not design it.

I am researching the deputy who designed it now.

Alpo ago

Look at pages 59 and 60 of the document linked to above. They show badges with the spiral triangle in use before Bob Brown's 1948 design. In the document on page 20, the badge with the spiral triangles is shown with the caption, "Flat badge, custom made for Sheriff Biscailuz back in the 1950's"

Please post any more information you find.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I have researched Bob Brown and he had a pretty amazing life. Nothing that implicates him in any wrong doing. He was in charge of Bobby Kennedy's assassin in the holding cell and made leather items for celebrities and movie studios. If the triangles were on before his rendition, I would say he continued with the design. I do not think he was involved in anything related to children.

VieBleu ago

Wait - HE WAS IN CHARGE OF OSWALD? Right before Oswald was murdered to cover a criminal conspiracy? That doesn't raise your eyebrows?

And he was into leather? for rich clients?

DopeandDiamonds ago

Um, you do know Bobby Kennedy was killed in California not Jack Kennedy right and not by Oswald right? Two seperate events five years apart.

He made props for movies and did embossing work on leather for saddles used in western films. Even did work that was in my favorite movie. I researched the guy, there is nothing there to say he was anything but a talented craftsman.

VieBleu ago

My bad! however being connected to any Kennedy assassination is an eyebrow raiser, however much I discredited myself by that mistake.

DopeandDiamonds ago

It's cool. I actually feel bad about how I worded it. Realized later that cost has a lot of international people on it who may not know details.

I would say he was just a senior and trust deputy at the time and was assigned to it with other senior guys. I don't think there is anything going on. Someone had to watch the guy. Doesn't mean they were in on something.

Alpo ago

Thanks for posting the article. Bob Brown seems like a good guy.

DopeandDiamonds ago

What I find interesting about him is that he was a good guy in a sea of corruption. I think he would have spoken out of he saw shit happening. He would have had the details. I will continue looking into this time period and the LASD. I am trying to find a link with them and the chicken farm murders/the changing case.

DopeandDiamonds ago

My apologies. I am on mobile and though I had looked at it before, I was unable to see the triangles in the pictures without zooming in.

Alpo ago

No worries. Even though the Uplifters Club was weird, and it was definitely hypocritical for Biscailuz to be a member, I can't tie him definitively to any "boy love" activity. This might be a dead end.


You should feel ashamed for defaming a dead man like this and suggesting heinous crimes on him with so little evidence. In another comment you say he had an "unusual interest in boys".

virtuous_pedophobe ago

It certainly is unusual for a Sherrif to have a personalized badge. (I just checked it, the document on page 20 writes "Flat badge, custom made for Sheriff Biscailuz back in the 1950's" just under it) It is unusual that that badge has a pedo symbol on it. It is also unusual for a Sherrif to entertain "Boy Bands".

Certainly unusual enough to be very suspicious.

Alpo ago

Ok, I will remove that part - I wrote "could this be just another coincidence?" because it certainly could be. I did not accuse him of abusing children.

The Uplifters Club does not seem innocent, however - they knowingly, willfully, and flagrantly broke the law, and had apparent involvement in the occult. It is important for the origin of the Boy Lover symbol to be investigated, and this is a potential lead which should not be ignored.


Thank you, it's sometimes necessary to recenter ourselves.

redditsuckz ago

Kids N Kops program;

The Kids 'N' Kops program is designed for children ages 9-12 who are on the waiting list for a Big Brother or Big Sister. Kids 'N' Kops is based on a partnership between the Bridgewater Police Service, Lunenburg and Queens County RCMP, and South Shore Big Brothers Big Sisters, and is funded by United Way of Lunenburg County. The week is comprised of a mini police academy with a recreational component. The morning includes activities with police officers and police partners such as crime scene investigations, K-9 scenarios, fire safety demonstrations and fingerprinting. The afternoon includes physical activities such as swimming, sports and beach fun. The Kids 'N' Kops program is supervised by volunteers and staff of the Bridgewater Police Service, Lunenburg and Queens County RCMP and South Shore Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

Double Heart Logo for Big Brothers Big Sisters;

doubletake ago

Oh my. had no idea that was their symbol. what is going on here? How deep is it? All the way to Hell?

AugustaJulia ago

Boys Band, ha!

herbsmoke ago

I always knew cops were faggots but this pedo badge shit makes it undeniable.

DevilintheDetails ago

Down vote because my father is a retired cop and detective who is currently a PI working the defense for a man who shot a pedo who raped him as a child...

herbsmoke ago

how many pedo cops did he know about and work with and keep quiet about because of the thin blue line or whatever fraternal order of pedo police secrecy they have?

DevilintheDetails ago

Now this whole shit is my father's fault? Nice try dude. I was only pointing out that to assume everyone of any organization is either clean or dirty is not actually the case. If it were, none of us would even be here with anything to research (as in all the leaks from inside)

herbsmoke ago

I am simply pointing out there is no such thing as a good cop

Pokes ago

Why did you get downvoted? Have people never heard any interviews with Michael A Wood Jr? Your father retired from the police, meaning he presumably worked a long career. It's hard to believe a career officer would be unaware of the dirty cops he worked alongside, in so I understand his point, whether someone's father is long after the fact employed by a sympathetic victim or not.

herbsmoke ago

People dont like to see the truth without theor rose colored lenses

Vindicator ago

That really does not sound good at ALL. :-(


and by calling them "children" when they were really teens 16-18, was misleading

veritatem_quaerens ago

Did some quick digging and found that Entenmann-Rovin Co. designs a series of badges. A badge with the boylove triangle symbol is offered as a choice of design:

Archived at

Looks like they would have likely made the LA County Sherriff badges since the address listed on the website is 2425 S. Garfield Ave. Los Angeles, Ca 90040. A phone number is also listed on the website.

