Pizzainmyass ago

Now what? Do we write a petition and get people to sign it?

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks to @ redditsuckz, new information has come to light which I've posted here:

followthemoney ago

Google DC police and their trafficking within the department. They are in on it.

Yates ago

Funny, David Seaman just wrote on Gab that DHS is investigating.

KingKongisCTR ago

We would have to get rid of the pedo protecting police chief first....

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

You could also try to get him to work WITH you. Find out what's motivating him to cover these things up, and convince him that not covering them up is better than covering up.

Blacksmith21 ago

You really have to ask what's motivating him?

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

This guy is capable of getting the investigation started:

If we have someone in the area who is a respected member of the community, contacting him to respectfully request an investigation might be a good place to start.

Alternatively, if someone were to have, or obtain blackmail material on this gentleman, an investigation would be much easier to start. I'm not suggesting anyone do anything illegal, and certainly not suggesting that anyone do harm to anyone.

Throgmorton ago

I think that it's common knowledge now, that Wikipedia is controlled by establishment shills. Glad I never donated.

WorkSmarter ago

Agreed, to bad it's already been widely accepted as a reservoir of facts.

AreWeSure ago

Police are not obligated to investigate unsubstantiated rumors. Particularly for a business that has been open for almost a decade with no parents or customers making any sort of charge like this.

What should get the police involved?

Many emails used the term pizza? A girl has masking tape on her arms? They make sick jokes? I think Marina Abramovic is a witch? An anonymous poster on 4chan said....?

What concrete evidence is there that should get the state involved?

SpikyAube ago

Well, usually concrete evidence is what is found during an investigation, not before. Beforehand there is suspicion and maybe a bit of circumstantial evidence or a witness statement. What there usually is, is a crime having known to have taken place. At the time the shooter went into CPP there was not one specific crime that could be pointed to. But I'm pretty sure that sine 9/11 the police have powers to investigate people in the absence of a specific crime if they have demonstrated unusual activity that may point to crimes going on, for example suspicious messages online or emails that could indicate a possible terrorist plot, or drug trafficking, or any other organised crime, such as a pedophile ring.

Since the shooter incident, though, there has been at least one person who has come forward as a victim of Alefantis, and they even have emails that prove the connection between them and definitely imply that the assault took place. That is more than enough to warrant an investigation.

Just think, if Pizzagate wasn't about elite pedophilia and was instead about terrorists or alt-right groups and political activists being accused by the Internet public as working for the Russians, with ties to Republican politicians who were actually secret Russian agents, and the citizens investigation had turned up code words in Republican emails that seemed to be to do with Russia and spying on the US, and instagram pictures from all these people linked to Rep politicians that often symbolically and sometimes outright referenced Russia in a favourable light, and there were videos of some of these people talking and joking about being Russian spies, and basically all the same things that have been discovered through Pizzagate, but replace Pedo with Russian agents - do you really think that they wouldn't be all over that in a hot second? That the press wouldn't be reporting on it non-stop, the police wouldn't be going in to CPP to have a thorough search etc?

The only reason they're not investigating is because they're covering it up. We all know they would easily get a warrant based on all the same circumstantial evidence if the alleged crimes were terrorist plots or spies etc.

AreWeSure ago

The term you are looking for is probable cause. There still is none.

Since the shooter incident, though, there has been at least one person who has come forward as a victim of Alefantis

Not true. Nobody has gone to police. Reddit ain't a police report. Why would the cops even know about those allegations?

SpikyAube ago

The guy Alefantis threatened on the phone made a police report.

AreWeSure ago

That's not the same thing as being a victim. Personally I don't think that's real. That would legit be big news.

SpikyAube ago

Wait, you think it would be big news? Have you not been paying attention and therefore not noticed the amount of things that should be 'legit big news' that don't get reported on? The guy provided evidence of the police report. Another guy provided correspondence with the police in which they're forced to admit they actually didn't do any investigation of Comet Ping Pong, despite the news media and Snopes and Wikipedia etc declaring the whole thing debunked on the basis of a police investigation (or on the basis of one of the other news sites having declared it debunked, based on the non-existent police investigation). Shouldn't that also have been 'legit big news'?

