LostandFound ago

Might have a timeline for you https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466017

dickface8 ago

That's very snide of you.

SpikyAube ago

Your name suits you :-p

janedoe77 ago

No it is the FIRST thing we should do. Why in the hell should we keep old ideas from dead men who were slavers? No vision, no future for you. You have no courage or vision.

janedoe77 ago

Equality of females is denied under freedom of religion. Religion is a male cult and always has been. So, tell me about inalienable.

Yates ago

I'm glad to hear that. Maybe we can add more years to his sentence.

112263V ago

when i got to this topic a week late, the first thread i read was a note from supposedly a firmer comet employee. mentioned it's much worse than we can imagine. fbianon has said same thing. author said to stop eating pizza, especially dominoes. another poster found over 80 orders for dominoes pizza specifically by DNC during campaign. i wont let myself make this connection any darker as ti what could be driving their thirst for this specific pizza but it scares me to the core as to possibly why.

MeatballPizza ago

Theory: They recognized the Podesta brothers (knowing them through Clement Freud) and got some b.s. explanation at the time. Therefore, they decided to hide the eFits.

Just a theory...

logjam ago

Great point. Thanks.

dFrog ago

You've rekindled my interest in this angle.

Aloha808 ago

I think it is worth noting that one of the stuffed animals was a teddy bear, which is referred to as a "pedo bear" in the pedo world and also there is place called The Endless Summer Bar & Pizza in Portugal that has a spitting image little girl lover FBI pedo symbol. I'm not sure of the distance from where the Mccann's were on holiday to this place but I think it is worthy of some investigation to see if their is any links to pizzagate.

anonymousj ago

I saw this somewhere, not my original thought. Just thought I would pass it on. Truthfully, I am 64 years old, and feel just helpless in this. It was such a twisted thought, almost laughable, but kinda makes you think with all this going on, that even the implausible can be possible.....

gerrycan ago

Point is, they would surely be aware of the unique eye condition. I remember back at the time when she went missing thinking how stupid it was of them to publicise this, as such an identifiable feature would clearly panic a kidnapper and put the child at increased risk. I now do not believe for a second that Madeleine was kidnapped at all. Those sniffer dogs do not lie.

MeatballPizza ago

The documentary referenced in this thread says the McCann's were provited with the eFits and 'handed them over to authorities.' Why weren't the eFits publicized immediately when created? Why were they deep sixed for FIVE YEARS?

gerrycan ago

Madeleine McCann had a unique feature on her right eye, which was heavily publicised at the time. You can see it here http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/indepthtoolkit/624/news/special/panels/13/oct/madeleinemccannmap/img/img_panel_1381832755.jpg She would still have that if it were her.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

The same British government so many people claim are in the occult from the VERY top? I highly doubt it. I have not really looked into them as much but I don't get a good feeling. I definitely think something is up. I was down a rabbit hole a few nights ago and stumbled on Jon Bonet Ramsey autopsy photos and noticed she had a heart drawn in the inside of her hand. I really am not trying to draw people away from pizzagate and I have been scolded by people on this site for bringing up Sandy Hook and such but there are so many links that just take me back to these places whether I want to be there or not!

Phobos_Mothership ago

This is one of those areas that make me wonder if it's really all that wrong to 'construct' the case in a way that will allow for justice to be served if it's due.

Yates ago

Yeah, you're right. I deleted it. It's been many years since I've paid attention to this case. Too bad it has become the main focus here.

anonentity ago

I came across this site. It has all the historical flight records back to 2002. If the Podestas were in Portugal, they would have had to land at Faro airport. Since Podesta has his own plane it would have been logged. An International flight plan would have had to be logged . Plus the pilot would have had to fill out his personal logbook.http://www.oag.com/flightview/historical-flight-status

gerrycan ago

This is a brilliant and important bit of research here, and i follow the logic of it clearly. A lesser known development in the alleged kidnapping was the fact that 2 dogs, trained to scent blood and bodies indicated the lounge floor at the window for blood, and the bedroom cupboard for body. This suggests that the child was not kidnapped but died in the apartment. The McCanns were very quick to dismiss this piece of evidence when it came to light. The dogs also indicated the hire car that was used by the McCanns for blood. I feel that there may be a possibility that the detective, already being at odds with the Clintons, produced these efits as a warning shot for them to leave him be. This seems to fit with the narrative that you give, combined with the dog evidence. The presence of the small mole suggests that these were sketched from a photograph, rather than the memory of a witness as a guide. Podesta had numerous properties, one in Venice, Italy for example. Perhaps he and his brother would be less guarded about their activities whilst abroad, making the locations outside of the US that we an connect him to a potentially more fertile ground for research. Either way, the thrust of the OP stands and I join the many others complimenting the writer for it. This is a great source you have here generally at this site, and the quality of research in this, and many other posts is first class.

r3dtr1x ago

Kudos, well written and gives me hope that the wheels of justice are turning, and the Trump administration will do the right thing here.

