blind_sypher ago

Truth is stranger then fiction.

chlrndrmz ago

Remember the quote, 'I am the lizard king, I can do anything'. Takes a whole new meaning now.

justanotherone ago

Blue eyes do look nice, that might be an explanation. Also blue eyes can't uncommon among white folk, especially if we define white as chiefly UK, French, German descent which is who the US typically has for presidents (not Italian for instance where they are rarer). Also I don't seem to recall blue eyed people being overwhelmingly represented in the photos of the main players in this so I don't think it's a thing.

justanotherone ago

Are you sure? I have not looked into this enough but after reading snopes on it, I don't believe it.

Shadybozza ago David icke just posted a video about this !

justanotherone ago

In a thread of another clearly creepy Pizza place in California (IIRC) this photo was posted, now granted you might have to zoom in, and I'm not saying it's conclusive... but does this girl have extraordinary Coloboma?

followthedolla ago

well fuck me sideways if she doesnt have goddamn star-shaped coloboma IN BOTH EYES?

DoughMallet ago

Ayin Hara

justanotherone ago

Most all US Presidents have Rh negative blood, it is only in 15% of the general population, it seems to be non-terrestrial (having no basis what is considered to be our monkey relatives), an Rh- mother won't successfully carry an Rh+ child without medical intervention, her body will attack it! It is highest in some more mysterious populations such as the Basque people. It is speculated that it is Alien or Neanderthal, but not of Homosapien origin. Most abductees are Rh-, it is also thought to come with being immune to cloning! Greater psychic powers, of course the satanic/illuminati bloodlines, they say the secret to their powers is in the blood. They believe they are essentially of extraterrestrial origin or from "underworldly" origin. A lot of cultures, maybe almost all (including unexpected ones such as the Aborigines) have a story of the Naga people, a snake people, this seems to connect to the Reptilian stuff, and these people came from either under the earth, or maybe it's like the djinn, they come from a different plane of existence, a lower density "density", and they offered humans god like powers if we would hybridize with them, does this remind anyone of a story from the bible? I think the Bible just has the G rating metaphorical version.

So maybe left-handedness, "left hand path?" and Rh- and misshapen pupils to look reptilian and perhaps psychopathy (it involves structural differences in the brain), pedophillia and even magical/spiritual adeptness go together?

Consider too that it is hard to explain how these people could be so incredibly evil, but if they are literally less human and possibly born physiologically psychopaths and born connected to a spiritual evil... Born into generational satanism...

These people are entierly foreign to us, they aren't actually brilliant but they are cunning and evil and have no shame, psychopaths love the danger, the risk!

Incidentally my sister is Rh- and we are sure she is a psychopath (took many years to see past her faking emotions for gain) despite being raised in a caring family, I can't find any evidence that psychopaths are more likely to be Rh- (and vice versa), but I bet they are.

TheCrazyChristian ago

does this remind anyone of a story from the bible?

Yes, what you are searching for are called the Nephilim (Genesis 6 + Numbers 13:33). A group of angels pro-created with human women, creating a hybrid race abomination called the Nephilim (aka - Giants). They are the primary reason for the "whole earth being filled with wickedness" and the reason for the Great Flood. It's easy to overlook in Gen 6:4 where it says they were "on the earth in those days - and also afterward". This is why the globalists/elite seem to be so infatuated with preserving a specific bloodline, believing that they are descendants of some special genetic line (because they are ...)

There is a lot more detail available in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, about the fall of "The Watchers" for those that are interested.

justanotherone ago

I was thinking Genesis also, the snake spoke to Eve, offered god like powers, cain was born... There is apparently a link between Canaanites and the Khazars. So when you consider this in the light of the Naga correlation, it makes perfect sense, the bible says snakes were cursed to crawl on their belly, indicating the snake that talked to Eve was a humanoid reptilian.

justanotherone ago

I think the case is that it "Looks" like it is Coloboma but in fact is just the Iris being darker and showing up in some photos as darker.

In some photos the line is there but MUCH diminished, in one or 2 it is mostly or entierly invisible. I believe that the criticism of the parents is disgusting, it happened with Jonbenet Ramsey, with lindsay chamberlain and with the McCann's.

I think the evidence in all cases points strongly away from the family, I believe that breakthroughs/evidence in the former cases have pretty much disproved the family is guilty, and I believe we now have evidence that the same is true of the McCann's.

