reasonedandinformed ago

I am sorry that legionwill, an exposed shill, caused you to doubt yourself. You did good work and found some things of substance. You had a good post. Do not be bullied by these aggressive caution shills. Luckily, people had your back and were archiving. We should dig on the suspicious ones, the cucumber one being one obvious one (not innocent).

zlomsocz ago


reasonedandinformed ago

You are the obvious concern troll. The debate over CP is absurd.

reasonedandinformed ago

We must really be onto something here...he doth protest too much. We're in the middle of a CP investigation, and look what legion shill is arguing. Great work poster!

reasonedandinformed ago

You are the shill.

reasonedandinformed ago

Nice concern are busted!

reasonedandinformed ago

Legion is a massive shill.

reasonedandinformed ago

Shutup shill...legion.

r3dtr1x ago

Thread should be deleted. It pulls in way too many unrelated parties. Talk about witch hunts! sheesh!

TruthTrumps ago

Are you serious? Another crap post. Down vote. Sheesh.

Astrotheologist ago

CPlove, yeah must mean campus progressive love. Considering the people he's friends the only thing it could be is campus progressive. I'm sure the "peanut grew a little hashtag" is trending for peanut farmers too. Because you know, he owns peanut farms and it was that time of season where the peanuts are growing. /sarcasm

guy is a pederast Donny.

amyrebeccajames ago

The first time I saw the initials CP together was here on Voat on the rules - I honestly thought it meant COMET PIZZA the first time I saw it. I had to learn this means child pornography.

zlomsocz ago

Jesus Christ i was trying to refrain from explaining myself further but i feel that i must now. The above thread which I started was a honest effort at looking through Tonys Podesta's friends (who we already know is inner circle) to make lists and crosscheck other peoples business that may be involved in his sphere of influence. Clearly there is a large ring of pedophiles that operate across the world, and pizzagate revelations in the past month and a half, have shed a tiny light on an already known topic. So i Dont think my approach here was batshit crazy. In reference to @legionwill who has been bashing me about my past submissions as well as this one, I say; In haste upon, finding these photos on these profiles, and without putting much time into reading deeper i simply posted here to VOAT where i asked for others to archive since i had trouble doing so quickly from my phone at the time. I even made an edit to the post which states i made these findings in haste and im simply sharing them with all you other supposed investigators. people posts nonsense shit on here all day, and old news, and disinformation, and i dont see all these haters @legionwill spewing racial slurs and hate at them; quite like they are here on my thread.
This is supposed to be a place where we can share information and help each other follow leads, if its old news, or if it has no merit, thats the whole fucking idea, that we get to discuss it.
In retrospect many good points have been made about posting these photos without more incriminating evidence, and i admitidly misunderstodd some of the context perhaps, but thats why we share this.

as to the CPLOVE there is nowhere to indicate that it is being used as "campus progressives" in this case, and if you arent well versed enough to know what CP means in the real pedo world, download yourself a tor browser and type CP in I Am certainly not the first to say this either, im being a tad sarcastic., but truth nonetheless.

None of my submissions here have ever stated anything in bad faith. I joined Voat after watching the censorship on other forums, and since i had a prior knowledge to the franklin coverup, the hampstead case, and SRA in general, i wanted to contribute following leads. Most of my submissions have discussion on both sides, three out of the four were making connections to legitimate people involved, there are far worse people on here doing undoubtably intentional misdirection disinfo, but its not me. I challenge anyone to look at my past submissions.

I feel fine with speaking my mind when i find possible connections and sharing them with the community, we should all feel welcomed and safe in doing so. my only apology is relaying a possibly bad lead, but we all take that risk when sharing leads, kudos to those of you that encourage open convo, in theory the "shit posts" should fall to the bottom of the submissions anyways, so why all the hate here, just saying?

reasonedandinformed ago

Please join this post that rocketed to the top this morning ( to support me that LegionWill is a shill. He is trying to play heavily and is posting nonsense that gets massively upvoated by CTR people.

zlomsocz ago

i deleted my whole post yesterday because it was hugely distracting from the convorsation, thanks you for the heads up @reasonedandinformed

reasonedandinformed ago

He was acting as a caution troll, which they do for legitimate findings. I hope we can recover things as he was so HARD AGAINST that I think something was actually there. The BS about what CP stood for was ridiculous, trying to find excuses.

zlomsocz ago

is there a way for me to un-delete a post?

reasonedandinformed ago

Great work...don't be discouraged by the shilling...means you hit some hot spots.

featheredmasks ago

And yet more social skills need to be taught...

