Mind_Games ago

This post needs some updates !

Thrulkggls ago

This needs to be resurrected...pertinent to new evidence.

Disciple7 ago

Possibly related in relation to the timeframe.

Edit: found some interesting pictures further down the thread.

hardrock ago

A clear-cut case, today( Dec 21, 2016), of PEOPLE (in this case prostitutes) being used as PAYMENT in big-time financial scams. What if the perpetrator's taste runs to pedophilia? #PizzaGate We know from FBIanon and other sources that the bad-hats in pizzagate use people as payment in all sorts of illegal exchanges (including political pay-to-play) but there is a lack of direct evidence . This news article is direct evidence. Because of the sheer dollar value in this particular scam (reportedly $2 Billion) it's pretty likely that pulling the string on the players in this story will turn up known players in pizzagate. http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/270389/2b-pay-to-play-alleged-in-comptrollers-office-for-drugs-prostitutes/

Votescam ago

Maurice Tempelsman, Council on Foreign Relations, diamonds - He is also a general partner of Leon Tempelsman & Son, an investment company specializing in real estate and venture capital.[13] (American, born in Antwerp, Beligum family escaped Nazis) His extensive political contacts and monetary contributions often provide him with access and prestige in those markets, as was the case during the presidency of Bill Clinton.[1][14] From 1993 to 1997, Tempelsman visited the White House at least ten times, met privately with Hillary Clinton on two separate occasions, vacationed with the Clintons and the Kennedy family in Martha's Vineyard, and flew to Moscow and back with President Clinton on Air Force One.[1][6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Tempelsman In the 1960s Tempelsman hired as his business agent the CIA station chief in Kinshasa, Larry Devlin, who helped put Mobutu in power and afterward served as his personal adviser And - - always find this interesting since "no plane hit the Pentagon" . . . Quote: Tempelsman has three grown children by his wife Lilly Bucholz, a woman who had also fled Antwerp with her family. They were married in 1949.[2] His daughter, Rena, is the widow of Robert Speisman, an executive vice president of Lazare Kaplan International Inc. who died on board American Airlines Flight 77, when the aircraft crashed into The Pentagon during the September 11 attacks.[28] 14 year relationship with Jackie Kennedy (1980 to her death in 1994) -- moved into her Fifth Ave Penthouse in '88.

DelorisCL ago

Podesta Group may have used Russian Bank for Money Laundering. Podesta Group and by extension Clintons connected to Russian Bank exposed in Panama Papers. Here is an article with details. http://observer.com/2016/04/panama-papers-reveal-clintons-kremlin-connection/ I find it interesting that Panama Papers stories were buried so quickly.

WakingUpisHardToDo ago

Curious why this got dropped 11 days ago?

Selective ago

Has anyone made any connections to http://www.ici.org yet?

Oh crap, I was going through the Podesta Emails, and I found one that I think was crucial to the money laundering. I should have bookmarked it, because searches aren't pulling it up now. I'm freaking out! I've been searching for it for the last two hours.

Anyway, one of the people it was sent to was [email protected] and in the email, John Podesta mentions how much money he has in something that is in London, Washington D.C. and another country that I forgot, but it was a lot of money. Possibly in the millions or billions.

I already did a search for all emails with "ici.org" and went through all emails, nothing. Then searched for all emails with "London, Washington D.C." and went through all of those, still nothing.

I'm so pissed at myself right now.

Selective ago

I've been searching for too long.

I did notice that a search for "ici.org" pulls up 48 results, while a search for "ici" pulls up 49 results.

I can't think straight, I've been searching for too long and my eyes hurt.

I did notice that all the emails seem like the text is the same format, big and spaced apart, but I'm sure the one that mentions the money, was smaller print and closer together. Is it possible for text to be in another format on the wikileak email pages, and if so, could it effect search results?

I know what I saw, and I don't understand why I can't find it. Perhaps I just need sleep.

Selective ago

There's 542 search results for "London", so it must be in there somewhere.

The first thing in the email was a short paragraph that mentions money in digits with the list of countries mentioned after that in the same or following sentence.

It was from one person and to a few other people. I know for a fact it was sent to [email protected]

If no one else looks, then I'll try looking when I have more time.

iwasthey ago

We need this AUTIST! https://i.sli.mg/x1DgQS.jpg

ComesWithTheFall ago

Rogan is talking about pizzagate right now. My thread isn't showing up?


Nigredo ago

And 780babies has since deleted their account

Nigredo ago

The guy has apparently deleted his account. Nothing comes up clicking on his link and his comments are missing but still referred to by bouncepingpong in the "Royals" comment.

So yeah he's totally not guilty of anything but guilty enough to delete everything when called out on his creepy shit

anonymous18453 ago

Ok. I am starting to literally think I am going insane. I created a new topic about 10 minutes ago but cannot find it via the voat discussions. Does anyone have a mirror of the pizza-master.zip file I can download. It is the first time I came across an error...


Hello All,

I feel like I am being paranoid but with all this craziness my mind has been thrown for a loop.

Does anyone have a mirror for the "pizza-master.zip" file? I was in the middle of downloading the file, around 150 MB and got an error saying no file existed. "Failed - NoFile" error


MaidenMotherCrone ago


Hashtag #ss17 ---This tag has been used on many of the images from Twitter and Instagram so I tried to figure out what it could mean. I'm pretty sure it's a reference to SPANKING after a Missile nicknamed The Spanker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS-17_Spanker

AwesomeKid ago

The director link is very weak, these companies will be director of any or all companies because you need to have a local person involved to have a company on panama. These corporations basically have a website that you can sign up to they don't double check anything and you will have a company with "a director" in 30 seconds. Just because they signed on to the same director means literally nothing in panama.

Chronicallycurious ago

The royal rabbit hole is very deep

Selective ago

Hey Everyone, this is just the beginning. I've been compiling metadata on possible suspects to see what connects, and I think I may have tapped into something very big here. I'll post new topics to share the new information as it becomes available, so everyone can help further the search.

redditbelowsme ago

HA still wont really comment on Stein right now. Think he's kinda depressed about it.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I have a proposal!! We shut er down, keep investigating archiving collecting and compiling, BUT...

