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In_Cog_Nito ago

I've mentioned a couple of times already, when archiving a page on, download the zip file it creates to keep a local copy.

throwawaa ago

Anyone know what to do with the downloaded zip file? Is there another site that will rehost it in an easy to use way?

throwawaa ago

EDIT: the curl command in this script doesn't seem to download the right thing. Still figuring it out.

Here's a simple bash script for downloading zips of all the files in a given text document. I'm using this to keep a local copy of all the zips in my local research doc, but one could easily make a script that will scan the voat threads and download the zips in them as well.

function download_archive_zips() {
echo "downloading zips found in $1"
string=`cat $1`
for word in $string
    [[ $word =~ $pattern ]]
    if [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[0]} ]]
        match="${match:+match }${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
       symbol=`echo "$match" | sed 's/.*\///'`
       sleep 1
       curl -o ~/$ "${symbol}.zip"

T2VQw2 ago

just to play devil's advocate you could be easily accused of modifying the data after it was saved. I think the Internet Archive seems ok

In_Cog_Nito ago

As long as the page is not saved to a site that is considered credible, then it is all suspect. Unfortunately, we don't seem to have even suspect versions of the page, so we have nothing. As for, they remove items far more often than, and with far less than a DMCA notice.

YingYangMom ago

I saw your comment too late. Someone download the zip and post it?

In_Cog_Nito ago

I tried to download the zip for one of the deleted pages, but all I got was a "gone" message.

YingYangMom ago

Oh, the single links still work though, right? Mine still do.

In_Cog_Nito ago

What links still work? The point of this thread is that some pages archived on are no longer available. None in the OP are working for me. In the case of deleted archives, even the zip file is removed from

tjarco ago

if is compromised wouldn't downloading stuff from this site be the dumbest thing to do?

Not a techy here but you can also directly save webpages right? (right click/save as)

In_Cog_Nito ago

The site isn't compromised as far as saving pages, we just can't trust they won't delete the archive anymore.

voatsucksreally ago

This is another reason why I built Evidence is being censored everywhere, and we have already lost so much information in the last couple of months. The site archives information and images/videos/screenshots people post by tags so that anyone can go back and find information related to any topic that's been discussed quickly and easily. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.

fogdryer ago

Something is wrong with that search box. I can't even find my own posting using tags !

vector3rector ago

Wow. They even scrubbed the cache from every prior domain., If people dont believe there is a cover up., Than people need to realize the magnitude of efforts, "higher ups" are going through, to scrub info off the internet.

Inversely, we know "they", ( 'higher ups' ) reading this, need to realize the magnitude and number of people "hard-copy" archiving. Which will just go further to prove, they are blatantly trying to cover things up.

We are literally creating a new form of "block chain Investigations".

Think., As corruption is becoming more prevalent., And income inequality widens., As internet access and technology availability widens., More people will be left out without a job, and be left to explore the internet. Among the large population of displaced individuals, many will collaborate and aggregate data and proceed with a new style of forensic-digital, criminal investigations --- to combat corruption and collusion.

My threads removed

People are having to recompile things.

Mods are going through great efforts to delete, dissuade, or discredit, decently compiled threads.

And many many more.

B3nd3r ago

so, what's your plan with regards to national security letters, DMCA's and the like?

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Definitely need a warrant canary.

pepe16 ago

When I make an archive, or if I find an archive interesting, I always save the file. Someone must have saved the files -- please post. Put them on

kplusk ago

Thanks for sharing zip info 😊

Paranoidsbible ago

  1. CTRL + S on the page you wish to archive to create a local copy
  2. Use to make a backup and save the .zip
  3. Take a screen-cap of the page itself and save it not only on your rig but also upload it to multiple sources.
  4. Be prepared to argue validity due to how easily edited pages and images are nowadays.

redditsuckz ago

If Archive doesnt work please try to screen cap the entire page;***********

Example of full webisite page image capture;

Full Screen Capture Firefox add-on;

Full screen Capture Chrome add-on;

Online website full page capture;

B3nder ago

upvoat this comment!