LawofTruth ago

HOLY Shit what a shill post.

hedy ago

That is the correct reference for CARDS - "FBIanon" mentioned it awhile back.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Maybe I'm out of the loop on this, but I haven't seen the proof that Dhs.CON.N.E.B owns Besta, or that Conneb is Saudi owned. This shows a company called Conneb, but doesn't show the name/address of the business(es) it bought. And how did we find out Conneb = Saudi?

CLINTON has $1.5 BILLION US DOLLARS in her DUBAI account.

Where is source for this?

nitro169 ago

lol you said duty...

common_sense ago

I think this is disinfo.

None of it is sourced, and the OP is suspicious.

reasonedandinformed ago

It is. LegionWill was exposed by my in this thread as a CTR shill...conclusively. Just search for my comments. His post went to 130 and then got voted down to 17. It is just unsubstantiated speculation of an earlier post, with zero contribution. It is meant to knock legit posts off the top. Down vote, please.

logjam ago

sensationalist post.

TruthTrumps ago

I hope there are groups investigating pizzagate privately because this public online investigation is turning into a clusterf^ck with all the sensationalist posts on here, made to make us look like a bunch of crazies. Can you say whac-a-mole?

reasonedandinformed ago

OP is a CTR shill. Down vote.

reasonedandinformed ago

This poster is a proven CTR disinfo shill, and it is conclusive. This post got to something like 130 votes before I and others exposed him and it dropped to 17. It is rising again due to CTR activity. Please downvote his posts to wipe his lies from exposure.

Here is the conclusive analysis: WARNING: This guy is a proven shill. See: I exposed him yesterday as he was concern trolling in a legitimate post from someone who had started digging into the FB friends of Tony Podesta (see He goes from being concerned about speculation to wild speculation with massive headlines. Whenever he posts things, they rocket up quickly (a sign of CTR shilling). I then decided to dig into his history. Look at this post that he made, attacking our Mod: If you look at the date when Reddit was banned, 11/22 @ 4 pm, you can see that LegionWill manufactured this false evidence against our moderator kingkongiswrong, as the dates are after Reddit banned pizzagate. He thinks we are stupid...or he is incredibly inept:

Just compare his record to mine, and you will see he is doing all he can to try to derail us and infiltrate.

This shill from CTR takes us for fools. Disregard anything he posts and expose him as the CTR shill. Down vote, if you can, anything he has to say. He needs to be removed.

reasonedandinformed ago

Busted LegionWill, you disnfo CTR shill. You make me sick.

The_Kuru ago

If it's Saudi owned they certainly wouldn't allow pork products on their property. They even have crescent moon and star on the sign that signals to Muslims that the meat is halal. So what pork substitute do they use in the sausage and pepperoni? If they are using kids, I hope it's young goats which are called kids.

Jem777 ago

There were reports that a week or so before the election Hillary &Bill transferred 1.5 Billion to Dubai bank accounts in the name of the Clinton Foundation. It was reported by several news Chanel's on YouTube that had been doing solid truth telling for several years and seemed to have some reliable sources but were specifically following the money. After the most prominent one reported this his channel was taken down and he has mot been put up since.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. They are attempting to post violent threads and incitements for us to be vigilantes so that we can be blamed for the next op, which appears imminent based on Hillary's comments yesterday: "It's now clear that so-called 'fake news' can have real-world consequences. This isn't about politics or partisanship. Lives are at risk." That statement is their call to action for a major false flag op, likely within the next 10 days, maybe even today as they want to capitalize on their centralized messaging of the last 48 hours.

hewiuhfiouwh ago

CLINTON has $1.5 BILLION US DOLLARS in her DUBAI account. Have not heard this. Do you have a source?

reasonedandinformed ago

Awesome work! His lying post went from something like 120 down to 17. He is possibly the most major CTR shill I have found so far.

UncookedSpirit ago

Whoop de do you still don't have a source. And in this repost you don't even say "Dhs.CON.N.E.B", much less prove they own the location.

