investigatethepizza ago

Hey can you have your insider look up Robert Anthony Podesta, that's the name I found on the Bohemian Grove guest list 2008

webofslime ago

Got a live one...


11 June 1991 Illinois

He is supposedly Dave Flintsone, connected to J & T Packing with the Clintons and Giustra.

Artoo ago

Might be time for Denny to vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

That's for damn sure

LostandFound ago

How about Loren Copp from dojo pizza, case went to court this year, cp and human trafficking.

SteelDusk ago

Don't get killed man

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Do my best

justforthissubverse ago

We need meme power as well.

scatteredbrotherhood ago

Look into Tammy Haddad, a party-thrower for the Beltway elite.

lawfag123 ago

The docket doesn't mean much. Show us the Complaint, Answer, List of Witnesses, Joint Pretrial Statement, and all Motions in Limine.

Freemasonsrus ago

Oh really shill? Try to keep up.

In 2008, Swartz downloaded about 2.7 million federal court documents stored in the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) database managed by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.[59]

The Huffington Post characterized his actions this way: "Swartz downloaded public court documents from the PACER system in an effort to make them available outside of the expensive service. The move drew the attention of the FBI, which ultimately decided not to press charges as the documents were, in fact, public."[60]

PACER was charging 8 cents per page for information that Carl Malamud, who founded the nonprofit group Public.Resource.Org, contended should be free, because federal documents are not covered by copyright.[61][62] The fees were "plowed back to the courts to finance technology, but the system [ran] a budget surplus of some $150 million, according to court reports," reported The New York Times.[61] PACER used technology that was "designed in the bygone days of screechy telephone modems ... put[ting] the nation's legal system behind a wall of cash and kludge."[61] Malamud appealed to fellow activists, urging them to visit one of 17 libraries conducting a free trial of the PACER system, download court documents, and send them to him for public distribution.[61]

JSTOR was what he was actually being PROSECUTED for. But hey, thanks for the laugh.

MurrueLaFlaga ago

DHL? Well, this could get interesting...

Remember the Hampstead case?

If you don't know much about it, please take the time to watch the videos from my comment here:

Stab ago

Can your source get anything on David Brock's $850,000 blackmail settlement?

LionParty ago

Ask him to look into a lawyer in VA named Gerald J Smagala. He's been a huge prosecutor for cases of child porn and child abuse. He was the prosecutor in charge of starting Operation Flicker, which accused hundreds of government employees in the pentagon of buying child porn. The case was not investigated. His work could be huge for us.

xeemee ago

much or all of this is public info that anyone can get here

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

That's true, but the few who do have criminal records might have other links to the pedos without convictions

VnVnV ago

The Civil II cases on James

isthisreality ago

Shit...I don't know address.. but Arpad Busson- I just posted a HUGE info dump on him- I know he has a kid with Uma Thurman.. sorry i can't give more info right now but I way am wayyyyy past overdue for sleep. Long story short- Arpad Busson --> founder of ARK (major Clinton donor) --> also trustee for EIM --> ties to Dutruox ----> ties to Tavistock. Whatever (if any) info you can get on this would be fucking amazing. I think this is a thing. (( ))

Htaed ago

We are not doing enough. All the people I know think it is fake. They believe the main stream media more than they believe me.

MSM will pay for their lies.

blackeneth ago

It makes you wonder about other famous people killed in plane crashes

dindonufin ago

Let's see the one where Brock's ex-boyfriend, William Grey, is sueing both Brock and Alefantis (2011).

EndThePizza ago

Question, because I don't know much about how this works: Is all this information publicly available? If someone finds something that could actually be used in court, it needs to have been accessed legally to be admissable as evidence, right?

dogwalker ago

Great work everyone!

Freemasonsrus ago

Wow great find! You should post it.

Dressage2 ago

How do you post? I am not too tech savvy

Freemasonsrus ago

I'm sorry I don't know either! I actually asked someone yesterday and they just posted my info for me.