Eph513 ago

a) the efits could be of the people who commissioned the snatch and were arranged, as insurance, by the ones who were hired to do the snatch.


b) The efits could have been arranged by underworld figures, who know previous activities of the efit characters in that space, and used as blackmail or to extort money.


c) same as b) however opportunistic underworld figures carried out a snatch knowing those in the efit were holidaying in that area and it was the perfect blackmail/extortion opportunity


d) They did the snatch themselves and the efit is correct


e) parallel construction by intelligence agencies

LargePepperoni ago

You made an account just to post this... I smell shill.

sheer-con ago

We should treat these images the same way law enforcement does in our presentation to the public (our "court of public opinion"). We can't convince someone of this parallel construction...it's too circumstantial and seems to be reaching to someone unconvinced of all the other damning evidence. So this should just be used as confirmation for us, and leads us on in the investigation, but should not be part of our presentations (memes, aggregations, images, etc.) to the public. It's not convincing evidence by itself and should not be submitted to the "court of public opinion".

Yates ago

You're correct, that is their intention, to discredit. Twitter is flooded with infographs of pizzagate and each one has the e-fits and some retarded caption about the brothers and Weiner GUILTY! it's fucking ridiculous and the fact that the mods here are letting it go on despite a month of simple facts being presented is very discouraging.

Poncho567 ago

GREAT ANALYSIS! Thanks for making sense of the eFits.

dindonufin ago

It's definitely persons on the inside. Apparently we're working with a counter secret society.

Here is Dr. Steve Pieczenik announcing the counter coup being executed by members of the intelligence community: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov5kvWSz5LM

Celticgirlonamission ago

I love this guy he is very bright, psychological warfare is a specialty of his...he really makes you think about things

8_billion_eaters ago

My first reply to the person that posted those police CGIs of the suspects was: "BULLSHIT! Not possible!" It was too good to be true.

Thank you for this post @LegionWill. You've removed any doubt in my mind about the validity of that piece of evidence.

janedoe77 ago

What do you mean by the forthcoming crash landing? We hope there are plans in place by people who do not want to enslave us. At least I speak for myself. Can this be elaborated upon? I assume also you are talking about the so-called "global currency reset"?

anonymousj ago

This is all wild conjecture, but please bear with me. I'm just repeating what I had read that is out already out there (somewhere), may have been on Voat in comments or in a blog, whatever. I'm just floating it out there. It would need investigation by someone qualified....I also remember FBI anon saying something about not only following the CF but also Big Pharma.

So, I remember reading somewhere a comment Madeline McCann had the same genetic defect that Soros had (what that is I don't know, but I do see a defect in the iris in her eye and having just been diagnosed with a genetic eye disease myself it stood out to me). Also a comment that she was conceived in-vitro - have no idea if any of that is true or not.

So I'm thinking, with the stuff about the blood bank and the hypothesis about young peoples blood perserving life...what if she was connected to that important, rich and powerful person via in vitro conception, and we know that important person is connected to people in the DNC, who would do some dirty work (kidnapping). She would have genetically the same blood/stem cells or something and her blood could be harvested (ongoing) for blood transfusions.

Wild and crazyy for sure and I feel a bit like an idiot for even thinking this. But after seeing what I've seen, who knows? I just want to go back to my stupid little life.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I've heard that she really don't have that defect...only put there so if they were questioned with the child they could say no it's not her just look at her eye it's normal...but who knows! Crazy indeed

janedoe77 ago

This makes total sense. I suspected they knew this. I thought it was too weird that they were called one man in the press when it was very clearly two different men. And so spot on. Do you know who runs findmadeleine.com? It seems to be a local law enforcement agency in the UK. So they likely are on board.

CrackerJacks ago

I still fail to understand how 2 eFits of 1 person could be so unalike.....I could understand if they were similar, but they don't look similar at all..

MAGABoomer ago

You still spamming that crap? You've been completely wasting your time trying to convince people those two sketches are of one man.

They have been on the Guardian's website since 2013, Richard Hall's documentary "The Phantoms" discusses their history (2:17:00)

angry_mob ago

um, i've been an artist for 50 years & no. those are NOT the same man.

33degree ago

600 years to come


BuffersMckyle ago

The day will come when the unsung hero can be honoured appropriately. But for now, there is a war that we need to win. The worst thing is that due to the secretive nature of what is being investigated, we don't know exactly who the main enemy is or what their true motives are. Many of us were led onto delving deeper into #PizzaGate not by our mutual hatred of paedos, but scepticism about globalism, that took a turn for the worse. This could yet become something worse than child abuse or corruption alone.

CrackerJacks ago

How can the E-fits be of the same man when they look nothing alike, plus whoever even noticed a mole. It's spitting image of the Podesta brothers, the only way it could get any closer is to have real pictures.

MAGABoomer ago

This "group" has been going about posting the "it's the same man in both sketches" asshattery since they hit the news.

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Sweet, thanks for the link and the additional thoughts m8.

Gorillion ago

It will be talked about for the next 100 years or more.

I want to reiterate this note.

What's going now is living history. And it would have been swept away had Hillary won, and Soros et al had been able to continue their globalist agenda. This shit would only have rooted deeper into into our culture. It's all sickening and scary, but we do live in amazing times. Great people and greater sense of ownership of our society and fundamental, undiluted culture is emerging out of this shit.