Lockeye ago

LegionWill, I know there's no way I can message you to stop because you are a paid shill that is designed to distract and fracture our community. We won't fall for your tricks, and you shouldn't fall to the will of the powers that be and their dollar. Leave!

angular_planes ago

How the fuck did this get 130 upvotes..

flyingcuttlefish ago

I have a bunch on Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Clinton Foundation here - (just use the search bar)

and in the darmatis personae page I have some of the the Saudi princes.

ghost_marauder ago

Could have been a primer for getting people into the idea of searching code words. I think that FBI anon was a larper, but it doesn't mean that his message wasn't of value.

victuruslibertas ago

I have a small channel on youtube 20k subscribers and I would like to report this. It won't be over dramatic. Just the facts. I have been covering pizzagate for from inception,

reasonedandinformed ago

The poster is a proven CTR disinfo shill. Look in this thread for my analysis, which is conclusive.

victuruslibertas ago

Thank you

xeemee ago

did you account for this post which apparently challenges the Saudi tie...

Do you not understand how things work? Please hear me out.

Real Estate Developer (Conneb II) based in DC buys strip mall. Their Brokerage firm, HA-Gill handles brokerage and rental properties in their name.

HA GIll executes lease agreements with the business. They must file occupancy and use permits with DC Gov, and by law must have a registered agent that has an active law degree.

Andrew Kline, of the veritas group on 19th ST is a specialist in the hospitality management, and is the registered agent for over 100 DC based restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops.

To properly discern the owners, you have to search for the CEO, Governing Agent, or owner depending on if the business is licensed as a Corp, LLC, or S-Corp.

The owner of Besta Pizza is Abdel Rahman Hammad according to the DC official filing. A cross-reference with MD where Besta has a second location shows he's an inactive owner, and the current managing member is Mohamed Zahow - Who shows as owning A Pizza Boli's in this location for 23 years. Pizza Boli's is a franchise all over MD and DC. I'm betting he bought out Abdel Hammad and changed the name they do business as to Besta Pizza recently (within the last 5 years.)

Of course we know that Comet is "Big Cheese LLC" with James Alefantis as the CEO of the Corporation.

Andrew Kline didn't get "gifted" property, he's the registrar and attorney on retainer. Check out his website about hospitality registration:

and many of his clients:

When you are searching property rentals, especially if there was a recent sale, the registrar would have to resubmit documents to DC Gov. That's why the dates all match, even if a sale didn't occur on that date, just a renewal/replacement of the filing. It would show $0 as the corp/llc/s-corp doesn't purchase the property, they are on a lease to rent.

Let's focus on real leads here. This inability to understand basic business makes us look like tin foil wearers.

reasonedandinformed ago

Of course not. LegionWill is a disinfo shil from CTR.

xeemee ago

LegionWill is a disinfo shil from CTR

might help if you could expand on that

charmeuse ago

"CLINTON has $1.5 BILLION US DOLLARS in her DUBAI account."

Attributed to Sorcha Faal...

onemilligram ago

I work with the main stream media, and I will be doing an article about this. Please proof read and make sure I got everything correct.



By OneMilligram

"Fake news, Fake news, Fake news,

Facts? What facts, Fuck Facts.

Fake news, Fake news, Fake news,

look over there see the yellow bird it's so cute!

Fake news, Fake news, Fake news. Dead.

ClintonIsEvil ago

Saudi ownership makes a lot of sense. Clinton may not be sick enough to abuse children herself, but she might ignore others doing it, if it means money for her campaign.

Electionfraud ago

Is Besta Pizza named after the film "Baixio Das Besta"?. The film can be found on youtube. The opening scene shows a young girl being stripped in front of voyeurs who have paid to watch.

LolturdFerguson ago

Didn't FBIAnon state this in July? We're getting close guys, and this is what he was talking about.

Remember, he told us Hillary is a 'reckless idiot'. She's dropped breadcrumbs everywhere and we just need to follow them...

