hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1584364 See Terry Bean in Australian case law in the comments there. I have my own dossier on him in the form of Mozilla Archive and Faithful Save (maff) files from a faggot censored DMCA blog. Terry Bean knows who I am. I am destorying homosexual vilification law world wide, starting with THE NSW ANTI-DISCRIMINATION ACT 1977 '93 Crypto-Lesbian Clover Moore amendments moving up to his Oregon Equality act that he started. Say again I have a MASSSIVE dossier on this SOB and and my proxies have been sued in Australia FOR THE CRIME OF LINKING TO MY BLOG AND NOTHING MORE.

searchthisdudesfb ago

Does Terry Bean have any connections to ACORN in Oregon? Does ACORN have a chapter in Oregon?

Nicefind ago

Don't yet. Hopefully. It would be great to tie this shit to a larger network.

Leaked Police Documents:

Bean says to 15 year old victim:

'We can't do this unless you tell me how old you are. Unless you really tell me how old you are,'" Lawson said. "And then, the kid's like, 'Oh, OK. I get it. I'm 18.'"

Bean offers money for sex:

Um, Terry offered him money at first. He always offers money to people. Um, depending on, uh, their vulnerable level, I think is what he, uh, offers them. He gave this kid $50.


he [Bean] told me he used codes in his phone or like, um, I don't know acronyms and then kinda changed them around so they wouldn't be able to tell what they are. And, um, there's always like a, like a dollor [sic] amount next to 'em and that's how much he pays.




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