I was driving early one morning and saw a squashed black kitten on the road, it would have been run over when it was dark, I reported it on the local FB tage for my town and people accused me of hitting it since I reported it, some people are just nasty and want to think the worst, I think the way people judge tells you more about them, they use their own character as a template of what to expect from others.

justanotherone ago

Most all US Presidents have Rh negative blood, it is only in 15% of the general population, it seems to be non-terrestrial (having no basis what is considered to be our monkey relatives), an Rh- mother won't successfully carry an Rh+ child without medical intervention, her body will attack it! It is highest in some more mysterious populations such as the Basque people. It is speculated that it is Alien or Neanderthal, but not of Homosapien origin. Most abductees are Rh-, it is also thought to come with being immune to cloning! Greater psychic powers, of course the satanic/illuminati bloodlines, they say the secret to their powers is in the blood. They believe they are essentially of extraterrestrial origin or from "underworldly" origin. A lot of cultures, maybe almost all (including unexpected ones such as the Aborigines) have a story of the Naga people, a snake people, this seems to connect to the Reptilian stuff, and these people came from either under the earth, or maybe it's like the djinn, they come from a different plane of existence, a lower density "density", and they offered humans god like powers if we would hybridize with them, does this remind anyone of a story from the bible? I think the Bible just has the G rating metaphorical version.

So maybe left-handedness, "left hand path?" and Rh- and misshapen pupils to look reptilian and perhaps psychopathy (it involves structural differences in the brain), pedophillia and even magical/spiritual adeptness go together?

Consider too that it is hard to explain how these people could be so incredibly evil, but if they are literally less human and possibly born physiologically psychopaths and born connected to a spiritual evil... Born into generational satanism...

These people are entierly foreign to us, they aren't actually brilliant but they are cunning and evil and have no shame, psychopaths love the danger, the risk!

Incidentally my sister is Rh- and we are sure she is a psychopath (took many years to see past her faking emotions for gain) despite being raised in a caring family, I can't find any evidence that psychopaths are more likely to be Rh- (and vice versa), but I bet they are.

Millennial_Falcon ago


like only 1% or 2% of children ever have it.

If 1 or 2% have it, then this could easily be coincidence. However, it is MUCH more rare than that. I have never seen someone with that defect in my life.

>estimates range from 0.5 to 2.2 cases per 10,000 births

That's .005 % to .022%

The blood transfusion thing doesn't make sense to me. Blood transfusions only need to have same blood type. More plausible could be for stem cell harvesting, or some other genetic reason.

srayzie ago

I'm going to look into it. I think outside the box. This world is so complex and we live in this little bubble being brainwashed by the elite, media, music, tv, video games, etc... They want us to be stupid so they can control the masses. So this kind of stuff doesn't seem outlandish to me

TheCrazyChristian ago

Exactly right! Things of the supernatural nature that involve the very-real spiritual realm have been made to appear as mere fantasy, science fiction, mythology, etc etc to keep our eyes from seeing the real truth. Once your eyes have been made open by the Lord... once you go down THE ultimate rabbit hole... once you take THE red pill (accepting the blood of Christ as atonement for our sins in this fallen world) you are able to see the esoteric deception that is hidden in plain sight and it all begins to make very real sense. So much so that any other explanation suddenly becomes "crazy"

srayzie ago

That's really interesting. I believe the percentage of pedophiles is far higher than only 1%. I had pervs always on me as a teenager. Family and friends of family. It's common

sheer-con ago

I told you guys...we need to investigate Theranos. WTF is the real purpose of Theranos? Why does it have Henry Kissinger, Military Generals, etc. on its board. Why did it get so much funding without ANY proof of its tech??

srayzie ago

I was just reading that. Just like there could be a cure for cancer...When you are rich and have connections you have access to breakthroughs is medicine that the average person doesn't have. Big Pharma makes more money off of us if we are sick. I was reading this interesting article about percentages of regular people who die of cancer vs leaders. I think cancer is the number 3 cause of death. But you don't see our leaders dying of cancer. It's messed up.

micha_ ago

Yeah, she's a good example, too.

micha_ ago

In the video you posted the mother restates the defect in Madeleine's eye!

So to summarize: You claim there was no defect on Madeleine's Iris, you try to suggest the topic was kind of a false theory, then you present absurdly lo res pics of Madeleine from a disgusting page that tries to make money from this poor child and now you even have the Chutzpah to link a video, where Medeleine's mother again says, that she has/had a colored spot on one of her eyes, and you claim she said otherwise...

