Banned4Truth ago

Yes that looks like it. There's 80 pages though.i'll spend some time looking for the psychic part.

vector3rector ago

Why was this deleted?

gopluckyourself ago

Deleted for rule 1 please establish relevance to pizzagate in the post. If this is supposed to be an appeal to emotion or something along those lines frame it that.
If you cannot establish relevance to the pizzagate investigation please repost in /v/pizzagatewhatever.

billybigrigger ago

Here is the James Achilles Alefantis connection to Vancouver:

YingYangMom ago

That's a false lead. James Alefantis is not connected to Vancouver at all. Kidsworld Media is owned by Achilles Alefantis which is a totally different person. See this as evidence:

And this:

billybigrigger ago


bolus ago

Hasn't seen the bankruptcy article on him. Nice find.

Kw is shady as anything, and i tried to find a connection...only thing i could find was that they shared a fax number with an energy company registered in Delaware by the same super-registrar that the clintons used. Nothing we can follow up on.

What's really interesting is that someone privately messaged me this week to find out if i had dug any more up on kw.

YingYangMom ago

I was just lurking and saw a lot of oppositions on the thread. It became heated and my curiosity was piqued. I wasn't at all convinced that they were not the same person until I saw this article posted there and read it. Jeremiah Sinclair was absolutely adamant and a couple others. Anyway, turns out he's not the same guy.

speckledcat ago

Well it could be something and it could be nothing. Officers are under enormous stress and sadly do use the gun as the way out. I remember reading last year/this year twice in TO or Ott that officers did that at the station. Investigate best you can and let the evidence guide you not emotion. soul crushing to lose someone this way but if there home issues, debt issues, drug issues, ptsd and other issues involved. Yes he could be involved or stumbled on something but be careful is all I am saying.

forgotmyuser ago

Even wikipedia connects Bountiful, BC with Texas. So it's not a huge stretch to think Emily could have ended up in BC.,_British_Columbia

YFZ Ranch Raid

The settlement has close ties[citation needed] to the YFZ Ranch in Texas, which was the subject of a child abuse investigation and mass removal of its children due to speculation of a culture of underage marriage similar to those rumoured[vague] in Canada. Two Canadians from Bountiful travelled to Texas shortly after their daughter was removed in the raid of 2008. They told authorities that their 17-year-old daughter was visiting her grandmother, and wanted to take her home. An observer who has compiled genealogical maps of the families says that her father helped build the YFZ compound in Texas, but her grandmother does not live there, and speculates she might have been placed in a "spiritual marriage".[13]

forgotmyuser ago

PizzaGate is exactly the kind of thing that would get a good guy like your brother "suicided". Vancouver is an absolute cesspool, especially when it comes to any kind of trafficking.

It's a huge, corrupt port. There is an absolute shitload of drugs, children/people, and god knows what else goes through there every year.

I'm sorry for your loss - this is another reason why these huge pedo rings are allowed to keep operating. They just kill anyone who gets in their way.

forgotmyuser ago

major truth here. BC has some deep-rooted issues.

Baluga ago

All this and all the pizzagate revelations make me question the public story in Vancouver. The story is Robert Pickton was a serial killer who worked alone abducting and killing Vancouver prostitutes. And then there's the other unknown killer in the region. I now suspect neither of these people worked alone, and there is a bunch of people colluding in a viscious cabal.

Meanwhile north of Chicago in Winnepeg, tons of native people have been murdered or gone missing (some of them: Last year Prime Minister Trudeau promised a public inquiry but so far nothing has come of that. It's easy to imagine some sex trafficking is involved in this as well.

gazillions ago

The shock of a sudden death can leave your trust in life tattered. It isn't any big leap to spread that distrust around. Men commit suicide four times more than women, and i have no idea how often it's because a broken heart wouldn't heal, but it's more frequent than we like to think about.