Lets dive and shut down and go silent so we fall out of sonar of the elites and everything. Spread this in private messaging. We can resurface in 2 months or so.

Ihatepizza2 ago

"Ever danced with a demagorgon"?? From a google search of that event

FindingTruth ago

Someone pass this on to the FBI (just not any of the higher ups. e.g. Comey, lol) Good work!

SavingGrace ago

James Alefantis' Instagram photo's - that he was sharing publicly. http://imgur.com/gallery/oAD6kum

SavingGrace ago

Alefantis in news article - note baby in background and mention of Dr. Pong in Berlin where he likes to play ping pong. Says to heck it out! /var/folders/ll/n9dmtkl178l2jg071_bycmrw0000gp/T/com.apple.mail/com.apple.mail.drag-T0x7fafd0c021f0.tmp.NabUux/vGKfB7j.jpeg

Carolleej2 ago

Wow, and I just read somewhere that Russia just banned LinkedIn in their country!

SavingGrace ago

Party ?

SensoryFishing ago

IMPORTANT! Another really sketch company that helps third world kids with SPIRAL LOGO everywhere! http://wejourney.co/ credit for the find: https://twitter.com/jeancladevandab

lozion ago

Notice this weird phenomena in the presentation vid where you have these cartoonish pet traits overlaying children faces? Is this a way of objectifying kids as if they are mere pets to be owned and "played" with? Somebody should write them to say "we're on to you guys.."

Alois_sticklgruber ago


micha_ ago

Still no connection to the Podestas.

Why are all raving about it? Only because a few shady business connections (Panama, Mossac-Fonseca, UK, Moscow) were researched around a money laundering scandal?

It's obviously enough to name a big amount of money, research a bit round it, highlight a few names and the people's imagination runs wild and does the rest to get a hype - without any useful information, while many good comments, not hyped with exaggerated and sensationalist headlines, go unnoticed. This all supported by a mod, who even makes this worthless post sticky.

Is this sticky, BECAUSE it contains no useful information?

totorox ago

good god, you guys are amazing :)

JohnD0e ago

Wait - you never connected Besta Pizza and Besta World!

Also, Elisana Marie-Antoinette Labonte has no ties to that Ping Pong Pizza place OTHER THAN THE THUMBNAIL. The pizza place's Instagram has NOTHING weird on it (I checked, it actually looks pretty yummy)

Obviously these people with all these shell companies are into some shady shit but this has nothing to do with #pizzagate!

micha_ ago

This time you are correct. This is NOTHING.

Frightening to see, how people here also do not read and think, but only judge by a topic made STICKY, lots of upvotes and a few triggering words.

angular_planes ago

Did anoyone connect Besta World Group to Besta Pizza yet?

micha_ ago

LOL. No. Zero content of revelance. But it seems to sound sooo cool with all the business connections...

Shadybozza ago

https://youtu.be/j59jymXo2wc the child victim from the Hampstead Heath scandal says one of the pedophiles was from pizza express!!

SavingGrace ago

Pizza Express was owned by Giustra - possibly. He had a coy called 222 Pizza Express. There's a Pizza Express in London with 222 for an address. Pizza Express is now connected to the Clinton's other mate, Doug Band and coy Teneo. They are all friends and have connections to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein so Daily Mail UK report. Stick Prince Andrew in there too. He likes Pizza Express too - Jakarta. Separate post on voat about that.

gexrt ago

Ok I'm digging for ownership info and have found it - Uptown Pizza LLC.


I Found it by being more (?) specific with search terms. Just uptown or pizza would not return a result


LLC Business Filing - http://sli.mg/A45Xa5

It's signed by Andrew Kline, and it's running on a revoked entity status.

Agent Address - 1225 19th Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036

Andrew Klines listed address leads back to a palms restaurant - WTF - Currently needs digging

Also listed on the report is the following --

Governor: Hammad, Abdel Rahman 5029 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20008 Is Executing Officer?: No - This the address of Besta Pizza. http://archive.is/OPY8O

wellington33 ago

Tila Tequila: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M5WAwkcR2M Tweet of Tila Tequila: OMG! It’s Friday! Time for some PIZZA!!! Pizza is not made by Mexicans or Dindus is it? I don’t wanna eat it otherwise.


Doa11 ago

micha_ ago

Name a single lead! LOL.

AgainstPedos ago

This admittedly long but absolutely well worth it bio by a trained sex slave and victim of human trafficking will provide much needed background info and explanations to this discussion. http://www.gailallen.com/theo/Secrets-of-the-CIA-Global-Sex-Slave-Industry-by-Dr-Sue-Arrigo.html

Melitica ago

One of the FBI anon question was where did Cheryl Mills work before? This would appear to be a key piece of info.
"EDIT 3: Bounce Ping Pong is related to Ace Bounce in Cheryl Mills and sandler worked at the law firm next door to bounce" Remembering the big picture is not child porn filmed by Jimmycomet but a worldwide problem that could bring armed conflict. Treason, acts of war...and child trafficking.

webofslime ago

Ok, I think I get it. Besta World Group isn't the connection. It could very well be a coincidence. There are some layers of separation, but the Panama Papers have certainly revealed a massive nest of money launderers. For Pizzagate to get validation, you are going to have to tie human trafficking directly to a couple of these people. We already have multiple serial molesters involved.

The alleged connection is through Grayson/Alefantis via Bounce Ping Pong, based on the reference in the Instagram picture, plus the proximity of location of Grayson offices and Bounce Ping Pong. (Correct my record, if I have that wrong) I wouldn't call THAT a smoking gun, but we do have some others.

According to a well researched article by Media Matters, of all places, Giustra's ties to gold mining in Kazakhstan go way back.

2008.01.31 After Mining Deal, Financier Donated to Clinton https://archive.is/cvAH0

2008.01.31 NY Times failed to note Giustra reportedly involved in Kazakhstan mining deals more than a decade ago https://archive.is/0Z3ef

I think the smoking gun for Pizzagate will be found when Frank Giustra get's tied to human trafficking. I have reason to believe the Kazakh mining interests owned by Giustra rely on forced labor from trafficked Mongolians. Considering how involved Giustra is in mining, all over the world, and the fact there is a "nexus of gold mining and human trafficking," it seems clear that he is brushing up against trafficking regularly in order to make money. Forced labor is just another cog in the wheel.