I hope one day we can officially recognize the people who leaked all this data as the heroes and amazing human beings they are. I think we lost our great middle-man Assange in this war. Hopefully we won't lose too many more before this finally gets broken open.

angry_mob ago

wait - is assange dead??

Lunari ago

Most likely. Everything points to him being dead (or possibly secretly captured). Unless anything happens to prove he is alive and well (we can only hope...) then unfortunately, the most likely scenario leads us to believe he's dead.

bigDanold ago

Thanks OP, good post, seems like a logical theory. The e-fits are practically photos of these guys. Do you have any more information on: 3. The private investigation company that helped produce the eFits is being hunted by the Clinton-appointed DOJ. So many whistle blowers dying...

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I feel like this IS really them and they were really the ones who kidnapped her! I think that's part of their adrenaline high! The excitement of possibility getting caught drives them. It probably was a computer generated sketch from a photo or video. The photos were released in 2013. I feel like it was not by accident that it was John Podesta's email that was hacked. Someone did it because they knew what his emails would expose. He's high level whatever...probably higher up the good chain than the Clintons if it gets right down to it. He's in the center of it ALL even going with Bill Clinton to get Laura Ling in North Korea when she was investigating human trafficking on Steve Bings plane. He's the glue that keeps all these creeps together! Tony Podesta is even a lobbyist for Saudi Arabia! I think it's even him in this picture in this post.


Also look at the picture of the girl with the sign about food. Something about her looks really sad!

Not that this is necessarily a crime but I think he gets off on the thrill of it all!

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Nothing wrong with speculation, but it's certainly not a "breakthrough." The fact of the matter is we have no idea why the eFits match the Podestas so well.

It's not so much that what OP is saying can't be proven -- it's that I could easily concoct a million other theories to explain the available evidence just as well. There's nothing in the post to strongly suggest that OP's theory is particularly interesting or likely even if it can't be proven.

The real answer is probably a little more complicated than "the good guys did it."

MolochHunter ago

well i suppose nothing is stopping this community asking portugese authorities their account of the crcumstances under which they attained / compiled the ekit ??

Yates ago

It's more complicated than that see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FKsKD78Qsc

quantokitty ago

Okay, this seems an incredible leap of faith.

There are plenty of very accurate police sketches. And you're forgetting the one about Anthony Weiner.


So you think someone would actually impede a police investigation to send a hint?

Nope, not buying this one.

postfascion ago

They aren't technically loons, they are there to dilute and misinform. But you're kind of right anyway.

pizzagateinvestigate ago

They look identical, something which I found quite extraordinary as well.

On the mole part though, I keep seeing that being pointed out...in the eFit the mole is on one side of Tony's forehead but in the picture it's on the other. Why is this being trotted out as more confirmation? Isn't that just a detail which is off rather than a further confirmation?

postfascion ago

If it was too precise, it might look too precise?

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Can you elaborate? You mean people who researched this pre-pizzagate?

apparatchik1488 ago


postfascion ago

Now why would you go and turn this into a political issue? It's a systemic issue that goes beyond party lines. Ever heard of the term abuse of power?

Yates ago

The shiils have a new tactic - connect pizzagate to the alt-right "nazis" to discredit it.

apparatchik1488 ago

I'm a Nazi. Outside of the left/right illusion. The only way this jewish destruction of western civilization and the White race will end is if the people rise up and create a unified, total resistance. Trump is the first step towards Nazism and I hail him as a hero in that way. And he does have some basic morals and is against this stuff.

bigDanold ago

What ideals of Nazism does Trump exercise? Just curious, not judging, just wondering.

apparatchik1488 ago

Alpha male. Authoritarian personality. Steadfast struggle in the face of total evil and degeneracy. Dog-whistling about race and Jews. Using language that is very similar to NSDAP about internationalism. Not to mention we, the alt-right, pretty much got him elected, we created the vanguard culture. We were his most steadfast supporters from the start - no one else was even close. I mean, I could keep going.... But most important is that he is creating an environment where Nazism can rise up in a few years after people recover from their brainwashing and the next generation grows up under a Trump admin.

bigDanold ago

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Objectively looking at your examples, I see him maybe being the presidential politician most closely aligned to Nazism, but only because the others are not even close. Saying that the alt-right got him elected is a stretch. A lot of former Obama supporters flipped and voted Trump, that was the decider in the battleground states. That's not to say there are plenty of white superiority supporters who see him as a leader of their cause. But I think he is really more about getting rid of illegals, not any specific race. Because he is a business man, and the illegals are dragging down our economy. Just my two cents, and I admittedly know very little about Nazism. So I could be wrong, just stating my perception based on what I know at this time.

apparatchik1488 ago

Of course he is not 100% Nazi. But the immigration thing is pushing implicit whiteness to the very limits. And I don't think the core culture can be underestimated. There is also the fact that just about every Jew in a position of power was screeching against him for 2 years.

angry_mob ago

the late great George Carlin had a solution for all "alpha male fcks," as he called them. and i'm paraphrasing..."corrall them all together, fill them up with whiskey & PCP, parade them around & one by one put them up on a pedastal & SHOOT 'EM IN THE FCKING HEAD!!!"

