fogdryer ago

Amen Countries like India send the kids out for resources. " don't come back empty handed". Those parents are guilty Haiti are those folks so naive they believe their kids will be safe in those orphanages Their gov is at fault for not forcing birth control

Otherwise spoken : no it's not the parents!

fogdryer ago

Amen brother

fogdryer ago

"Hiding" it is what you call politicaly correct The public isn't ready to know. Lmao !

DarkMath ago

Hi There! Looks like you done got caught LegionWill. How do you sleep at night knowing you're protecting Pedophiles with all your shillary?

MAGABoomer ago

We're there already. Something has to change. Truth in Media or massive heavy fines. That's all. Fairness Doctrine:

Hillary stating that "THEY" were losing the propaganda war to Alt news

Media has no obligation to tell the truth:

During their appeal, FOX asserted that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right to do so.

Sir_Chancealot ago

Below is a link to two documents. The first document was put together by The_Almighty_Kek, and the second one by me. The first is in .pdf, the second in .rtf.

FBIAnon did 7 interviews (that I know of) over about 4 1/2 months. The first doc has all the Q&A done on 4chan. The second doc are two postings from people claiming to be "Red Team Planners" for the government, and is about what happens in a civil war in the USA.

FBIAnon said (paraphrased) that if all the information came out, foreign governments would declare war on us, and we would go into a civil war immediately. (They think).

Why do you think they prevented wikileaks (and everyone else) from spilling the beans on what is really going on? My personal opinion is that the good guys picked up Assange to prevent him from leaking stuff that would cause wars.

With that having been said, I do not agree with what they are doing. Those pedophiles infest not only congress, but the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA. (Word on a couple of tinfoil hat sites was that on election night, the military told certain people in the CIA that if they didn't stop messing with the votes, the military was going to order missile strikes on Langley.)

I think these pedophiles in government need to hang in front of the Whitehouse on poles. I hope Trump realizes he can either do it now, or when the people go to do it, they won't differentiate between good guys and bad guys in the government. It will be the French Revolution all over again.

Remember, FBIAnon (assuming he is real) said the minute people found out, they would immediately revolt.

Read and draw your own conclusions.


Red Team Planner!mspAzSpZ!LraJDYVt7S9t3j0ZQcxwQ66wU6GeOWPOqHscYqpOFec

rp5x5 ago

Don't give devils and demons power by cowering and feeding them. They will cower, it's in their nature. This tale is an ancient one.

FindingTruth ago

Great post and looking forward to taking these guys down. What I would like to know more about, and investigative journalist David Seaman called them out on this, is the NSA and their connection. I can't imagine they don't know. I'd almost bet that they are operating the puppets.

Stoptherot ago

The FBI are in on it thats why they are not arresting anyone.

Artoo ago

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that Pizzagate is a huge distraction for the crimes of the Clinton Foundation and once they put it in people's minds that pizzagate is a 'fake story' then public interest in prosecuting or investigating the Clinton Foundation and Hillary will drop off. They basically threw Jimmy under the bus. Hopefully once President Trump is inaugurated he will keep his word and appoint a special prosecutor even though he has said he will not.

TheAwakening ago

That's how the world would feel about "Americans"

This is happening to American children as well in other countries, we don't hate Australia or all of Britain. The time people open their eyes and see this is happening they will know to come together globally. Give humans more credit, we innately want to protect our own species. If we start pushing everyone will hate Americans, then we should just say everyone will hate everyone since it is happening in (as it seems) the majority of the world.

ThePedoHunter ago

Yep....x2....FBIAnon full.of shit

Don-Keyhote ago

The dollar will still have value as a world reserve currency as long as there's faith in the u.s. ability to continue producing wealth. And oil sales of course. But they could theoretically borrow off that faith forever

Long_Knife ago

FBIanon was LARPing bullshit. He says a bunch of cryptic shit, a lot of which was wrong, gets everyone worked up and disappears.

Mooncutter ago

FBI is not facing the federal government in this case. That's a blatant lie. FBI part of a very aggressive coverup strategy. I believe Erik Prince (founder of blackwater, see Breitbart onterview) more than I believe some anonymous troll on the internet.

joey4track ago

I mean, the karmic implications of saving so many lives would surely help to rebuild and pick up the pieces, right?

oresd ago

That is not what this supposed anon agent is saying. Nobody says entire gov is run by satanic pedos.

