Freemasonsrus ago

I would like a list of every DC cop currently serving on the force. Seems that would be a good place to start. Like JFK, I worry about "insiders" who wish our new President harm more than pussy hats and paid Soros dipshits.

8pinkstars ago

I can't help but wonder now that trump is in the White House can't his people go in the tunnels and see where they all end up?

EndThePizza ago

Snopes debunked it because there's no police investigation.

There's no need for a police investigation because it's already been debunked by Snopes.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

zoltan907 ago

Here's a 2007 blog entry, supported by a WaPo article, that reports that 13 of the 34 DC police officers arrested in 2007 were charged with domestic violence offenses, accounting for about 38% of the arrests.

From WaPo:

"One D.C. police officer helped himself to a woman's credit card while investigating a burglary at her home, another allegedly spit on a nightclub bouncer in a drunken rage and a third was caught soliciting sex within 10 blocks of police headquarters.

"They are among 34 members of the D.C. police department arrested this year on assault, fraud, drunken driving and other charges, the largest number in at least five years.

"Although the percentage of officers arrested on the 3,800-member force is small, this year's total is 10 more than last year's. At least five cases involve on-duty conduct, but the majority stem from off-duty activities. Thirteen officers were arrested on domestic violence charges, 10 for drunken driving.

"Police officials refused to provide many details, initially denying a request under the Freedom of Information Act. After The Washington Post appealed, officials agreed to provide a general breakdown of cases but refused to release names, saying they were concerned about the officers' privacy and noting that some cases could be dismissed."

cantsleepawink ago

Further to the comment from @concernedaboutitall about the two Metro officers who were charged with child prostitution and porn, it seems that the residents of the SE seventh district in Washington DC called for a full investigation as they felt that the problem was widespread within the force:

One of the commenters on this page said that she had called to pass on information to the then Police Chief but she refused to take her call.,

*Michelle Cheeks Alot of things that happen in the 7th District could be avoided if The Chief would return call and talk to people who don't live in upper NW. Tried to give her ha heads up on what was going on in the 7thDistrict last year around this time but she never returned my call. Oh Well *

zoltan907 ago

In 2009, Newsham, as head of Internal Affairs for the DC police, lied and covered up for a Detective Baylor, who pulled his gun on a crowd that threw snowballs at his Hummer during a snowball fight. Newsham insisted during a press conference that Baylor actually pulled out a cell phone, and then stuck the cell phone in his holster. There's a photo at this site that clearly shows Baylor holding a gun.

"Newsham is one of the defendants in the Chang case (World Bank protests) in which I am lead co-counsel (with Daniel Schwartz of the law firm of Bryan Cave). Newsham testified that he gave the order to arrest hundreds of people without probable cause or warnings in Washington. They were later hogtied and left for as much as 19 hours. The case has already cost the city in excess of $15 million in costs and damages. However, Newsham was promoted after the incident and is now in charge of allegations of abuse by other officials.

"Newsham’s latest controversy raises the question of whether the detective told him this story and whether Newsham failed to investigate (as in actually speaking with witnesses) before publicly clearing the detective."

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

There have been so many posts lately that seem to have little connection to pizzagate. This one is solid.

throwaway345678 ago

They also shut down the Finders case in '87... if you read it, Wash. metro police got involved and then TPTB (CIA) stepped in.

DarkMath ago

I always knew something was fishy with the Edgar Welch story. Here's Edgar's sister looking for her friend "Gary" in another bar in another city:


delivery1 ago

This would confirm what George Webb has stated multiple times in his Youtube videos, i.e. heads of police departments are often compromised to get them ignore and bury criminal activities. According to Webb, this was common tactic by CIA to compromise and blackmail police in foreign (third world) countries, but appearantly it may very well happen in the US too.

Orange_Circle ago

I mean, if the mob has been doing it for years, it only stands to reason that the pedophiles would be doing it also.

quantokitty ago

Important find. Thanks for posting.

Gorillion ago

That whole town is a swamp.

redditsuckz ago

I wouldnt have asked but the 1 downvote would have burried it and the pings to other users are not working.

cantsleepawink ago

No evidence was ever put forward as to how, where, what or why it was debunked. We also know that no investigation was ever conducted. Agree we need to shine a spotlight onto the police department and its processes. I am finding reports of their past questionable conduct in terms of abuse cases.

JesusOfNazareth ago

Police are scum.

redditsuckz ago

Please help get more eyes on this one...people need to know where the "Kill room" walk-in freezer is;

James Alefantis "Kill Room" Walk-in Freezer Location Found at Whitmore Farm

concernedaboutitall ago

This has been discussed briefly before. I also found two recent Metro officers implicated in child prostitution and porn, one if whom suicides and was found drowned. Will try and find those links again.

8887766554433221 ago

It should also be noted that Heather Podesta is a member of a police board.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Seriously??!!!?!?! Oh for fucks sake I just want to scream!!! All these connections to these evil SICK people no wonder justice never seems to come. Can the community come together and remove this satanic priestess? Thanks for pointing this out.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. Links would be appreciated.

zoltan907 ago

Newser article:

Washington Post article:

cantsleepawink ago

we've been told not to bother with Apparently it's compromised.

zoltan907 ago

There are a lot of sites you can't archive with the Wayback Machine because the sites exclude crawlers. Recent WaPo articles can't be archived there, although the older ones can be.

8887766554433221 ago

Ah I had no idea sorry.

cantsleepawink ago

I have no real alternatives I'm afraid. I still use In this recent voat thread it was mentioned that the voat posts are being backed up anyway:

If you could archive the Washington post article and add the link to your comment I would appreciate it as I can't read that outfit's posts without a subscription.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you.