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micha_ ago

It is a multi-billion dollar human trafficking red market operated by international regimes and cartels. Pedophilia, organ harvesting, blood storage, forced prostitution, psychiatric and pharmacological experimentation, sextortion blackmail, human donations, and yes sadistic torture for fun -- you name it -- that's what these children are put through.

LegionWill, excellent. Where did you catch the info about blood storage? I ask, because today I posted two articles, that indicate that blood transfusions with blood from young people may be/become a HUUUGE black market:

THE ELIXIR OF YOUTH Plasma from the blood of young people REVERSES the ageing process (The Sun)

Can we reverse the ageing process by putting young blood into older people? (The Guardian)

DeckoGecko ago

does having the blood pumped full of adrenaline add anything maybe?

GoldMoose16 ago

Also, Podesta is in very tight with the Wyss Foundation. 4 executives from a company linked to Hansjorg Wyss were indicted and imprisoned for illegal medical testing. 5 people died.

You should go to podesta emails and search WYSS. You'll get 4 pages of results. Note the tone of some of the emails. Pretty shady stuff.

micha_ ago

Interest in the case has been driven by the fact that Wyss, whose net worth is estimated at $6 billion, is politically connected to the Clintons and to John Podesta, her national campaign manager.


Golden, age 67, died when Chapman inserted a bonelike cement into her spine that had not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Four other patients died on operating tables when the company conducted the same operations.


The human experimentation charge was repeated on Monday by the lawyers for Golden’s daughter Cynthia Wilson, who is suing on behalf of her mother.


Unbeknownst to Golden, Chapman was not an independent surgeon but was a paid consultant to Wyss’ company and received a $2 million “endowment” from Synthes for a chair at the University of Washington where he still sits. The university is a defendant in the state case.

Prior to using the substance on people, Chapman conducted tests for Synthes by inserting the material into pigs. All the pigs died.

Despite his company’s disregard for federal safety laws, Wyss enjoys political connections to prominent Democrats, including those in the Obama and Clinton administrations.

In 2013 Wyss committed $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and has given at least $4 million to Podesta’s Center for American Progress. The Swiss citizen has a seat on CAP’s 12-person board.

Wyss - Portugal Embassy - Podesta Group:

GoldMoose16 ago

Thank you. Going to fit this into my notes.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Wyss foundation is across street from portgual Embassy. Not that it means anything

micha_ ago

Today the discovery, that Soros' has the same eye anomaly as Madeleine McCann (Portugal)... This all is becoming way too weird to believe! But facts are facts!

GoldMoose16 ago

That's just way too weird.