ronnyCPI ago

I'm reposting this as a reminder. It's a significant email lead from Wikileaks Hillary archives.

It mentions Simon Stringer in addition to Jim Blom, David Stone, and Stone Harbour shipping. The Blom family has had international shipping experience related to Europe and Norway. I'm currently researching Simon Stringer, who Hillary says has "multipurpose software, at several levels . . ." A rather cryptic statement that echoes other conversations that mention various "levels" in their activities. More later on Simon Stringer.

smokinggunspizza ago

Here is my archive from 8ch + the most well organized and up to date links and lead threads from here that others have gathered:

2.16GB Password: Flinstone!AQEy3TdYHMoUER7rFr1w0hJG5Him8-HH2NIFoENnBNaSJDYNhTGN1UYymZR8C9cvm04mBx4Y3Rra8rUyC7-JDh35PVPGfAPD-h8LdQmracDX9TVJIPO4K1eTORg4WHB-WsmkGe7w0A0

popezandy ago

I'm gonna bump this but I haven't looked at it yet. I'm worried about the safety of 2.16GB, but if anyone wants to take the risk checking this out that'd be awesome.

ploppy ago


popezandy ago

Thanks for putting it down here, I've kinda lost faith with the tunnel idea but this IS I'd argue an important document involved in that sort of lead. TY doggy dog

doubleherpes ago

Investigate1999 ago


Do you know where we can find the Wikileak emails that show them speaking entirely in a cryptic jargon, as opposed to just a few words? Nobody seems to have information on that.

popezandy ago

The old "PS do you think I'd do better playing dominos on pasta or cheese" thing is probably what you're talking about. That's not really lead material, more of core concept. Good to point out, if you check out the chan links post there are threads about it

Investigate1999 ago

I think that it was more of a jibberish like, "car about thing thong how tin can con". The quote that you had in mind could be directly translated from the FBI information leaked to Wikileaks.

Maybe I just imagined the whole thing.

disclosuretimes ago

Are we sure all the most important leads are here?

Should we make a second-tier lead list as well??

popezandy ago

If you want to make a second tier list, I'm just trying to document current avenues of research.

popezandy ago

Yeah I don't know how those got in there, the keyboard I was using hates the letter H but otherwise that was my bad. I was pretty rushed by the time I finished posting. Thanks for pointing that out, I've fixed it and agree with you completely.

redberries ago

I'll regularly come back to update this (sorry!):

Full property report (this will also prove that it's me):

Old blog from Haitian reporter who met Silsby (only on archives, it's now removed): Haitian Vox

popezandy ago

Right, that was one of your leads. It seems like investigation has stalled involving Little Red Fox, which is interesting. That place being bought several years after the others for zero dollars like the others. I wonder if that's significant. The other thing I really wanted of yours was to do with the law firm Andrew Kline worked for. If I'm not mistaken it was you who was claiming that it shared it's location with several other fake businesses including Con Coxion LLC or something ridiculous like that. It seemed like that was a potential avenue of research but nobody's been able to follow up on it.

in4theLongRun ago

just found this gross link from someone in twitter wish there was anons on this site to investigate Pedoforum only subcribers have access

HolyMoly0 ago

amCassandraAMA ago

upvoat this thread goddamn it

dookiehowzer ago

Need to upload these dox to multiple private servers asap, god speed

samson154 ago

Just to clarify, the owner of the Flickr account did NOT have pictures of him at CPP; the pictures of CPP were posted by other users and he only started "favoriting" them in mid November (most likely when he first became aware the possible link between pizzagate and CPP). We need to make sure the leads that are posted are only the most relevant.

popezandy ago

None of that information was available to me, sorry to mislead. I'll double check into it, but there are also pictures of him in comet ping pong if I'm not mistaken, and I had been told they were prior to the gate. I'll look into it.

samson154 ago

no worries brother! great post overall

kingkongwaswrong ago

I remember blueberries posting a lot, the fact there's nothing on his page is really suspicious. Even if mods delete a post, it stays on your submission page I'm pretty sure, and just gets moved to 'deleted submissions' in the sub.

Either there's something fishy going on at Voat, or the user scrubbed their own info. =/ either way concerning.

@blueberries care to weigh in?

edit - I'll add this to the sidebar

goatsRpeople ago

Blueberries and Legionwill were truth tellers amongst the lies on this sub,

I suppose kingkong can say 'what happened to legion?"

The parallel here is that both blue-berry and legion-will were the first to discuss the saudi connection to pizzagate and got them ban,deleted, and scrubbed.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

what do we do about them being gone?

popezandy ago

Thank you alot

Disappointed ago

It looks like blueberries has deleted their account. Thats what happens when people delete accounts here, all comments are removed. Usually it leaves a delted placeholder unless noone has replied to that comment then it will just disappear with nothing there. Sometimes it says "1 reply" but when you click it, there's nothing.

@popezandy @Faustian

doginventer ago

Cheers D. TIL : )

Disappointed ago

No problem and maybe the mods here need to remember this for important links because if accounts are deleted important info might be lost. Also sorry about not understanding your post in Protectvoat at first I was reading the thread instead of your comments.