CandyPanda ago

I was just watching the BBC One recreation of the abduction yesterday. Despite everything around it, what always bothered me was that they left their three kids alone, but only one was abducted. Just leaving three kids alone is bizarre enough. I could never help but think there was an organized hand-off that took place, but who knew what? I also found it suspicious that their doctor friend first got up and went to check on his kids. If you're so worried about your kids, why in the entire hell did you leave them alone in the first place? Just not normal behavior considering the distance they were away, too many contradictions in their behavior.

nnfx ago

This is the most disgusting design for a site in this context imaginable. Who the fuck would do this? I couldn't stand looking at it any longer than 20 seconds, but for what I could tell is, that all those pictures were so low resolution, that her eyes were rendered by four pixel each, thus it's impossible to say if a deffect is present or not.

srayzie ago

This is reptilian stuff. You can see videos on YouTube about this. It's supposed to be the superior race. I know it sounds crazy. Just saying

micha_ ago

Linking to photo albums? Are you serious? Show us verifiable pic of her eyes, where Coloboma is not present, then we can put this thesis to a rest.

srayzie ago

That is creepy! It's rare that I've never met anybody in my life that had this eye issue. I am tripping out

alphatango ago

Woa! Someone needs to create a new 'Eye of Soros' meme based on the Tolkien all seeing eye of Sauron.

truthvibe ago

lizard people eyes, shudder

klondike1412 ago

The scary part is it doesn't really seem so far off from that.... YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP

LolturdFerguson ago

Well, David Icke said they were all reptile aliens for years. And we laughed and laughed. I mean, I still laugh....but what if....

I read in some of my occult books that the 'serpent' has to use the blood of a tortured victim to regenerate. I am assuming I am grasping at metaphysical straws here though.

micha_ ago

I stilll laugh. But at you, if you can't differntiate between a FACT and a CLAIM. Fact is the anomaly is Madeleine's eye. Also in Soros' eye. That are the facts. The rest you wrote, is fact free. So it is something you believe in. So you are in a religious sphere. We are here to investigate and collect intersting facts. So you are harming Pizzagate, with your inability to separate your personal wishful thinking, your believe, from FACTS.

LolturdFerguson ago

I never said I believed anything...I just merely stated what I read in some old books in a comment thread discussion. I did not post an article or a link that said.."HEY GUYS! I'M ONTO SOMETHING HERE!". No, I merely stated an opinion, which is objectionable as well as steeped in my own perception of the matter at hand.

Throwing out a 'what if' isn't harmful to anything. It means you can break from the constraints of linear thinking for a moment.

Also, don't go around assuming that everything you perceive to 'know' is actually real. Science was just undiscovered magic thousands of years ago...we have no idea what our government is keeping from us in regards to technology and advancement.

micha_ ago

Aha, so because science makes mistakes all the time, we should throw out evidences and facts. What kind of weird "logic"!

LolturdFerguson ago

What? NO! I'm literally just saying entertain all thoughts without accepting them. Aristotle paraphrase there.

We cannot dismiss something because we deem it too 'fanciful' to be real...until of course it's proven otherwise, right?

micha_ ago

We cannot dismiss something because we deem it too 'fanciful' to be real

How it's proven? By FACTS, not ideas or thoughts.

micha_ ago

Soros' eye anomaly verified

Source: Archived:

ps: no matter how good a theory is, without verifiable source it is WORTHLESS - therefore ALWAYS include your source, otherwise we are only BELIEVERS not researchers

Pizzatemp420 ago

I have the same mark in my left iris. I've never seen anyone with it and now I see I share it with a kidnapped girl and a pedo billionaire. Idk how I feel about this today.

justanotherone ago

Stay safe, eat cake. Heavier people are harder to kidnap.

Pizzatemp420 ago

lol thanks. So are 35 year old men.

eiggaMAD ago

Both of these comments are gold.

srayzie ago

Does it run in your family?

Pizzatemp420 ago

My mom said she's never seen it on anyone else, but I've had it since birth. 30+ years and it's still here though. My dad didn't even know I still had it after I was no longer an infant until school pictures showed it pretty predominantly between 12 and 17. But to answer your question, no. I am the only person in any of my family through my great grandparents that has this. We believe it to simply be a birthmark, in the iris.

srayzie ago

That's interesting,

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Wear an eye patch or they might get you

micha_ ago


I wrote to the topic starter a PM, where I demand to give us the source of the Soros picture.


