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voatsucksreally ago

This is another reason why I built evidence is being censored everywhere, and we have already lost so much information in the last couple of months. The site archives information people post by tags so that anyone can go back and find information related to any topic that's been discussed quickly and easily. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.


The no longer exists due to threats made to wolfgang halbigs family. If your site is taken down, where goes the data?

gittttttttttttttttt ago

I tried telling the community was comprimised and one of the shill mods deleted it! I don't think the mod is still here. I already have a git repo going every day on a cron job of all voat posts:

git clone brought in cloudflare to block all external URL's from being archived which my bot was doing. I don't have the space or funds to backup all external URL's just voat URL's. All external URL's are going into a txt file though currently but that isn't good enough. Some person said they were going to send $100 bitcoin and never did. If someone wants to help me financially I will rent a VPS with more space to backup all external URL's as well. Just DM me.

Non tech users can download a full zip without cloning

If you have questions or suggestions let me know. A lot of what was mentioned in this post is already being done.

BarryOSeven ago

They blocked access to your git repositories on both URL's, can't clone them btw

BarryOSeven ago

Nice! Just read something about IPFS on Voat. It's a distributed web If we can push your archives to ipfs we're safe about the real valuable pieces.

After that we need to find a way to backup the youtube video's and other stuff.

We must get this information decentralized asap.

ThePizzaInvestigator ago

Gitlab(The public one) and Github won't work as they both will blindly follow any DMCA requests they receive.

amyrebeccajames ago

I heard that David Brock is connected to Bitcoin. Is that real?