remedy4reality ago

' I killed that thing... ( baby ) E-U-T-H-E-N-A-S-I-A ˌyo͞oTHəˈnāZH(ē)ə

Thakiddds ago

Maybe we should let her know what we think about her 'journalism' the writers twitter is on there

StrangeHologram ago

Someone should call Kleinman's mom and show her what kinds of comments she makes about underage kids. Hey, we all have preferences.

shillcrusher13 ago

"She said that “maybe 70 percent of these individuals, if I had them one-on-one with me for a week, or once a day for a month,” then maybe she could get them to stop acting the way they do."


shillcrusher13 ago

Ms. Kleinman will re-train you.

StrangeHologram ago

Will she wear the mask while doing it?

shillcrusher13 ago

I dunno, but that would really complete the experience. At the very least she will wear sunglasses and cover her face probably, or maybe bring in ALEFANTIS to make funny faces and point at where we should go and what we should do next.

yabbadoody ago

WaPo "breathing heavy". Last gasps. Desperately needs oxygen, sweat off a dying man's testicles.

thestormking ago

Show of hands. How many people here have ever been trolled online?

Follow up question. How many people have ever been trolled online for being a pedophile while having a big writeup about it in the Washington Post in their defense?

remedy4reality ago

Go to the comments on WAPO and observe how they are making her into the victim, being attacked for her 'creativity'. The entire homophobe defense of Comet from these pedo apologists is making my blood boil, and it's pretty clear to see hiding a child trafficking ring behind the LBGT movement was planned in advance.

AmishMechWarrior ago

All this article proves to me is that we need to keep an eye on Jessica Contrera as well. This article lacks any perspective on why Pedogate researchers are actually upset with this awful woman.

KoofNoof ago

Does anyone ever email the journalists who write stories like these? I wonder if they're in on it, or if they genuinely don't know anything, and are fed false information.


Kleinman is a thin skinned, petty, adult baby who has lived a fantasy life of pedo punk garbage and who got involved with some heavy political players. She's arrogant and thinks she's untouchable, but she knows and Jimmy Fuck Comet know she's the weak link. She lashes out, calls people's mommies, whines and complains like a creep. Keep annoying her. Keep hammering on the shit she herself put out for the world to see. It is not harassment to make sure Google displays her disgusting mind control videos stills. She bragged and thought she was untouchable. She's a cocky fuck and Alefantis' PR campaign on her behalf will only bring more people into the PG fold in a good way. Her life as a creepy as fuck artists is there for the world to see. Make sure everyone sees it. First impressions of a ski mask wearing creep cracking pedo jokes in a dark room are powerful. Hammer this bitch.

XVktm ago

quite a sermon.


Kleinman is the weak link. She's been given undue attention from NPR, NYT, and WaPo, all acting as white knights. Her incriminating band diaries, her videos, everything about her is inexcusable:

As soon as people see her in a ski mask joking about euthanizing babies, a natural and healthy anger and revulsion set in, and Alefantis the fuck knows this. Hammer this. SEO the shit out this. Every time someone Googles "Amanda Kleinman pizzagate" they should immediately see the dirty laundry that Kleinman the narcissist left herself for the world to see. Everything she put out is fair game. Fuck her. She's an unmarried creep who works with kids and her artwork speaks for itself. Hammer on.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

That picture with her head in her hands is Oscar worthy.

I'm dead.

CosmicChrist ago

That picture in the article of her covering her face and backing away from her computer, captioned that its her reacting to being trolled, fucking hell. Couldn't they have tried any harder? You think they would be better at this kind of bullshit story by now.

On the positive side, this is a great article for us to use. One look at that article and one quick search of heavy breathing on YouTube and you don't even have to say anything, it argues itself.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I just posted this under the username MeganCleary at 10:09 - can you guys read it or is it shadowbanned?

"WAPO left out some background info on Ms. Kleinman's band, Heavy Breathing. Here are a couple of screenshots from their video "Apes - The Neutered Noel." & The whole video can be found here:"

quantokitty ago

Stalked and harassed?!!! A "victim"?!!!! This POS is anything but! WaPoo should be ashamed of themselves, but they're digging their own grave. When the justice department sinks their teeth into this case, WaPo is going to answer to why they were part of the coverup/conspiracy and not part of the vanguard trying to help those kids.

remedy4reality ago

Except the WAPO has long been a CIA daily propaganda outlet.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, but people don't know that. Defending pedos is not going to be good for their public image of a trusted news source.

derram ago

Seems to have happened with a few of the bot's archives.

Might be a new bug on my end or something with

But I just added a screenshot ability to the bot so it'll keep going even if becomes unusable.

FriesischShipping ago

There was this edgy punk band from my home town that had a song about punching a girl. They were literally shunned out of existence. Killing babies is cool though.

