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DuffBeer4Me ago

Hi, I'm LegionWill. My posts move up fast to the "hot" page with hundreds of upvoats.


And I like to hold down THE CAPS KEY because it's FUN... Please UPVOAT me!

Really guys - think about it... how can anyone get so many upvoats without shills on their side... awesome posters like blueberries can't do it as good as LegionWill.

AboutPerception ago


kingkongwaswrong ago

also I'm deleting his submission as it violates rule 3 !

kingkongwaswrong ago

I've suspected legionwill for a while, but never looked deep enough to confirm. The mods have been chatting about a way to flag shills, I will make a post letting them know about your findings

reasonedandinformed ago

The key patterns: 1. Heavy caution at a new, possibly promising, lead. This is different than asking for documentation of a CLAIM. This guy was pushing back hard on somebody's finding of possible others connected to Tony Podesta in his FB friends based on questionable posts. 2. Smoking gun or exaggerated claims without evidence, which contradicts point #1. When you see both happening, you know it is a shill (versus someone just being over zealous) since it shows radically-inconsistent analysis. 3. Planting ideas that seem to be ludicrous, disconnected, or fringe, with no support, so that they can build the narrative of fake news by pointing to nonsense threads. When these unsubstantiated ideas fly up with heavy upvotes, you know it is CTR. They use this to move our resources into dead ends or areas that make us look silly...while replacing legit threads by moving to the top of the board. 4. Showing heavy venom and hate, bigotry, etc., again to partially paint us as a lunatic fringe of white supremacist racists (another of their memes). They loving pulling in hatred of jews or other groups. 5. Inciting violence or a call to arms to go down to the place and give them justice. They play off our natural outrage to try to create a record of us calling for violence, which will support their narrative when they have the false flag op and blame us for the violence, calling for outright censorship.

Those are the main themes I see, and this is how I have spotted them. The last item took off as an initiative for them yesterday, so I think a major false flag is imminent, especially with Hillary's comments yesterday. It is very coordinated.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. Look at my analysis above where he literally manufactured false evidence to implicate kingkongiswrong as a compromised moderator. Look at this post that he made, attacking our kingkongiswrong: If you look at the date when Reddit was banned, 11/22 @ 4 pm, you can see that LegionWill manufactured this false evidence with dates that are after Reddit banned pizzagate. He thinks we are stupid...or he is incredibly inept: He is not just a shill but a virus trying to infiltrate the moderation, spread false stories, shoot down legitimate threads, and knock new/concerning leads down off the front page by regurgitating and getting massive upvotes from his CTR brethren. We know we are onto something big for them to be investing so hard to stop us.

zlomsocz ago

on that note, my thread that got bombarded to the point of me deleting it, maybe had some relevence worth saving, i just suggested we look through Tony Podesta's friends group on FB to find business links., legionwill did not like what i found he hounded me for hours tothe point of shutting down the sub, now i regret that.

reasonedandinformed ago

Don't be bullied. I was in there covering your back. Today, I found a smoking gun that he was a CTR shill, and he went from 130 upvotes to being banned:

kingkongwaswrong ago

Look at this post that he made, attacking our kingkongiswrong:

God that image takes me back shudder

attacking our kingkongiswrong


DuffBeer4Me ago

Wow!! Good find.

We need a kingkongwaswrong appreciation thread. Even though I think he semi-retired or something... It's very clear he is legit.

kingkongwaswrong ago

:'D made me tear up

I'll still be floating around, checking in every now and then to make sure the sub never goes back to 'cesspool' status. <3

edit: though I really trust my mods

DuffBeer4Me ago

Trust takes time. Not completely trusting them is probably smart now, but will be better over time. We posters need to watch the mod logs more and flag issues with you.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks! Yes, kingkongwaswrong did us a huge service.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks! LegionWill is a real nasty shill...very active in his efforts. I reported him.