"The Nexus of Illegal Gold Mining and Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains"


2016 Trafficking in Persons Report (State Department)


Mongolian men, women, and children are subjected to forced labor in Turkey, Kazakhstan

That isn't to say that there aren't smoking guns for other issues:

Smoking Gun No.1

Mossack Fonseca is helping Clinton Associates, like Podesta and Giustra, create shell companies to move money through. Money that is illegal. Whatever the source, the money is illegal because the financial relationships are supposed to be registered with the Attorney General, and, legally, it is treason per code 18 U.S. Code § 2386.

Financial crimes, aside, accepting money from Saudi Arabia (who funds ISIS and funded 9/11 and who funded Huma's father), to influence policy inside the US (like not being able to sue for 9/11 terror attacks) and abroad (like propping up Morsi in Egypt), the Panama Papers combined with the Wikileaks emails are primary sources/direct evidence of treason.

the original terms were for a 4 year vesting schedule of which John was ¾ vested (this reflects what John actually exercised – i.e. 75,000 out of 100,000 options - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4635

Panama Papers Reveal Clinton’s Kremlin Connection



In this image, you can see a piece of the Russian money laundering web: https://sli.mg/lMkZzk

In addition to the company’s Russian parent, the lobbying registration form lists three other directly-affiliated foreign entities: Cayman Islands-based Troika Dialog Group Limited, Cyprus-based SBGB Cyprus Limited, and Luxembourg-based SB International. https://archive.is/1icab

SB International is also found in the Offshore Leaks Database.


Combine that with the ten or more years of reporting on the same issue, over and over, it is incontrovertible evidence of treason based on finances, alone. Obviously, there are facts on the ground that show other types, like involving CIA as FSA imposters or having Blue Mountain hire Al Qaeda sympathizers, but the leaks, alone, are the "smoking gun" in regards to 18 U.S. Code § 2386.

Smoking Gun No. 2

Podesta's involvement is treason, itself, because he failed to report financial relationships to foreign powers while lobbying in Washington. He wasn't the only one, and Hillary was aware. Misprision is a term for knowing and concealing someone else's treason. 18 U.S. Code § 2382. Kazatomprom's CEO was put in jail. Morsi was put in jail. A variety of others involved with the Clintons have been jailed for cooperating with the aim of personal gain while causing detriment to their own countries.

Meaning, many people know this treason is going on and are actively working to conceal it.

Arming ISIS, ignoring 9/11, giving uranium to the Russians, in order for Putin to gain leverage in the energy markets, shows that Hillary is a free agent who sells treason for money.

Personally, I wonder if Soros and Putin are working together or if if Hillary is dealing with opposing powers simultaneously.

Smoking Gun No 3

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

Relevant News Articles

Hillary Clinton, from a legal standpoint, is not eligible for office based on financial relationships, alone.

2016.10.31 The Democratic Establishment Has Enabled Hillary’s Corruption at Every Turn https://archive.is/07L5C

2016.10.18 The Clinton Foundation left a toxic legacy in Colombia, critics say https://archive.is/wkgVl

2016.09.29 Clinton Scandal Update – Emails and the Clinton Foundation https://archive.is/FMQ32

2016.08.29 The Six Clinton Foundation Scandals Everyone Needs to Know https://archive.is/GMLMH

2016.06.22 Clinton Foundation scandals will be good fodder for Trump https://archive.is/dO0u8

2015.06.22 Hillary Tries to Rebut Clinton Cash, Fails https://web.archive.org/web/20160411000956/http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/06/hillary-tries-to-rebut-clinton-cash-fails.php

2015.06.15 The Clinton Foundation Reeks of Crooks, Thieves, and Hoods https://archive.is/7e7pK

2016.04.26 Inside Panama Papers: Multiple Clinton Connections https://archive.is/OdeEi

2016.09.14 HSBC Case Blows Lid off Clinton's Offshore Empire https://archive.is/JULn5

2016.04.18 Exposing the Clinton Financial Network https://archive.is/n10P5

Edited to add sources.

DarkOne ago

"Personally, I wonder if Soros and Putin are working together or if if Hillary is dealing with opposing powers simultaneously."

it would have to be the later. if i'm remembering correctly; some time ago, Putin had thrown him out of Russia and branded him a enemy of the state.

webofslime ago

Could be a trick.

DarkOne ago

"Arming ISIS, ignoring 9/11, giving uranium to the Russians, in order for Putin to gain leverage in the energy markets, shows that Hillary is a free agent who sells treason for money."

(Putin vs Soros) in my opinion; at the time, he either did not know or he did not care that Hillary was dealing with Soros. however, the fact that he genuinely feared WW3 if Hillary came to power. it points to that Soros and Hillary planed to destabilize Russia with military might and sanctions thru proxy (EU).

as it was explained to me; the reason Putin hates Soros is because he tried to create lots of activist groups by funneling money to them to start shit (sound familiar?) and Putin would not have it. any company taking Soros money in Russia is immediately sized by the government. Soros is basically band from Russia and that's why they hate each other.

wellington33 ago

strong footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A1o1Egi20c could be useful.


did u find anyting of interest on that page??

hir0ce1ine ago

There are two in London and another in Chicago. The one I walk past is just a hot spot for trashy people from Essex and businessmen in the area. I've always had always bad vibe from the place but from all my research there is very little evidence it's part of the ring.

SensoryFishing ago

A older video (links below text) on Youtube of tunnels nearby Comet where you see old restaurants. They were all similarly fronted, white paint, red block lettering. One dilapidated storefront had only "izz" remaining in its name. It would have gone unoticed to me but for what this place originally was via a more complete historical pic given in another video. The place was called "Pizza Express." The newer video of the construction workers seems to confirm that there was for sure a PIzza Express there nearby in the tunnels to Comet. What really freaked me out was the video of kids describing abuse (perhaps debunked?) and using the name "Pizza Express" to describe a storefront where this activity occurs. If someone can dig, might help connect some dots. Sorry if my thoughts are a little disorganized. Thanks.