I think you should take a deep breath and then start from the beginning. Not to get into a big debate around epistemology, but think about what you know about the world you live in and how you know what you know. All the 'facts' you've accumulated over the years. How many of them do you really, truly know for sure, without any doubt? The only things you can state with complete conviction that you know to be true, are those you've experienced directly, with one of your five senses. Everything else is second hand knowledge - all of it. And what you're making the mistake of doing, a mistake pretty much all of us have made to varying degrees and for varying lengths of time, is putting absolute trust in one particular source of information as though it were one of your own senses, i.e., as though it had evolved over millions of years to maximise your chances of survival, as though it brings you truths about the world the knowledge of which will benefit you in some way. Not that that's how we consciously think of it, but that's essentially what we're doing when we take information from the media at face value, when we put more trust in the story told by this person with a particular logo and brand behind them, than we put in that person, who has come forward with no particular tie to an established news organisation. There is no logical, rational reason for doing that.

Clearly, large 'mainstream' media organisations make money from corporate sponsors and advertisements. Clearly, large 'mainstream' media organisations are very interesting to people who would like to put forth a particular narrative to influence public opinion, or who would like to ensure certain information is never revealed to the public, for their own personal interests. And of course there are people with the power and the money to make that happen. So why wouldn't it happen? Surely you must acknowledge at least the possibility that it could happen. So why, in the name of all that is sane, would you allow such organisations to wield the ultimate stamp of truth for the entire set of 'facts' you use to construct your reality of the wider world you live in?

That so many people think as you do, that something can only really be said to be true if a legitimate (i.e. mainstream) news source has reported it as such, essentially gives the media the power to decide what is and is not true, in the present, the past, in the public consciousness. To assume that such power is not abused, and is not abused regularly, and for nefarious purposes, is incredibly incredibly naive. But we have all been there, because we all tend to believe those things we've been told, whether explicitly or implicitly, since birth. And then at some point, you catch them in a lie, a deliberate lie, and the illusion falls away, and you start to become your own journalist and look into things for yourself.

Maybe you need to have that 'aha' moment for yourself, when you know something from your own five senses, and then see it utterly misrepresented on TV in order to further some agenda. Or maybe you will refuse to accept that the reality you've had constructed for you beyond your own sensory perception is a manipulative sham, it's up to you. But either way, do think about it, question it, at least allow yourself that dignity, which should come with being a conscious, imaginative, rational creature.

WorkSmarter ago

I don't know if "We" are sure but I strongly suspect you aren't. Which I why I asked you the questions below. I am highly suspicious of what you are doing here. Healthy skepticism is crucial but I do not think that's what you are offering.

WorkSmarter ago

I would love to know where you stand if you'd be willing to share:

Do you think the police should have gone on record as stating that Pizzagate has been debunked? Do you think that the information 'uncovered' in Pizzagate warrants concern? What would you have those that are concerned by what has been found do next? Continue to investigate? Stop investigating and understand that no wrong doing as been established? Something else perhaps?

Godwillwin ago

The killroom should be investigated. The pajama factory brother that is a self proclaimed paedophile should be investigated. In my state, if you suspect that abuse of any kind of a child is taking place, a thorough investigation is supposed to take place. If you stay silent, you are actually breaking the law. This new law went into effect about 3 or 4 years ago

redditsuckz ago

This pic is enough to warrant an investigation;

Electrial Tape...bags under eyes....bruises...spiral dress...Image liked by Department of Justice Employee(DOJ) Arun Rao;

But nothing will happen because the DOJ is involved;

Arun Rao DOJ

AreWeSure ago

Cops are not going to investigate comments on instagram in absence of any other evidence.

The Killroom is an regular old commercial walk in freezer.
The Pajama factory brother is not self proclaimed. Wasn't that one person calling another My favorite pedo? That's second person, not first person

Either way both of these can be taken as jokes. One reason I think these are jokes is this is a type of humor that is very familiar on the east coast, it's called "busting your chops" or "breaking your balls." Cops are very, very familiar with it. It's a particularly aggressive, teasing form of humor that almost makes you want to fight someone, but if you actually take offense to it, it's bad form, you've exposed yourself as thin skinned. It's like the teasing an older brother would do to a younger brother. Better form is to bust the guy's chops right back. It Goodfellas a particularly hot headed gangster shoots someone when he doesn't realize the other gangsters are just breaking his balls.

