Millennial_Falcon ago

rule 4: standalone concern post. as gopluckyourself already told you, post it without the complaints about previous deletions. if your post got deleted originally for rule 1, you can discuss that with mods directly.

vector3rector ago

I tried to communicate. They chose to stay quiet and not respond. You do realize you are compounding the issue? VOAT has an auto archive function, so everyone is going to see this and it's going to get exponential.. You guys are just blindly and ignorantly deleting., Or doing per someone else's request.

(4) META submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed. To avoid diluting the front page, please make those sorts of submissions HERE. Please bring any meta concerns you have HERE (this is also where the mods will discuss moderating the sub, so you are welcome to participate in those conversations as well).

Rule 4 describes Meta WITHOUT SROUCES, from what I can read.

Per, your and other mods requests, I did post in the other requested forum.You chose not to read.

Please bring any meta concerns you have HERE

After browsing in there., It's a pretty strong, general consensus, you guys are just rampantly deleting anything that provides quantifiable or reasonably questionable information. This doesn't need to be discussed more in a private mod discussion, where nothing will come of it from you.,

It needs to be spoken about publicly because your contributing to what is looking like some blatant general censorship. Quit being so sensitive when people counter post your unreasonable censorship., Defend your disdains or step down as mods., You guys are obviously being counter productive. You have made it a part of the conversation now, instead of asking people in a civil manner, to edit it where needed. If something doesn't meet some parameter you dont like, speak about it publicly.

General organization and sourcing is a reasonable request/action., Getting mad because I post quick, one word links to you and your mods prior censorship attempts, isnt.

You guys obviously dont have the qualifications, logic, or self/emotional control, to be moderating here., And you guys continue to sully your reputation.

Freemasonsrus ago

Ya I had one deleted about the 220 kids from the border who were being released into the U.S. Some are sent to live w "sponsors". Our govt can't handle delivering mail, so how in the hell are they tracking all of these kids and making sure they aren't trafficked? Answer: they aren't and don't have to. No one is going to be able to track down a child who comes across the border unaccompanied and there will be no milk carton pics. So they are clearly easy prey. The thread was deleted bc it wasn't directly tied into PG. I admit to not having an article showing illegal immigrant kids dropped off at CPP or that JA is a "sponsor", but to say that's not a lead as to where they can get their "product" from is naive. Here is the original link from the thread: And here is an article from 2014 talking about the same crisis where almost half the children are being sent to "shelters". Note the map that shows the numbers released into each state. VA and MD have a disproportionately high number for the size of their states. You'd expect high numbers from places like Texas, California or Florida, but not VA and MD:

vector3rector ago

Yeah. See it's stuff like that, that's bullshit on the mods behalf. I get that they want to see a direct,"Jame's Alefantis' hand, directly on a little boys dick.", -type connection. But post's like that have general importance. Not everyone goes full blow "autist" status., But some make reasonable links, that others could find reasonable supporting evidence to correlate. All it takes is one weak link in the chain to make the machine collapse.

Freemasonsrus ago

That's basically why I posted it, to get more autist on it. I have limited time to search but the fact that in this last month there has been an uptick in allowing unaccompanied minors into US IMO is something worth checking out. Especially since the "supply chain" would almost certainly be disrupted w a Trump wall/immigration enforcement.

Vindicator ago

Did you repost in v/pizzagatewhatever? Your post was definitely relevant and worthy of discussion.

Freemasonsrus ago

No not yet. I may go over there. I usually don't post threads bc I don't have a lot of time to keep up with it.

vector3rector ago

It's becoming the better place to put important information. These mods here get butt hurt or offended over every little thing. They delete instead of discuss. They dont want the 2000 people actively on here ,digging too deep.

Vindicator ago

I know the feeling, LOL.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Reposting the Rachel Chandler link again.

I missed this, no wonder with all the deleted threads

Bubbha ago

Funny or Die? Isnt that one of Will Ferrell's projects?

BeezleyBillyBub ago

I totally agree about mod squad infiltration, I'm not naming names, but it has gotten anal regressive. Being a tech retard, I assume dedicated folks are prepared for jumping ship.

We got that piece of shit Majestic Ape publicly joking about “orphans and assholes” because that’s always so way fucking funny with his audiences. This talking human excrement also publicly jokes about the gender preferences of pedophiles. Both jokes are on video and online, right in front of all our faces. And still no charges, no investigation. So what do we do about it? We invite Alifantis onto Fox News so that million dollar baby, Megan Kelly, can suck his cock in front of a national audience. This is known in media circles as, “sticking it in your face.” It is a calculated show of force, a la psyops.

We also got Katy Perry, who used to be with turd talking Russel Brand, who likes to drape himself in children, and “accidentally” caress some young girl’s breasts on video, a la Joe Biden. Here, Katy likes to sing a love song using every Pedo code word in the book, and shove that shit right into our faces. The one thing I learned about eating shit sandwiches at work is that the server (boss) always wants you to smile and tell them how good it is. Notice the heart-within-heart sunglasses. See the pizzas painted on her fingernails? That’s because pizza is so fucking wonderful that rich and famous people can’t get enough of it. The watermelon she’s holding is a breed called “sugarbaby.” If you can stomach the Katy Perry video, watch it, she sings of how rich people like to get drunk and wake the next day to discover the child they thought was 10 years old was really only 2. Like she says, It ain’t no big deal, because this is how we do.

YouTube Search: Russel Brand Pedophile

WindowsInJudgement ago

Link that Katy Perry video please

2impendingdoom ago

I think all of this is important, but its only the surface layer. Underneath, where the financial crimes, the corruption of the judiciary, the political degeneracy (of both parties), the trillions of dollars of rewards to wall street, the cia trafficking of weapons, drugs and humans, mk ultra, sex slaves - that's whats going on; The katy perry hollywood type crap (distraction and mind numbbing) and Cometpingpong is the rug hiding all of that. Its all connected and I don't think the pedo/abuse would be so pervasive if there was no financial motive. Public officials who can be blackmailed, public officials who can help bankers rake in billions, Sibel Edmonds...its about taking OUR money for themselves.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

The History of Machiavellian Pedo Politics And The Money Motive

2impendingdoom ago

All great if you want to live forever with a bunch of evil sociopaths. But fuck me if I'm going to finance it.

bubblebubble ago

inb4 deleted again.

bolus ago

(Cross post it in whatever, to test your theory)

vector3rector ago

Its in /v/pizzagatewhatever, but the three mods have came in and down voted because they dont like getting justifiably called out.

happyme73db ago

Everything I post about doing spiritual type work on this topic gets immediately deleted for no reason I can see..... keep trying...

derram ago :

Funny or Die/Impact Film Fund’s secret VIP-heavy late-night WHCD party - The Washington Post

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