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I had assumed that the images were computer reconstructions from CCTV footage since nobody could do a sketch that accurate.

pizzagatepizza ago

best post I've seen this week, no bs but logical explanation. btw, OP you should put a link to podesta brothers and efit comparison articles/threads for the new people.

Wtfreddit ago

This makes perfect sense as I highly doubt they were physically responsible for abducting her. I'm sure they would leave the grunt work to some low level criminal.

postfascion ago

Right, but it encouraged people to join the dots didn't it? Who knows though. I think they get a thrill from how much they can get away with. Its all a big game to them....like serial killers giving clues, it feeds their ego.

MeatballPizza ago

This is the video put out 3 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9OukW44mOw

The parents sued a newspaper in England that suggested they (the parents) had suppressed the evidence of the E-fits or not given them to the authorities. The paper printed a retraction that the parents had, in fact, handed over the E-fits to investigators but said oddly 'within" a date which was a year later. So it was vague. The parents eventually settled for 55k L.

Some thoughts:

  1. Wouldn't the parents want these images out AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to the abduction? They were the best lead.
  2. Wouldn't the authorities want these images out instead of sitting on them for years?
  3. I agree the images are just too dead on (including the mole) to be legit eyewitness recreations but are likely a CIA/FBI leak. I distinctly remember them coming to light on 4chan and Reddit within DAYS of the election. That was a bomb someone was waiting to drop at the right time - and it was a big one.
  4. Some 4chan thread later said 'FBI Anon source confirms' the Podesta Brothers were in Portugal at the time. Would seem this could be verified.
  5. 4chan chatter now that John Podesta is currently in Japan at some island and it's the same one he suggested Hastert go to and hide. They also had images of his brother (Tony) having been there decades ago. Town/Island called 'Nose' Japan? It's on 4chan.

Excellent post though and one of the best thus far on this site.

Note also the investigator group hired by the parents were later convicted of squandering hundreds of thousands of pounds improperly running the investigation Who told the parents to hire them?

Yates ago

Some 4chan thread later said 'FBI Anon source confirms' the Podesta Brothers were in Portugal at the time. Would seem this could be verified.

That has never been verified. Plenty have asked for verification but none has ever been produced. Yet it is being spread as fact.

Wouldn't the parents want these images out AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to the abduction?

No, they were involved. Pedophiles themselves, along with their travel friends. That isn't a mystery. Please look elsewhere for info on this case. If you do that it'll be the first thing you find.

Wouldn't the authorities want these images out instead of sitting on them for years?

The UK police helped to cover it up. The pope helped. Max Clifford was in charge of the cover-up and he had years of experience helping Savile cover his crimes. He almost went to prison for life a few years ago for being an accessory to Savile but he's too big to jail.

MeatballPizza ago

If parents were involved (IF - I can't imaging something that sick) would explain them hanging out with Clement Freud after AND choosing to not make the eFits public.

AreWeSure ago

My understanding is the original investigation was focused on a man seen carrying a child sometime in the 9 PM hour. However years later, they found this man and he was carrying his own child to bed. The suspect in the efits was seen in the 10 PM hour, but was originally dismissed because they thought the earlier man was the suspect.

They basically started the investigation over and came to new conclusions and that's when they released the efits and did a TV special that night.

Freemasonsrus ago

A couple thoughts.. 1) I always assumed those were made off of actual pics. The entire story of "this is supposedly TWO different witnesses recollections of the same man have never made sense. A witness doesn't usually interpret the weight of a suspect so incredibly differently than another witness to the same person. 2) After these were released no further evidence has turned up related to Podesta's or to those images, so was someone caught out and silenced? Meaning, if we are to assume someone was attempting to steer the investigation toward them that person stopped pushing that narrative after the images were released. 3) The Freud dinner connection is simply too convenient. Why would a known pedo, who's also semi famous, insert himself into the middle of what was an international media shitstorm yet no one was aware of the dinner until Kate McCann wrote about it? I have never been of the opinion that the parents were involved. More likely there were cops on the take who obfuscated the investigation in the media or they were just plain incompetent. My guess is if they had been "in" on something as nefarious as has been suggested (in cahoots with Freud/Podesta's) than their "acting" would have been more in line with what people would expect from parents in this situation. Most of the criticism against them had to do with their supposed off behavior.

postfascion ago

Their behaviour was fishy, they looked strained, no indication of guilt obviously, by maybe an indication of pressure placed upon them. Or maybe I'm being overly suspicious of parents who lost a daughter amongst intence media attention.

Freemasonsrus ago

Well I'd just point out that the media also leads your emotions in those cases. Now that you're red pilled you may view it differently? Oftentimes it is the lens through which we are viewing something that is dictating our opinions and the MSM has done a fabulous job of blue pilling everyone. For instance, what if the talking points for the McCann's was all about how their behavior was odd and Kate wasn't crying enough ect? Then that's how we view it and absorb the info. But, if the talking points were "Kate has been heavily sedated and is in shock. She had been so hysterical the first night that they had to call in a Dr to administer meds to calm her down. They have two other children who are confused and needing stability so they are trying to remain in control of their emotions so as not to alarm them"? Also remember the Brit press is BRUTAL. (Ask Amanda Knox). And Kate in particular seems to have a classic Brit disposition where you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. Just my two cents! 😉

postfascion ago

Nah, man you're spot on. They can skew an image in any number of directions.