Video w/construction workers in the tunnels near Comet with the old "Pizza Express" storefront only "izz" can still be seen on the storefront https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNbhDyLhuVU&t=42s

Video of the kids specifying "Pizza Express" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMS1onIHsDw The video below think's this related to the Hampstead cover up is that's what this is. Video with the historical pic of "Pizza Express" and theories on trafficking connections https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi6ryNOg8z0 The pictures and info is at 45:05 in this video.

CandyPanda ago

I found both companies that Andrew J Kline got busted using when he screwed up and got caught. http://www.dcbar.org/discipline/court_action/09-BG-1531_MTD.pdf

C&D Incorporated https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_dc/EXTUID_2663019 Cholok Incorporated https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_dc/EXTUID_2663177

Both, funny enough, went out of business that same year.

I mean, they had him, but nope, no one did anything, and big players came to his rescue. This is what we're up against. People can bitch and moan all they want, but I mean, we could lead these "leaders" to a graveyard, and they'd thank us, then hold an art expo on that spot. We just have to hope things are going to change a bit and keep pushing on all fronts, especially with transparency in all of this. It's worse than I even realized with the Panama Papers release. These zombie directors are total patsies who don't make any money in the deal and probably fear for their lives. So much tragedy in all of this - epic human progress fail.

CandyPanda ago

I know right? They have map over the DC area with a f'ing golden triangle over it. I have to get some time and compare it to the whole pentagram area from other conspiracy stuff, but man, it's like this shit is crazy. I'll try to post when I find it.

Edit: found it http://io9.gizmodo.com/5847682/are-the-streets-of-washington-dc-supposed-to-form-a-pentagram

So, what's interesting here too is the first line of this article:

"Popular lore suggests that the street layout of Washington, D.C., was designed so that the streets emanating from the White House would intersect with landmarks in the area to form a pentagram."

And the golden triangle landing page says

"The Golden Triangle is the heart of DC’s business district, stretching from the front yard of the White House to Dupont Circle."

Both start at the White House. It's pretty funny.

dookiehowzer ago

fuh show fam

dannonyme ago

THIS! Is this the definitive connection to CFI that FBIAnon said to look for?

dannonyme ago

YES! I saw this a while back! I remember being directed to it from a blog also mentioned some significance to the tattoo on the new mother's arm. Shit, BRAIN FREEZE. Anyone else remember this??

Godwillwin ago

Will def ck it out! Thx

Godwillwin ago

Welcome Yes you are right They want one world under Satan rather than one nation under God

Godwillwin ago

They took it down. I hope you took screen shots and saved the info. What was on it?

Godwillwin ago

The company that bleached the basement server ??

CandyPanda ago

I wanted to add the following to your research though which links to an article about the UK connection here and Ms. Elisana Marie-Antoinette Labonte via Pannetest Commercial Inc.

https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/190912 https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/270756 https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/05578102/officers

You can read what was said about Konstantin Nikitouchkin here (another Zombie Director): http://archive.is/KawKn

lookingfortruth ago

Instagram account mostly looks like a normal bar; but check out the "chickenlover" hashtag again on the picture of obama and biden hugging.

CandyPanda ago

I just found yet another Ping Pong for adults/night club franchise that links to an elite social network that has so many famous people attached to it, I can even possibly get into posting any of it online since there's no way any of us want that blow back right now. But the pattern of shell companies running through Delaware like I outlined that I can link to the Panama Papers directly that links to so many things, I'm just not going there online. I'm definitely going to recommend we tread lightly with hunting down every thing that looks like the above because I don't want to insinuate that they're all pedophile networks. But this thing is complete "millionaires only" club connected with huge names, and I don't even know where to begin breaking it all down. But highly concerned now that our government was involved with making sure certain entities didn't show up in the papers when the leak happened because this one Delaware entity alone is the agent of a lot of stuff, another trend I keep seeing in the data. So we should probably tread lightly with pointing to this and that franchise and just push for transparency with all of this. It's clear the state of Delaware is a great place to set things up as a go-between.

EDIT: Well, I was sure right about my Deleware findings/theories. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation_Trust_Center_(CT_Corporation) Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump go through here. And I've already found some how the UK Zombie Directors are coming through Deleware too.

MeatballPizza ago

Is this related to Pelosi's GOAT PIZZA in the San Francisco area? Some Panamanian pizza place that donated to Dems. Money laundering possibly.

angry_mob ago

i wanted to point out a strange coincidence. i was watching that horrible video of Alfentis in drag MC-ing some "behind closed doors" type of gathering of all of his cretin type friends. i'm new here so i don't know if you've posted it here, but if you haven't watched it, by all means, watch it and be prepared to be creeped out - i couldn't even finish watching it. someone in the crowd yells out "yeah, little BOYS!" & Alfentis says "well, we all have our preferences!" and then cackles maniaclly. i mean it's just sick. anyway, at one part of the video he makes a very big deal when introducing this one young woman as being important for some damn reason i couldn't hear, but then he really makes a point of saying that SHE'S RUSSIAN!! i mean he says it several times. the chick just seems weird and out of place there, but my instincts told me that she is in some way instrumental with like getting kids from Russia??! i don't know that part of it just flashed thru my mind as this was going on. So to the OP, i just thought that this was an interesting coincidence, and sorry i don't have a link, but i just came across the video thru normal google searches so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it if you haven't seen it yet. Be prepared to puke tho. Thanks for this post!

Godwillwin ago

The party with that Sasha lord person with the red face and pink hair - red face has symbolism in satanism by the way - anyway, the he pretendhbg to be a she talks about an abortion and his birth is so gross and then he goes on to say he had to kill it and then says EUTHENASIA a few times with a slow pronunciation so that you realize he's saying YOUTH IN ASIA

angry_mob ago

i wouldn't be at all surprised... isn't this sasha lord drag bitch actually alefantis himself? i thought it was VERY odd that he made such a point of calling out this chick as being from Russia. Don't get me wrong, i got nothing against Russia, I think this is a world wide problem. it's just a weird coincidence. (or NOT)

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I thought the girl or whatever in the video is Majestic Ape? Although i also thought majestic ape was a man... so is Sasha Lord the girl making the pedo jokes?

