cakeoflightylight ago

I have some stuff on them, I'll try to archive and upload it later.

hojuruku ago Someone with Facebook get in there now sniff all around her Facebook and Archive. You @redditsuckz asked for my help give back a little and do that. She's Podesta's friend - works for Pedophile Terry Beans "Victory Fund" that Alex Greenwich MP pedo poofter in Oz has ties to and tried to set up Australian wing and Had Terry Bean's interns come work with him in Oz doorknocking in the last election.

Terry Bean is the only man charged with child sexual offenses in America who tried to settle for damages like it was a civil suit in a criminal court, then disappeared the boy. The boy's statement is here and a journalist Myers had to quit the biggest paper in Town to get it out. @Nicefind covered him here: I did better. My friend got sued for the crime of criticizing the child rapist. Pay attention to the wweek statement, under Australian law a homosexual must never be vilified if he's charged with little boy sex. I have a video montage on this SOB and my own massive dossier on him. Nicefind may be interested in my faggot wordpress aka censored under bogus DMCA takedown blog archives & research from years ago.

Here's the case law for now: (yes Terry Bean's photo is in Australian case law!) See Terry Bean's black and white picture in case law but no mention of his name, and they cropped out the Wasington post article on the original blog. Judge is a lesbian and corrupt. This is the hate speech from the case law! When you criticize the decision and others on a blog - the NSW Special Gay child sexer protector police ( will come knock on your door. We have the POLICE ERISP interview tapes for the crime of having someone in a different country to Australia transmit data to America on your google blogspot you delegated access to (No Jurisdiction, No lawyer - bullying John Sunol that has acquired brain injury to protect the head of NSW Police's counter-terrorism unit's best friend -> - Garry Burns is a known pedophile. Motherdamnable in the UK's blog has a bit on him - but here's another write up on his sparkles the pony child sex incident - one of many now after recent infiltration of his IT infrastructure ) Details on Police raid - but not alot. I can share more details on the raid in another blog post with the bastards audio.

FROM THE CASE LAW: The offending content conveys a number of messages: That US President Obama’s friends include “gay paedophiles”


WWW.NCAT.NSW.GOV.AU made a finding of fact that Obama has no pedophile friends at the time Terry Bean was still before the courts charged with child sex before he used the "settlement" plan to get the 411 on the boy and disappear him out of the state.

Clearly @NCATNSW is the court of gay child sex love! I wont comment spam the forums for literally 1000s of other examples, including this "tribunal" taking away hetrosexuals parents kids to give to gays through or letting convicted pedophiles getting "working with children" clearance certificates and so much worse. The scary thing is I have so much dossiers/links unreleased to /pizzagate/ so trolling me only makes me release more proof, and the gay mafia dig a bigger hole to RIP in.


hojuruku ago

Some cut and pastes from old forum posts with key facts linking Obama to Terry Bean - Source CSPAN. @NCATNSW gay judges rule they are not friends in case law. C-SPAN has obama on tape saying "Terry Bean my dear friend" - Terry Bean's neighbors talk about the steady stream of young boys coming over for sex.

I think it was this video that's also on CSPAN. Update: YEP AT 13 mins Obama says "TO MY GREAT FRIEND AND CLOSE SUPPORTER [YOUNG BOY ANAL RAPIST] TERRY BEAN!"]

Hi Luke,

I am interested…please let me know what other info you might have?



Tami XXX Executive Editor |

On Mar 23, 2016, at 12:32 PM, Luke McKee wrote:

From: Luke McKee Subject: Crime to critize Oregon's Queer HeroTerryBean 15 year old boy rapist in Australian case law

Message Body: Please see the links below and get back to me. Matt Barber has to do a story on this. You are an "Oregonian" so you know what's going on. I can give you lots of forensic evidence and dossiers / transcripts etc once you get back to me, but you can see the case law online in the links below.

Please provide a landline and a time when it would be appropriate to call you to pitch the story.

On 23 March 2016 at 01:54, MassResistance wrote:

Dear Mr. McKee,

Thank you very much for contacting us. We apologize for the delay in responding.

This is definitely very disturbing. We can see that what's happening in Australia is where the US is surely headed. It does need to be publicized.

Do you have any more links, other than the blog, about this?

Thank you!

Brian Camenker MassResistance


Here is the information I talked to the media officer on the phone 30 mins ago.