The only part I disagree with you on is the continuity of our government. We need to abolish the CIA and institute a new government. We need a fresh country. Our's is 200 years past its expiration date.

And we should kill everyone who has been trafficking drugs out of Afghanistan or people/children from anywhere.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I agree. Abolish the CIA, abolish the Federal Reserve. I think that the perpetrators should be studied to find out what kind of brain damage/abnormalities they have so that we can find a way to make sure no one like that ever exists again - find a cure for it somehow. Once that's done, toss them all into a meat grinder feet first, as I saw someone had suggested on another thread.


I fear we may find that they were acting as human's have for 2500 (yeah) millennia.

ThePedoHunter ago


Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

We should scrap all laws except for the constitution and start from scratch! Also go back to actual fair and speedy trials! I do not want this to be drug out with high priced attorneys who will weezle them out! Speedy speedy speedy trial! And although I oppose the death penalty I make exception for these animals!

UglyTruth ago

The main problem with the US Constitution is that it attempts to redefine the law of the land. Due process involves proper investigation.


janedoe77 ago

Well let's re-evaluate the constitution. You have to dig something up from the roots. You can't leave the roots there, because very clearly, they are damaged/faulty. Soil needs to be rebuilt and reinvigorated with life before things can take root. Let's keep what we want and change the rest. Females need equality written into the foundation document, and we should even question the point of keeping the federal network itself together as such. We might do best as regions. I think we can think bigger, more visionary, while retaining what we know is good, such as press freedom. I think religious freedom cannot go in. Men abuse people under this and it is at the root of pizzagate. Let's keep thinking and pushing harder.

SpikyAube ago

To have press freedom, media ownership needs to be broken up. It needs to be illegal for one person/corporation to own more than one or two media outlets, otherwise you end up having a dictatorship without free press without realising it - it's just your dictators are CEOs instead of government.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

COMPLETELY disagree! Religious freedom stops when it infringes on someone else's civil liberty. It's already like that. Most immigrants came here for being persecuted based on their religion. Shirah law is used in Muslim countries not here. Most Jehovah witnesses believe if a woman is raped and doesn't scream loud enough it's her fault. Again, currently, in this country rape is illegal no matter what! Read it. My dad used to carry a copy of the Constitution in his back pocket. It's not the constitution that's the problem. It's our corrupt court systems that do not follow it.

janedoe77 ago

Except that religious freedom gives men the right to control females, period, since the beginning of patriarchy. Are you so blind to this, as it manifests right here in Pizzagate, in so many ways? Rape is legal in most countries within marriage. Rape is not prosecuted when it is illegal. I mean, honestly, get a clue. You have GOT to understand this from the female side.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Not following. Can you give me an example where in this country someone was able to rape a woman by claiming the first amendment? I'm not saying there aren't some nut case men who tell there wives that but actual case law that supports what you're saying.

UglyTruth ago

The problem with the US Constitution problem can be seen as a conflict between common law and civil law. The civil law originated in Rome, and from Rome comes symbols like the eagle and fasces and political ideas like the separation of powers. The common law comes from England, but it is misrepresented by the political class as being nothing more than case law or judicial precedent.


UglyTruth ago

The fact that they're linked to paedophilia and child trafficking doesn't mean that that they were personally involved with the McCann case. The efits, the email timing, and the anonymous tips could all have been part of a plan to frame the Podestas.

angry_mob ago

the podestas have done plenty to frame themselves. just read the wikileaks.

UglyTruth ago

Which ones show any involvement in the McCann case?

whorsquini ago

This makes the most sense of this seemingly dubious (the source) piece of evidence that has uncanny resemblences.

micha_ ago

It is a multi-billion dollar human trafficking red market operated by international regimes and cartels. Pedophilia, organ harvesting, blood storage, forced prostitution, psychiatric and pharmacological experimentation, sextortion blackmail, human donations, and yes sadistic torture for fun -- you name it -- that's what these children are put through.

LegionWill, excellent. Where did you catch the info about blood storage? I ask, because today I posted two articles, that indicate that blood transfusions with blood from young people may be/become a HUUUGE black market:

THE ELIXIR OF YOUTH Plasma from the blood of young people REVERSES the ageing process (The Sun)

Can we reverse the ageing process by putting young blood into older people? (The Guardian)


DeckoGecko ago

does having the blood pumped full of adrenaline add anything maybe? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457687

GoldMoose16 ago

Also, Podesta is in very tight with the Wyss Foundation. 4 executives from a company linked to Hansjorg Wyss were indicted and imprisoned for illegal medical testing. 5 people died.


You should go to podesta emails and search WYSS. You'll get 4 pages of results. Note the tone of some of the emails. Pretty shady stuff.

micha_ ago

Interest in the case has been driven by the fact that Wyss, whose net worth is estimated at $6 billion, is politically connected to the Clintons and to John Podesta, her national campaign manager.