A reasonable reader would determine there is a body of people that, if exposed, would cause enormous outrage. I doubt that bit, but I sure would love to know if any of this is real or a chain jerk.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Lots of reasons. First and foremost, tradition.

Many who commit these acts had similar acts committed upon themselves, or had this type of behavior normalized early on in life.

Also entertainment and a feeling of power for those who have wealth beyond measure and normal stuff no longer excites them.

speckledcat ago

Take them down one by one or all at once. What is worst is to sit and know and do nothing. Let us go to war if that is fallout (though I be disgusted if so). But cleanse out the corruption that is killing the system and its youth.

If "freedom" was good enough to go to war for, how about the freedom from molestation?

I am sure that the world will be better off and some kinda of diplomatic negotiation could be worked out. And if the west was to fall off as an imperial power or be lowered a bit - is that a bad thing?

And to be fair Canada is the same - John Baird was forced to resign. Why? He was blackmailed for his blackberry. What was on it? Him diddling a Palestinian boy according to Anon.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I'd upvote this 10 times if I could.

Reading the OP makes it sound like we're helpless and why the hell bother? So in January it's supposed to be easier for them to make arrests? Arrests of whom? The garden variety pedo we hear about all the time...not the leaders of the government.

They want us to feel helpless and continue the cycle of complacency. That's what the so call FBI Anon is saying basically. Screw that.

fogdryer ago

New hampshere alderman has been arrested His brother works in Washington DC Google it

MolochHunter ago

No, man think about it. Obama and the DOJ will quash any charges bought against the Cult. The fucked up structural thing about the FBI - they cant bring charges - they bring evidence to the DOJ who make charges. And if the DOJ is full of the cult? To what end the FBI shooting their wad. Trump needs to be in office, then the FBI can act - and even then the FBI has its own internal civil war with Cult members. This is a profoundly dangerous time to be a decent FBI agent - please lend them your patience and understanding - BUT - also appreciate they need the public to make a LOT of noise about this - only that will give them the cover to lay such heinous charges on high ranking people.

SpikyAube ago

But it isn't just in the US. It appears that this is happening all over the world - when we think of child trafficking we think of it happening in developing nations, and organised by people who live in those nations, and we presume that some sick people in the developed countries may take part in it, but never imagine it's the governments. But it is the governments, and the people at the top in business and banking. It looks like the developed world is the epitome of evil, literally abducting and raping the children of developing countries, monopolising their natural resources, and bombing them into oblivion if they do anything that makes things more difficult, more expensive, etc for the rich and powerful.

And we, all of us, we keep these monsters going, we work, we give them our time and energy, we give them our taxes, some of us even give them our sanity or our lives, and all of it is just in support of THIS?!! Fuck I am so unbelievably full of rage. I feel like to defeat them we need enough of us to just stop playing their game. Stop working, stop paying taxes, stop believing in their money, stop agreeing to be part of their system of power in the police or in the military. That is why it is SO important that as many people as possible find out what is really going on, what kind of evil our lives are really in service to.

AgV35 ago

let the world know and right itself.

standalone ago

And next day they would throw in jail everyone who downloaded the leaked video for possession of chid porn.

speckledcat ago

not if they got broadcast world wide and then rebroadcast. Then to the intertubes so that any time one of these jokers says anythign they can put a picture of him up with a child.

standalone ago

They already made it law while you were not paying attention. Check bill HR 6393.

UtherPendragan ago

Let justice be done though the heavens may fall. This "to big to fail" idea is protecting the most vile and evil people in the world.

UglyTruth ago

It's not the public's fault that politicians lie to us and do evil shit.

It's the fault of voters and taxpayers for endorsing it and enabling it. Politicians could not exist without them.

Don-Keyhote ago

Actually those who support the obviously corrupt and evil Hillary are the only example I can see of that. Some politicians are genuinely good people.

Budd Dwyer shot himself on live television over a few bucks.

UglyTruth ago

Being good doesn't mean that you are unable to make mistakes. Those mistakes can can cost other people their lives.

2impendingdoom ago

the voters and taxpayers need the media to provide the truth about candidates or the elections are fraud.

UglyTruth ago

No, that's only passing the buck. They don't hide the fact that the corporate media cat act as state whores.

r3dtr1x ago

Lol you want transparency from the media? Good luck!

mergen ago

FBI anon is probably dead for leaking this in 4chan. (this was back in July)

An FBI agent was killed in a Tesla AUTOPILOT crash recently. (Dont trust Tesla/Elon Musk , they recieve Soros Money)

FBI anon mentioned that if they blab right away, USA will get multiple declarations of war . Being complicit with it is treason.