Godwillwin ago

I didn't know that the red faced pink haired freak might be Alefantis. Makes sense though. The voices are similar

Simpleusername ago

Is this related to Nancy Pelosi's pizza chain, "Goats Head Pizza" and the panama papers?

ConcernedEnough ago

Didn't know where to post this so here goes:

You've all displayed good investigative skills and I just realized something. The original Podesta -email triggering this was from Susan Sandler who said "the REALTOR found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza related. Is it yours?..."

REALTOR tells me vacant home for sale being used by the creeps for their pizza parties/Satan worship, whatever. A realtor representing Sandler hence her getting the handkerchief. Might be worth seeing what properties Sandlers own in the area and any sold around or listed September 2, 2014, the date of the e-mail.


totorox ago

the idea being thrown around weeks ago when this started what that realtor is code for cleanup team.

oresd ago

*[–]bonniedundeeNY[S] 1 point 1 month ago

Could it be a map showing them where pizza-related activities are in the area.? *

^^^ From that link, this seems rather interesting. Doesn't explain handkerchief, but what if they were actually talking about a real map to "pizza-related" activities... ie, this is where the party is.

I recall way back when raves were popular, there were all kinds of ways people hid the location of the rave on the cards they handed out at clubs. It had a map, but unless you knew the code, or got the missing info after paying for a ticket, you wouldn't know where the map was taking you.

Perhaps his response "it's not important" means nobody could ever determine a location with that.

MommyLove ago

If you are on FB, they disabled me, get in contact with the CPS parent groups. You will find a TON of families fighting against Child Protective Services and corrupt family courts. Million Parent March has a bunch and Estranged Parents. Also, Families Forward Project. Also, check out medicalkidnap.com. You will start to see how PizzaGate is tied into the Foster Care Industry. Bill Clinton signed an act in '97 called the Adoption and Safe Families Act that legalized FORCED adoptions.

Aaaron ago

Yeah why refute any arguments presented when you can just call somebody retarded? Oh that's right... because you have absolutely no argument of your own.

CandyPanda ago

And just another update, I found 250 listed at this property over the years: https://sli.mg/fOqUgV


It's a maze of nonsense going through all these bogus agent linked operations. It's absurd. Understand I'm experienced in AML, so I know how it actually works, and Delaware has some major explaining to do with all of this. Of course, it's so transparent, it's clear they already know which is the whole reason for this public investigation to begin with. And don't forget, I've already linked this address through the Panama Papers. Too much to even get into here, but one of my favorite companies is "EEETRADE GLOBAL MARKET LTD." ROFL You've got to be kidding meee

RecycledUser ago

I quit going over to eddit once they shut down pizzagate, and some said the donald was compromised as well. I'm not sure, but wouldn't put a lot of stock in anything over there anymore.

Swissmiss ago

Are they hosting any "special parties"? On Google images I found this: http://secretldn.com/2015/06/the-hottest-places-to-play-ping-pong-in-london/

aadyah ago

https://sli.mg/a/gaffhM full archived jimmy commet instagram pics

Swissmiss ago

Great work! Here a picture of the Pizza "Bounce Pingpong ", London, which I found on Google images: (nudes playing pingpong ...)


20-Gauge ago

Jerome Corsi has a lot of knowledge about the Clintons, the Foundation, and their money-laundering / trafficking activities (including Haiti)

Here's Corsi's contact info, send him anything and everything you find that in any way ties this to Clinton and/or the Foundation.

[email protected]



Search the WND site for his articles. Lots of them there. Also, he's done a lot of youtube interviews/vids.

EDIT to add contact info.

RecycledUser ago

Also, the YT movie Clinton Cash, or book by Peter Schweitzer could be very helpful.

RecycledUser ago

I agree, he knows that inside out. His book Partners in Crime covers the CF. A lot of his material he got from the financial analysis done by Charles Ortel. Tons of info, and some corporation/names at Charles Ortel.com.

20-Gauge ago

Thanks for the Ortel tip, good info !!

RecycledUser ago

You're welcome! Him and Peter Schweitzer (author of Clinton Cash) are both excellent! In fact, there is a 2-hour radio interview Ortel did on Coast to Coast AM, that is excellent. I believe it is out on the internet, Google searching for C2C with him as a guest. Not on the C2C site itself; from there you have to be a paid member to hear it. But I know I've seen it online.

LungTien ago

I`ve been researching this for 2 days now, and what I have found has baffled me. I must say SmokingGun, your work here is very good! And I cannot express by words how thankfull I am of people like yourselfe, and others researching this!!

I will be posting little by little what I have found out. Im new to forums and message boards, so any tips\help would be appreciated!

CandyPanda ago

I'll also add that I've worked in an industry for years that trains us annually to Know Your Client, specifically for AML and to help prevent illegal activity. Besta Pizza, which ties to this Uptown Pizza, would fail this measure hands down. Sealight and the rest here are in clear violation of that. Not to mention, the burden of proof shouldn't be on us at this point. Explain to me why a lawyer, who is working as the legal counsel for all the restaurants in DC now, is running Besta out of a shell company that had its status revoked. And then explain to me why that same person who got caught moving money around in his personal trust account to other nondescript companies and who the Bar Association in DC wanted to penalize for it had powerful friends come in and fight for him and is still operating? The burden of proof isn't on us, it's on them at this point.

fedevela ago

Money laundering between citi and the mexicans

Citibank Implicated in Money Laundering for Fox Campaign http://narconews.com/foxmoney1.html

fedevela ago

General Money Laundering stuff:

Ownership networks represent a special type of economic networks, wherein the dynamics of stakeholders or companies are represented by agents in a network. The directed links between agents represent possession or interest.



