UlexiteVision ago

links? or are they easily accessible. i know an audio tech who may be able to help...possibly

UlexiteVision ago

really....ill have to give it a listen when i m back in town from work

ExpandYourMind ago

I don't think it would hurt the cause, if you were able to clean it up

DystopianDaze ago

You link to an Andrew W. Kline. Wrong guy. The attorney at the DOJ is named Andrew J. Kline.


There is also yet another lawyer/lobbyist named Andrew J. Kline in DC who has been representing businesses for 30 years and has served as legislative advisor to the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington for more than ten years. This is probably the Kline associated with Alefantis and the other nearby restaurant. He is NOT, however, an attorney at the DOJ.


UlexiteVision ago

it is very odd that they both have the same full name/initial and both work as lawyers in DC and now suddenly the Second kline you linked profile picture has disapeared from the law office he has been with for years...doesnt add up. not saying im right and youre wrong just that thereneeds to be more digging. and one of these klines must own besta pizza also

DystopianDaze ago

My mistake on the "W" as a middle initial. There are two Andrew J. Klines who are both lawyers in DC, though. The one you linked has worked in various capacities in government, as well as being a professor. He was the one who worked in the DOJ.


The other is a lawyer/lobbyist and works at Veritas and with the Restaurant Association. He is likely the one that represented Alefantis and was the signatory for Besta.

His Linked In profile lacks a picture, his picture is still posted on the law office website.


(Edit: typos)

UlexiteVision ago

ive seen so much back and forh on Klines true identity..from veritas law firm to DOJ to uptown pizza...has any new info come out on this? i know there are still people in both camps claiming its all the same Kline and others are convinced otherwise

DystopianDaze ago

I gave you the links.

Andrew J. Kline of the DOJ was mentioned in a 2008 article on a 2007 or 2008 case. That is the top link.

The second link is to the Linked In page of the Andrew J. Kline who is associated with Veritas Law and the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington (for over 10 years), and has represented businesses, including many restaurants, in DC for 30 years.

Now I highly doubt that the two could possibly be the same man. And the DOJ attorney is definitely not the one you linked, his middle initial is "W", not "J".

Pathosphere ago

This is good work. Sharing

UlexiteVision ago

thank you...that was litterly all done in less than a few hours...it is hard to beieve they were this sloppy but at the same time they have been safe for long.

Pathosphere ago

it really makes me sad and i am so, so worried that it's not going to be stopped