Some motivational screen captures from FBIAnon:

We're getting so close, and I am afraid of what lies at the bottom of this fetid rabbit hole.

Entire Conversation

Urebeat ago

You can't call smoking gun without showing us HOW you verified it, there are too many shills and ctr freaks trying to herd us to a dead end, you must show us HOW you know it's true, and give us the exact sources, also start archiving links and downloading them, not saying you've done bad work but right now it's sloppy

reasonedandinformed ago

This guy is a proven CTR disinfo shill. He seems to be the most active and spreads his lies (in this case) or concerns (yesterday) like a virus. I have an analysis and absolute proof that he is a shill within the thread comments.

SavingGrace ago

The Saudis rely on the US for their special pipelines, political favours and to fight their wars on fake 'terror'. Pretty simple. The US airforce is the Saudi Airforce...

SavingGrace ago

Q: Cards??? = Kings and Queens?

molehairz ago

These shills are just trying to shift the blame away from (((the real perpetrators)))

ghost_marauder ago

Here's a thought for you. The predators work in coordination. You have (((Them))), you have the Vatican, you have the Saudi's, you have gangs, cartels, and the government (of any given nation).

Shit, at this point I'm beginning to think that not being a predator means that you're doomed to be a slave. So, get hunting.

Electionfraud ago

Didnt FBIAnon say the release of information would cause wars? I still go back to my theory that HRC would have won the election had there not been some type of intervention. How could the polls be so wrong? HRC was told the information would be released unless she slithered away quietly.

Free_Radical ago

The initial discovery was posted.

Where? Show us the data that led to your "discovery".

Neither this or your link contains any inkling of proof. It's like you don't know how Internet works.

tucker123 ago

No wonder the shrew got her hair and makeup fixed up yesterday, and made her little indignant speech about "fake news".

Not buyin' it, Hilldawg. Shut up, and sit down.

r3dtr1x ago



r3dtr1x ago



thicktail1730947 ago

Remember that, for plausible deniability reasons, there was bullshit mixed in. He was playing what I believe is called a "limited hangout" role.

DuffBeer4Me ago

Hi, I'm LegionWill. My posts move up fast to the "hot" page with hundreds of upvoats.


And I like to hold down THE CAPS KEY because it's FUN... Please UPVOAT me!

Really guys - think about it... how can anyone get so many upvoats without shills on their side... awesome posters like blueberries can't do it as good as LegionWill.

AboutPerception ago


kingkongwaswrong ago

also I'm deleting his submission as it violates rule 3 !

kingkongwaswrong ago

I've suspected legionwill for a while, but never looked deep enough to confirm. The mods have been chatting about a way to flag shills, I will make a post letting them know about your findings

reasonedandinformed ago

The key patterns: 1. Heavy caution at a new, possibly promising, lead. This is different than asking for documentation of a CLAIM. This guy was pushing back hard on somebody's finding of possible others connected to Tony Podesta in his FB friends based on questionable posts. 2. Smoking gun or exaggerated claims without evidence, which contradicts point #1. When you see both happening, you know it is a shill (versus someone just being over zealous) since it shows radically-inconsistent analysis. 3. Planting ideas that seem to be ludicrous, disconnected, or fringe, with no support, so that they can build the narrative of fake news by pointing to nonsense threads. When these unsubstantiated ideas fly up with heavy upvotes, you know it is CTR. They use this to move our resources into dead ends or areas that make us look silly...while replacing legit threads by moving to the top of the board. 4. Showing heavy venom and hate, bigotry, etc., again to partially paint us as a lunatic fringe of white supremacist racists (another of their memes). They loving pulling in hatred of jews or other groups. 5. Inciting violence or a call to arms to go down to the place and give them justice. They play off our natural outrage to try to create a record of us calling for violence, which will support their narrative when they have the false flag op and blame us for the violence, calling for outright censorship.