CandyPanda ago

I checked it out on Google Maps, and it's one of those old style buildings that has a few offices there now. I searched those names and at least one should have some presence on the internet, but none do. It's sketchy. But then I found the address in the Panama Papers and it lead to one company called Oak Holdings LLC, so maybe these people here are just better at covering their tracks. It's all a huge scheme that ran through this address though, no doubt:

https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/26383 https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_de/3924292

I don't think they are there anymore, but there is another one in Deleware that popped up:


I also know people are covering their tracks somehow though because just take the Uptown Pizza (you can look that up on this site too). The account is revoked status, yet Besta Pizza is still in business, so what's up with that? Not to mention the governor listed on it that links nowhere: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_dc/EXTUID_2684358

The point is, anyone giving anyone grief should think twice. This is the behavior of people covering their tracks, and that means it's illegal shit going on, pick your poison.

Oh, and I left out the sketchy Hiz Inc that appeared listed on the internet at the same location with another random name:


Do a search on HIZ Inc and DC, and you'll see multiple instances with different contacts coming up.

standalone ago

I really don't see where there is a smoking gun at all. As it's name indicates, Sealight Incorporations Limited is an agent that offers incorporation services of shell companies with a local nominee as director. Obviously if you look for everything that is related to the agent company, the director of the agent company, the share holders of the agent company and other directorships of the placeholder nominees etc, you are going to find thousands of companies that are involved in all sorts of suspicious activities. Just look at the Offshore Leaks page of Sealight Incorporations Limited: Sealight is connected to 3896 entities! Following those secondary links make no sense. They are just random other clients of Sealight so at most you would be able to establish that two companies are client of the same offshore incorporation company. That's a pretty weak link.

AFAICT the link you make between Sealight and Develcan is completely phony. The only relation between Sealight and Develcan is that Sealight incorporated another client company that's called "Everygood International", and both Everygood and Develcan have the same director, an entity called "Standard Directors" that, if its name is any indication, seems like yet another service company specialized in providing placeholder nominees to serve as local directors.

I may be missing something, but if that's the case it's something you haven't developed at all in your thread. With the information you have given, all I can see you doing in the thread is making unjustified leaps between loosely related companies and googling the names you find on the way, and it seems like a lucky coincidence that this ended up leading you to another ping pong cafe.

If there is more to it than meets the eye, can you clarify your exact reasoning as of how you move from one step to the next and why we should think that Bounce Ping Pong and Besta World Group are related at all? And if they are, how does that connect us to Besta Pizza? And even if that connects us to Besta Pizza, what's the connection with Comet Ping Pong other than the fact they are on the same block and are both apparently involved in child trafficking?

CandyPanda ago

No, you can find my research on Sealight above. I found one link on our own corp lookup that ran sixteen shell or bogus entities through it. However, none of those listed in the Panama Papers, But crazy enough, the address did to another company at the same damn address, and the agent for that was yet another shell company. You think this is easy? It's not easy. And why in the world would anyone create such a mess? Money laundering to say the least, and if that is going on, it can't lead to good things around it.

standalone ago

Hundreds or even thousands of companies sharing the same registration address is extremely common. In the case of offshore companies, it's even the norm since company registration address defaults to the address of the corporate services company that did the incorporation, provides the nominee director and secretary, manages the AGM, forward the eventual mail and files all the paperwork.

The article you linked to higher up in the thread explains it very well

In her passport, Nesita Manceau lists her occupation as "housewife." But she does oh-so-much more. On paper at least, she's a corporate titan. And she's been tangled in an arms-running scandal involving North Korea and Iran. Manceau is what could be called a "zombie director" of shell companies. She's been on the boards of scores of them. Lawyers in Florida, Oregon and Nevada have clients who call on her services. The 55-year-old Filipina, who until recently was living in the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, exercises what is required of an offshore corporate director: She simply signs her name. Time and time again. Practically the sole function of an offshore corporate director is to cloak the identity of the real owner of a company or trust. The director serves as a legal shield, of sorts. The documents known as the Panama Papers teem with these zombie directors who sign corporate papers at the bidding of unidentified owners. Such directors can oversee, at least on paper, hundreds - and sometimes thousands - of corporations.

They are a crucial cog in the machinery of foreign law firms and registration agents who churn out phantom corporations, stock them with proxy directors, slap a soothing name on them, and register them on atolls or far-away nations. It is a volume business. True owners of the shell companies often want passive directors with no control over, or even knowledge of, actual operations. Secretaries, Burger King cooks and housewives will do. Corporate registration agents like Mossack Fonseca, the Panama law firm whose 11.5 million leaked documents comprise the Panama Papers archive, earn extra fees when they stock the boards of offshore entities with nominees who usually have no clue as to the identity of the true owners.

It's entirely pointless to try to connect offshore companies through their intermediaries. Offshore companies are designed to obfuscate the legal owner of the entity and shield her from all legal responsibilities. The only salient information is shareholders if its a private company: this information is available publicly in a central company registry in some jurisdictions like Singapore and Hong Kong. If it's a trust you are out of luck as beneficiaries are not public information. Now, Panama Papers are a leak and I'm sure a lot more confidential information is laying around waiting to be discovered, but you won't find that in the semantic graph.

CandyPanda ago

It's not "perfectly common." Sorry dude, I don't know what you think you know, but you are generalizing things that you haven't studied. Even at a tower in NYC, it's easy to trace the owners to individuals in a legal business. I should know since I've worked in many. A run down office building in the middle of nowhere creating businesses that do everything from oil to herbs to beauty supplies with some really sketchy naming all linking directly back to an agent in Hong Kong would bring the law down in force if the law was respected. But the point is, the law isn't being respected when these companies are set up, and clearly the state of Delaware is complicit in all of this. Which to your point though, you got that perfectly - there is no transparency at the transaction level to the public as far as money movement, but that is what companies I worked for do - it's called anti-money laundering. And it would seem our government has broken the law here.

standalone ago

It's not "perfectly common." Sorry dude, I don't know what you think you know, but you are generalizing things that you haven't studied.

Virtually every office space, virtual office and corporate service company offers registered address services hosted at their own business address, and it's a staple in offshore jurisdictions. You don't seem to have much experience of business. I can't force you to believe me, so feel free to keep trying to connect the dots using intermediaries, officers and registered addresses. You'll quickly notice that you are going round in circles. But don't take my word. Try it for yourself. You can't know it until you experience it.