Dressage2 ago

Thanks. Maybe someone can post info for the IT challenged and newbies

srayzie ago

Great job! Thank you and your friend! You should post on too!

baron_samedi ago

yeah its a huge spider web

Manlikebearpig ago

I would be careful of people claiming to be in contact.

This is the same method of disinformation they use, pretty too the books.

Sprunk ago

Can we get investigations on Frank Giustra as well? He's a Canadian with deep connections to the Clinton Foundation.

Sprunk ago

Keep me posted on anything. :)

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Archive sites aren't working for me rn for some reason so if anyone wants to archive these links that would be awesome :)

Hey_Sunshine ago

Thank you. No court rooom audio? pls no FTR

Jeighdubs01 ago

This is insane, going down crazy rabbit holes now. Been stuck on this page for a while.... Think I set personal record for tabs open.

Destroy the evidence, search Bonacci and King

Quasimodo1965 ago

On the general subject of records, why does the FBI Child Abduction and Serial Killer Unit have a report about "Questions for a Suicide Expert, Vince Foster Death Investigation"?

Maybe not related; but? Was his suicide thought to have anything to do with child abduction or serial killing?

I don't even know why the FBI would link together child abduction and serial killing in the same "unit". (Seems odd.)

(Again, maybe totally unrelated; but file for future reference.)

LightlyToasted ago


Freemasonsrus ago

I'm seriously fucking weirded out.

OpBurnTheCrust ago

Please the first court case on that list. Anything and everything you can grab. The plaintiff will be Devoya Robinson

New_Iso ago

Here's an interesting thread:

It details money laundering connected to the pizza.


Gotta go now. Commenting for later.

Freemasonsrus ago

Important!!! Please search Aaron Swartz from NY


Bear with me for a brief explanation. If you haven't seen the Anonymous video on Aaron Swartz, I highly recommend it. For those who don't know, Aaron was one of the creators of Reddit. He was fighting to prevent Internet censorship and actually was successful in stopping SOPA from being passed. (Bizarre that now we have the cuck Spez working so hard to suppress speech). Aaron first got on the radar of govt after hacking the PACER website which, oddly enough, has been given the authority to house all PUBLIC court case files and charge a fee to access them. Tax payer funded docs, given to a private company, and they are then charging the tax payers to access them. Aaron hacked in and was able to upload a bunch of them to a separate site that was fighting to make the docs free and accessible to all.

The "crime" for which he was being threatened with 30 some odd years in prison was for hacking into the MIT servers to access documents that had been created based on publicly funded research. Again, we've paid for them to do their stupid research and write about it, but we don't have access to it???

So Aaron supposedly commits suicide Jan 11, 2013. I got curious about the timing of the suicide and the events of Sandyhook happening only a month before, and him being about open access to docs and these bills in Connecticut passed to keep virtually everything about Sandyhook a secret... So I googled Aaron Swartz Sandyhook... And I about threw up.

It's an article about the belief Aaron had stumbled upon details of a secret pedo/satanic ring through the docs in the MIT case. This was written back in 2013! What. The. Fuck.

isthisreality ago

(great info- I love that site aangirfan- I have gotten a shit ton of info from there)

Keltoi ago

There were some very interesting points in this.

Considering what's happening in Aleppo atm: 1. "Edmond Safra was a banker for the Aleppo Jewish community, which over the millennia has been renowned for scholarship and good relations with Muslim and Christian neighbors. "The Aleppo synagogue... was the center of traditionalist Sephardic moral resistance to the secular, authoritarian and Eurocentric Zionists led by the Rothschild clan."