It's complicated since Pizzagate is not just US affairs, it's global.

The best thing citizens could do is arm up and spread the word.

DuffBeer4Me ago

Hi, I'm LegionWill I contribute posts with absolutely NO SOURCES, yet somehow manage to shoot my way on the "hot" page with hundreds of upvoats. I rehash old news, reframe other people hard work to suit myself, and my posts are full of speculation. And I like to hold down THE CAPS KEY because it's FUN... Please UPVOAT me!

Echo_of_Savages ago

Iirc this was posted back in July too.

FBI have been posting a lot of stuff about child abuse on their twitter

peerrails ago

Oh come on, this is bullshit about riots and civil war to keep him safe from his coworkers/bosses. There were a lot of bullshit and he even wrote that this to keep him alive and deny everything at the office. Maybe this will collapse democrats or some higher ups, but I dont think so epic. But investigators need to dig deeper about Clinton Foundation.

party1981 ago

I pretty much agree with all of this, and I have been talking about FBIanon for a long time. I read him BEFORE the Oct. 30 announcement of the massive FBI investigation into the CF.

One minor correction/detail: when FBIanon explained why foreign governments would go to war with us, he said that the SAP documents on her server reveal top secret intelligence programs in other countries. In other words, they reveal all of the fucked up shit that the CIA does in other countries to change elections, put up puppet dictators, etc. He repeatedly insinuated that the USA is behind some of the chaos in Venezuala and other countries. These could be things like spies and assassinations, deep inside foreign governments.

We did not hear about video evidence of sex crimes until after Weiner's laptop was taken, which is after the July 2 FBIanon talks. My guess is that the FBI did not have concrete evidence of that until Weiner's laptop was taken. I wouldn't be surprised if the laptop actually contained blackmail images/photos involving people like Doug Band, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton etc. There were so many rumors that the NYPD saw stuff like that AFTER the laptop was retrieved (see my thread on VALIDATION - big names lend credibility to #pizzagate). I'm guessing that, prior to the laptop being stolen, they just had massive evidence of child trafficking and treason.

Note: it would not be surprising if Huma's laptop contained a big blackmail folder. She seems to be an agent of Saudi Arabia and/or the Muslim Brotherhood. It looks like she also seduced Hillary Clinton at some point. It is absolutely bizarre for someone who spent most of their life in Saudi Arabia to become the best friend of the Secretary of State after two years in a U.S. college. When Weiner's laptop was first taken, the rumor on the web (I read) was that there was a video of Huma and Hillary having sex with an underage child. This was BEFORE all of the #pizzagate stuff broke out and trended. I thought it was totally crazy and fabricated, now I think it is possible.

DuffBeer4Me ago

Source, or shut up.

We_The_People ago

So if the US is giving thousands of children to the Saudis, where are the US getting the children from? Haiti? Or are they kids from the US? Adoption centers? China?

mergen ago

Pizzagate is global. Where the Clinton Foundation and the USAID have their hands on, there is trafficking.

They REALLY REALLY love it if catastrophes happen. ( Superstorm Haiyan, Haiti Earthquake, Civil Wars...) Since they could easily kidnap people without any one batting an eye.

From My country, there's this:

From the Philippines, girls are delivered to prison-like brothels in the North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East

Took that from wikipedia but it seems like the wiki page was scrubbed off... Last edited: Dec7.

Some details are missing..

2impendingdoom ago

the foster care system.

technetium82 ago

I hope im wrong, but personally I think the FBIAnon is bullshit. Kids are getting raped and murdered in their thousands by the sounds of it and if the FBI arent going come out as a group to say this is real and this is actually going on, then there is no hope. God isnt going to protect them for those that believe, he would never have allowed it. The public aren't going to do anything, few care, few care enough to protest, few believe...Everyone looking into this is doing an amazing job but what is actually going happen?

Some people think Trump is the saviour, if you think about this logically, how deep this goes, how virtually anybody with any power in USA is involved in this, you have got to be pretty naive to think he doesn't know about it and will do anything about it. How many times has a new president or primeinister in my own country, the UK gotten to power and then done absolutely nothing they promised? He is already backtracking on things, I know people want to believe he will be different, I want it too, I wanted Trump to win but looking into this its so deep I cant see anything will change.

