Eastwood350 ago

Healthcare decisions are slowly being removed from parents. There are a number of families I'm aware of in the groups I belong to on social media who've lost their children to the system for the simple reason of asking for a second opinion. I'm also aware of a parent in CT who's two children were removed for refusing a safety plan given to her by the hospital which mandated she give her child psychotropic meds. She refused and told them she believed in treating the holistic route, they promptly removed her 10 yr old autistic daughter and three days later went to her son's school and removed her 7 year old son who has Aspergers. She has since gotten them both returned but it wasn't without a long, tough battle that lasted over a year and a half.

Gammi ago

Washington is awash with corruption on every level, it has been infiltrated with the most vile of human society .......you may still be able to find "a few good men"......but for the most part it has had decades of deviant evil people in high places making all the rules, and controlling all the players with blackmail to keep everyone in line......and now we the people have seen a glimpse into reality by a small opening in the door called WikiLeaks......which I am hoping will soon blow everyone involved in this wickedness out of their dark cockroach invested lairs and into the light.

reasonedandinformed ago

Very relevant given the proven cover by the DC police on the pizzagate investigation. They claim in social media to have completed an investigation, only to be exposed in the lie via a FIOA request https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1525587.

YingYangMom ago

This is very serious. Now I need to say something that has been bothering me for a long time. We all know here that the globalists have been working on their agenda to take away our rights, one by one without us (or the vast majority) realising it. The've spent decades studying the best way to achieve their 'one world order' ultimate goal and they're very close to declaring victory. Now, how exactly did they come this far without us noticing? Some may say that they've successfully distracted us with 'gadgets' and movies and games and perhaps they are right, in part. But in reality, much more damage has been done through their 'indoctrination', or the educational system and all of its extra-curricular branches and activities than anything else. They've come for our children and have successfully brainwashed them. The only thing they have left to do is to terminate our rights as parents and the world will be finally theirs. If we are going to win this battle, then we have to attack the educational system first, so we can attempt to 'cure' the disease that's been developing at an alarming rate in our minds, our spirits, souls and in even our bodies. We need to purify ourselves from their ideologies and everything they stand for. We need to rid ourselves and our children from this indoctrination and help others wake up to this reality. I think this Alvin Toffler quote could never have been more relevant:

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."

Eastwood350 ago

Sorry to say it's already happening in this country and has been since the enactment of AFSA which was penned by Hillary and signed by her husband when he was POTUS. There are currently 427000 children in the system at the last official report and the majority of these children come from families who don't have the means to hire private attorneys which can range from 30k-150k. Parents have been screaming from the rooftops over the unjust removal of their children with NO substantiated proof of abuse or neglect and MSM has been more than negligent about covering this issue. Those that have taken up the cause to expose it, such as Senator Nancy Schaeffer, Bill Bowen a producer, Martin Burns who was an investigative journalist have all met their maker while working to bring it to light. The families who are impoverished or don't have the financial means are the families who are being targeted and family units are being destroyed by having parental rights terminated at an alarming pace.

YingYangMom ago

Then the problem must be tackled by going straight to its root cause, which is this WJC enactment and fight to have it overturned and demand an educational system reform. This has to become top priority. Awareness needs to spread on this subject too. Parents need to get involved and when enough people start making noise on social media, then the administration will be forced to address the issue. Start petitions, organise activist groups, et al. I'm not from the States, but if and when the reform takes place in the US, then other countries, including mine, might almost certainly follow in its footsteps.

YingYangMom ago

Wow. They're in our face like that and nothing seems to be changing. I guess we're not fighting back hard enough.