Considering Delay's comments about legalizing the so-called "12 Perversions" this seems like another case of the fox guarding the hen house: 2. Girls would be taken out of Thailand to places like Saipan in the US territory of the Northern Marianas. There they would be used as child labourers and prostitutes. Young Vietnamese girls would also be taken to Saipan. The status quo in Saipan was reportedly supported by such Republicans as Tom DeLay, Ralph Hall, then-Representative Bob Riley of Alabama, and James Doolittle. Saipan has become the 'Guantanamo Bay of child slavery and prostitution'. Saipan's sweat shops and 'corrupt government' had a powerful Republican party lobbyist working for them, Jack Abramoff.

shortymcbossypants ago

I'm glad you've mentioned Sephardic Jews going against the Ashkenazi. I'm a Sephardi, and our customs and beliefs are polar opposites to the majority of Ashkenazi or Khazarian Jews. There are plenty of us Jews that are totally opposite against the Rothschild and Ashkenazi practices that place more of an emphasis on the Talmud than on actual scripture.

Keltoi ago

I totally understand. I'm not Jewish but I did grow up in Jerusalem. If I ever converted, I'd go Sephardi all the way :)

sentryseven ago

Can you please elaborate from your perspective? Are Ashkenazi and Khazarian more likely to be Israel firsters and confirmed zionists?

shortymcbossypants ago

Well let me first explain that the difference between Sephardi and Ashkenazi are wide and varied. For instance a good majority of Ashkenazi can trace their roots back to the Khazars of what is now modern day Georgia and Northern Armenia, as well as from Russia, Poland. They are more Eurocentric Jews and the Sephardi, well, we're more Mediterranean and Arab Jews. I'll use myself and my chiropracter for example, who happens to be Ashkenazi. I'm part Spanish, Moroccan, Cape Verdian, and a little bit of Turkish and Israeli Jew, which the Israeli Jew is called Mizrahim but that is another day and conversation. I'm short, have dark brown black cherry red hair, have a heart shaped face and very much olive skin toned. I don't sun burn at all and have brown eyes that can change color depending on my mood. In Sephardi culture, we're quite a bit more traditional, focus almost solely on the Torah or the Tanakh (The entire old testament including the apocryphal works) and don't have little to no sects of Judaism like the Hasidim, or the Kabbalists, or any of that guff. We focus more on the living than on the dead in that even with our Hebrew Naming ceremony for our children we name them after a living relative. Sephardi's tend to actually vote more Republican and are generally more middle of the road or conservative than our Ashkenazi counterparts. While I do identify with the simple explanation of being a Zionist, I'm anti-globalist and think that we should focus more on improving our country or origin (in my case the United States), rather than imposing the will of our belief system on others. I admit in some aspects to being more laid back like I'm some sort of Jewish Hippy mom, and nothing like the Celebrity Jews in Hollywood.

Now for the Ashkenazi chiropracter. His family is originally from Russia and his father was born in the Ural Mountains in the 1940s. Not long after that his family fled to America, where they lived in New York City until about 10 years ago when my chiropracter decided to move down to the South where we live. He's very tall, black headed, and is very much white, with more red undertones in his skin. I'm not even going to lie and under the cloak of anonymity for myself so my husband won't see this but my chiro is HOT. He as well as a good bit of the Ashkenazi's I've ever met and been around, and I've been around a ton, tend to be a little bit more materialistic, as well as liberally minded. Most of them are hardcore Zionists, and focus more on Talmudic and Rabbinnical Judaism than on the actual Torah. The Ashkenazi synagogues also tend to focus on activities and it's almost like they have their sects and groups all sectioned off because they want to categorize everybody. Honestly If there are any Ashkenazi Jews on here, I am very sorry if this offends you but this is my own personal experience upon growing up my entire life around these groups of people, over 35 years at this point.

If you look into the Hollywood Jews you will see a big difference in Sephardic vs Ashkenazi. Well a few good examples that I can think of off the top of my head are Hank Azaria off of the Simpsons and Rob Schneider are Sephardic, and Adam Sandler and Steven Speilberg are Ashkenazi. Benjamin Netanyahu is Sephardic, while the Rothschilds are Ashkenazi, Gene Simmons is Sephardic and Anthony Weiner is Ashkenazi.