Those are the main themes I see, and this is how I have spotted them. The last item took off as an initiative for them yesterday, so I think a major false flag is imminent, especially with Hillary's comments yesterday. It is very coordinated.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. Look at my analysis above where he literally manufactured false evidence to implicate kingkongiswrong as a compromised moderator. Look at this post that he made, attacking our kingkongiswrong: If you look at the date when Reddit was banned, 11/22 @ 4 pm, you can see that LegionWill manufactured this false evidence with dates that are after Reddit banned pizzagate. He thinks we are stupid...or he is incredibly inept: He is not just a shill but a virus trying to infiltrate the moderation, spread false stories, shoot down legitimate threads, and knock new/concerning leads down off the front page by regurgitating and getting massive upvotes from his CTR brethren. We know we are onto something big for them to be investing so hard to stop us.

zlomsocz ago

on that note, my thread that got bombarded to the point of me deleting it, maybe had some relevence worth saving, i just suggested we look through Tony Podesta's friends group on FB to find business links., legionwill did not like what i found he hounded me for hours tothe point of shutting down the sub, now i regret that.

reasonedandinformed ago

Don't be bullied. I was in there covering your back. Today, I found a smoking gun that he was a CTR shill, and he went from 130 upvotes to being banned:

kingkongwaswrong ago

Look at this post that he made, attacking our kingkongiswrong:

God that image takes me back shudder

attacking our kingkongiswrong


DuffBeer4Me ago

Wow!! Good find.

We need a kingkongwaswrong appreciation thread. Even though I think he semi-retired or something... It's very clear he is legit.

kingkongwaswrong ago

:'D made me tear up

I'll still be floating around, checking in every now and then to make sure the sub never goes back to 'cesspool' status. <3

edit: though I really trust my mods

DuffBeer4Me ago

Trust takes time. Not completely trusting them is probably smart now, but will be better over time. We posters need to watch the mod logs more and flag issues with you.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks! Yes, kingkongwaswrong did us a huge service.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks! LegionWill is a real nasty shill...very active in his efforts. I reported him.

reasonedandinformed ago

WARNING: This guy is a proven shill. See: I exposed him yesterday as he was concern trolling in a legitimate post from someone who had started digging into the FB friends of Tony Podesta (see He goes from being concerned about speculation to wild speculation with massive headlines. Whenever he posts things, they rocket up quickly (a sign of CTR shilling). I then decided to dig into his history. Look at this post that he made, attacking our Mod: If you look at the date when Reddit was banned, 11/22 @ 4 pm, you can see that LegionWill manufactured this false evidence against our moderator kingkongiswrong, as the dates are after Reddit banned pizzagate. He thinks we are stupid...or he is incredibly inept:

Just compare his record to mine, and you will see he is doing all he can to try to derail us and infiltrate.

This shill from CTR takes us for fools. Disregard anything he posts and expose him as the CTR shill. Down vote, if you can, anything he has to say. He needs to be removed.

DuffBeer4Me ago

oh now we look like coordinated shills lol... posting at the same time

But guys, we have provided plenty of proof, look for yourself, and be aware of posters whose posts consistently rise quickly.

We_The_People ago

We need sources.

r3dtr1x ago


sixgorillion ago

This is pretty funny, but you forgot that autists don't get sarcasm.

We_The_People ago

The only one here acting like a shill is you with your accusatory remarks. We need to keep focused.

Lobotomy ago

1.5bn is completely unfounded, and probably disinfo.

waxdino ago

This is not sourced. There is a lot of speculation. Using old news.
This is how pizzagate gets called fake news and crazy.
And saying comet is the cetner of an operation is also probably faulty. An outlet? A party center? Maybe. I don't think it's the center. We really don't know. Keep digging and stop saying that an idea of a connection you can't back up is a SMOKING GUN!!!!1!

Free_Radical ago

And saying comet is the cetner of an operation is also probably faulty

True. It's what the MSM is trying to conjure. We apparently believe that Hillary is sitting there behind the kitchen - rubbing her hands and packing kids into easy-to-carry packages.