Yeah, comments on instagram are not going to be taken seriously as evidence a child is being abused.

Godwillwin ago

I live in the south on the east coast. I am quite familiar with busting your chops and how we in the south are much more unpolitically correct. I wouldn't be concerned by the paedo comment if there weren't a ton of other suspicious things pointing to these people being paedos. For law enforcement to not look into this is irresponsible. Period. What about Monica and Haiti? Can't they look into that? The corruption is mind boggling. If you let your kid play in the front yard while you are washing the dishes and watching through the window, a neighbor may call the police. The police may come and question you. But they want investigate this?! Come on?!!

WorkSmarter ago

I'm with you. I'm all for ragging on your friends and I can dish it as well as I can take it but that joke seems in bad taste and I wouldn't allow it. As you said, when compiled with the rest of what we've seen it doesn't seem like a joke. How often does pedophilia come up in your group of friends. It seems to be a constant occurrence with this group.

AreWeSure ago

If you let your kid play in the front yard while you are washing the dishes and watching through the window, a neighbor may call the police. The police may come and question you.

That doesn't happen where I'm from.

AreWeSure ago


First time I walked to school as a kid was kindergarten when I missed my bus.

WorkSmarter ago

I was a 'latch key' kid all through school including kindergarten. My mom tied a key on a string and hung it around my neck. But those were different times.

Godwillwin ago

It happens here - if the "concerned passerby" doesn't know you are watching from the window.

Someone driving by my house called the police because my 4 year old was checking the mailbox. I sent him to while I watched from the window with the baby. We have sidewalks and live in a very nice neighborhood. I was super annoyed when the officer showed up, as was he! I was embarrassed too. All of my neighbors started calling of course "is everything ok?!!"

WorkSmarter ago

I don't believe any where in my post did I say the police needed to investigate anything. I pointed out that without an investigation I don't believe they are in a position to debunk anything. I would ask that they either withdraw their claim that it has been debunked or investigate to substantiate their claim.

I also wonder if in their position you too would choose not to investigate. I believe, right or wrong, that their has been a great demand for them to investigate. I also believe the police has investigated a lot more with a lot less evidence. For instance if I called the police and told them I think you were doing something illegal in your residence I am sure you would get a knock on the door. Its called due diligence and without it I believe you would be liable if something did indeed occur. God forbid, but if something bad does happen there, how will they/you feel then? When it might have been prevented.

AreWeSure ago

I also wonder if in their position you too would choose not to investigate. I believe, right or wrong, that their has been a great demand for them to investigate.

Basically all they could do is open a file at this point. They do not have probable cause, they can't search or seize or arrest anyone because they have nothing to base a warrant on. Due diligence is not a law enforcement term. So perhaps they could open a file and start keeping information that comes in, but they can't do anything beyond that.

If you called the police about me and you have specific evidence of a crime that met a certain standard, they would investigate. They certainly don't get involved with every call from a suspicious neighbor. Perhaps in small towns they do. I doubt in larger cities. Would I investigate? I have seen no evidence of any crime, so no.

WorkSmarter ago

"So perhaps they could open a file and start keeping information that comes in, but they can't do anything beyond that."

They've already gone beyond that. They have debunked it. (exposed as being untrue).

I feel that you have glossed over the first paragraph of my reply and put words in my mouth on a couple of occasions. I have not called for anyone to be arrested. I'm curious, have you read the wiki. Do you agree with the statement that the police have debunked the accusations, or put another way; do you believe they are in a position to say that it has been debunked?

AreWeSure ago

I think they prebunked it.

I was responding not just to you, but to the many folks who think they have solid evidence in this case and that the police must be covering something up. They don't have solid evidence.

WorkSmarter ago

'Prebunked' that's a new one. It frustrates me that they would go out on a limb like that. It seems irresponsible at best. I personally would like them to take that statement back. It is definitive and there is no place for it.