In conclusion, while we are all ethnically and culturally Jewish, there are quite a few differences, especially if you just sit down, read about the differences, and just watch the personalities of some of these people. I hope this helps.

justforthissubverse ago

And this is why pizzagate is not a partisan issue. We need to get more liberals involved in the investigation. They usually just immediately block it out as a Clinton witch hunt. The whole system is corrupt.

popezandy ago

Donald Trump won, which means that a lot of left leaning independents (I. E. real liberals) voted for the gun over the person holding the gun so to speak. My point is, the most liberal people I know are very interested in the results of this investigation, in the same way they were interested in not letting Hillary Clinton back into the White House. It's clear to me that this is not a partisan issue, so let's not discuss the politics of it and endanger this relationship. Just a thought.

justforthissubverse ago

You are correct. My observations have been that conservatives tend to chase off a lot of liberals because all they (many conservatives I have witnessed) do is shout about the Clinton's and try to make this a partisan issue. I was not trying to sound partisan whilst saying that.

popezandy ago

You didn't I was just clarifying from the liberal side of the fence, we hate the Clinton's and their Bullshit as much as the other side

BrickInTheVVall ago

Another article relating to this topic:

The “Suiciding” of Pedophile Investigators (

Interestingly enough the article mentions the Penn State child sex abuse scandal which seems shrouded in mystery and cover-ups... (

1998 note about Jerry Sandusky: “Is this opening of pandora's box?”

Someone has already done some digging on this trying to link this scandal to the Clintons... Lot's of leads to follow... (

DukeOfLizards21 ago


DukeOfLizards21 ago

picture in article. small res, but first line says "unidentified female", but this looks like Goesch....

Yuser_Manuel ago

That site has so much info and links on it.

C1REX ago

What the fuck? Thank you.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Shit. Before Pizzagate broke I would have just dismissed that article as a crazy conspiracy theory, but it's scarily plausible now.

Freemasonsrus ago


Nicefind ago

Should we make a separate thread on Nicholas Negroponte, the founder of the MIT Media Lab?

Freemasonsrus ago

If someone can tell me how to make a link I'll repost what I wrote and point out the three in charge of the MIT labs. New at this and don't know how to start a new thread.

DarkOne ago

see if he can find case files on people prosecuted in connection with operation flicker

HomeboyChris ago

The Big Cheese LLC breach of contract with Maidpro is interesting because it clearly states on their website that they dont have contracts

Quasimodo1965 ago

Maybe related; maybe not:

Major Clinton Foundation donor (and Swiss citizen) contributed thousands to US elections (story from February 29, 2016)

... * "But Wyss’ ties to American interests run much deeper. He’s in very tight with Clinton national campaign director John Podesta, having once paid him $87,000 for “consultant” services at the same time that Podesta was a high level consultant to President Obama. It probably goes without saying that he’s given millions to the Clinton Foundation as well.

"But there’s more to read at the link. This guy is currently facing racketeering charges in Washington state and was previously tied up in a case where some of his former company executives went to jail after multiple people died in some sort of drug testing program. (Wyss miraculously escaped charges.)"*

and . . .

"Wyss paid Podesta $87,000 for “consultant” services when the latter served as a top aide to President Barack Obama. Wyss is a major contributor to the Center for American Progress and a member of its board of directors. The center was founded by Podesta and has received $5.1 million from Wyss since 2011, according to Internal Revenue Service filings."

Why is a Swiss billionaire giving millions to the Center for American Progress? (OK, he's on the board. But why is a Swiss billionaire of the board of a Center for American Progress?)

The Daily Caller article continues:

* ""In a related development, the Justice Department earlier this month refused to turn over documents sought by Citizens United under the Freedom of Information Act in seeking to understand why Wyss’ top four executives went to jail but he didn’t in a medical scandal in which five patients died as a result of an illegal drug testing program run by his former company.