Without a verifiable source, things are worthless and only sucking up energy. And if someone intentionally hides the source, then nobody with knowledge about proefessional research can take that seriously, no matter how good the THESIS may be. So do yourself a favor and demand to know the source.

micha_ ago


srayzie ago

Micha You need to chill

micha_ ago

No pics with no defect! Shill?

Scoundrel ago

I definitely took the red pill. I love this community.

micha_ ago

This is very interesting, but without the source of the video/pics, it's wise not to trust ANY pics and even videos. This could be done by me in PS in two minutes.

justanotherone ago

What are you referring to? Madeleine McCann's eye and George Soros's eye seems to be undeniable. As for the 2 eyes from the video, you can check that the are in the video and if the are photoshopped or not (I think not) they are in the video. So what are you asking for the source of?

jenidaninja ago

DO what ever you have to do to keep alive. Cost or morals is not a problem.

Shadybozza ago

This all connects to David Ickes theory on reptilian pedophillia and blood sacrifices

bryoneill11 ago

Same thing I thought. I would love to hear from him about this. Also Moloch reference on the emails seems relevant to the Bohemian Grove thing

jenidaninja ago

Holy shit...eye harvesting? Poor baby. I want revenge.

Truthplease5 ago

maybe she was taken as an offering because she had a similar eye condition to him... maybe it is a weird blood sacrifice thing to find people with similar conditions as you.. almost as a weird breaking of the mirror and taking anothers energy to become the dominant

Gorillion ago

Yeah, can you expand on this? Don't just do a drive-by on stuff like this. We have shills and trolls to deal with.

Elliphantastic ago Coloboma of the iris AKA The Pupula Duplex AKA the evil eye... Well this will be nice bed time reading this hu?

Elliphantastic ago

...? Come again.

thatguyiam ago

Notice how they manipulate the picture these lying sacks of steaming manure

thatguyiam ago

Wtf is it with you twats coming on here not introducing yourselves and dumping 'new leads' expecting everybody to lap it all up as if you'd been here for a while? Don't u know that's how shills work by giving too many leads and fake? Some other voaters might mistake you for the shills! But not me ;)

What made you turn on your masters.

RedGreenAlliance ago


Just google COLOBOMA SATANISM... you won't believe it. COLOBOMA is the eye condition. We are onto something. What, I don't want to think. On iPhone so can't do much heading into a meeting please someone look into this further...

caliginosity ago

Associated with mutations in the PAX2 gene. 90% of children with Fetal Alcohol syndrome have it.

srayzie ago

If that were true, it would be a lot more common

followthedolla ago

he might have attempted to phrase it in a way that 90% of kids who have it also have fetal alcohol syndrome

Gorillion ago

That's a lot of "Reptilian" results. But the image gallery is a total headfuck. It does look very reptilian when it's an extreme case.

chlrndrmz ago

Something that should be noted is that these people believe they are descendants of Cain. They believe Adam's son was Abel but Cain's father is the serpent. They truly believe that. Maybe the DNA "defect" is a sign of similar bloodlines. See Furthermore, Genesis 6 describes how the sons of a god (Bene elohim) came into the daughters of men. Their children became the giants (Rephaim). This is essentially a repetition of the first story. After the great flood, it is believed that one of Noah's grandsons (Canaan) may have carried this genetic trait or he had knowledge of occult practices which could summon the fallen angels. These people feel entitled to govern humanity for a reason. They literally believe they are gods.

Elliphantastic ago

... Well wouldn't you believe it!

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

Just asking. Why would the parents want to cause confusion? This implies they were in on it. ?????

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

I'm a low level listener of Infowars which is why I'm here but the investigators on this site truly astound me at really thinking outside the square and looking at patterns, linkages, associations and connections to find the solution. You are highly highly intelligent but won't all of this info be monitored to those who can cover their tracks?

Kal ago

I believe they are already here posing as journalists asking for a rundown of all the information.

Gorillion ago

The weird thing is that pedos are really fucking narcissistic and cocky. It seems to be an inbuilt feature in their personalities to "brag" in some lateral way about what they're into. They have this great need for recognition and validation of their behavior and to be able to secretly wave it in people's faces where-ever they can't do it in the open.

