vector3rector ago

One of her youtube followers.

All the accounts that follow her are extremely suspicious. How do some of these kid's unraveling presents videos, get 183 million+ views? Who watches that kinda shit for 8 minutes?


Clicked the first random follower I saw comment, from Devoya Robinson's youtube video and it led me to the link above. Chose one of their videos at random., That same user posted video where they promote "zimplikids"slime.

I googled "zimplikids" and this was on their google business page. This was listed as their business address:

148 High St, Rishton, Blackburn BB1 4LQ, UK

We see a different business) is present there.

Yet they'r google business page, states the inside looks like this

piratse ago

I may be remembering wrong, but I believe there are legal restrictions on what can and can't be done with that information. Also a lot of jobs have very strict policies on what is allowed to be used and how. In the military you could be discharged for publicizing information from there without permission (this may have changed but it was the rule when I was in JAG).

"Individuals may request to opt-out of having personal information about themselves made available through certain LexisNexis products and services, in accordance with legal requirements or if permitted by LexisNexis policy."

I'm just saying I would consult an attorney first. It's easy to track who logged in to look at the information etc.

CarriedbyGrace ago

Find dirty judges that excessively dismiss child abuse cases. If we can link judges with big names who have committed child abuse crimes we can also take down the judges who are involved.

Gothamcity ago

So I just got done watching Conspiracy of Silence on YouTube, about the giant pedo ring in Nebraska that flew kids to Washington DC for sex parties. At the end of the video an investigator said that he tried to get transcripts of the trial in DC but they were sealed. Any chance OP could get those? The guy said they would have the names of politicians and other power players.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

If it's in the federal courts, my guy says he'll have to pay money to access those records. I'm not willing to ask that of him unless (a) he volunteers to pay for it or (b) we all pitch in and somehow figure out how to anonymously donate the money to him, and I don't know that I'm willing to ask that of this community. I'll let him know about this though, maybe he can get something.

Nicefind ago

Get the testimony of Terry Beans fifteen year old victim as well as any testimony or evidence in the Washington County case against Kiah Lawson.

subchannel ago

If he is traceable he shouldn t do it. Don t know if he will risk his life. Be sure, that the intelligence services and also the suspects are reading here ... LITTLE BASTARDS BURN IN HELL WE WILL GET YOU!! ....

Searches in a lot of systems can be backtraced . so he must cover his searches. And better he uses

TAILS from

and removes the metadata with MAT (metadata anonzmising tool)

this shit is not for kids man! He must be like a fucking ninja security wise.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Thanks for the ideas, everybody. I don't wanna overload him with ALL of these, but I'll send him the biggest ones and report back. We can all see if we find anything interesting and go from there.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago


fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I think it's important to not forget the 'suicide' of Monica Peterson. That's a really important angle.

MeatballPizza ago

I'd like to see the FULL divorce record (Public Information) for Tony Podesta. The complaint was linked on Washington Post and is below. At some point they had a dispute over their art collection. We could see a list of every piece / artist in a court filing I'm sure. Might produce leads:

NamelessCrewmember ago

Remember mark foley? The champion of child rights and anti sexual abuse? Then he went down in a child sex scandal that I think had many more branches to it than were uncovered. Wonder if he had any ties to these people...

justiceforever ago

Just wanted to say if your intentions are good then YOU DA REAL MVP

notdivided ago

Brock Pierce Dershowitz Epstien Laura Hilsby Cheryl Mills their lawyers (what other clients have they served)

karma4all ago

Would be interesting if Andrew Klein who owns Besta Pizza is same Andrew Klein who represented Alefantis previously and also if he is same Andrew Klein working for DOJ.

karma4all ago

I researched his family..grew up in D.C. area and that is his real name. I believe he has one or two brothers.

piratse ago

If he is using Lexus Nexus DON'T DO ANYTHING. It's EASILY traceable and can get you in a lot of trouble. v/pizzagateunedited

fvckh1m_up ago

he own(s/ed) Buck's Fishing and Camping

fvckh1m_up ago

It could be a coincidence, but he's even said "I love children" in that video where random people walk up to him to talk with him nicely.

Also, it doesn't just sound almost the same, his name is nearly an anagram if that is his real name.

James Alefantis scrambled is J'aime les Afants .

You're right though it's not the main importance, although it's another sign of his vanity and seemingly pride in what he does, because he is aware of it.

Fifthestateknows ago

I would like to know if James Alefantis is his real name. I suspect not. Who is this man? Also, are there any details of sexual abuse in the Kids for Cash scandal? Now we enter the multi-billion dollar world of juvinelle justice.

OpBurnTheCrust ago

Please!!! Anything to do with Alfantis and Boas 5 Star Elite Cleaners!! Key names to look for Devoya Robinson Steven/Steve Boas/Bolas. We know about the abuse of process lawsuit but we need details as many as possible. Also the case with Bucks fishing that's going. To court December 16th.

marcrapp ago

from patrons, nearby businesses, co-workers, PRs, parking tickets, shopping reciepts—things written/expressed by others' about comet pizza.

need reduce cognitive bias by using the opinions of others' to support criminality. i bet there are lots of records in the clerks office. whatever opinions developed here would need to be validated by other recorded testimony

CosmicSponge ago

We want to know about lawsuits pending and past for Brock Pierce. And if any lawusits were formally launched investigating Bryan Singer. Also were either of these two mentioned in other people's lawsuits or legal documents as witnesses etc. etc.

u-spez ago

It's a common Greek name.

followthemoney ago

Kevin Reynolds

James Achilles Alefantis

Amanda Kleinman (Anyone know his name before sex change?)