"Wyss was named in 2009 by a federal grand jury as the “Person No. 7” who directed the four jailed executives to ignore federal safety rules requiring the FDA’s prior approval of drug tests on humans. Wyss was CEO of the company, Syntheses, which paid a $22 million fine under the 2011 settlement that sent the four executives to prison.

"Justice Department officials claimed release of documents, “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” They also declined to “acknowledge the existence of such records pertaining to this individual."”*


isthisreality ago

I have read so much in the past few months that my brain is officially in information overload, but I do think I remember reading somewhere about how "Wyss" is relevant /important to what we are researching...shit. Sorry I cant give more info :/

UprightAndStanding ago

Pull out the preceding cases related to Supreme Court case 651 f.3d 218 (2d cir 2011)

Agency for international dev vs. alliance for open society international.

Scalia, and one other judge, dissented.

Anyone have knowledge of global economics? To identify what this lawsuit is about?

We are still looking for the Scalia connection.

shortymcbossypants ago

Hm quite a bit of mention of Australia. Wasn't there one lady from Australia, her name escapes me, talking about this huge child trafficking and murder ring in Australia? Also has anyone checked into this Daniel Mattoon whom, Tony Podesta split up as business partners quite some time ago? Maybe we can find someone out there that is connected to this guy who seems to be a lobbyist for the Republican party and see why he split with Podesta or maybe sort of see what he's thinking.

DentHouper ago

This was also news out of Australia last year.

Deedee88 ago

Fiona Barrett. You can find her videos on YouTube. One of her abusers was Nicole Kidmans father who ran a pedo ring.

Yates ago

Thanks, there are plenty of them. Some name names in the description.

Bathurst, October 6, 1985. A ritual performed under the banner of "The Order of the Eagle'. VIP's present were, Richie Benaud (BBC, Australian News Personality & His Birthday), Kim Beazley Senior (Politician), Bruce Spence (Actor), John Avery (Head of NSW Police at the time), and other notable people. Dammit, I liked Bruce Spence. Mad max memories ruined now.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

The court records for the Dennis Hasert trial would be very telling. Able to get something like that?

boxtop ago

Did you backup the original slimg info from Hastert? All participants should be scrutinized, judges, DAs, court clerks. He was paying the kid hush money, got busted anyway, and then is making an effort to recover his money.

Rigg5 ago

i'm freaking out right NOWAHHHHHHH!!!! THIS IS YUUUGE

sixgorillion ago

Fucking great job. Here, have an upvoat.

Also, can I get any documents on Aaron Swartz and Andrew Breitbart? Anything you can find at all, should be an arrest warrant made out to Aaron Swartz in California from 2012/2013. Maybe also an indictment.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

I'll let my guy know

Freemasonsrus ago

See my comment from a few minutes back on Swartz. I'm weirded out to say the least.

SChalice ago

Podesta has pizza ovens at his house? Sounds like Auschwitz...

DownByTheRiver ago

The ovens are for plausible deniability.

Pizza restaurants are used because they are cheap fronts and provide plausible deniability.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Crosspost this to the chans. All of them. Archive, please!!!

shortymcbossypants ago

Maybe cross reference some high profile Hollywood pedophile cases, like Bryan Singer, Roman Polanski, Mark Salling was a recent one, and see if we can get some wires at least connected.

Rydal ago

Not a big religious person but I pray nightly that those guilty in this... cult/religion/group get to meet their idol quicker than they would like.

resist ago

Same here. Not religious but I have been asking the "good forces" and the "good light" for strenght and help every day. I am a normal person and I can´t possibly cope with this evil shit. If someone had asked me a couple of years ago to think of the most sinicter thing I could come up with, I would not even have been close to what is happening now. It is just beyond my imagination.It makes me sick.