Even if they hush one trail of inquiry up, they'll inevitably leave another one wide open. Because, surprise surprise, kiddyfuckers are broken brained attention whore retardo faggots, who are faggoty and retarded and have brains that don't work properly.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

Something with Cognitive Dissonance there. Also explains why they have need for political power or celebrity status which gives them the justifications to legitimize their terrorizing of children by their successful manipulation of adults.

What could you do if John Podesta or Clinton grabs your kid and gets in a car protected by the Secret Service,and gets on a plane never to be seen again?

What can they even do? Shut up and do their job, protect the VIP at all costs?

You go to the police? Say the former president took your kid? Get arrested or committed to psych prison. They call the SS while you in the pen. They instruct the police to keep you quiet and throw the book at you if you dont. Or you have an accident.

Mooncutter ago

It definately will. But this is the only option, and the main goal is to trigger an OFFICIAL investigation, where there is enough evidence/witnesses that cant be erased. But they are definately watching this thread. So if you find something super important you document all you can before you tell anyone.

Mooncutter ago

Hey man, when was this picture from?? She looks like a slightly older, more depressed McCann, very similar, but of course it's has to be someone else.

justanotherone ago

Check out lower down in this image for a comparison. The FBI guy said to look out for "Cards" in the emails.

drunk420 ago

Is Matt Drudge here with us? If you are, thank you

srayzie ago

What does this picture mean?

drunk420 ago

Look at the right eye of the little girl holding the orange and standing in the basket. I'm sick to my stomach. Edit: referring to his IG feed

srayzie ago

Can you share a picture?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Its the Reptilian blood guys. Hide yo wives hide yo children.

riggington ago

What about the card photo? How clearly can we see her eyes? Not enough I guess when people fight about zipties...

justanotherone ago

Here is a work up.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

This is just getting creepier and creepier. I can't handle this.

Shadybozza ago

David Rockefeller is 101 years old ! Young people's blood preserving life .. Is there a connection ?

ByTheBook ago

Revelation 17:6

Gorillion ago

Organs galorgans.

Rupert Murdoch looks extraordinarily chipper and energetic for his age too I noticed a while back. Black market organs was my bet. Even better if they can invitro some child and harvest them at a later date for closer genetic matching.

Toogi23 ago

This sounds like the plot line in The Island with Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor. I hope not.

micha_ ago

IMO Bernie Ecclestone, too.

Not organs, organ transplants are reducing health and are only for really ill people. Blood transfusions from young blood is the rejuvenating elixier:

Scientifically proven and mainstream knowledge.

mudcatca ago

What kind of red sauce is on those pizzas???

srayzie ago

Ofcourse he would also have the money and connections to medical breakthroughs that the general public doesn't know yet so that would make sense

LtSilverFox ago

Holy shit I'm backing this up and storing it at the bottom of the ocean so these pigs can't destroy it!!

Burlybro ago

In fact she (Mrs Mccann) became pregnant as a result of IVF when Madeline was Conceived. It would seem a shadow of a doubt exists about the actual paternity.

hunk_quark ago

Just discovered another wrinkle to this story. Convicted Pedophile Michael Quinn is an IVF geneticist and James Alefantis seems to have some connection to him.

MoonWalker68 ago

Wasn't it proven that this is not Michael Quinn?

"EDIT 2: Sorry guys, I was mistaken - the guy in the middle is not Alefantis but his close friend Christopher Lynch, owner of L'enfant Cafe."

Still, it might be interesting that this man is a paedophile + an IVF geneticist?

eyeofeve ago

Your comment interested me so I surfed a bit for some more info and read this page Here and on reading the second comment down the bottom (which claimed a John Lowe was the natural father), I did a web search on "Birmingham Priory Lab John Lowe" and found police files on Madeleines dna .


  • None of the samples received by this institute were designated as relating to the missing child, so an answer to your question cannot be provided.

  • Samples were investigated - hairs and cloth, and DNA profiles were obtained in only four cases and when compared with the DNA of Gerald and Kate McCann it was found that they cannot be related to the child. Is it just me or did it just say NEITHER parent was related to the child ? Also further down on the same page,a letter from the aforementioned John Lowe to the police Here.Please read the whole letter (actually the whole webpage might be important) but when I read (in relation to a dna swab)

The individual components in Madeline's profile are not unique to her, it is the specific combination of 19 components that makes her profile unique above all others. Elements of Madeline's profile are also present within the the profiles of many of the scientists here in Birmingham, myself included. it's important to stress that 50% of Madeline's profile will be shared with each parent. It is not possible in a mixture of more than two people, to determine or evaluate which specific DNA components pair with each other. Namely, we cannot separate the components out into 3 individual DNA profiles.