I am preparing a bigger dossier for the editor at WND and I'll be in touch with him shortly. FRC I am seeking that you expose what's going on in Australia the Origin of those laws used against the Kliens (Australia first to have homosexual vilification, discrimination and "victimization" ordinances - and see how the Australian queer staffed courts ("Equal Opportunity Division" is ruling that not only infant sexual abusers who are gay marriage activists must not be vilified but alsoTerryBean- must not be criticized. The very same man who shouldn't have got off so easy if you read the statement from the 15 year old boy he abused - then did witness tampering with $$$.

I also have information relating to the Klines / Sweet cakes by Mellisa case that I have been researching onTerryBeansLinks to the Oregon "Equality bill" 2010 and the threats he made when it was signed in by the Governor to everyone, and his financial links (via @BasicRights Oregon) to the judge in the case Brad Askerkin. The whole thing was a frame job from the start with a LAMBDA LEGAL LAWYER used first on the gays speed-dial and they went to the only bakery in Portland with Bible verses on their website.

Please see that - and also see this comment that I put up on theBlaze regardingTerryBeanand the Australian courts.

"It is worse in Australia. The Blaze should write a story about this! You can be sued for criticizingTerryBeanObama’s main fundraiser who was on Air Force One with his 25 year old boyfriend Kyle Lawson both arrested for having sex with a 15 year old boy. The boy’s statement is on the Willamette Week newspaper’s website. Case law showing it’s a crime to disrespect @BasicRights ***** Hero (who paid money to get the Oregon Baker case judge Brad Askerin elected) because he had sex with a boy. ***** heros can do no wrong. And you know what? Published Gay Marriage Activists Mark Newton and Peter Truong who plead guilty to having sex with a 22 month old russian infants must also be respected according to ***** judges in Australia – and you must not link to work by Robert Oscar Lopez PHD either they say! (Who gave evidence in the SCOTUS decision)" *** = "queer" censored by the blaze comments filter.

I have a lot more to talk about. The persecution is worse Australia and they are making rulings that you can't even link to Robert Oscar Lopez PHd's article Same Sex Marriage is it child abuse!



hojuruku ago


By Steve Mayes | The Oregonian/OregonLive on September 01, 2015 at 6:13 PM, updated September 02, 2015 at 12:01 PM [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Terry Bean sex abuse charges

Gay activist Terry Bean's ex-boyfriend acquitted of sex crimes; jurors question Bean's hidden role
Pink Martini's 'appalling, disgusting' hobnob with Terry Bean: Letters to the Editor
Gay rights activist Terry Bean hails dismissal of sex abuse case; prosecutor decries $225,000 settlement offer
Attorney for Terry Bean blasts prosecutors handling of sex crimes case, prosecutors fire back
Prominent gay activist Terry Bean offered $225,000 to settle sex abuse case

All Stories

Details of Terry Bean's civil compromise offer revealed Terms of the civil compromise were secret until Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015, when The Oregonian/OregonLive won a motion to unseal a recording of a closed court session July 16 where lawyers discussed the offer. A judge ultimately rejected the offer.

EUGENE -- Terry Bean offered the alleged victim in a sex crimes case $225,000 to settle the matter through a civil compromise, according to a court recording released late Tuesday.

The charges against Bean, a prominent gay activist and high-profile Democratic fundraiser, and his ex-boyfriend were dismissed earlier in the day when the teenager in the case failed to appear for trial.

The recording – unsealed after the dismissal – covered a five- minute closed session between prosecutors, Bean's attorney and Lori Deveny, an attorney for the alleged victim, in July.

Deveny describes a five-point settlement offer:

-- Bean would pay the boy $225,000.

-- Bean would be tested for an array of sexually transmitted diseases at his expense and send the results to Deveny.

-- The boy's identity would never be revealed "so that when he hits 18 this won't turn into something different for him," said Deveny. She didn't elaborate.

-- The agreement would remain confidential, except for public statements that both sides had agreed on. The wording of those statements have been "hotly negotiated," Deveny said.

-- There would be a permanent no-contact agreement between Bean and the boy, now 17.

Bean, 67, of Portland and former boyfriend Kiah Loy Lawson, 25, were charged with having sex with a 15-year-old boy at a Eugene hotel in 2013. Each faced two counts of third-degree sodomy, a felony, and third-degree sexual abuse, a misdemeanor.

A civil compromise is legal under Oregon law. Defendants may compensate the victims of certain crimes and have the charges dismissed if a judge approves the deal.