Golden, age 67, died when Chapman inserted a bonelike cement into her spine that had not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Four other patients died on operating tables when the company conducted the same operations.


The human experimentation charge was repeated on Monday by the lawyers for Golden’s daughter Cynthia Wilson, who is suing on behalf of her mother.


Unbeknownst to Golden, Chapman was not an independent surgeon but was a paid consultant to Wyss’ company and received a $2 million “endowment” from Synthes for a chair at the University of Washington where he still sits. The university is a defendant in the state case.

Prior to using the substance on people, Chapman conducted tests for Synthes by inserting the material into pigs. All the pigs died.

Despite his company’s disregard for federal safety laws, Wyss enjoys political connections to prominent Democrats, including those in the Obama and Clinton administrations.

In 2013 Wyss committed $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and has given at least $4 million to Podesta’s Center for American Progress. The Swiss citizen has a seat on CAP’s 12-person board.

Wyss - Portugal Embassy - Podesta Group:


GoldMoose16 ago

Thank you. Going to fit this into my notes.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Wyss foundation is across street from portgual Embassy. Not that it means anything

micha_ ago

Today the discovery, that Soros' has the same eye anomaly as Madeleine McCann (Portugal)... This all is becoming way too weird to believe! But facts are facts!

GoldMoose16 ago

That's just way too weird.

micha_ ago

Archived page: http://archive.is/q2BIa

Yes, all of the available evidence indicates quite strongly that the Podesta brothers are involved. Examine it for yourself: http://livingresistance.com/2016/11/18/podestas-involved-mccanns-abduction-factual-analysis/

sixgorillion ago

Wp bro

fvckh1m_up ago

Good to know there is some level of organization to this silent war.

Act now for future generations. Together.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Well if you've just started you better buckle up because you're in for a ride! And not a good one! One you'll lose sleep over and have trouble eating! Documenting the facts is more important than anything BUT I think putting forth hunches in this forum for other people's eyes is not bad either as long as we don't mislead them as facts. For instance this is my post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1455529 I have a lot of experience with investigating serial killers and other psychopaths and there is something about the photos that give me that feeling!

fvckh1m_up ago

I feel you. To me it is about having the informatoin gathered so it doesn't get lost over time, other than those memes, article and posts that are just as important in playing their own role. Also, having a place to understand pizzagate without relying on hours and days of investigation. I've spent four days straight doing just that from the first moment I decided to give this some attention. Now I udnerstand the severity of what it means and the importance of bringing forth major changes. The only thing I can do is be the example I want in this world, and I don't have many other options anyway (I would do something radical if I lived nearby, or ask a friend to, where I live people are much more eager to act in service of civil justice if you know what I mean).

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Well I believe in bringing people to justice in a court of law and I think it needs to be be done in somewhat of a Geneva Convention type of tribunal. These are against so many laws that reach far beyond our borders! Something like the Nazi Trials!

fvckh1m_up ago

True, however I'd like to see them incapacitated NOW. They should at least have their freedom taken NOW. Think of the innocence of life they defile.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I'm with you! It sickens me and I mean down deep!! I'm afraid for much to be done before 1/21/17! I'm not sure what would happen if it came out before then.

fvckh1m_up ago

The thread is up. We have the tools. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457357

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Thank you!

Don-Keyhote ago

So this whistleblower just said fuck it when nothing happened for years after releasing the exit? This is like Bush supposedly framing Saddam about wmds -- you couldn't possibly fuck it up. By that I mean theres still precisely zero evidence implicating the podestas until its confirmed that they knew Freud or were in portugal. The evidence on that page is weak as fuck including the email wipe ,,,.D, >>79487289..

shortymcbossypants ago

See, honestly I feel like you except for let me just take everybody down a rabbit hole for a second if you will. Freud was a well known British cook, Podesta is into spirit cooking, and the parents stated they were with some friends for dinner as well as they ate at Freud's house. See where I'm going with this? I honestly believe that the small details as to what happened to that poor baby is all laid out right in front of us. They done a spirit cooking of their own daughter and had Podesta and Freud right in there with them.

carmencita ago

Oh God No. I cannot think about it. I want them caught. Someone posted on here that the flight records of lobbyists are not recorded for some reason. They are both lobbyists. J Podesta supposedly has not been heard from since Nov. 7th. Where is Tony? Do they have both of them already? What a Christmas present their arrest would be.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Unless the independent evidence was also a set up. I'm just saying, it's a possibility and nothing has been proven as of yet.

srayzie ago

I think you're onto something. These look too much like the Podesta brothers. I think there are some good people in the FBI that want this out

SlackeryTurnBull ago

If the efits were intentionally created to point to the Podestas, then the other option would be that it was a planned psyop.

postfascion ago

We should always be open to that being a factor. Their means of manipulation are more sophisticated than most realize.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


LtSilverFox ago

Now this needs to be on a platform for the world to see. How was this overlooked.