It made me think what if Madeline's mother gave no egg (DNA) to the in vitro process but was merely a carrier of the baby so some other woman (in the elite if what this thread is suggesting is true) supplied her elite DNA to the process so Madeline was literally bred to be their future improved generations. Also even if the egg was her mothers,there could still have been CRISPR=type technology used used in the process.Could there even be DNA of more than two people involved ? My mind boggles. I'm too tired really to know what I'm looking at but thought I'd put it up here in case anyone else sees anything in it.

PS: going out on a lack of sleep Other Thought here ; wasn't HRC supposed to be some grand grand something in the order ? What if Soros is the grand grand head honcho in the satanist side of things and they used her DNA ? Ugh.I only thought it because of that australian victim who said she was forced to watch her best friend be sacrificed who had been the grand something or other and once the ritual was over ,they made her the grand something instead in another ritual ( she had to drink friends blood I think).Too far fetched I know....I'll go to bed now!

Ok, so I haven't saved these links,and can't now if someone thinks it's important please archive for me thanks.

EDIT to add ; nowhere did John Lowe say he was the father as far as I can see.

anonagent ago

CRISPR is pretty new tech, it only came out in the last couple years.

Melitica ago

The responses say that the samples are from people who are not the missing child and that the samples are not from children of the parents. I.e. DNA that was collected from scene is not from Madeline, her parents or any of Madelines siblings (she had younger twin siblings in the room asleep at time of disappearance). Madeline and family DNA would be expected so they had to rule them out by comparison. That makes the samples "evidence" of other persons in area...potentially suspects.

Separately to the above 4 samples, Testing of a reference sample (like hair or clothing from items known to be Madelines) indicates that there is a 99.98% chance that Madeline is the child of the McCann in, there is no question that she is the child of both parents - together.

eyeofeve ago

Cheers. :) I had a good nights sleep and can see that now. Lesson learned.....walk away and take breaks. I still think the breeding a superior "family" (and maintaining ones own genes) an outside but possibly relevant angle though from an endgame big picture point of view. It's all got to be leading up to some particular ideal for the future (near future I am sure going by the amount of efforts by so many players to get HRC elected.).Witnesses have said they use "breeders" to birth some of the victims, ( I have this awful goldfish in a bowl vision of these poor children,never even having seen a normal life/world and this sordidness being their only reality),But possibly the end game is,apart from controlling the world with the 500,000,000 proposed population (slaves) level, focused on developing their own genetic superiority and longevity.Three weeks ago I would have laughed if someone said that to me, but sitting on the outside looking in,it seems like the only possible goal. So many potential children/people to be saved by the pizzagate investigation.The ones currently suffering and those of the alternative future if pizzagate fails to awaken the world.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

What if it's Soros's daughter omg...

srayzie ago

I know!

micha_ ago

Do you really believe, Soros would let his child during the most important years for subconsciousness by foreign parents? Please use some rationale and logic and let not feelings steer you like being an animal!

SaveTheChildren ago

Soros sold his family to the Nazis. I don't think he would think twice about using his own genes to create a human he can use to help himself. I don't think the fact it could be his genetic daughter would change anything.

micha_ ago

Believing does not bring us any further, facts do.

SaveTheChildren ago

You're the one assuming he wouldn't do such a thing. I'm saying it's well within the realm of possibilities.

Stating Soros wouldn't let his child do X is nonsense and nonfactual and doesn't use rational thinking / logic.

micha_ ago

As a normal person I have understood your post that way, that Madeleine was seen as normal child by him (or anyone else, who bought for her birth). Then he, like all intelligent parents would make sure, that she was brought up in the very important first years under his influence and control, not by foreigners. So the "child"-thing does not make sense.

But there is one logical explanation (althoug incredibly sick), I can think of: If Madeleine she was given birth and brought up only to become a donor of blood or organs! Yes, then it would make sense, if they wait for a certain age. OMG this is so sick and beyond anything one can imagine. But the facts are the facts. And fact is, that Soros has a very similar eye anomaly. Fact is, that in the Apes video, from the band in Comet Ping Pong, they have at least one image of an eye with Coloboma. And all the other facts strongly indicating torwards human trafficking for nefarious reasons.

