bytestuff ago

OP here. I don' think people have paid enough attention to the article combined with the video. In the video, you see the reporter quite clearly intimidating Frank Winstead, the local anc commissioner who spoke out against CPP. A year earlier, the same reporter was complaining about not being allowed to play ping pong. Could it be that he went to harass Winstead as a favour to CPP in the hope that they would let him play ping pong?

SpikyAube ago

The reporter who wrote that article is now an investigative reporter for the Huffington Post. Surely he should be investigating pizza gate then?! Maybe he is? Maybe someone should get in touch with him...

SpikyAube ago

Oh. I checked his Twitter and he refers to pizza gate as 'insane falsehoods.'

Fateswebb ago

The old man he was bugging is the same old man that set up a camera across the street from comet ping pong, and filmed. It's on YouTube, and is titled "ping pong in public" or something real close to that name. When you watch the video closely it is very hard to determine if you're watching an actual kidnapping, I left the video feeling inconclusive. However the reason winstead had put out the video at least, the reason he claimed to was because ping pong was unsafe close to the street. Still it almost appears as if a young girl is being kidnapped and sounds like she is crying for help. However I just can not tell you for sure what is going on in that video.

strengthenthegrid ago

That is highly speculative.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Excellent digging. Thanks for this!

DooDooDoodle ago

If you were running a criminal scheme like money laundering or child trafficking you wouldn't necessarily want to sell a good product or have good service. That would encourage people to come there.


after watching the Guy Fieri TV show showcase CPP, I knew JA didn't know a thing about making a decent pizza, It was burned and looked like shit on a plate

Rusdy ago

Hey man, I will make a thread and copy post your text into that if it is ok, then we have a place where people can research this aspect!

Rusdy ago

"I have visited your address six times since late December. I have only managed to play pingpong two of those times."

The article has this suggestive is indeed strange. I guess the guy also knew something was up and therefore tried to visit Frank Winstead because this man was the one accusing Alefantis of turning the place into something with rape and murder.

This plus all the old reviews (I agree about a separate thread) makes everything even fishier.

strengthenthegrid ago

"When I first heard about your concept, I was concerned that the pingpong tables would soon be destroyed by water marks. Pint glasses can kill a table pretty quick. But your tables are still—-months later—-in decent shape. They seemed to be well cared for, which is greatly appreciated."

Rusdy ago

Yes, the whole article hints at the fact that they don't play Ping Pong there regularly. That plus the video tells a very fishy story. The dude knew something was up, Breitbart also knew about Podesta. 2 People who never knew ech other were intrigued by pizzagate years ago! And now, through the Podesta Mails thousands of others are independently investigating this whole thing. No coincidence, it can't be!

strengthenthegrid ago

When I read the article I just hear this almost singing, overly polite, silently threatening voice.

bidentime ago

That is actually some great information and would make for a fantastic expanded post. Nice work!

rutkdn ago

Archived article:

oldskeptic ago

Comet is not about making money for Alefantis as a successful restaurant. Article after article, review after review, image after image, it all adds up to the conclusion that Comet is about something else. Whatever it is, it's creepy.

Headstart ago

It's all about the "experience."

Rskr202 ago

What does this comment under the article mean?

"I'm guessing they're just another CR or DR operating as a DT or CT in advance of ABRA getting around to the promised audits."

fuspezza ago

¿what "comment under the article"? did i not see it or did it get erased?

We_The_People ago

Cum Rag

Dick Rider

Deep Throat

Cock Tease

Abra - A extremely talented, beautiful collection of sexy girls. A group which is admired by many.

This is what Urban Dictionary had so this may be wrong. But it is a start.

h2d ago

I was wondering the same exact fucking thing. Super weird.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I did a quick google seems ABRA is Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration in D.C.

quantokitty ago

WOW!! Great finds.

Read the article, and clearly the focus was not on selling pizza. I also HIGH doubt that they ran out of ingredients -- especially since a DJ and party just happened to be booked for that night. And WTH is the back room for? I thought that was devoted to "events and parties"?

You know, every time I view or read about this place, the suspicion grows.

jealoushe ago

Theres a vid on Youtube just posted about someone going to check out the back bar - old and unused...but more "black curtains" leading to who knows where?

quantokitty ago

Yes, it was posted on Voat. I'm waiting for them to do a follow up now that they know about the back room.


also curious he mentions the place being closed several times on weekdays, even in the afternoon

quantokitty ago

I know. Everything about the place is weird, including lying about being out of ingredients. Can't they just say the booked a party? Or have a sign up?