An offer to settle a child sex abuse case through civil compromise is unprecedented, prosecutors said.

Bean's civil compromise motion was rejected by Lane County Circuit Judge Charles Zennache in July. Terms of the offer were discussed during a closed court session and Zennache ordered that the record be sealed.

The Oregonian/OregonLive appealed the ruling. On Tuesday, Zennache agreed to unseal the motion.

Bean's attorney, Derek Ashton offered a partial explanation for Bean's willingness to agree to the terms. Ashton has consistently maintained Bean's innocence.

The teen's attorney approached Bean with the idea to settle the case through the compromise, Ashton said.

The stress of the publicity was damaging Bean's reputation and his health, he said. Bean has prostate cancer that has metastasized and that stress may be worsening his condition, he said.

-- Steve Mayes

hojuruku ago

2015 post I did about Terry Bean with just a small fraction of the videos I saved / backed up that are no-longer online about him. They were going to name the biggest bridge in him after him and call it "bean's crossing" according to his brother's blog too. Put democrats in charge and soon all your landmarks will be tributes to boy rapists.

Also the faggot pedos trolls who failed on the dox against me on got more research / details CUT & PASTE FROM BEFORE: It's funny that the Basic Rights Oregon gay nutjob charity has been caught out controlling judges prosecuting christian bakeries and defending their key donor / founder publicly, but privately love going around deleting their tribute videos to Terry Bean because it's expected he'll be jailed for 15 year old boy rape. Yet another "queer hero" (their words not mine) to be proven to be a pedofag. Since I uploaded this Terry Bean the gay child fucker and Obama's best mate has personally deleted some of his own videos in the last week, as have Basic Rights Oregon from their channel.

This is a developing story and I'll rehost the videos they took down on Vimeo.

From VGB blog.

Terry Bean's (64 yrs) barely 25 gay boyfriend arrested. They had gay domestic violence in the week before. They both had restraining orders lodged against each other. His neighbour talks about Terry Beans young under 18 sex toy boys that Terry brings home."Basic Rights Oregon had no comment at this time" (Terry Beans gay child rapist's political front in Oregon to control the judges who punish Christian Bakeries) Terry Beans 25-year-old gay boyfriends mom. Terry Bean used my son and that Terry Bean was the only man to have sex with minors. She claims her son was used to groom the 15-year-old boy to get the young boys to Terry Bean. Also the mother of gay boy-rape victim speaks out. Terry Bean shows up in court with a big smile. Is the Game is rigged? COURT DOCUMENTS: SODOMY IN THE 3RD DEGREE! TERRY BEAN CHARGED AS A SODOMITE. The fact the boy was raped by a gay man is not refuted. Both gay men are blaming each other for the boy rape, that happened in a hotel room they both attended, but didn't tell authorities about for over a year. In the meantime Terry after witnessing this rape (if he's innocent - yeah right!) went around to hug the Governor whilst doing electioneering (see the news articles in the next part). USA TODAY COVERAGE: See the Police Detective saying they really do have a case and they have been careful before laying charges. Investigation is ongoing. It doesn't look like sloppy police work here as the queers keep saying

And another 15 videos proving the democrats are in bed with gay child fuckers on the VGB blog (embedding limits here I think)