PIcasso54 ago

This is like the plot to Kill Bill.

r3dtr1x ago

Is this called Coloboma? Interesting.

BB-3 ago

There's a clinical trial on uveal coloboma ending this month.

Yates ago

Yes. This was floated as a theory for her disappearance very early on. I can't remember the details but there are medical and occult reasons. There's a FB group dedicated to the case, might try asking there.

r3dtr1x ago

Coloboma.. trying to figure out a Hebrew translation... Caleb of Heaven? I don't know. Col appears to mean Caleb. Boma appears to mean heaven.

Anoeu ago

Crazy Stuff n1 work stay strong

Ample4th ago

And the subterfuge continues to discredit real research.

NonexistentNihilist ago

Wew lad

Flaaffy ago

The post was deleted. I missed it. What did he say?

IntheLordweTrust ago


justanotherone ago

There are 2 though. But with Soros and Rockefeller having a similar oddity, I'm thinking this is a thing. What kind of thing I don't know, but it means something to them.

Elliphantastic ago

Ok, so I remember the UK press actually making a big deal out her eye flaw. It was mentioned as a feature that could not only help find and identify her but also it was mentioned a fair bit that it most likely what the kidnappers found most desirable about her. So it would seem the media is/was aware of that fact, something most had never considered. Seems a big deal indeed!

Millennial_Falcon ago

@LegionWill (please correct the info below)

Hijacking to point out the condition is literally 200X more rare than 1-2%.

If 1 or 2% have it, then this could easily be coincidence. However, it is MUCH more rare than that. This is an extremely unlikely coincidence (although we must acknowledge there's still a possibility it's a coincidence).

>estimates range from 0.5 to 2.2 cases per 10,000 births

That's .005% to .022%

The blood transfusion thing doesn't make sense to me. Blood transfusions only need to have same blood type. More plausible could be for stem cell harvesting, or some other genetic reason. Maybe Soros and McCann are related?

eiggaMAD ago

There was something about Maddie being an in vitro baby and the father was marked as "unknown male", her father claims its him but is was never definitely proven.

blind_sypher ago

Most likely stem cells. He said follow big pharma as well. They got TWENTY or so stemcell research programs going on right now in the international space station. The elite are obsessed with the tech, pushing for this sort of genetic advantage with all their strength is going to give them an edge over us that is diabolically strong. Why the hell wouldnt they? Its the most valuable thing you can possess.

aquarian ago

Here is another from Apes vid.

justanotherone ago

Check out David Rockefeller's eyes! Blue iris on the outside, Brown on the inside.


so Ziggy really WAS from Mars?

Mooka_Molaka ago

iirc, there is a condition where a bluish/greyish ring forms around the outside edge of the iris and is caused by long term high cholesterol/triglycerides, usually that hasn't been controlled or managed by any treatment or medication for a long time.

Morgan Freeman has it a bit, but you have to be pretty close to see it. I think I remember James Earl Jones has a bit of it too.

OT; this just gets more and more creepy.

Melitica ago

I have a distinct ring around the outside of my iris but it is not indicative of anything does my mom.

Apparently the patterns of iris can identify a lot of health problems but I seriously don't recommend staring ar your own eyes in a mirror. It can freak you out.

anonagent ago

He's not talking about limbal rings.

darkofthemoon ago

If the Satanic cult thing is relevant here, I think it's possible that they consider the keyhole eye the mark of Cain and want Madeleine to give birth to the Antichrist or something. That could be one explanation for why Podesta would have kept her up to the photograph where she is playing cards with the others. Some anon also found in a CNN election night coverage the same girl in a crowd right next to Podesta.

Also, I'm sure that I saw a Unilever (the company with a worldwide girl lover symbol ice cream band and some very suspicious ice cream advertisements) advertisement with a closeup of a little girl who looked a lot like Madeleine, only the mark in her right eye was rotated. It could be worthwhile digging up that advertisement. I think it might have been a banner at the top of a web page.

andrevandelft ago

You refer to the girl in the "Action shot" photo mailed by Megan Rouse to her father John Podesta:

That is Maribel, Megan's daughter. On her birthday in 2015, photographs of her early youth decorated her bedroom door:

Here are photos of Maribel on this year's birthday:

Looks normal & happy to me.