Thakiddds ago

Remember that rock band with the song called 'smack my bitch up' same thing happened to them

joe_hill ago

you can tell that medias are corrupted when you see that they have no diffused Alefantis instagram picture nor heavy breathing picture (cannibal, torture, pizzachild etc.)

golly ago

Haha, so she is telling your mom you comment on her pedo-laden lyrics, music or peformances? When all else fails I guess.

thezodiac ago

Wow what a badass she is, calling the troll's mother. If he just show his mother one of her videos she would agree with him, lol.

MolochHunter ago

I think the sub-editors didnt get the memo - look at this voat lurker comment they let through the gate:

"I don't know why people do the trolling because it's stupid and doesn't do anything to help anyone. But people do it I suspect because they are so appalled by what is going on, and the fact it is being, unbelievably, insanely, covered up by the media. I am not a troll, would never harass someone or be mean on or off line. I'm not from the alt-right. In fact I'm from England, am left-wing, almost finished my PhD, was horrified by Brexit and Donald Trump and yet I'm here, telling you that 'Pizzagate' is not fake news.

I know it's not because after having laughed at some post I saw about it, I looked into it further. I love conspiracy theories, not because I believe them, but because I love the psychology behind them, and seeing how the narrative gets woven around certain facts while conveniently side stepping others. I wanted to see how this insane theory had come about.

Since then my whole world has been turned upside down, because it's not like a 'conspiracy theory' - there is evidence, mountains of evidence. The people looking into it do not cherry pick facts, and most operate on the sound research principle of attempting to debunk the claims rather than selecting facts to support them. In fact, the only people I've seen doing the classic conspiracy theory cherry picking are the mainstream media and others who insist it's all fake.

This article for example, ignores the content of Majestic Ape's music, which references raping children, features known pedophiles in their videos and there's a video of this woman talking about 'euthanising babies' and laughing off pedophilia as 'everyone has their preferences.' None of that is evidence of the child trafficking, but it still seems to be important context that a decent journalistic would mention or ask about. They aren't asking or mentioning for a reason.

Just go and look at what they've found:"

congrats, great work, let us know who you are here so we can upvoat the fuck outta you

comeonpeople ago

the content of Majestic Ape's music, which references raping children,

No it doesn't.

most operate on the sound research principle of attempting to debunk the claims rather than selecting facts to support them

lol, which forum is he talking about? Certainly not this one.

whatonearth ago

Seriously, Heavy Breathing songs don't even have lyrics, just brief repeated vocal samples from the Internet, but somehow people here think they are spending all their time singing about raping children.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Why the downvoats???

bodthedog ago

Someone please post their youtube videos on there so that people reading the article can see exactly the kind of thing they are using as videos please?

I can't do it at the moment :x

zzvoat ago

I call 99 to 100% total bullshit on this. HOWEVER, it keeps things in the news. YES!!

doubletake ago

somebody's really got to do a voice check on her to see if it matches the MC in the vids. I mean, if the voice really does belong to alenfantes, hot damn!

SturdyGal ago

No it's really her with electronic voice modulation.
Here are high def photos

BertieMcDuffy ago

Is that really the least creepy picture they could find of her?

thezodiac ago


Atatarkus ago

Imagine trolling this poor woman simply for writing music that depicts the rape of children?? That is shocking these bullys should be ashamed.....pfft fuck off what a piece of wapo garbage that article is for fuck sake they dont even mention any of the controversial content in the music did they do any research at all??? If i was in a band that was writing some seriously offensive stuff and i wasnt getting trolled id be failing.

SturdyGal ago

LOL sometimes I think #pizzagate was concocted by Dupont Circle's failed hipster artists and musicians to bring them publicity. Heaving Breathing videos are artistically dreadful to the point that people suspect that there must be hidden instructions in them because why else would people watch them?

idontlikesalmon ago

The comments below the article are almost scary. People are so easily indoctrinated.

remedy4reality ago

And heavily filtered... all of my comments are being ghosted on both the WAPO and the Huffington Post. Talk about the death of the First Amendment.

thezodiac ago

They're paid shills

tamaman ago

this is disgusting and i hope people will actually google their bands videos hoping theydont pull up some corny ass shit on top of youtube results.

"Kleinman reacts to videos that troll her band, Heavy Breathing. "

psycho pic and subtext lmfao.

silverstar23 ago



So who else is going to HB's Comet show this month? I'm surprised the WP didn't ask if she'll be performing her by now famous routine about Jerry the pedo and euthanising a newborn baby. Don't audiences have the right to know if they'll be doing all their 'hits'?

tamaman ago

erm thats stuff we know since the beginning the only question was who is that amanda kleinman and could it be alefantis

StrangeHologram ago

Yeah, I really thought pedo ape was JA but now they produce this lady? Unless she is also JA in drag?

derram ago :

There’s no good way to deal with trolls, so you might as well tattle to their moms - The Washington Post

This has been an automated message.

Vindicator ago

Upvoated. Thanks for archiving. WaPo doesn't deserve clicks for this.