Eph513 ago

a) the efits could be of the people who commissioned the snatch and were complied, as insurance, by the ones who were hired to do the snatch. b) The edits could have been made by underworld figures, who know previous activities of the efit characters in that space, and used as blackmail or to extort money. c) same as b) however opportunistic underworld figures carried out a snatch knowing those in the efit were holidaying in that area and it was the perfect blackmail/extortion opportunity..

The_Kuru ago

Bottom line, if the Podestas were there at the time, those sketches were created by looking at pictures of the two, not off someone's recollection. If the Podesta were there, they did the crime or were framed and the girl was taken for the purpose of framing them.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Exactly. That could have been their indoctrination into the 'agenda'. Like the pic of Huma and Hillary having sex with a 12 year old girl that the NYPD has. And now Congress and the FBI. Tick tock...

derram ago

https://archive.is/N3VAb :

FBI hunts for investigator paid £500,000 by McCanns - Crime - UK - The Independent

This has been an automated message.

srayzie ago

It's especially cruel to screw over parents searching for their missing child.

Don-Keyhote ago

Why do you say swindled? The mccanns are involved in some way, I thought there was general agreement on that.

The efits are absurdly detailed, supposedly has marks from wearing glasses though he evidently wasn't wearing them when spotted. Most likely some bitter associate fucking with the Podestas after one of em failed to pass the pussy on the left hand side

UglyTruth ago

The BBC painted the McCann's as being involved without evidence. http://forum.clonehost.net/post/342

Tony Podesta is involved in ET disclosure, perhaps they decided that he had to be discredited?

Don-Keyhote ago

The evidence is in McCann's completely retarded story of a guy walking in the door and climbing out the window LOL. And the bloodhounds

UglyTruth ago

How is that retarded? Leaving via the window could have been to avoid being seen by people who knew who Madeleine was.

The BBC is already implicated in attempting to set up the McCann's, it's absurd to thing that they were acting independently.

Don-Keyhote ago

Climbing out a window carrying a sleeping child? Yea I still think that's a retarded if not impossible suggestion. If you can cast doubt on cadaver dogs I'd be more likely to believe she ever left alive. I don't know how reliable they are.

UglyTruth ago

What's your source for the story that Madeleine was carried out the window?

d0gpants ago

according to wikipedia, its 2 seperate efits of a single man (i assume for one from each witness): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Madeleine_McCann#Oakley_International

UglyTruth ago

The pictures are clearly of two different men, but the police had to force-fit them into the storyline which only had a single man at that time.

d0gpants ago

Well all I can find is the witnesses attesting to a single person, do you have evidence there were multiple suspects?

UglyTruth ago

Taxi driver Antonio Castela says he picked up three men, a woman and a girl about 24 hours after Madeleine vanished.

Don-Keyhote ago

Bruh the official story as of now is that Scotland yard "knows" it was three Portuguese burglars but somehow can't extradite them or something. Yes there have been accounts of multiple assailants but I don't care if 20 people say they saw the birthmark on Podesta's shriveled dick, two hugely rich powerful men don't need to risk physically kidnapping, they got her some other way if they were in fact even at freuds house, still unconfirmed. That's the real evidence is a known MP pedo related to Rupert Murdoch lives right there, but he'sgot a confirmed alibi

d0gpants ago

Yeah definitely would be odd if they were out there snatching kids given their power and influence. Interesting that they were in the area though.

SeanBox ago

Good find. Seems relevant.


It's necessary to have questions about the efits, but, even if they are not legitimate (i.e., they do not derive from an eyewitness source or sources), there was clearly a deliberate attempt to implicate the Podesta brothers. What motive could there be for this, if the Podestas were not involved? It's totally baffling.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Maybe because they stayed in a pedophiles house only 1/3 mile away from where Madeline was taken?

MAGABoomer ago

I know right? And back in 2008 when no one even suspected them..and why are they being supported at this time from Portugal?