Unsourced shit is worthless. The OP is a dishonest player.

reasonedandinformed ago

Worse: A very active CTR agent. He is aggressive in this forum with disinfo and concern threading.

pgthrowaway ago

gun that is smoking?

We_The_People ago

I have been trying to figure out what these "cards" are. No luck so far.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I thought that was in reference to the card game pic, could some saudis be in that pic??

DarkMath ago

Why are you posting this again? You even quoted the original post: . Wtf. The whole idea here is to dig up dirt OUTSIDE of what's on the voat PizzaGate thread. Make sense? The only reason I can think that you did this is the "exchanging paper for money" bit which sounds to me like you're trying to turn this into some bizarre Gold Standard/Gold Bug story. Don't do that please. Stay on topic. ;-)

reasonedandinformed ago

Because he is one of the most active CTR shills. I posted proof within the comments in this thread.

redditsuckz ago

(((Mark Furstenberg))) owner of "Marvelous Market" which is now "Little Red Fox" beside Comet Ping Pong and his SISTER (((Carla Cohen))) was owner of "Politics and Prose" across the street.

Marvelous Market had the "spiral" on it before Little Red Fox owners bought it and changed it;

Master breadmaker (((Mark Furstenberg))) now content to change his tiny slice of the world

In Memory of (((Carla Cohen))) - Comments by (((Mark Furstenberg)))

(((Cohen))) name;

(((They))) have been at this longer than the Saudis have.

Warnos44 ago

Can you clarify with quotes from his original statement? I don't recall cards.

willnotbesilent ago

Someone asked: "What's something we should look for in the 33k emails (given that we'll have time to go through them)? Terms, certain words, money, etc?" He answered:

93265779 "cards" Scroll down to about the middle of page

Caratacus ago

Leaking super soaker?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

CT is another good example, of entire areas being monopolised, from what I have heard.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Ted Gunderson talked of Auctions.

Blacksmith21 ago

Just like in Taken.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

you have a point there. i have not even seen Taken... but I can infer the point.

Blacksmith21 ago

See Taken.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Nixon was named in the Australian cover up.

standalone ago

Check your sources and don't jump to conclusions that do not derive logically from your premises. The article you are linking to didn't provide it's source and is 80% false as debunked by one of the comments. AFAICT there is no known connection between Comet Ping Pong and the Saudi. Alefantis bought the shop for USD 1.8M (for which he had to take a mortgage) from a private owner when the business it hosted went out of business.

Please stop the nonsense. That's the kind of sensationalism and non-supported claims that make the investigation look like a hoax. Stick to the facts for god's sake!

reasonedandinformed ago

OP is a proven shill. My analysis is in this post.

pizzathrowaway ago

agreed we should label it debunked.

MeatballPizza ago

One posted said the TwitterGate revealed photos of white kids with prices to be sold to Arabs.

DystopianDaze ago

Where is your proof that Conneb II LLC is Saudi owned? Comet's building is not owned by them, btw, but by CHRISTOPHER ACHILLES LLC.

Also you quoted makes no sense. First they claim the US government has been trafficking children to SA since Nixon, but then they claim it is all Hillary's fault. And where is the source of Clinton having $1.5 billion in Dubai?

faissaloo ago

Flipping hell, isn't this exactly what FBIanon predicted?

peteczar ago

I can't think of much they can do other than pretty much take most major websites and search engines offline. And i dont know if that's even possible, or at least globally possible. But if they get super desperate, it might happen. Imagine no social media at all and no search engines. Only a handful of major companies and people control the whole lot. They could blame it on some sort of cyber terrorism. Basically an online version of what happened at Comet.. give them some time to "clean house" etc.

Black_Mirror ago

Please provide sources if your going to be making such big claims. Thank you.

Edit: Linking to a previous post of continuing debate is not good enough.