Stay away from pizzagate. You're still vulnerable.

blind_sypher ago

If your brother is a man with the character that you make him out to possess. Then it stands to reason that if he did uncover what was going on with Fisher and his crew, that they would have probable cause to want him dead. From what you've told us about him, suicide sounds extremely unlikely. Which means your suspicious are most likely correct. Personally, I dont doubt them for a second.

cosmicmind ago

Sorry to hear about this. I would call the contact numbers at the bottom of the blog, either the police or the family, or both. If they still have contact with the psychic maybe she could get a picture image, and more info. The article says that another cop reported Fischer. That's the cop that needs an award! I'd try to find the cop who reported Fischer and see if he knows anything about your brother. Since he busted Fischer he may have more info. If nothing else, that unnamed cop really does deserve some thanks. He's got my appreciation. If there were more people like him this world would be a much better place for it.

winegrapes ago

Frank Giustra is from Vancouver, he has a charity called the radcliffe foundation that had a place called Elpida home that had the pedo ltriangle as a logo, he is also a major clinton foundation donor and friend and partner of the clintons and carlos slim, the vancouver police chief almost certainly was working with them, it is just to much coincidence. You might want to consider trying to find out more about your brothers death...My condolences...

Banned4Truth ago

Frank Giustra indeed came to mind, I know all about that weird connection. Vancouver is a major exploitation hub too, everything goes on here.

DarkMath ago

Stay safe. Frank Guistra and Bill Clinton are tight as ticks and everyone knows the Clinton body count. It started in Mena Arkansas and has kept growing ever since. Hopefully Trump and Jeff Sessions will drain the swamp but who knows at this point.

winegrapes ago

that serial killer Pickton is/was tied into the Satanic cult in that area too. He was supposedly sacrificing under age prostitutes they could have been child trafficking victims too, and Giustra was involved with Vancouver film/Hollywood seen, his first major film was American Psycho...

hardrock ago

If you wish (and you should give this careful thought before you do anything) you can reach out to James Fisher and find out if he knows anything about your brother's situation that might help.

Banned4Truth ago

James Fisher won't be talking to anyone but his lawyer right now

hardrock ago

Yes, and that's the wise thing to do, but you could make your existence known to James' lawyer. Who knows, his defense strategy might have some aspect in which you could play a part.

Chance903 ago

Reaching out to Fisher is the last thing you should do for many reasons. I have worked the sex crimes unit for many years off and on. The emotional pain and scarring is something that most people do not understand. Many of you are now getting insight to the emotional problems LEO's have to deal with on a daily basis.still, none of you have to see it irl and it does emotional damage.

I implore you do not investigate this and find someone here that is not close to the situation to investigate it. The raw emotional damage is why you should only work one year on and the nest year off sex crimes unit.

pizzagate_crusader ago

Sorry you lost someone special in this way. It sounds like your brother got caught up in something. Either he was murdered for something he learned (how did he shoot himself and then stash his gun?) OR if he was the good guy you thought he was, maybe he got caught up in doing something evil and couldn't live with it.... Maybe you could somehow locate the family of the missing girl and then locate the psychic somehow and see if she can recall why she dropped his name. Good luck.

Banned4Truth ago

I've been trying hard to find that website again because I really want to reach out to the family. For the life of me I can't remember the girl's name. They said he stashed the gun the first trip to the bathroom, came back then went a second time to the bathroom. He was in the middle of being casually questioned by his boss. He had gone awol for a moth prior to this. So everyone was concerned. That's the story. Woman and financial problems.

logjam ago

"Palmer said a fellow officer came forward with concerns about Fisher in March of this year and an investigation was immediately called at that time."

Thanks for sharing your story here. Do you think it may merit your trying to find out who this 'fellow officer' is? He might be the fresh ears you need.

Very sorry for you and your family to endure this.

chickyrogue ago

im so sorry you lost your brother in this way .... yes there could be so much more here than the simple explanation especially since he was at the police station and THEY could band together and say anything yeah?

derram ago :

VPD detective James Fisher charged with sexual exploitation and sex assault - British Columbia - CBC News

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