"oh no!? you went and stole another one!"

"Lawd! your privlidged ass done stole another cute baby!"

  • This is a joke about the dude being ugly (i.e. unable to genetically produce cute babies) therefore he must have stolen it, and they just threw in the privileged part because he's rich.

  • If babies were truly being stolen by these people, WHY. WOULD. THEY. POST. ON. PUBLIC. SOCIAL. MEDIA?! At least if they were coming out now and saying, "fuck yeah we love stealing and fucking babies u got a problem??" it'd make sense but they are fighting these allegations. We already know child porn shit happens and they take every effort possible to keep it at least mostly hidden.

Congrats, you're worse than the shills.

Edit: Actually I do think you're a shill if you missed this and didn't call it out, but pulled out some kids + food bullshit:

Referencing: (You guys say there's a theme with teddy bears)

Content: Painting of a woman who seems like she's either taking off her dress or fanning the top of her dress (like you would pull a t-shirt and flap it to create air) with a young male (potentially 18+ but could be jailbait) wearing only wet underwear slightly revealing his dong. Not sure what he's holding in his hands.

Content: Painting of an Italian(?) city with a skyline. A hand is coming out looking like that weird hand signal sometimes with Satanism (Baphomet?)

Content: Photograph of Bowie with a young (underage?) woman

Proof she's chummy w/ Tony Podesta and not just Facebook friends

Edit 2 (didn't want something to crash and to lose all this):

Content: Another hand of God thing, somewhat similar to the Baphomet hand, but it's holding something (charcoal) so it could go either way

Comment in photo: "Lolita?" ... alright buddy. (Granted it's her as a young child but still dude come on)

I don't believe any of this relates to anything, just surprised it was missed.

ThePedoHunter ago

Pedophiles have actual families.....your point is?

ThePedoHunter ago

John Podesta doesn't hang out with normal ppl....get that through your head....look at boy sucking cucumber and the lwed suggestive comments.

It's a new paradigm we're's reality. It's the biggest veil lifting in history. Males fck women, women fck males and lots of both like to fck littlw children. Wakeup, is it that bad....hidden and so well protected that its brainwashed us all....but thank god for the Internet, wikileaks and an age of spiritual awakening.

AreWeSure ago

BTW, in internet terminology, trolling means to be acting in bad faith.

windsse ago

I think you're right.

pedophobic ago

OP is on to something...Legion is a shill..One of the commenters on the baby picture is an Indian who works for Dupont Family Medicine, another is a white woman who works for google. ..Two known shill factories...

pedophobic ago

This is not a family...WTF?? These comments are extemely strange. One commenter, Anita Singh, an Indian works for Dupont Family Medicine. Another white woman works for Google. Two known shill factories. CPLove stands for campus progressives may be true in some cases...another case of hiding in plain site

reasonedandinformed ago

Campus progressives is the cover-story lie. Be logical. Given the context, there is no way that is the meaning. Child porn/pedo makes sense. Legion is a shill. Look at his post in context and his massive upvoat...the obvious signs of CTR.

Pisstubes0351 ago

In my opinion, the one legitimate question should be asking is to JA—who/where are those kids you posted on your IG?

The most basic question right there can give us something, but it isn't being pushed—why? The moment we start delving into this stuff is the moment these "normal" people can be like "what are you people talking about/yeah this is my family..."

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fucking nigger tits.

don't ever fucking ask me to click a facebook link again.

the next time i won't be so nice you little shill and or retarded nigger.

Pisstubes0351 ago

I agree with you 100%, but the pictures should still be archived as they can be of some use in the future.