AllDancingCrap ago

Check the posts of Legionwill He/she/it follows a tabloid like pattern in all the posts. I suspect he is just adding noise to the sub and de-legitimize the research by turning it into noise.

reasonedandinformed ago

Worse: He is a deliberate and infectious CTR shill. When something legit is posted, he does not immediately jump on the speculation but downplays and explains it away, playing the cautious troll when we are onto something. He is very obvious if you have encountered him before or look at his history. I caught him red-handed trying to discredit our previous mod with a manufactured lie. Details of my exposure of him are in this thread.

spidersinwinter ago

I don't think any of us knew what we were thinking when we said we wanted enough pizza to kill us as kids.

What a sad state of affairs, this travesty.

If it's really the Saudis, and this isn't a propaganda run, then this is most certainly a global affair for sure.


mosesapostaticus ago

This fits with what FBI Anon told us all along. It's coming together.

r3dtr1x ago


Vorontsov ago

Source everything, drop the sensationalism and we should stop using the term smoking gun on this subverse so much, because a smoking gun is something that will bring them down crashing, this will not (yet). Since we are going mainstream we need to be absolutely bulletproof to be taken seriously by even the highest skeptic.

EDIT: I agree every time I hear the word smoking gun mentioned in a title or comment I prepare myself for more non smoking guns.

EDIT 2: OP is now suddenly gone forever

SoManyQuestions ago

"There is no smoking gun because it's fought with cloak and dagger."

I believe fbianon said something like that.

rangerkozak ago

Completely agree. We need to maintain the tone of "testimony":

What we think we know. Why we think we know it.

reasonedandinformed ago

LegionWill is a shill. Look at my other major comment in this thread which definitively exposes it.

Precipitate ago

Agreed. Also all the old news getting posted with BREAKING is annoying as hell.

IamCuriousGoat ago

Damn good Work Bravo, may the PizzaForce be with you LegionWillow.

Ignore the doubters, for we have the truth on our sides, stick with the flow. In two days Saudi will pull the plug on all Clinton accounts in Dubai, & Qatar. Then consider that team-clinton is out of bullets ( cash ).

All the patriots and militiamen in USA are watching.

The empire is straw, its feet are sand, its assets are fiat.

reasonedandinformed ago

Be wary of anyone talking call to arms or invoking the militia as they are planning a major false flag, with us to blame. If you see people inciting violence, please down vote it. This might have been a well-intentioned post by a good guy, but he just joined in the last 2 hours and CTR began a campaign to incite violence in our platforms in the last day or so.

DarkMath ago

Dude there's no EVIDENCE here. If we post conjecture we just dilute our message which is catching Pedophiles. Make sense? Can you please raise your standards to only accept posts with EVIDENCE? Thanks......

IamCuriousGoat ago

Let's see


No evidence that Andrew Kline owns besta-pizza, DOJ Human Trafficking

Then they say "No evidence that Saudi owns Pizza Blocks"

FBI anon told us in July 2016 that Saudi was getting children to FUCK for poltical favor ran through the CLINTON machine ( Pizza Blocks / PODESTA )

Evidence? You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.

DarkMath ago

The original post here was from a paid shill. It was outed earlier today:

Warnos44 ago

I disagree. Power is the key. I posted this a little bit ago but I guess it's too lengthy. It explains why the money isn't the only thing.

Schade ago

I've lost count of how many 'smoking guns' were up to now. Unless there is literally a smoking fire arm at a crime scene, please stop.

crazimal ago

We are sure that they want it all. Everything. Absolute power. That is why we suspect that they want things they should't have, even children to use as they please, because they want everything

momadona ago

I wonder if Alefantis ever received any money from the Saudis?

r3dtr1x ago


Innocent_Bystander ago

Your right, we're watching fucking 9/11 unfold in front of us again.. And yes this did come out before and yes Hillary speech is even more damming in this light. But what I want to see is something real happen in our favor over this. I fucking need need need something to happen.

Annon365 ago

This has already been posted why are you doing it again