As im writing this another news story now breaking in the UK that over 300 police officers have been involved in sexually abusing members of the public. Its just relentless.

I feel the only way this is going to stop is through mass protest and uprising, I just don't think the Western World have it in us.

peteczar ago

Fear of conflict after they are exposed does not bother me one bit. Ordinary decent Americans are welcome in other countries if the shit hits th fan when the elite are left hiding like cowards in their tunnels and bunkers.

MAGABoomer ago

Please don't think for a second the FBI isn't ass deep in this..they are. There are good people in all departments, but the leadership of the FBI has historically been corrupt..hell one liked to wear dresses and women's underwear and at the same time he launched investigations into the private lives of anyone he felt like, and..McCarthism/blacklisting...pfft they're all corrupt.

We_The_People ago

I was feeling happier with all the breakthroughs with Comet and Hawaii.. Now I am crashing back to reality. Ready to puke my guts out. Thanks OP for reminding us why we are here. Our job is far from over.

2impendingdoom ago

my own life has been ruined by corruption (not pedo) so what you've said here needs to be its own post.

juhos ago

That's how the world would feel about "Americans" -- country that sells children into rape rings.

Well I have to disagree. I'm not american, many of us pizza-investigators aren't. We don't give a fuck which country's citizens they are. They don't have nationality, they are globalists. We all just want the truth and justice.

fogdryer ago

Justice is sooo rare

PraetorianPizza ago

Excuuuuuse me but didn't you get the memo?

Pizzagate is supposed to be only about the poor cute little white baby's, didn't you see Alefantis Instagrams?

Nobody Gives a fuck about Baby's of Color raped, butchered, and organ harvested.

joey4track ago

I'm going to assume you are being sarcastic and that this is satire so I'm going to give you an upvote because I have a sense of humor(which is very necessary and natural when being alive on this here planet) but please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong and I will promptly give you the downvote ;)

WhatNowFred ago

I agree. An /s would have been appreciated. If someone attempts to turn discussion into division via racism, sexism, religion, or birth heritage, it's a shill move. Don't fall for it. It only serves to derail honest, effective discussion.

Ronnilynn31 ago

If that's your interpretation, you can blame the media. They are the source of all the race baiting and they take their orders from the top. And sadly, the "top" uses the leadership in the black community to propagate this. People need to come out against their misrepresentation of their leaders. Except, when people do then their own turn on them. The cycle continues.

Everyone of every nationality, color, faith, political leanings need to hold their representatives accountable. In not doing so, you give them the power to continue the evil they've perpetrated and led us to what we are finally all waking up to seeing today.

WakeyWake ago

Excuse me, we aren't the MSM. Ask the 99% liberal media to splash that on their front pages. I can show you white babies that never made the front page either because the dead black criminal was being worshipped as a hero on the front page while the white baby got no coverage at all. Spare us, we aren't focused on color here, if u want to focus on the color of the children then focus on it with others that care only about the color. I DON'T give af about color, I DO give af about the crimes committed & the ppl getting away with it & the innocent humans harmed by the crimes. That's the focus of pizzagate

oldchangling ago

This is pure speculation, but I don't think everybody has to be in on this. You could reproduce the effects we're seeing by just having a few people at the critical points.. Those people will be absolutely desparate, of course. Exposure == death, in a way. So they will lean very heavily on those beneath them, who may just be relatively immoral bastards who don't want to get kicked from the money train. And below them may be people who don't want to think too hard and risk unsetting the apple cart. Below them are sheep, and below them are "journalists".

So, maybe I'm a "cockeyed optimist", but what I hope for is just a handful of the worst people being outted, with a number of the worst getting a chance to quitely resign/retire. I hope that will be enough to wake up the people below them who through willing ignorance or sheer laziness let this go on for so long. Because if we have to process everybody, we might need something as big as the South African Truth and Reconciliation Hearings. That might be best, but we would need a long time to heal, and I'm not sure the world can do without the U.S.A. for that long.

2impendingdoom ago

So you think people guilty of heinous crimes against children and possibly treason or racketeering should simply be allowed to retire quietly? And the world can't do without the USA? Seriously? What pizzagate is uncovering is that the world would be better off without the USA and we need to convict a very large number of people in the US government for war crimes and crimes against children. Do you really think its okay to get away with killing children? How could we possibly heal if we allow perpetrators to go free?

fogdryer ago

Life in prison Death penalty

There is no cure

oldchangling ago

Well, no. If it were up to me, I'd root them all out. But I wasn't talking about what I'd prefer, but what I expect. Cases like this are hard to prove; and even in easier cases, prosecutors are trained to make deals and let some people walk in order to get cooperation so they can at least convict somebody.