The cucumber pic especially because, while it is confirmation bias and leads us away from the relevant evidence that got us to this point, it could be of some use in the future.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

keep records

but under no circumstances trust a motherfucker asking you to click on a facebook link.

it's like a strange homeless man asking you to touch the puss-oozing wart on his taint.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuck no.

Dragonfly44 ago

"Points for eagerness, but could you prep that thing a little" in an apparent sexual reference to said vegetable in the baby's mouth

Bullshit. One of the main thing parents get excited about is baby milestones - first words, first steps etc etc. One of the firsts is moving to solid food and 'grown up' foods - hence the 'eagerness' comment. Also, 'prep' as in preparing food, preparing the cucumber, slicing, skinning, washing and such like. I think you are jumping at shadows. Really.

EDIT: Is this the best this 'investigation' can do? All I can see is a lot of innocent lives being affected by idiots with no common sense nor healthy skepticism to temper their wild claims. I'm not outright dismissing PG, but so far there has been no smoking gun. Yes, I know there have been very high profile cases in the past. Yes, there might very well be something to worry about, but this is not helping.

The net effect of this will be increased regulation of speech, any chance of any real crimes being uncovered will be totally neutered, innocent people will suffer, any potential victims of crime wil not be saved, and this shit will get shut down in a heartbeat.

This is almost inevitable though, because more rational comments and voices will be ignored by self righteous ego warriors taking up the case for their own gain rather than for the good of the (at this point alleged) victims. Then the internet will be fucked for everyone who enjoys free speech, and you will do it yourselves, and those that want to constrain free speech on the 'net don't have to lift a finger, just give you enough rope to hang yourselves.

It is extreme stupidity.

Pisstubes0351 ago

I like this assessment. This theory is plausible, however, a lot of us are hyper-aware of sexual innuendos that make people leap to conclusion without sufficient evidentiary backup.

northstars ago

show us what you know;

northstars ago

legion is the shill

ThePuppetShow ago

The eye anomaly thing is legit. Did you read the thread?

peteczar ago

Come on guys, stick to the facts. Look into the CF and stop trying to make connections on social media - we are about 3 weeks past that point already.

kneo24 ago

Well, maybe they should stop acting like a shill.

flyingcuttlefish ago

no ... we don't know yet if it is a dead end nothing lead or a very valuable clue. It may contain vital information that is of use later. Look at these art galleries Tony Podesta likes for instance.

bitforms gallery nyc, National Gallery of Art, Zach Feuer Gallery,

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I don't need the FBI to tell me that CPLove could well be Cheese Pizza Love or Child porn or probably other such things. Having said, that these pics don't look out of the ordinary, and there is no basis to be harassing anyone calling them peso's without evidence obviously, badly damages any chance we have of turning public opinion.

ThePuppetShow ago

Go to twitter and search that hashtag, I found references from well over a year ago, most women, before I gave up and wrote it off. They're obviously not talking about cp. Is it a horrible hashtag to adopt? Fuck yes.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Cheers, definitely need some healthy skepticism on this!

flyingcuttlefish ago

I archived the first link just in case. I have a real computer. And I am archiving the others too. If the real links go dead look for them at

Nicholas Friendly link alternative -

From Tony Podesta face book page: [Favorites] bitforms gallery nyc, Nils Stærk, HEMPHILL, National Gallery of Art, NHB Advisors, Manatos & Manatos, ACORN National, House Democrats, Zach Feuer Gallery, Tate Americas Foundation, American Film Institute, Senator David Vitter, Joe Sestak, KENDRICK MEEK, Comet Ping Pongand more

northstars ago

if the pedo key is true, and these people are as smart as everyone here suggests they are; #CPlove is a perfect cover/slap in the face.

would love to know the logic/reason you've used to discern between this language and the language given to you by a random fbianon that is essentially a screenshot of text, proclaiming to be a secret codex.

this evidence needs to be scrutinized, not disregarded. unfortunately, all leads count. and of course, all posts require a discriminant review of the poster.

unless, of course, you know someone or something specific that can quickly discredit crap posted. which would be great—

either way, it's not hard for someone to dig through FB. it should have been the first thing people did, actually...