But the point is, the law isn't being respected when these companies are set up

You don't seem to understand how offshore companies are working. It's precisely because "phantom" shell companies are legal in the jurisdiction where they are incorporated that they are being used and that many incorporation services companies have developed to help fast tracking the process of creating an offshore entity.

there is no transparency at the transaction level to the public as far as money movement, but that is what companies I worked for do - it's called anti-money laundering

Either way there is no transparency at transaction level to the public. It's not like SWIFT, SEPA, ACH & co transactions where public domain. Depending on the local regulation, it is legal or illegal to transact with offshore corporations of specific jurisdictions due to their being essentially anonymous, but that can be easily worked around by bouncing through more lenient financial hubs like Hong Kong, the Luxembourg or the United Arab Emirates. There are also plenty of reckless banks like HSBC and Goldman Sachs who will not ask too many questions.

Anyway, we are getting pretty offtopic here.

CandyPanda ago

Again, I'm trained in AML, and this is clearly money laundering activity. I've linked hundreds of thousands of companies in my lifetime, and I know what to look for. I'm curious why you're so upset by all of this? Do you not care about money laundering to foreign interests?

You're right though that there's no reason to belabor this convo. Just go down and set up an eTrading account with EEETRADE GLOBAL MARKET LTD. https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_de/4696244

or show me where I can or show an advertisement for this company. Seriously. It's that simple. If I'm off base, and this ridiculously "like-sounding" name to an electronic trading entity is legit, I'll stop looking at all of it if you can. You won't be able to though because this is clearly a made up name operating at a nondescript location in Delaware that houses a few small companies, usually a couple of law offices. It's not even designed to house sixteen companies.

Look, not trying to be an ass if you're seriously concerned, but it sure looks like concern trolling atm.

standalone ago

it's clearly money laundering activity

Have you seen any financial transactions emanating from Besta World Group? For all we know, it's entirely possible that the entity is dormant and not involved in any money flow, or not doing anything that transits through the US in which case the way they are using their shell company could be perfectly legal from a regulatory perspective. EIther way, we just don't have access to the transactions records, that's not the kind of thing you will find in the Panama Papers. So the question of whether Besta Pizza / Andrew Kline are doing money laundering is moot because we won't find it that way anyway. And no having an offshore entity is not in itself a crime, so finding a connection between Besta Pizza and Besta World Group won't even be actionable.

I'm curious why you're so upset by all of this

I'm not upset. I'm concerned that we are barking up the wrong tree and wasting time and resources on following random and very tenuous leads that aren't even relevant to what we are trying to investigate here. It's like if you were trying to find other guilty parties by looking at people on the street and finding the ones who wear the same clothes. Maybe you can find something with a lot of luck. But that's hardly a "smoking gun" like OP claims it to be. At best using intermediaries and officers, you'll get very tenuous and far fetched connections. Shareholders is a different story: that's a much sounder connection albeit much more difficult to make.

Do you not care about money laundering to foreign interests?

Separation of concerns. I don't think that an investigation around a child trafficking ring is the right place to start tracking possible compliance breaches. That's the job of the FSA, the SEC or the IRS and if you are concerned that they may not be doing their job for the same reason that NYPD, the FBI and the DOJ aren't doing their job either, you can start another sub dedicated to auditing fniancially the Whitehouse and their crony businesses (good luck getting the data).

Look, not trying to be an ass if you're seriously concerned, but it sure looks like concern trolling atm.

This thread has received 600+ upvotes and hundred of comments and is currently hogging the only sticky slot that we have in spite of the fact it hasn't led to anything relevant (I'm still waiting for an explanation of what is supposed to be relevant in the finding: why is Bounce Ping Pong of interest other than the fact it has Ping Pong tables?). Because of that, it's getting much more attention than it deserves, and detracting from more productive investigation efforts. Every hour that people will spend trying to connect entities that are designed to obfuscate relationships and making phony connections based on very loose legal relationships that they may not entirely comprehend is one hour that isn't spent finding better leads.

Again I'm not saying that there is nothing to find in the Offshore Leaks. Bringing this was a good idea and with a rational analysis that looks at the right criteria like share ownership or directors / registration address that aren't also involved in the incorporation of another few hundreds of entities, there is probably some cues that we can try to find. But walking at random on the graph using ultra common intermediaries as connection doesn't belong to the list of strategies that will work. Only people who really understand the nature of the connections they are following should spend time analyzing this dataset. And it should be clear that this dataset isn't exactly the gold mine that it seems to be when following random connections and googling random shady organizations.

You can call me a concern troll, but time isn't our ally. The longer this investigation takes to come up with hard evidence and the more false leads we create and boast about, the scarcer the public attention will be when we finally find a real smoking gun, and the lower our chance of building enough momentum to force the FBI to open an official investigation. Meanwhile, children are being abused.

CandyPanda ago

You keep putting the cart in front of the horse, and you're spending a lot of energy doing so. There is already enough evidence for an investigation into all of this, and that has nothing to do with the actual fears of pedophilia. Let me help you focus. The concern is that our government is breaking the law. We have already proven that they are breaking the law. My examples in Delaware show they are breaking the law. This requires a full investigation into the agents that they certified that enable all of this to begin with.

Anti-Money Laundering is all about knowing your client. On the surface, there is already evidence that they do not know their client, yet they approve these agents to then approve these companies. Banks, offshore accounts, all of that is the cart, not the horse. If you want a company, you got to a state and you need an agent. You are supposed to be verified. The agent is supposed to be verified. All of our secondary services rely on the government doing this - banks cannot arrest people (I can explain the entire process if you need it explained).

There is also historical evidence that the owner of Besta Pizza was under scrutiny with the DC Bar who wanted to know why he was moving money through a Trust account in what seemed like a bribe. Powerful people came and plead his case. No one understood it at the time. He was cleared. He's still the listed owner. He represents all of the restaurant businesses in Washington DC. Again, we are not the police - we are surfacing more and more evidence to put pressure on law enforcement to do their jobs, period. I can show you another recent case where this same Besta Pizza agent of Uptown Pizza (is it even uptown?) created a scene this year when officials were pushing back on bar licensing in Washington DC. You continuously say "only people who understand it" which proves you're siding with authority which is obviously turning the other way.If that authority is corrupt, why in the hell would we turn it over to them to begin with? So yeah, you're trying to deter people from surfacing evidence, so have fun with that, you're not for the cause of justice clearly if you want corruption to continue unabated.

standalone ago

There is already enough evidence for an investigation into all of this, and that has nothing to do with the actual fears of pedophilia.