hojuruku ago

@redditsuckz - I fought pedophiles on the ground in America too in 93304 Bakersfield, more like the "Lords of Bakersfield". But now they wont be coming for a while - off duty for sleeping. Good job rallying the troops. I thought half the ones I found interesting would already be in - so there still is work to do - but I bet these links have been covered before on other threads. I can't believe that it took 3 months to get into their Facebook. Also they are claiming as you know to have hired security because of us. I use to work as security - when I wasn't an IT security consultant back in the day. Fuck being anon because I'm a political refugee and in a police family in NAM - and they wont take me alive anyway. - check capi license 408634470 is my bouncer license. A gay child fucking pedo cop Christopher Kent Bowersox stopped me seeing my first born in America. I do not forgive and I do not forget. Google that SOB or see popular video channel for 2 on him. He swore under oath in court that gay men forcing dogs to have sex with little boys is not a depraved act and only got time served 2 years - watch the youtube videos to see how he got away with that. Then violated his parole. It's not hard to google that SOB. The charge sheet in the gay child fucking pedophile cop's handwriting (won in court - check kern county criminal case law - dismissed in furtherance of justice) is on - yellow document. It's real folks, just like Pizzagate. You can't debunk those facts.So yeah I used to live in America and I bumped into a MAINSTREAM NEWS VERIFIED GAY CHILD FUCKING PEDOPHILE COP. Want to see him looking for another boyfriend whilst in jail? OK - so unless you are cultural Marxists against me using applicable adjectives to qualify a noun and the English language go rotate on that. - I have affidavits on Bowersox against him in 2005, but the FBI got him in 2009 too. And I got gay pedophile stalkers like Jacob Balustien stalking me defending the sick child raping bastard. You got to see the videos on my youtube channel about him, especially the mainstream news footage montage one where you'll see Bakersfield Police Chief Williamson saying he's a professional cop still because he was only fucking little boys off duty. You can't make this shit up. Here it is the videos: And here's the FBI: What's fake news about this post eh? Maybe with those links someone here could find my US daugther that I've never met that I have been looking for a long time but never talked to due the the actions of that infant rapist with a gun running me out of town. And to think SashaLordPresents say they are the ones in the need of protection eh? NO OUR KIDS ARE! (Watch the gay shills downvote this because someone outclasses them in their [false] victim mentality. Try having a gay child fucking pedo cop attempt to murder you. If it wasn't for my security training and an incident of divine intervention when I was in the US, I'd be dead. Now I'm here to do the gods work on these SOB's.

YingYangMom ago

Wow, I'm speechless. Thanks for sharing your story. We all need to work more on these leads and help the kids. But there is so much traffic lately, so many posts and threads, that we're being drowned in too much info. Some users and I have created a post to consolidate all the info gathered so far on these 'Consolidation Threads'. We have 23 subjects to cover and we'll maybe add more along the way. So far we've posted 2 of them.



List of Consolidating Threads 23 so far

Once we're finished, we'll create final drafts and turn the posts into easy-to-use researching tools. When everything is clean and tidy, people will be able to see more clearly and pursue the potential leads on every subjects. I will link this @redditsuckz thread and your links on the Australia Pizzagate upcoming Thread. I hope it will get more attention then.

hojuruku ago

P.S. The boylover tried to make $53,000 AUD for the crime of disrespecting a "queer hero" Terry Bean who was charged with child sex in another country and won. John Sunol had to go bankrupt. Oh and John didn't put shit on his blog. It was the crime of linking to mine at - because the gay judge rules whatever you link to is the same as you writing yourself. That has happened in America and the EU now too. If you investigate a pedophile here, link to their page and then they publish child porn, by the same gay judge logic you would be guilty of child porn too right? More details on - but lots of off topic stuff from John. He's a little nuts - but I just publish there now to act in total defiance of the leftist pedophile scum who rule Australian courts.

hojuruku ago Lesbian Planned Parenthood kingpin - Board of Directors. Likes pre-school for African American kids mostly.

hojuruku ago Chad Hunter Griffin HRC GAY MAFIA friend of Alefantis Funny how those democrats at HRC want to ban the word husband and wife, yet the Gay Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius and Black Boyfriend Clayton Bond didn't' get the democrat memorandum yet and has put those dirty words all over when he isn't trying to buy mentally handicapped babies from Indonesia. Now that he doesn't need mentally handicapped baby girls and he's rose in rank to full Ambassador, he's got himself 2x Gayby babies as exposed on this post's comments. (someone it - have the honors) Imagine if two gay dads got this little girl to be traded for political currency. Then there is the USA taxpayer funded Asean Pride dot com gay bar parties in Hanoi to celebrate "gay families" in a country where it's illegal for gay men to buy babies in Vietnam. Democrats... Spending your dollars.. More on Ted Osius here. Yes I met him in person, and hopefully Trump recalls the SOB very soon. I lost my job a week after meeting him, and the contacted my work 1 week after he met me downstairs when he was doing his VietnamNet interview. Take that HRC SCUM.

hojuruku ago

Jan Rothschild 3 hrs · The Huffington Post · Ok. This article LISTS THE NUMBER for us to call our congressman/woman no matter where you live. So I plan to DO it. Once a week? Once a month? I am going to call every time I am outraged over something Trump and his death squad are trying to do. Like repealing ACA with no alternative, for one. Let's GO!

Need any more motivation that that to work on this than that? I wish I clocked on sooner because I've got other fish to fry. Happy hunting guys.