Eph513 ago

I thought he made a good argument for Jimmy Comet being a CIA agent. His posts are deleted. 'Fake News' I guess

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Is there any way the mods can put a list together of false leads he perpetuated & the real leads he was trying to distract from?

ghost_marauder ago

Nice to see they went with a high quality host. $69 / month (ouch)

DuffBeer4Me ago

how did you do that?

ghost_marauder ago


put in their address

ping (send packets to server to see if it's up)

traceroute (find path between requester and target server)

whois (who registered - usually ananomised)

find IP address, do a google search for

ip location of <IP address>

find the host (or at least the isp - depending on who registers the IP address)

DuffBeer4Me ago

No I mean how did you get their IP address? Are you sysadmin of voat?

ghost_marauder ago

Oh shoot, I meant to reference the upvote site. I'm horrible at directions.

DuffBeer4Me ago

ahhhh now i get it... I was super impressed for a minute thinking you got the IP of the actual shills.

ghost_marauder ago

Wouldn't that be fun. DDoS and hack them into the stone age. Or at least put a site filter on them.

amCassandraAMA ago

Im considering buying an upvoteattack on one thing here and observe who upvotes. IP/ID ban everything associated with the upvoted accounts.

Would need a hand of the admins tho.

On the productdescription they admit they use their personal accounts on voat that are years old. That would hurt

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you are suggesting working with the admins to use voat as a trap for shills.

creating a way to work with the admins to use voat as a trap....

this is universally a bad idea.


they'll find a way around it. don't be the TSA of voat. plz.

ghost_marauder ago

It would most certainly bounce them back a while. If voat works on top of a relational database your could also check out upvote frequency and try to find patterns. But, that takes a lot longer.

amCassandraAMA ago

feel free to message the administration. I bet theyd be thankful for a method to decrease serverload and increase integrity.

You also seem to be more tech savvy than me and im tied up in other operations.

ghost_marauder ago

I'm fairly new here. Do you have contact names. You can PM me if it's suppose to remain relatively secret.

amCassandraAMA ago

Im too, I just searched for some contact option but it seems difficult. Asking in one of the bigger subverses might help

ghost_marauder ago

no, no no no

I'm a system admin of other things.

go to ping.eu and put in their url. Try it.

Heffter ago

Is he alright?

dookiehowzer ago

Yocan someone pm atif and tell him to sue that site, unless hes getting money from them why would he be a part of that right now

dookiehowzer ago

Who owns this site

Edit Atif and justin

Wud up famboski

DuffBeer4Me ago

statistics on this post for later reference...

Subscribers: 8164 Visiting now: ~2515

Posted 2.5 hours ago


DuffBeer4Me ago

find an old thread, comment repeatedly on it. No one will notice, then you will have enough comment points to downvote. Or just post more often on non-shilly posts.

DuffBeer4Me ago

I repost this here for information on tactics used by LegionWill. If LegionWill is a shill, the same person behind the keyboard is still here with other accounts.

Identifying the tactics is more important than identifying the actual shills, because there are so damn many of them.

And I like to hold down THE CAPS KEY because it's FUN... Please UPVOAT me!

NotThe77th ago

I've used all my up votes but I'm sure someone else will have it covered.

CrackerJacks ago

There are some people that do like pizza......I've gone right off it myself.

Oh, that table cloth.....I think i had the same one about 30yrs ago.

zlomsocz ago

@duffbeer4me, thanks for sharing this

apparatchik1488 ago

He went around calling everyone shills, pretty weird behavior. But I think he had some somewhat decent posts.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

I thought so too...

zlomsocz ago

i regret deleting my thread yesterday because legionwill went nuts and took over the thread with his shill army, now i wanna know if there is another way to repost it

Lunari ago

I specifically remember that thread and how he came in and just started hardcore flaming you for "being a shill" - it was so overboard and ridiculous.

DuffBeer4Me ago

the thread will still be there. Do you remember the username of anyone who commented on your thread? Did legionwill comment? You can find it again by looking in that username comment history.

reasonedandinformed ago

Very good catch and analysis. I was the one who found the smoking gun in his "smoking gun" thread...a post by him with manufactured evidence to frame our original moderator. He was really stupid. The evidence of the shillery is a massive and fast upvoat process. They can run up 100 votes in an hour, so they have many people working this. If something is running quickly, look at the content of the post and the poster's history.

BTW, their current MO is to plant threads to incite violence or make us look like crazed and unhinged people so that we can be blamed for their next (major) false flag, which I believe is very imminent. CENSORSHIP is their main goal right now as they want to stop our investigation and awareness of what we have been finding. They literally want to wipe us off the internet through MSM debunking lies, followed by public outrage that we are citizen terrorists who have no right to a platform for the truth we are finding.

DuffBeer4Me ago

One more thing that really helps....

Check the moderation logs.

