eggmunkee ago

This source ties a few things together and includes evidence of lack of interest in both the Pentagon DCIS and on ICE's side.


Ive been following this since day one when it broke on 4chn by some weird happenstance it was my first day there as well, I cant get away from the screen to stop researching and putting together memes to woke the public now. this is the crazyist shit Ive ever seen. We are literally fighting against the globalists now. I really hope to god that trump is on our side...

otoucam ago

^This right here. This blew my mind and is exactly what's been happening. All the conflict causing the refugee crisis is using the refugees to flood neighboring countries and crush the economy. Transport some ISIS inspired people in the mix and install new government to "fix" the problem. Oh and it's Russia's fault, this is payback.

EDIT: So the Soviet Union fell in, what, 1991? Bill Clinton took office in 93. Are the Clintons literally Communists? Of the Luciferian variety?

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

This is absolute evil at it's lowest form. I put it on blast all over the PG facebooks, as well as my own. Good work, LionParty. You're a fucking hero.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

We're going to need an enormous guillotine to execute the thousands of these soulless monsters in a timely fashion once they're finally all rounded up. This is so disgusting, I want to scream. Shared to facebook and beyond. I feel absolutely sick... Tears in my eyes. This is so fucked up.

8_billion_eaters ago

ALL OF THEM WITCHES at the top. They pepper the alphabet agencies with their minions: creeps, scumbags, idiots and affirmative action hires to gum up the works of any real investigation.

LostandFound ago

Lads don't you see what this is, this was a power grab inside the pentagon. I would say there really was 2 people with cp and 4998 patsies. Poor bastards own families possibly don't know and this shit is being dangled over them. No case taken does not mean never a case taken against them.

Pretty brilliant really don't even need to hack the computers you already own them wait till they buy something online keylog and batch subscribe them to all sorts of nasty shit. Just like those at the very top this is their control mechanism.

Like srsly who would BUY cp on a pentagon computer ....

RebelSkum ago

Fuckin' killing it out there, LionParty. 10/10. It takes some serious arrogance to do that shit in the Pentagon of all places, but that's TPTB for you. Fascist douchetools.

u89898989 ago

Followed this document to this:

CandyPanda ago

Article saying that "Pentagon declined to investigate."

eggmunkee ago

This article brings together seeming corruption in the Pentagon DCIS (Defense Criminal Investigative Service) and ICE. Pentagon DCIS failing to prosecute most of the 76 suspected cases often citing basically "priorities/funding" as the reason they were abandoned. On top of that, DCIS investigations were closed due to lack of cooperation from ICE.

So, Pentagon is squashing cases and ICE is squashing cases and the FBI is ???

senpaithatignoresyou ago

The last bit is upsetting.

Due to the short term nature of this project and the need to focus more resources on other DCIS investigative priorities, this project is closed as "finished." All cases generated from this project will be pursued to conclusion.

They openly admitted that they never finished their investigations. what the hell

Why? My accusation is that someone at the top made damn sure this would be a short term operation.

bigDanold ago

Yes, because FBI employees buying CP on company time, on company computers, is definitely not a priority. I know at my company this happens all the time and everyone is just too busy to do something about it. I mean come on, its not that big of a deal. (sarcasm of course, just sharpening my skills to be an NYT journalist. )

kingforpres ago

You're currently at vox status.

u89898989 ago

Even worse in this one:

On November 16, 2007, the Reporting Agent obtained personnel file and contacted Special Agent , but received no response. Since then, the Reporting Agent has attempted numerous times to contact Special Agent through email and phone calls but he has continued to be non-responsive. In addition, Resident Agent in Charge, contacted Special Agent ICE Pittsburgh, and advised him of the situation. advised he would speak with however to date, has failed to respond.

Based upon the complete non-responsiveness of ICE, who has been named the lead agency regarding all Operation Flicker spin off cases, it is recommended that matter be closed.

eggmunkee ago

So the ICE agent went back on the agreement made and his duty and started stonewalling once the information had been gathered. Alright, who is supporting this criminal activity in the leadership of ICE? This doesn't sound like the actions of an individual involved or sympathetic agent, because if so an inquiry up the chain of command seems like it would have solved this stonewalling.

mrnobu ago

scariest part - it's not just at the top

eyecreate ago

Exactly. How F'in deep does this rabbit-hole Really goes? Feels like we're facing a us vs "them" scenario bigger than expected...

DarkOne ago

Evidence of cover-up. get this to the top. if we can find the case files of those that got prosecuted; we might be able to see the severity of the crime and other names involved.

krauthammer0 ago

This document needs to be at the top of Voat/Reddit and Pizzagate databases everywhere. I'm on mobile but reading through the doc, it states all individuals information (name, email, address, etc) was passed along. How can 5,000+ individuals be identified and less than 100 cases be investigated or pursued? It also states individuals names were passed to the appropriate authorities as if their investigation was complete, instead of contacting Federal prosecutors.


MeatballPizza ago

Nice find.

JamesSaville ago

This find will do much more to stop child abuse than focusing all energy on comet-pizza.

FBI has the largest snuff-cp library on earth, they have been collecting this stuff since 1930's. Estimated that 80% of CP on the internet is FBI honeypots.

IMHO this is all to compromise ppl, that's why only 100 were investigated, just those that weren't under their thumb. Here's an idea, maybe these 100 people can and will talk, and then you can find your smoking gun.

The fact that SATAN(FBI/MIL) singled out 100 ppl, its means these ppl know something and the FBI/MIL needed to have them compromised with the label of "Pedophile"