My view from the beginning was that the efits were such a perfect match for the Podesta brothers that they looked as if they had been drawn from photographs not witness recollection. I'm baffled as to the motive, however, particularly when everything would suggest that John Podesta, at least, enjoys getting his hands dirty (i.e., he doesn't seem to leave the nasty stuff to others), and therefore may actually have been involved in Portugal. And there is the additional fact that John Podesta appears in a photograph with a girl who, in my opinion, probably does look like Madeleine McCann would look now. Why would they do this deliberately, when it's only by accident (the attention Wikileaks drew to John Podesta) that most of us have even heard of him?

escapefromreddit ago

This is my first comment on the sub so forgive me but... How do we know for sure how the Podesta Leaks ended up in Wikileaks hands? Maybe it wasn't an accident at all

Celticgirlonamission ago

I believe the first time people started putting it together was on 4chan...and it was something in the emails that everyone started putting 2 & 2 together....then when they posted the effin pic I about lost it...as everyone else did....it was mind blowing...since then all my social media accounts have been shadow banded or censored...it's crazy

WakeyWake ago

Podesta leaks weren't accidently given to wikileaks. Podesta leaks were an inside job, wikileaks said it was not Russians (by replying to a comment saying something like it's not nice to credit the wrong people). Separately, Wikileaks referred to the Dems ship is going down bc it has a leaklike the titanic. Or something about Dems, titanic, leaks.

I am not sure if this is an answer for you, or if I misinterpreted your comment. It's late, half asleep, lol.


We don't know. It's pure speculation. The DNC leaks I think are likely to have come from Seth Rich - but this, too, is speculation.

MolochHunter ago

It could also be an eKit for someone who both knows the podestas and knows they did it, but is not prepared to provide testimony (which would put them in mortal danger). So as a substitute for assisting in the prosecution process they have provided the identity, the cops have then made the ekit from photos. Although what Legionwill has not seemed to account for in this 'parallel construction' is the news that both US and UK intelligence separately know they stayed at Clem's house 1 kilometer from the abduction site. I also wonder whether the truth behind madeleine's parents being under suspicion for a while: perhaps they 'loaned' her to the podesta's, expecting to receive her back, but the podestas got carried away and they never saw her again - that when the parents broke rank and went to the media, hoping others would connect the dots for them. If madeleine's parents are fully innocent then i am totally sorry and mortified that we have to entertain these kinds of things

Yates ago

Don't apologize. The vast majority of people familiar with this case agree that they were involved. We only disagree on minor details. The Portugese detective in the case, Goncarlo Amaral, was convinced and any Portugese will tell you that entire town is on his side. He lost his job because of it and then was harassed, followed, threatened, sued, you name it. He wrote a book about the case which is banned in the UK and more recently in Portugal. It may soon be for sale again in Portugal because the lawsuit the McCanns won against him was recently overturned and they have to pay him now. There is an english translation online, let me try and find it in case someone is interested. Meanwhile, here is a short vid that showcases the book.

This video produced in Portugal has excerpts from the book and lots of good info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FKsKD78Qsc Haven't watched it yet but this is quite something.

fvckh1m_up ago

Would you like to give me a quick introduction of Portugal? I've seen it mentioned before, not sure how it fits into this.


Are you telling me you don't already know that the Podesta brothers are the chief suspects in the 'abduction' of Madeleine McCann in Portugal in 2007? If you don't know you'll find a fair view videos on YouTube about this subject.

AreWeSure ago

Chief Suspects?

On this board maybe, but not in the real world. When the sketches were released the police said it was two sketches of the same person, a man between 20-40 years of age.

fvckh1m_up ago

I'm doing something not many people do which is to document the facts. I'm working on the wiki, not another video or blog one of countless. Not saying those are less significant, contrarily they are highly useful. However I only rolled into this this week so I am behind on most of it. I also think the attention will increase and increase and that relatively few people know or care or looked into it. That means there is a lot of room for additional confusion, disinformation, hours of lost research on already known topics, and play space for shills. I think at this moment it is imperative to organize, before it becomes Really viral (like the thing everyone talks about at home around the world).

Many, many people are yet to take their first peak into the rabbit hole, and I'd rather they do so without having to waste hours of research without knowing what they've gotten themselves into. It would be better to have a public space with a well organized, multi demensional wiki that disseminates the many topics in this scandal. This is why I think it this is the right moment to try to learn the relevant facts and get them into central articles, where clueless people can learn Pizzagate without having to do additional research.

It might sound like I'm overstimating this, but the thing is yet to blow up when very big media outlets are already turned against us. This is a war and we the feeble resistance must do what we can to get people on our side. Information is therefor what I think the main importance (aside from physical intervention which I cannot do living abroad).

sixgorillion ago

Be careful when pointing people to 'Youtube videos', there is a whole plethora of videos and some of them are batshit insane.

Send these people to a specific channel like 'Reality Calls' for example, she does pretty good videos where she provides all of her sources.

fvckh1m_up ago

Thank you this is beneficial to my objective research in the scandal of unprecedented magnitude

CJJacobs ago


Mooncutter ago

I respect this powerful post. Hadn't thought of that before I read this post.

jbooba ago

Yep, 1st time i read about the leaks and the pedo connections that was my thought.