2impendingdoom ago

The judges are corrupt too. Since when does a corrupt prosecutor need to prove a case? They don't have to make deals, they do it to get favors. Lock them all up and let them rape eachother. We shouldn't have to live in their lord of the flies hell, in fear for our lives and for our children.

PraetorianPizza ago

The military is deep to their eye-balls in child trafficking.

US NAVY INTEL has ran the MK-ULTRA program for 50 years since 1950's, there are now 10's of 1,000's of mind-fucked ppl roaming the streets, revolving door right back into the military.

MIL will fight for their pension, and a small percentage will fight for a cause.

Study the history of Bonus Boyz in 1929 in DC they were shot and run over by tanks. The US GOV does not fear the civilian MIL. Smedley Butler tried to do a COUP in 1936 and he was destroyed.

Today's MIL is invested with 1,000's of MANCHURIAN candidates who can be activated at any time to take out any brass who go off the reservation.

2impendingdoom ago

So we need to figure out how to deprogram or reprogram them.

momojaja ago

I believe the FBI and many other agnecies are waiting for the new adminstration to come in before they make any move, if ever. At this stage, there is far too much going on. We need to be patient to see what changes take place.

rp5x5 ago


2impendingdoom ago

I hope you are right but maybe we should plan a course of action in case FBI/new DOJ fails to arrest anyone in Jan/Feb. I think we should consider the possibility that we need to start boycotts and protests (hopefully with veterans' support).

fogdryer ago

That's just it . Never trust someone will tell us/ take care of it. Do your own research When they fail to do their job we need to hold them accountable Hard n Fast But how? What to do ? Boycott not a good idea. Forming a group with backed up evidence. Flood their office with our faces , flood with mail and emails blow up theirland line. Go to social media and put it out there again and again. Hard

standalone ago

Agreed. We shouldn't wait until they are done cleaning the evidence from the Internet. Gather all the evidence we can now, have them officially investigated ASAP.

sleepingbeautycan ago

And keep the pressure on. If there isn't a move forward then we were played.

BlackSwordsman ago

Keep the pressure on, that's the key. The roaches will keep scattering and covering up lies. Every time I see a logo changed, an image deleted, it only confirms our suspicions. Eventually they will run into a wall. We must keep chronicling this and asking questions.

Noctu ago

The same 4chan that made #PissForEquality among other social media lulz? These things are like running inside jokes.

Yeah, not buying anything from Anon or 4chan.

mergen ago

LOL did you think people got to this point from nothing?

Of course there were insider leaks pointing where to look specifically.

I treated the FBI anon threads as LARP until October.

PraetorianPizza ago

Whoops, no the same 4chan that up until last year was HQ for real ChildPorn CP until they got shutdown.

IMHO when they were given pre-selected email of PODESTA mentioning Pizza the 4chan cucks went wild, the rest is history.

FBIanon did his work in July 2016, some 3+ months before Podesta emails arrived. Keep that in mind folks on the timeline.

mergen ago


Every body treated the FBI anon threads as LARP.

When the mails were released everybody realised that the situation is serious.

Actual pedos even helped pizza gate investigations early on.

2impendingdoom ago

This is very confusing. MK manchurians + MIL + CIA/MSM/DOJ vs. FBI + 4chan + wikileaks?

Noctu ago

Pure speculation.

PraetorianPizza ago

This is going to OPEN like a festering wound for the entire world to see, the UK/USA are collapsing economically, ASIA will take over the world, and Russia to follow and Africa getting investment from China, and South America will prosper.

The USA-UK is imploding, much of what we see, the anglo-saxon 200 year rule of the world is over. The fact that the US-GOV was running white-babys to be fucked by SAUDI ( WHO OWN DC ) is the nail in the coffin. I might add that SAUDI is also dead, as you all know their oil is almost gone.

goatboy ago


rp5x5 ago

You don't see the forest through the trees. Time is up for these evil people. Being reactionary or negative solves nothing. The swamp really is going to be drained.

PizzaAccount ago

I'd take a world war, if that's the cost of cutting this cancer out of us.

joey4track ago

I'm inclined to agree with you however I think we can avoid that if things are executed in the right way.

fogdryer ago

Yea, by whom !

rp5x5 ago

These kinds of sick people will run and hide from Trump, his Generals, our soldiers and the good American people. Negativity is the enemy. Just like you always heard, don't give evil more power over you by anger or fear.

standalone ago

You don't know if trump is clean either

rp5x5 ago

Yes I do.