Wellwerefucked ago

I've never wanted something more! And the ripple effect... i just wanna live in a new world run by the people, for the people... not by the pedos for the pedos.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Man I am with ya. I have been sending up a nightly prayer to whatever or who ever will listen that these fucks get what they deserve as well as a huge prayer for the victims. I only hope once this comes out, the victims are kept safe and never have to be outed as victims.

Boltbeam ago

  1. Do you have everything archived

  2. Have you crossposted to 4 or 8chan's /pol/?

hitex ago

she's concerned that hes going to waste the marital assets by placing them in 'ownership' of 3d party making it not 'marital.' this is typical sneaky move to hide assets from spouse in divorce

LolturdFerguson ago

Does anyone here work in law? When I was a paralegal we had access to Lexis Nexis, a database of all public records and court documents, as well as longitude and latitude of people's locations (current). I used to use it when I had to seize assets.

The subscription price is phenomenal, but if we could find a fellow researcher who already has access...(paralegal, legal assistant, lawyer, etc.)

hitex ago

Yes. I have Lexis with Public Records Search....I wouldnt advise searching anyone of importance on Lexis or Westlaw. You'll immediatelt get your account flagged and you gotta have your account to work

LolturdFerguson ago

Good idea, I didn't even have that come to mind. A bit rash in the suggestion.

I saw they offer a trial, and it's available for individuals as well..but that means most of the access would probably be restricted. It still could come in handy though.

pizzagate2 ago

I have access to Lexis Nexis Academic is that the same thing? If so I can look for anything you want

ElementalPee ago

There is a law library at our local courthouse that's open to the public and it had a couple computers set up with some sort of access to lexis nexis. I was unable to find anything useful when I last tried it a couple years back but if no one else ends up being able to do it maybe I can take a day off at some point and go in there. But there might be such a setup in someone else's area as well.

Hey_Sunshine ago

I've had a fair bit of dealings state and county litigation mostly criminal but some civil litigation as well. If our police weren't mouth breathing cowards. Any police officer right now could collect enough prima facie evidence online to have resonable suspicion of a crime being comitted for a bench warrant to be placed and granted for a no knock raid the pizza place, podesta's person and properties both here and abroad (but i've no idea how that looks), that alefantis douche and probably scores of others too.

Now if there was ever a smart cop or where to find one that's not busy hitting his ticket quota or trying to play soldier boy with their skull covered tacticool battle armor or robbing folks of their monies simply because it could be used in a crime.

right now any cop, detective could submit evidence to a DA's assitant who could then issue a blanket warrant, which (if I were the criminal) could easily hit Interpol within 15 minutes world wide

if they don't (because the most certainly could), then they're complicit with the corruption and I hope they hang.

shortymcbossypants ago

Unfortunately My grandfather used to be a US Marshall and died when I was 8, I'm in my mid 30's now. Had he still been alive I have no doubt he'd have searched as well as gotten to the right channels to arrest these assholes.

Yates ago

That's a fantasy world you describe. Most cops are Masons and there's the code of silence in the force to consider too. We need another Ted Gunderson and Michael Ruppert. Damn I miss those guys. RIP fellas, you were the good ones.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Fantasy world? Lol thats life in America when you turn to selling dope to make ends meet during the holiday season. You might wonder why we spend money celebrating pagan rituals while celebrating consumerism but I'll be over here wondering why I must risk my freedoms to facilitate a market the Government doesn't approve of .

Just another perspective really

DopeandDiamonds ago

Wouldn't this cop have tk be local or have a victim in their city willing to file a report?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Yeah, know any cops that wanna catch bad people for a change?

DopeandDiamonds ago

So if I go to a detective i know he could get a warrant for a DC?