I agree, I do not think I have seen solid evidence. Of course, if we had solid evidence I am not sure there would be cause for an investigation. I can't say with any certainty. Personally I believe there is and I would like to see it done. I can't say that it is definitely warranted under law. It may be as 'Godwillwin' mentioned below. I am not an expert in law. But I'm interested now. Perhaps someone with more knowledge than us can state whether an investigation should be carried out with the evidence at hand.

The_Kuru ago

Usually in municipalities people select their local government to protect them from criminals. In DC, they select their local government/law enforcers to protect them from their victims and from prosecution. The worst people in the country and the world gravitate to DC and the bordering areas in Maryland and Virginia. The Swamp.

WorkSmarter ago

You might be right. On a side note the missing child numbers for Virginia are appalling...hide your kids.

WorkSmarter ago

Remove them? They should be promoted...I mean, being able to solve this case without investigating. They deserve a medal on top of the 25k. Where do we send the check?

WorkSmarter ago

I have to admit. I have looked into this for months and I can not say definitively that criminal action has taken place there.

I can say I definitely feel there is enough information and demand to warrant an investigation.

I can say I know that the Podesta's as well as Comet's owner's, employees and owner's friends are horrible people that no one should want around their food, family, or political office.

crazimal ago

The metro police ffs -who do you think put a bullet through the computer?

WorkSmarter ago

I hadn't heard that had happened but if i did we know it was't the assailant they told us so:

"Welch then allegedly fired at least one shot into the ground."

redditsuckz ago

Nothing will be investigated with Comet Ping Pong...

Police Chief laughing with James Alefantis;

cantsleepawink ago

I just found this article:

Veronica Best’s 11-year-old daughter was raped in 2008. She says Peter Newsham, then an assistant chief, played a role in the mishandling of her daughter’s case.

Time to do some digging. Thank you.

Edit: I just turned this info into a post. It needs to be highlighted.

cantsleepawink ago

Keep putting the word out. I refuse to allow people to go back to sleep.

Pizzainmyass ago

I think it should be titled "FOIA Proves DC PD Never Investigated - They Lied" Starting with FOIA makes people know it's legit. I realized these fuckers are extremely selective with their working. Some people may automatically think "yes they did" before even finishing the title lol

WorkSmarter ago

WOW! Thanks for the link. Just watched the video and this guy went over everything much better than I could. The email he received back from the department is driving me CRAZY. The conversation is a full circle of lunacy: did you come to debunk this?

we did an investigation?

May I see your investigation notes?

We didn't need to investigate wasn't true.

The email goes on to say that they "want to ensure the community that their safety is our priority". So they are only concerned with the safety of the accused.

It also says the spoke with the owner as well as other nearby business owners to discuss their concerns. I guess our concerns don't warrant addressing?

SecureYourSeats ago

Someone posted on here earlier that they had applied for and received the records under the Freedom of Information act and the police had NOT investigated Pizzagate.

WorkSmarter ago

Thanks for the update. If true, that should be all the evidence necessary to have the wiki edited.

SpikyAube ago

I added this to the talk page of the Wikipedia article, with the link to the FOIA video, and nothing changed!

Freemasonsrus ago

That is true. The FOIA request showed that no investigation took place.

WorkSmarter ago

Then no definite statement of innocence should have been made.

Freemasonsrus ago

Oh 100%! But you're dealing w deep state cops. This is not your average PD. it is another swamp that needs to be drained and I'd imagine if there is child trafficking in DC (there is) than they may also be on tape in some very compromising positions and therefore they are bought and paid for to do the pedos will. Just look at the reports online about people who were not able to access the inauguration area due to the cops choosing to do nothing about the "protestors" blocking the entrance and taking an extended amount of time to get those with tickets into the area on the mall. It was obvious to them that it was purposeful. And from their witness testimonies, thousands of people were trying to get in and were blocked in this mess. There should have been no way for protestors to be anywhere near an entrance zone for the inauguration. That should explain what side the leadership is on.

WorkSmarter ago

Your right. Alternatively the police seemed to do a great job at Comet when protests broke out later that same day. Great response time. Excellent protection of the business.