John Podesta

Tony Podesta

Susan Alefantis

Arwen Podesta

Laura Silsby (Gayley)

Jennifer Kimball

Spencer Kimball

David Brock

RedPowerRanger ago

Guys Guys!!! Don't give him all the info at once!

Give him one thing and if he comes back with valid information then you add gold star to his trust record :) How do we know his mate isn't shredding all the linked case files?

throwaway_ ago

My thoughs exactly, we need proof this guy is legit.

Fire_Fly ago

NakatomiBaby ago

How about Peter Kadzik. How/When did he keep John Podesta out of jail?

sixgorillion ago

I want everything related to Aaron Swartz and Andrew Breitbart.

Both of them are Jews that went against the agenda, I think that means they're hot leads.

micha_ ago

NANCY SCHAFER Why: 1. Killed senator, which claimed child adoption agencies were involved. Her court documents could be interesting (what did she know). 2. Today someone discovered, that LAURA SILSBY was CEO of a child adoption company (

So the two names I think could have interesting court documents: NANCY SCHAFER LAURA SILSBY

RageGoddess ago

Another record to look at is Kookoovaya Inc. They were listed on some of the businesses and no one could find anything about them.

Tangent-love ago

what about Jared Fogal from Subway. i do not know if any one has looked into him yet but he may be tied into Pizzagate

marcrapp ago

and others (think of all the DMCA raids), i've been slowly walking down this path

justforthissubverse ago

How about this:

If you look into the lawsuit records of James Alefantis (owner of Comet Ping Pong) what comes up is a suit filed by Devoya Robinson and her co owner of Boas 5 Star Elite Cleaners. Devoya Robinson runs this cleaning company. The suit claims "abuse of process". We believe there are previous legal filing filed by Alefantis against Robinson but they are currently sealed. We obtained the files via Westlake

What we do know: Boas 5 Star Elite Cleaners was hired to clean Comet Ping Pong. Sometime in late 2011 something occurred that ended the business relationship but began a legal one.

The theory: Boas Cleaners either found something they weren't supposed to or got too close and Alefantis is tying them up legally or threatening their business with endless litigation. At which point Robinson lawyered up and fired back with the Abuse of Process suit which is exclusively used in tort law. It's also entirely possible that it was a business falling out that isn't nefarious but I would love to see the full court docs. But like I said sealed.

Turns out James Alefantis has a history of lawsuits under his other company Bucks Fishing. Including one with another cleaner as well as a AC/Plumber contractor based in DC contractors website

I also found out that the case with Devoya Robinson was very strange. It looks like she got out lawyered. She present her case and a judge ordered a summons. Alefantis lawyer immediately filed to dismiss the case. The case proceeded but it appears that Alefantis did not appear in court and ignored his summons as last warnings were issued. At least I think that's what it says

Maybe someone more legal litererate could tell us exactly what's going on. The link there for the court records is the DC courts search system you can look up Bucks Fishing Cases as well.

HolyMoly0 ago

Somebody found a youtube channel under Devoya Robinson's name. It's weird as fuck.

curtis_c_flush ago

I posted that. I'm starting to wonder if Devoya posted those videos as a tip?

OpBurnTheCrust ago

Are you justforthissubreddit as well? Thanks for continuing the fight man

justforthissubverse ago


micha_ ago

Laura Silsby maybe?

MeatballPizza ago

Comet Ping Pong registered as a trade name in DC. Can we see those documents?

Comet Ping Pong is a d/b/a for Big Cheese, LLC. They were sued in 2015. Over rent? Can we see a copy of that lawsuit and subsequent filings.

Someone claimed Comet was in bankruptcy and also owed a janitorial service 25k. Any bankruptcy filings by Big Cheese, LLC, James Alefantis?

Any other corporations set up by Jimmy Comet around the country?

David Brock settled a lawsuit from an ex-boyfriend for $800,000+. Can we see that lawsuit?

Can upload to Scribd and then post documents here anonymously.

RageGoddess ago

Also, I know there were court records with the Franklin Scandal. Maybe we should check on those?

CosmicSponge ago

Fuck Yeah @meatballpizza Very on point. Happy to be on your team. Love this enthusiasm

RageGoddess ago

Also look at Kookoovaya Inc It was listed in some of the business listings and no one could find anything.

RageGoddess ago

Awesome. I wonder what other public records are available on this company?

safetythrowaway1234 ago

David Brock settled a lawsuit from an ex-boyfriend for $800,000+. Can we see that lawsuit?

possibly to not expose his money laundering

Link 2

thegenericoperator ago

This was going to be my suggestion as well. Any additional info on this would help.

karma4all ago

Name of his ex was William Grey.

trump4jail ago

yep can you look up donald trump and see how often him and Jeffrey Epstein stayed in the room they used to rape 12 year old girls over a 20 year period?

Can you search for other police complaints against trump for rape that might be sealed?

HarveyKlinger ago

I looked into this personally and the only rape I could find by Trump was on November 8th of this year when you got all butt-hurt because America rejected Hillary.


letsdoitnow ago

dude i dont think is smart to post like u post, too obvious. i think ure gonna be fired from CTR bro

MAGABoomer ago

Obvious FailTard is obvious :D

justforthissubverse ago

Well we do know that the Epstein flight logs show ZERO trips with Trump. And we also know that nobody has come forward as a the supposed "victim" of Trump in that case. And we know that the charges were dropped (because it was a bogus frame attempt).

So there's that.

Pathosphere ago

Someone made a list in the last few days that was quite good which included everyone who was known to be involved or connected with those of pizzagate. It's on the voat subverse somewhere.

llm2016 ago

Check all the relevant names and entities.