They will attack the moderators, they hope to make the moderators doubt themselves so much they quit. If we watch the moderation logs, we can confidently defend good mods, and draw attention to the bad.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I have also suspected LegionWill might be a shill based on his tenuous and poorly sourced (or unsourced) posts and his overtly crazy-sounding stuff (e.g. talking about blood harvesting and vampires). He will just use an alt account now (if "he" is even one person; more likely a team of shills). SO what we need to watch out for is the BEHAVIORS, which you identify below.

micha_ ago

How young blood might help reverse aging. Yes, really https://www.ted.com/talks/tony_wyss_coray_how_young_blood_might_help_reverse_aging_yes_really

Can we reverse the ageing process by putting young blood into older people? ...

As a business proposition, the transfusion of young blood raises all kinds of fears. It raises the spectre of a macabre black market, where teenagers bleed for the highest bidder, and young children go missing from the streets. Then there is the danger of unscrupulous dealers selling fake plasma, or plasma unsafe for human infusion. The fears are not unfounded: health has become one of the most lucrative sectors for criminals and con artists.


So when MAINSTREAM articles mention this a real problem, why are you rejecting it as absurd?

Wyss-Coray is one of the leading researchers worldwide. Hansjorg Wyss is on the board of the Clinton Foundation. Are they relatives? Hansjorg Wyss recently had to face a trial, because five or six people died, because of human experiments with unapproved substances.

LegionWill was interested in it and brought these facts to broader knowledge!

He also spread the knowledge, that Madeleine McCann had the same Iris defect as George Soros and with the eFits looking like the Podestas, and Soros maybe the center figure of the Clinton-club, in conjunction with the medical and blood research, this seems very important.

Therefore if someone claims blood harvesting was absurd, while even mainstream media accepts the danger, all alarm bells are on!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Therefore if someone claims blood harvesting was absurd, while even mainstream media accepts the danger, all alarm bells are on!

It is absurd to make that logical leap based on such flimsy evidence, especially given how sensational the claim is. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

micha_ ago

Isn't the whole pizzagate thing an extraordinary claim?

The rejuvenating effect is a HUGE MOTIVE. A much better motive, than pedophilia, because pedophilia is only interesting for a small group, while reversing ageing effects is interesting for everyone. Not only a black market for organs for sick people, but blood being more useful for much more potential customers.

What do you say to Hansjorg Wyss?!

DuffBeer4Me ago

Look at the 'hot' page right now.

Notice how many votes this post has for the time it has been up.

Compare with counts for other posts on the hot page.

Do this excercise when you visit. Compare the quality of posts. We are absolutely infested.

We need to make an underground circle within this sub. That's what I mean when I talk about a 'good list'. We each need to make one so we can find each other.

DuffBeer4Me ago

Good work, that really was damning evidence. I just added a link to your findings in OP.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you!

tomyhawk ago

This is how they are doing it. http://upvotes.club/ It was posted on /all yesterday. Scroll down and voat is covered.

reasonedandinformed ago

Good find. Is there a way for us to block this selling of votes? Report to moderator (I am): Stop http://upvotes.club/ where they can buy VOAT votes.

tomyhawk ago

I don't know much about it, never crossed my mind until I saw this thread.

Edit: You all need to get it to the mods, i'm unknown to them, just a lurker.

reasonedandinformed ago

I formally notified the mods. Not sure how he is still here.

RecycledUser ago

Thank you for saying it better than I could. If I could add one thing, it's more important now than ever to only disburse CONCRETE EVIDENCE to the public; anything less can, will be, and IS being used to censor and shut down any criticism, with the ultimate goal to silence the internet. And thus, the reason they are paying these shills

youhavetogoback123 ago

What subject matter specifically is drawing in these CTR shills.... Any particular subject that triggers them to reply and downvote....

zlomsocz ago

yes agreed, i had a reletively popular post that reached roughly 70 upvoats in a few hours, Legionwill had a group of about fifteen others , where Legionwill would make a off balance statement and suddenly have ten upvoats, he was calling me out maliciouslyly, and was using scare tactics which ultimately distracted from the info in my thread, but there exists a shill army here who are lurking , just wait to see what they pounce on, could always be a sign of the right direction of research.

reasonedandinformed ago

They are actually posting made-up threads, lacking any substance, and then up voting dramatically, with two purposes: 1. Create fake news to discredit us. 2. Wipe off the front page real leads.

They will also dive into bad posts (hey, look over here) to support and up vote or will concern troll legitimate posts to discredit them (nothing to see here).

Their current focus is on planting fake news to support that narrative and to incite violence to point the finger at us when there is a false flag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvE4-DYK9Lg

DuffBeer4Me ago

They don't downvote.

Upvoting is the main tactic, they upvote their own posts to the top page. They are very good at it.

Watch for posts that rise quickly, that is the main red flag, particularly when the post has little substance.

Also watch the highest voted comments on these posts. They need to get control of the top comments, as they are the first people read when skimming.

Sometimes it is to send us on a goose chase looking into something silly. Other times it is to reframe or bury another post that is rising that they don't want you to see.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Sometimes it is to send us on a goose chase looking into something silly. Other times it is to reframe or bury another post that is rising that they don't want you to see.

It's also a form of "black propaganda." The media can point to these high-upvoted posts with fake evidence or crazy, unfounded claims, and say "SEE! FAKE NEWS!"
