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Freemasonsrus ago

Ya I had one deleted about the 220 kids from the border who were being released into the U.S. Some are sent to live w "sponsors". Our govt can't handle delivering mail, so how in the hell are they tracking all of these kids and making sure they aren't trafficked? Answer: they aren't and don't have to. No one is going to be able to track down a child who comes across the border unaccompanied and there will be no milk carton pics. So they are clearly easy prey. The thread was deleted bc it wasn't directly tied into PG. I admit to not having an article showing illegal immigrant kids dropped off at CPP or that JA is a "sponsor", but to say that's not a lead as to where they can get their "product" from is naive. Here is the original link from the thread: And here is an article from 2014 talking about the same crisis where almost half the children are being sent to "shelters". Note the map that shows the numbers released into each state. VA and MD have a disproportionately high number for the size of their states. You'd expect high numbers from places like Texas, California or Florida, but not VA and MD:

vector3rector ago

Yeah. See it's stuff like that, that's bullshit on the mods behalf. I get that they want to see a direct,"Jame's Alefantis' hand, directly on a little boys dick.", -type connection. But post's like that have general importance. Not everyone goes full blow "autist" status., But some make reasonable links, that others could find reasonable supporting evidence to correlate. All it takes is one weak link in the chain to make the machine collapse.

Freemasonsrus ago

That's basically why I posted it, to get more autist on it. I have limited time to search but the fact that in this last month there has been an uptick in allowing unaccompanied minors into US IMO is something worth checking out. Especially since the "supply chain" would almost certainly be disrupted w a Trump wall/immigration enforcement.

Vindicator ago

Did you repost in v/pizzagatewhatever? Your post was definitely relevant and worthy of discussion.

Freemasonsrus ago

No not yet. I may go over there. I usually don't post threads bc I don't have a lot of time to keep up with it.

vector3rector ago

It's becoming the better place to put important information. These mods here get butt hurt or offended over every little thing. They delete instead of discuss. They dont want the 2000 people actively on here ,digging too deep.

Vindicator ago

I know the feeling, LOL.