Fateswebb ago

So using logical thinking which could or could not be accurate... wouldn't the badge being shown be a picture of the first time they used this design for a badge? And if so then we should also be looking into this county in ILL because someone there may have been in on the design..

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Yes, believing that there's a pedophile symbol in a sheriff badge is beyond insane. So is the pizzagate conspiracy theory.


Incoming retards calling me a shill.

Fateswebb ago

So, the FBI document documenting the boy lover symbol is beyond insane, or looking at the badge and noticing that the badge has the exact symbol the FBI says is a boy lover symbol is beyond insane?

Just trying to get clarification where exactly the beyond insane starts. Was it with the FBI, or with the observing that the exact symbol is on the badge?

Now since insanity doesn't follow actual facts... it's hard to follow you... since these are just facts... that are easily proven.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

The fact that no one called me a shill by now boggles my mind. What happened with you people?

Fateswebb ago

Probably because you come off as too idiotic to even be a shill. Shills have a purpose, even a piece of shit in the backyard will fertilize the grass. You serve no purpose except to expose that you yourself wish to protect pedofiles, probably because you are one, but a shill you're not. You don't have the mental capacity for that.

40yearsoftrees ago

member for 18 minutes...

rodeo13 ago

If it's so insane, then debunk it & claim your $25,000 reward. Should be easy, right?

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Just as easy as receiving a reward from a flat earther for debunking the flat earth conspiracy. I hope you get where I'm coming from.

Phenomenonanon ago

Are you an idiot? It is 100% the same logo.

FriesischShipping ago's not blue, but yeah, the shape is 100%

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

That's a sheriff badge design, nothing more. But pizzagaters have their mind driven by confirmation bias and irrational beliefs. So much that they actually believe that law authorities are part of pedophile ring and are promoting a pedophile symbol in a sheriff badge. In the words of Donald Trump...SAD!

Fateswebb ago

You love the confirmation bias claim, but it's so easy to disprove, the FBI has document saying be on the look out for this symbol, then sure enough the symbol is on the badge 6 times. How the fuck is that confirmation bias? So you're saying we should ignore what the FBI said because THEY are feeding us confirmation bias disinformation. Or is it possible that it's someone else feeding or attempting to feed disinformation? I won't say who but if you have a mirror I bet you can find him...

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

"How the fuck is that confirmation bias?" By associating that common shape found on that sheriff badge with that pedophile symbol, that's how.

Fateswebb ago

Wow, then I have confirmation bias that you're an idiot. If it looks like an idiot and if types like an idiot. Yep it's a fucking idiot with a keyboard.

So basically what We have here is a document the FBI says to look out for these symbols, but if you see them you're being irrational to question why their there... or I think what the deal is, you're a fucking idiot. Don't you have some slaves to feed you fucking troll, because whoever is paying you definitely should dock your pay for being unqualified to actually put together an even unlaughable statement.

Seriously dude you're playing checkers and we're playing chess. -agent19

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Showing you're copy paste skills I are those 2 articles relevant to the topic?

FriesischShipping ago

All I did was type in "pedo ring police" in a Google search. This is an epidemic, so stop fighting it and start helping.

FriesischShipping ago

All of them involved police running a pedo ring. That's just one my side of the pond.

remedy4reality ago

It's got nothing to do with believing...


newworldahead ago

Does it count if we call you a moron instead?

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

No, what I said remains true.

remedy4reality ago

It's actually false... there are 5, COUNT THEM, boy lover symbols on the badge.

Would you like the FBI link that identifies the symbol, or do you want your head to remain up your ass ?

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Actually I would like a glimpse of critical thinking and willingness to accept reality from people like you...bu that's just too much to ask.

remedy4reality ago

You're nothing.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Pizzagate is nothing. Well actually it's insanity, false accusations and threats and harassment on innocent people. That's what it is

newworldahead ago

Ok, I'll play. What did you say that remains true exactly? Can't you see the damn logo in the badge?

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

I actually don't have a confirmation bias driven mind, so all I see is a damn sheriff badge design. And so would you if you weren't a conspiracy theorist nut.

Fateswebb ago

We have posted the history of this very badge and at some point a change was made adding spiraling triangles to the points of the badge. Now you're mentioning critical thinking, so certainly you can see that they used to have a sheriffs badge and at some time decided to change it and add spiraling triangles. So what you see is a sheriffs badge design in which spiraling triangles are added. What's not critical thinking about asking why the change? They're both sheriffs badges are they not? yet there is a distinct didference that was made... why? How is asking why insane? You're stretching reality in your attempt to dismiss this. Nice try though.

newworldahead ago

What are you doing on this subverse exactly?

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Expressing my honest opinion about just how ridiculous and insane this whole pizzagate thing is. It's a cluster of cognitive errors.

newworldahead ago

Oh well, whatever suits your fancy. BTW, did you read the sticky post at the top? Would you care to elaborate on why you believe that all the evidence in this post is, as you say, "ridiculous" and "insane" ?

veritatem_quaerens ago

Also in wikimedia:

From the description: "The badge of the Sheriff of the County of Los Angeles. The badge of a deputy of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) is similar, although it says "DEPUTY SHERIFF" instead of "SHERIFF", and has the deputy's badge number etched on the bottom."

Nana66 ago

File change date and time 04:46, 16 February 2013

PNG file comment Created with GIMP

What was going on there at that time is a good question.