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

God damnit. sorry. I replied to you twice, Thinking you were a different person... DAMN YOU VOAT!

DawnofTruth ago

It's shit like this that's going to make this (and us) look unreliable. STOP it already!!! Stop bending, molding and manipulating shit (pictures in this case) to fit the narrative and this very serious scandal.

Please down vote this thread immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude's. I think he is referring to "CP". Not the hash tage itself.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I think he's talking about "CP" Not the hash tag itself.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

wait... are we under the impression that There would be CPLOVE hashtag, were it not for pizzagate? Is this a new hashtag? I'm not addressing the picture that OP posted at all... I'm just talking about the hash tag it self. We all know there is no CPLOVE hashtag, if there is not pizza gate unfolding... Correct?

zoltan907 ago

If you click on the #cplove hashtag, what mainly shows up right now are posts by and about Core-Physique, a pilates gym based in Texas, and posts about something called Cheerleader Probowl, whatever that is. Since the guy is lifting a child in the photo, and he's in good physical shape, the #cplove hashtag might be intended to convey something like he's working his core muscles by lifting the child.

ThePuppetShow ago

Made me look but, not this one. I found references to well over a year ago.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Andrew Breitbart, 2011. Maybe we're not giving them enough credit, They started planning for this years ago....

JK, Their huburus is our strongest Asset, I mean.... strongest asset besides weaponized autists

srayzie ago

Pizzagate wasn't on the FBI list either so chill out

Orbanorx ago

This is a good post for new people as well. Don't jump the gun.

srayzie ago

I don't think the poster was trying to make things up. I can see how cplove could be interpreted.

quantokitty ago

Went through the photos and saw nothing inappropriate. Friendly has TONS of food photos and is obviously a foodie. Thus, the comment about prepping the cucumber first is only chef jargon. There's one other photo in another link (not Friendly's) with a strange comment, but if a friend made the comment, it would be funny, not alarming. Opinion: nothing going on here.

CJJacobs ago


apparatchik1488 ago

What does it mean?

bandola ago

The PSBattle on reddit comment is from 2012. Come on, man.

webofslime ago

Used for years on 4chan. CP/Cheese Pizza = Child Porn

Not saying I know in this case, but it is known, in general.

LargePizzaWithGate ago

Right on. Let's archive the information and all but taking it all in context, this is much ado about nothing. We definitely don't want to witch hunt innocent non pedos.

albinobunny ago

Thank you as well! I mean, it was the first thing that came to mind, but I thought it might have been too.. easy.

zlomsocz ago

please substantiate your reasoning, ive made like 6 posts, please show how i am showing anything but what i find everyday. your the shill legionwill

sheer-con ago

I looked around on FB for CLLove hashtag and there are other references but they all reference short for businesses like "Core-Physique" etc. Nothing I can find on Halperin suggests he is part of any organization with "CP" as an abbreviation.

hedy ago

OP: You are excellent for qualifying your initial impressions. I agree that this is probably not really what we're looking for but we won't know unless someone flags it and we consider it. Thank you.

zlomsocz ago

why all the haters like legionwill, they are trying to shut me down, ive been honest in my approach and findings, and admit i state noting as fact im learning too, i share shit so people can discuss it, thats the whole way we weed out the crap. if this post was all crap so be it, let the readers decide, a call for censoring me right away from legionwill makes me o at to his motives .

hedy ago

I understand. I don't think he is trying to censor you. It is difficult to keep up with all of the information flying around on this site and emotions are running high and also, in an organic way, a lot of what people are sharing is really not usable information. People like you are earnestly trying to help and it happens naturally - it can be difficult for people to catch up to what others have been working on, understand the culture of this type of investigation, understand the language and learn the context. But it is also difficult for the "management" of the information to deal with distractions. Extreme caution must be exercised with everything that is posted here.