2impendingdoom ago

interesting. When the veterans got involved in Standing Rock, the oil/pipeline backed off. Obviously a showing of veterans has implications of military presence and ultimately civil war. So getting veterans involved and having a physical presence could be key to getting actual arrests of pedophiles and protecting pizzagaters from censorship. Does anyone know how to get a group of enlightened veterans to set up a protest on Connecticut Ave?

unlimitedHangout ago

What is PizzaGate? Here is the Answer ...

Can you imagine if a video of a US politician brutally raping and killing a child actually made it out to the world? Can you imagine if the world found out that the US has been giving thousands of children to the Saudis to be raped, in exchange for political favors? You know that feeling you have about Comet Ping Pong? That's how the world would feel about "Americans" -- country that sells children into rape rings.

"...pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that's why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you."

[ Note true, George Bush proved with Franklin that the US-GOV is every bit as a PEDO-CLUB as UK ]

When asked why data isn't just leaked immediately so the people at the highest levels can be indicted, he says:

"Total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who, who buys what, and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out."

Most of us want to do good but political turmoil at the top prevents us. Remember, this scandal is massive enough to send foreign governments into conflict with us. We cannot simply turn over everything and hope for the best. With intel as high as this, many people have turned away even if they have an inkling of what the details are."

It wasn't until I started examining the evidence we've gathered here that I finally understand the precarious position the FBI is in.

[ Bullshit, since J Edgar Hoover foundation of FBI in 1930's the purpose of FBI is to protect Elite Pedophiles and secure children/gay men for elite to fuck and keep them out of prison. ]

FBI majority is nose deep into pizza-gate, FBIanon is if real is like a Jew that covers for the other Jews no matter the crime.

totesgoats908234 ago

Dig deep and you can find it.

Typical thing a role player/troll will say. Make a grand claim and instead of providing the evidence, they say "you have to do the work if you want the truth". This is what happened with the whole "insurance keys in the blockchain" thing when I criticized them saying they have the files as proof but wouldnt provide the files, they would just say "you can download the 100gb block chain and run the script yourself if you want proof".

Several weeks later and they still didn't carve anything out of it. LOL

The whole FBIAnon thing sounds like atypical 4chan role play trolls.

"my war buddies" "I used to work in PsyOps" riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

unlimitedHangout ago

I feel the same FBIanon is just a 4chan TROLL until proven otherwise, he is no more OFFICIAL FBI than me or you. Yet, we don't represent ourselves as FBI Agents.

30 years ago there was a guy on the internet that said he was a time traveler and played people for months, to this day people still believe he was real.

That said, all FBIanon predicted has become true, and what is posted above is TRUE, the fact is the GOV does supply WHITE CHILDREN to SAUDI to fuck, and Hillary didn't get to deposit $1.5 BILLION USD into Dubai bank in her name because of her 'influence'. Why did Clinton have Andrew Kline run 'trafficking' back in the day, or HAITI? Because running kids all over the world to be fucked is how they got rich.

Lastly, FBIanon is right TRUMP will never allow the MSM to tell the truth the USDOLLAR would collapse, that's why we THE PIZZAGATE investigators MUST tell this story to the world.

2impendingdoom ago

I think FBIanon is real or at least has real knowledge. I think that Comey reopening the investigation two weeks before the election revealed H to be a completely flawed candidate who deserved to loose. and Assange is missing. The content of the emails is real so obviously there is someone trying to expose the truth in the FBI and/or NSA who also has copies of everything.

dailynightlyrice ago

I will say that Trump has been quoted talking about moving to a Gold/Silver standard. Perhaps he is preparing for this shift?

DarkMath ago

"we will all be obliterated"........The only problem is the argument "we will all be obliterated" if we DON'T do anything. Make sense? Dammed if you do dammed if you don't. So I'm skeptical of FBI Anon. He's even said he mixes in hyperbole to make himself less credible. Look it up, it's in either this chat transcript: or this one . ........Why would he do that? He says to keep people off his trail. It's sketchy but who knows. I do given the guy some credibility though. I think there's a case already open on this deep inside the FBI and it hasn't got the light of day because if it did and people were arrested then Obama could just pardon them right?......The FBI's non-action here could be a good thing.