My 2 cents.

KingKongisCTR ago

I strongly believe that Snowden was a CIA plant to cripple the NSA. They talk about the NSA going out of their role of National Security and were investigating foreign leaders and even charities like UNICEF.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

I've been saying this from day one - there's no way a witness recollection would capture their faces so perfectly, down to the mole and everything.

This was a "dry snitch" with motive unclear.

dakota9999 ago

Exactly, And in my research. NO where did I find the sketches from their earlier investigations!

logjam ago

I thought the very same thing. Especially someone in duress, how could they provide such a clear description?

ThrowMeAVoat ago

As someone who has studied witness investigation and its psychology, so much this^.

Rigg5 ago

100% agree. Great community. Thank you.

anonentity ago

Its interesting that it appears that on the day of Madelines disappearance. In 2007 that someone else was using Podestas e mails. Was this because they couldn't access the internet I note that at the present time most places down there, have public wifi if you have your own machine. But back in 2007 I would guess that getting on line in Portugal might have been difficult. Especially outside the main centres. But smart phones, and laptops, couldn't do the trick back then.?


It's just so fucking obvious he did it probably with Weiner they prolly all hang out together. So stupid I mean it's sooo obvious the dude goes there once for a fuvking vacation on the same day and is Ina hotel that's right by her in the same city I mean you mise well just put the letter p on him and have hi wear it around is neck like that chick in that one story everyone has to read in grade school.

SpikyAube ago

DO you know where the evidence is that he was in the same place at that time? I haven't seen that yet.

I think Madeleine's parents are involved as well, and people in the UK establishment. Sir Clement Freud, convicted paedophile, has a villa about 10 mins away from where the McCanns were staying, he even invited them over after the disappearance and media were there and stuff. Also nearby Cliff Richard has a house, and he's been implicated in a UK establishment child abuse scandal, although he was cleared at some point, but his name was in a guest book at a house that was used for high profile paedophiles to abuse children in.

Also, Gerry McCann the father is a Freemason and has high up connections in his area apparently, and the Prime Minister at the time, sent Clarence Mitchell, the government's top PR person out to help the McCann's immediately, like on the day the story broke, which is a bit strange - they don't normally send that kind of person for cases like that, people at the time thought it was odd. The British government also got involved and interfered with the Portuguese investigation etc. So I wouldn't be surprised if they sold her or something and used all the publicity etc to get more money and to help cover it up.

Or, if the McCann's didn't know, and it was the Podestas who did it, then people in the UK establishment were tasked with helping with the cover up - basically they're all part of the same evil, criminal organisation. I hope some solid links are found to people in the British government, because those people are just disgusting sociopaths, so vile every time I see them on tv I almost expect them to shed their skin or something.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

We need to find her. Her name is Elizabeth Cooley Nelson. I've researched her quite a bit but can't find her for the last few years. It looks like she grew up in Florida. Lived in Washington state. Then she moved to Texas. She sent John a letter that had her two kids dressed up for Halloween. Looked pretty innocent to me though. It looks like her sister in law was driving the car when she had a wreck that killed one of HRC's besties. I haven't seen a trace of her in a couple of years but I might be missing something.

hanknut42 ago

no they say they knew who did it but couldn't take them dowN!

TealHighCloud ago

I couldn't figure why the photographs were such a good fit, but I know the smell of fish well enough.

MeatballPizza ago


grlldcheese ago

There was a story floating around the first few days. That the sketches were actually computer generated based on video evidence. I never understood wtf that even meant and I never found a source for it.

I fucking love you guys.

And for the record i have no intention of killing myself.

dakota9999 ago

Lol ditto and ditto!

Warnos44 ago

lol me neither XD

dickface8 ago


MeatballPizza ago

What date did the 'drawings' go public? Seems like I saw them for the first time a few days before the election.

GoldMoose16 ago

I remember seeing them in the news back when they were originally released. Although I have to admit I was not paying too much attention at that time.

So I am going to play devil's advocate here... I am not sure where the suspect photos came from. Were they released by a police agency? So why not send the appropriate agency photos of John and Tony along with a note saying -- "Found Them". Sounds really stupid I know. Bt then again, wh would have ever believed half the shit that has happened this past year?

UglyTruth ago

They have been on the Guardian's website since 2013, Richard Hall's documentary "The Phantoms" discusses their history (2:17:00)

MeatballPizza ago

Okay. I saw them on 4chan a few days before the election for the first time.

HeaCel ago

What is an eFit? Have I missed something? I am really not understanding this post at all (except for the explanation of parallell construction).

AreWeSure ago

E-FIT is product made by VisonMetric LTD. It's computer software for developing a criminal profile. What sketch artists used to draw....is now computerized. http://www.visionmetric.com/products/the-efit-suite/the-efit-suite/

28leinad82 ago

the police identicate sketches

HeaCel ago

What likely occurred is this: [...] possibly by the NSA [...] Thus they created the eFits as parallel evidence.

So, we do not know the origin of the computer generated images (?) and the speculation is that it's a parallell construction by someone/some organization (possibly the NSA)?