Baluga ago

That girl in that Podesta pic is NOT McCain. People said it was but they didn't look closely enough to see that it couldn't be her.

darkofthemoon ago

Are you sure? I've seen the comparisons and it looks pretty close to me. Do remember that the drawings of what Madeleine would look like when older are not actually photographs. The girl in the Podesta pic hasn't been photographed close enough to show details of her eyes. The lighting is different, her face is shot from a slight angle, and she isn't smiling. She also isn't exactly the same age as in the drawings and looks thinner than expected.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Can you show me that picture?

darkofthemoon ago

Both pictures I mentioned were on 8chan. I stupidly didn't save them, but archives of those threads exist. I had been thinking that maybe I should wade through them to find those pictures again, even if small, but I hadn't gotten around to it.

IntheLordweTrust ago

A picture of her next to Podesta on election night (or any other occasion) would be very helpful. I am not convinced of her relevance yet, but her in multiple pictures would be helpful. This in conjunction with eliminating alternative theories of her identity. Any articles about her being his XYZ (niece, etc.)

justanotherone ago

Holy shit! Sorry for the swearing but I was checking out this video which is by Majestic Ape (Amanda Kleinman), and some disturbing images flash before the main thing stats, it shows 2 different eyes with this kind of anomaly!

darkofthemoon ago

Interesting! The eye thing is definitely important to them for some reason.

Wahaha ago

Nothing is too crazy after you saw the lizard people. I'm pretty close to consider that magic exists.

TheCrazyChristian ago

Nothing is too crazy after you saw the lizard people.

"Lizard people" or the "reptilian race", annunaki, aliens, etc are all simply demons (fallen angels) manifesting themselves (or rather being summoned by subjects willingly offering themselves as vessels to the unclean spirit[s]). There are physical, tangible signs that are more noticeable in certain circumstances.

I'm pretty close to consider that magic exists.

It does, actually. Although the power is not your own, merely an illusion that it is within your control. It is temporarily granted from a demonic spirit (whom has been allowed to retain, to at least some degree, their former supernatural powers from when they were originally angels before choosing to fall with Lucifer). This is why you often see the same "parlor tricks," being done, such as levitation. Angels are not bound by the same laws we are, including time, our understanding of physics, matter, etc.

srayzie ago

Yeah because if they believe in Satan then they have to believe in God. Satan is a falling angel. If we can have power thru God than we can from the devil and demons. If it weren't real then it wouldn't be in The Holy Bible warning people to stay away from it. So, I think people can have magic. But, it's not worth selling your soul for in my opinion. Just like people having the ability to put a curse on someone. Probably real.

I wouldn't do this these days. I'm out of all of that. But, I used to be a paranormal Investigator. There are spirits and then there are demons. The demons are what puts someone at risk because you open the door to allow them in. I seen stuff and won't ever do that again. No Ouija boards either. Anyway, sorry for the long description. My point is that I too believe in magic but that it's power from demons. Which, I think these sick sadistic ritual loving pedophiles are. They are demonic. How else can a human being have no compassion or empathy and just thrive on power? Sounds like Satan to me. Oh and if angels walk amongst us like The Bible says, then so do demons.

TheCrazyChristian ago

Indeed they are real. In addition so are all of these: Magick, sorcery, curses, hexes, divination, mediums, spiritists, enchantment (physical objects), witchcraft, summoning's, to name a few. This is why the Old Testament is filled with tons of examples of these being practiced by wicked nations and people (BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL REAL!!) and why God explicitly warns to stay away from them (knowing what they ultimately lead to) There is nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself because it is influenced by the same demonic forces that are present now, that were back in the days of Babylon and well before that. There are always people that are willing to trade the fate of their eternal soul for getting their wishes of greed, lust, power filled temporarily in this life.

srayzie ago

We are seeing what is described in the book of Revelations! We're witnessing the end times.

micha_ ago

You shall only claim, what you can prove! SO PLEASE STOP THAT BS AND DEMAND HARD FACTS! You ppl are harming the effort to uncover such things!!!

LargePepperoni ago

LOL. It's funny because it's actually plausible. What a crazy world we live in.

NewFormerFirst ago

"We know what you want"

micha_ ago

You are correct, that's not a fake photo: Homepage: Archive:

btw: someone must have been on that already three days ago, because the page was already archived.

micha_ ago

NO! Nooo way!

TheCrazyChristian ago

"Truth is indeed stranger than fiction"

Gorillion ago

"We write fiction to protect ourselves from the truth"