Don't be discouraged, learn and keep moving forward.

reasonedandinformed ago

He WAS trying to censor. He is a very aggressive shill. If he resists something, it is real. If he pushes something, it is a fake lead. I just did an analysis that you need to read from a post he made this morning ( that rocketed to the top:

WARNING: This guy is a proven shill. I exposed him yesterday as he was concern trolling in a legitimate post from someone who had started digging into the FB friends of Tony Podesta (see He goes from being concerned about speculation to wild speculation with massive headlines. Whenever he posts things, they rocket up quickly (a sign of CTR shilling). I then decided to dig into his history. Look at this post that he made, attacking our Mod: If you look at the date when Reddit was banned, 11/22 @ 4 pm, you can see that LegionWill manufactured this false evidence against our moderator kingkongiswrong:

This shill from CTR takes us for fools. Disregard anything he posts and expose him as the CTR shill. Down vote, if you can, anything he has to say. He needs to be removed.

madmanpg ago

So all these people are pedophiles?

CP, in this case, appears to stand for cerebral palsy, among other uses that I can't figure out. It's apparently widely used. Also stands for "copilot", apparently, as a euphemism to refer to whoever you had the kid with since assuming parents are married is like, so, just...can you not?

zlomsocz ago

not at all buddy but if your holding a small baby and using that hashtag and another commenter mentions stealing the baby, then i think its worthy to take a look at, nobodys whitewasing the hash cplove, just saying it doesnt seem to be relating to anything in tho photo except a fucking baby...

zlomsocz ago

i added an edit to the post to be fair and show i have no ill intent, but tbh your arguement defending cplove is strange in facebook i cannot see anyone using it for the purpose you stated, please provide a reference to this hashtags use to something else, im learing too here

apparatchik1488 ago

Nice find. I saved #cplove on the wayback machine and Screenshotted


He is the cofounder of GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, and author of several books including Before Pastoral (1983) and One Hundred Years of Homosexuality (1990).

Also hes most likely a jew

Oh god.

Fucking nuts

featheredmasks ago

A gay jew?! Must be a pedophile satanist. /s

apparatchik1488 ago

pretty much..

Baluga ago

Watch out for bias. The reason they joke about stealing is because reddit (laughably in their eyes) accused them of abducting Mccann. Is there anything here that's not easy to dismiss?

zlomsocz ago

its just information , and its a bit odd, so im sharing it, people discern for themselves

jealoushe ago

Also the comment about the VA border and the cops... like what

albinobunny ago

What does CPLove mean? I mean, i can guess, but could it mean something else?

webofslime ago

Club Penguin Love, also a band

l23r ago

Apparently some pedos use Club Penguin for grooming purposes (edit: the game, not the band)

zoupSER ago

searched FB and found a few things that are innocent. "Core Physique" pilaties thing and some sort of Clothing and Jewlery store called Centerpiece Boutique and Design uses #CPLove a lot. Also found this

that said, they could mean it in a non innocent way.....

windsse ago

The 'innocent' meaning could be "comet pizza love", I suppose. Most of the other uses on the hashtag are with businesses whose acronyms are C.P.

zlomsocz ago

cp love is a pedophile terminology that relates to child porn or cheese pizza in the online pedo-networks, the fbi recognizes the term, and so should you

albinobunny ago

Alright, thank you! Just wanted to be sure.

derram ago :

Tony Podesta | Facebook :

Page Not Found | Facebook :

Chilling eating a cucumber from the garden. - Oliver Friendly | Facebook :

David Halperin - A new generation of leadership.... | Facebook :

David Halperin - It's always good to consult with a baby | Facebook

This has been an automated message.

l23r ago

in the event the archives do not work, here are the images from his profile: 1, 2, 3 and here is his profile page

zlomsocz ago

thanks please help me look into tonyd friend list before its not public

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I got it all. I'll dig it out later. I can't believe this shit is still up... I mean, James A had his profile picture of Him, tony P, and Cheese pizza, Up until a few days ago.... His background is still hillary and bill playing ping pong.

zlomsocz ago

prove to me that this site isnt all shills because this is relevant as fuck and if ppl cant upvost this to a reasonable status then i give up on this site

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

This site is just a little slower with the upvoats but, they're coming trust me. This is big man. Got my upvoat.