Crensch ago

I missed all of this - what's the takeaway?

Disappointed ago

I think someone deleted their account and the guys didnt know so they were wondering where their comment went. So I'm saying to prevent it people should archive what they think is important even if it's not their own thread in case later the account is deleted.

doginventer ago

Yeah, belt & braces all the way

Thanks for checking and reporting mate

Disappointed ago

Edit: @doginventer see the reply above.

kingkongwaswrong ago

that's really chilling =/


Can you please set up a robust canary so that we know when you are compromised? Permanently sticky it?

kingkongwaswrong ago

what do you suggest? I'm leaving soon, and wont be checking in regularly


See my third message to all of the moderators that I sent earlier. Where are you leaving to?

kingkongwaswrong ago

I don't know which message you mean

Disappointed ago

Yea I got caught with it. I thought my replies and comments would stay on my old account here when I deleted it: @Dismember but I lost them all.

The_Awakened_One ago

Dropping this little lead here about Hawaii..(also posting as a thread elsewhere)

A friend once went to discuss possible rental of one of the buildings for a small business in the "down town" area of honolulu also known as "Chinatown" near the Honolulu community college. The elevator man took him down an old fashioned elevator to survey the property. (Who even has an elevator man in Hawaii?) It gets weirder.

There in the "basement" were hallways going as far as the eye could see, with many rooms connected along the way.

"Where do these hallways lead to?" asked friend.

"You didn't know? This entire area is connected underground. But no one has used these pathways since the 1800's"

"This entire area? You mean like this block of buildings that I would be sharing this basement with?"

"All of Chinatown. The entire downtown area is connected underground."

Yeah, there's a catacombs underneathe Chinatown.

Now let me tell you this, I grew up and lived my entire life there and have never once heard of this from any source. But I have heard stories from people who were around in the 50's and 60's of literal shootouts taking place in down town between rival gangs and police. This place is certainly run by drug cartels, maybe not as powerful as the Italian Mafia but certainly some badass mofos you don't really want to mention in public. There is a possibility that the downtown underground has been used for trafficking drugs and even children for a long time.

Maybe someone interested can do some searches for the buildings at or around the place and find any links or suspicious logos...

Investigate1999 ago

That reminds me of Vancouver. There are old rumours of Chinatown having tunnels underneath, and Chinese people would use it to traffic opium. However, a historian said that it would be impossible for Vancouver to have that. Now I am beginning to wonder.

The_Awakened_One ago

I went down to this building and saw the elevator in person- an old fashioned wrought iron elevator from the late 1800's or early 1900s. I didn't get to go down because the elevator man wasn't there but I have every reason to believe my friend who did see it. The way he told me, it was like it creeped him out.

It worth noting that major banks, the federal and state court, state capital and even a chucky cheese's all lie in the vicinity of Chinatown there. Are they all connected underground?

Investigate1999 ago

I'm amazed at the times in which we live. We can actually talk about underground tunnels seriously. The funny thing about the past is that if we each believed the exact same thing, then there would ** STILL ** be a chance that we would doubt each other, when we shared our ideas.

I mean, when I read what you just wrote, I thought, "Chucky Cheese connected to that? Yeah, probably.". :D

xmen ago

I just want to point out about those so called tunnels beyond connecticut ave. There is an art gallery beyond Dupont circle

And There is a lot similar business into this area like into the area of come ping pong. Yesterday I tought of a Link between Comet Ping Pong and scientology church for numerous reasons - but in this area of Washington DC (Dupont Circle) look at the Scientology Church over there.

check --> scientology washington DC --> there are L Ron Hubbard House, The Foundation Church and the Church of Scientology-National Affairs Office .

So I wonder if there is a possibility that it is all connected togethere - in a figure of speech or not.

doginventer ago

I remember reading a comment by u/blueberries then noticing that it had gone when I refreshed the screen. This was a few days ago, and I can't remember much more about it. Think I assumed it must've been self deleted, but if I remember right there was no ,"[deleted]" notification left

[edit: spelling]

popezandy ago

He commented back to me and that comment is now deleted, but it isn't listed in the deleted comments. What the fuck is happening?

Disappointed ago

Do you have a link to where the comment was?

popezandy ago

Went to find it for you and now that's gone too.

Disappointed ago

Yep see my reply here about bluberries comment and that they probably deleted their account. If they made the thread too it will be gone as well but if you can find your own comment in that thread then you can still read all the replies, except theirs.

popezandy ago

It shouldn't delete all of their submissions?

Disappointed ago

Its designed by the voat admins to delete all submissions and comments when you delete the account. I think Reddit is different but I can't remember.

popezandy ago

That is the most idiotic thing about this platform. If 4 people were deleted from voat we would have no investigators and no evidence. Fuck me I hope those back up sites got rid.

Disappointed ago

Archive can never save all the comments that need to be expanded or are downvoted either. In another sub I post to, we use fullscreen pics to get around it.

popezandy ago

I just care about the primary content of his submissions. They were information heavy leads x.x

hookednosedjoooo ago

bretty gud

popezandy ago

Thank you! I really want to assist the community.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I've been peeping these threads for a long time and this is a pretty good compilation