Hey_Sunshine ago

I'm on the west coast but I'll strong arm rob the shit outta that pizzeria if I have to. So long as you don't attack anyone you will get nothing more than a formal no-tresspassing notice. lol cos a misdemeanor is easier to sit out than getting caught up with an ounce of any schedule 1 narcotic substance. god help you if you have a gun in the house when they bust ya. The war on drugs is about as effective as the one on Terror

DopeandDiamonds ago

If i report this to a detective I know he could bust them from a thousand miles away?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Yes interstate extradition is a thing, I've been told they keep the cuffs and shackles super tight so that your bones will snap should the drive have to dodge some asshole on the freeway

Caratacus ago

Discovery Order: Baseically it's the defendant (hoch, bovasso, city of omaha) fucking around trying to limit the plaintiff, bonacci, from seeing the "citron tapes" for case preperation (dsicovery). court discusses a bunch of procedural crap, but then ends up allowing the citron tapes for trial, and says they will be destroyed 60 days after trial. Court alluded to the fact that what's on the tapes (ex. identification of people on tapes) is relevent for the plaintiff (bonnacci) case.

Guy_Fawkes1984 ago

maybe having him do a rundown on Podesta and Clinton and Alefantis with regards to these countries: Haiti, Spain, UK, and maybe some others could lead to something.

MeatballPizza ago

We believe THIS MAN was at a party at Comet Ping Pong and later was indicted for child trafficking and child porn. His criminal records would be in federal court in Los Angeles:

Empire_of_the_mind ago

It's probably not the same guy.

MeatballPizza ago

Agree. It does seem to be another guy at this point. Nix the request.

oresd ago


Empire_of_the_mind ago

what is debunked? I looked at the pictures and didn't think it was dead-on at all (different color hair!). Then someone posted a DC Rugby team photo with both guys in it, suggesting it's them. Was that debunked? It's far more likely than not that these are DC residents than some random Aussie who wasn't ever placed in DC.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Of course the civil cases for J.A. and what are the 2 landlord/tenant for?

PizzaorBust ago

Alefantis' "Post&Forfeit" case interests me. I'm curious what the original charge was

hitex ago

No kidding! why was it listed as criminal originally?

PizzaorBust ago

A Post & Forfeit basically means he paid to have a criminal charge "removed" in a sense so I'm curious if he was trying to hide something or just the easy way out of the whole process.

Nicefind ago

Westcoast Pizzagate Stuff:

November 18-19 2014, Terry Bean is arrested for sodomy in Lane County, OR. –  

Anything in Lane County and/or Multnomah County District Attorney's Office related to Kiah Loy Lawson or Terrence "Terry" Patrick Bean.  

Also, September 2015 Washington County, OR trial against Kiah Loy Lawson: Find transcript of Terry Bean's phone call testimony that was not heard by the jury.  

Sept. 10 2015. Bean was called as a witness:

But because Bean told the court in advance he planned to assert his right to remain silent, he was allowed to respond to questions via telephone and outside the hearing of the jury. –  

If it helps see the timeline of the Terry Bean case I created here: –

micha_ ago


NANCY SCHAFER Murdered senator, who claimed child adoption agencies were involved in child trafficking! What did she know (names, companies). Maybe she tried to get courts involved?

And two days ago it was discovered, that LAURA SILSBY was CEO of a child adoption company ( (Silsby is the woman caught abducting 33 Haitian children and the Clintons got involved to get her free. Silsby then became involved with Amber Alert, an organization dealing with alerts of lost children).

therealwopD ago

"After four years of investigation, on November 16, 2007 she published a report entitled "The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services". After publishing the report, in a press conference she exclaimed that the report caused her to lose her position as a Georgia State Senator"

oresd ago


hitex ago

we need to find articles referenced in 13. of Tony's petition...also cross referene bar #s of attys to see other clients of the attys...ill keep lookout on divorce docs, im a tx divorce atty

SeanBox ago

Who is the ex wife? Maybe she would have some things she would like to share with the public.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

No. Her name is heather podesta, and she's most likely in on it all. She was 23 on most powerful in washington d.c.. With tony of course.

MeatballPizza ago

I'd like to see the full art collection in the property list -- artist name, title of work. Likely some 'interesting pieces'!

RainingPiss ago


Edit: archive all your shit