This shows beyond doubt that you are in the wrong sub. What we want is specifically to take down the pedophile ring, which implies that the Whitehouse and crony businesses should be investigated on that specific charge. You won't even get the same type of agency investigating white colar crime and child trafficing.

Let me help you focus. The concern is that our government is breaking the law.

No that's not at all the concern. The elite is and has always considered itself above the the law and has always been breaking it routinely in a quasi systematic manner. That's nothing new. In case you are not aware, the Pentagon has managed to "lose" (read "embezzle") USD 6.5 trillions (not a misspelling) and this didn't even create much public outrage. Anyway, that's the second time in a couple of years that they lose trillions, and the government has the Fed print gazillions every year so who cares. Money is just toilet paper and everyone expects that politicians will be lining their pockets and squander the rest on useless wars that were not even approved by the congress. People couldn't be more jaded about public money matters nowadays. So if you think we are here working around the clock to catch a pizzeria and the Clinton Foundation red handed laundering 6-figure sums, you are seriously mistaken about the purpose of this whole enterprise.

Now my turn to help you focus: as we are speaking, there are children that are being routinely raped, psychologically and physically abused, sequestered in dark and cold basements, and eventually murdered when they are not sacrificed in a gruesome satanic ritual, and that is what everyone on this sub (except apparently you) is really concerned about. And that is what we are going to push the FBI to investigate and prosecute. And hopefully that will happen early enough to save as many lives as possible.

Now feeI free to investigate your stuff on your side as you see fit, but don't expect that the rest of the sub will be interested in getting the Whitehouse investigated on charges of money laundering.

CandyPanda ago

Ah speaking for everyone now. That's nice. Good luck with your side then ;)

smokinggunspizza ago

Okay. Even if they aren't directly correlated, do you honestly think its a coincidence that develcan links all of the things below that together?

That would be.......... very coincidental to say the least.

Even so, I could give two fucks about besta. Because it led me to all the others. The foundation is the big fish here.

standalone ago

What are all the things below? An (apparently unrelated) restaurant in UK, a bunch of random shell companies that have no relation whatoever, a couple of international fraudsters that have no relation either, and Besta World Group? Sorry but no, I don't think it's a troubling coincidence. Take another research path and you'll find another dozen of interesting, suspicious, yet completely unrelated shell companies.

Maybe I'm missing something. If you think that's the case, please explain how the leaps through very tenuous relationships has got us any closer of the Clinton Foundation, Comet Ping Pong, the Podestas or even Besta Pizza.

Warnos44 ago

Make this a separate thread, more ppl need to see this. Also it's creepy how the silhouette of the man looks like Bill Clinton's.

Warnos44 ago

I also have to agree that this is too blatant. I think the code words would be present instead of out right silly things like "finish them".

CrackerJacks ago

My brain is fried, got so many names going around it I almost forgot my own when someone phoned today.

Godwillwin ago

Now I know why FBI Anon said the evidence would take down most of the worlds governments and more than half of america's

But I couldn't care less. Burn it all down! I can't stand thinking about these children and no one doing anything about it, and seeing Allepo and Damascus what was once a beautiful bountiful place going to ruins with children being sold and killed there now and isis all over the place - all of these atrocities started by our government - Mostly Hillary when it comes to Syria. It just sickens me.

Like you though, it's impossible to keep track. This is a web in a web in a web that goes on almost infinitely. It makes me wonder how the evil doers themselves keep track of who's who and who owes who and who killed who and so forth. It's way way way worse than Scandal the tv show. I thought it was hard keeping up with that, well this is a whole nother level.

stuartangel11 ago

This is awesome. Well done great investigating. Lets get this into as many hands as possible..

steamboats ago

Has anyone cross referenced the Unaoil leak released 2 days prior to the Panama papers? This leak was suppressed and vastly more important. http://www.theage.com.au/interactive/2016/the-bribe-factory/players/players.html

smokinggunspizza ago

Hi there.

OP here.

Essentially my "link" of Besta to Besta is when you google mayson, and hit the images tab, a THUMNAIL of a map for Bounce Ping Pong comes up.

For there to be a ping pong place nearly identical to Comet Ping Pong, which just so happens to be next door to pedo logo besta pizza, seemed like too much of a coincidence.

It might not be a direct like (yet, I have more digging to do and no time this week), but to me thats too much of a coincidence in what is already an impossible set of coincidences as a whole.

Warnos44 ago

Maybe edit and put "Potential" in front of smoking gun to stop ppl from complaining bout it (if possible). You got the attention that this needed and deserved by putting smoking gun on it. I'm not familiar with this site enough to know whether there was anther way to bring light to it so fast.

cantsleepawink ago

The whole 'ping pong' thing suddenly makes a whole lot of sense as the network is all about ensuring that there are no direct links between transactions. That's why they think that they are untouchable. Anyone remember this Superbowl ping pong ad from 2 years ago ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnOW5qj_R6A

Mind_Games ago

Link was removed, I hope you saved it and U/L it elsewhere...this shit needs to be talked about in every format until we see some results !

cantsleepawink ago

Okay, I've replaced with another one. Thanks.

dmthirdeye ago

They took the video down, of course. Fucking sick fucks have infiltrated EVERYTHING

domestiKgypsie ago

Swartzennegar (sp?) calls him "little princess" and in the end the game is called "sudden death ping pong". Not sure if those are tag words.

ladylucy ago

I was telling my sister about all this stuff and she suggested I write it all down with pen and paper and put it in a fire safe, I'm kinda starting to consider it.

GeneralProductsHull ago

not to add confusion - the money laundering is as big as it is, because they are awash in it. I just watched another video outlining the function of the U.S. Federal Reserve (and by extension ((same operating model)) every other Central Bank) and this is the top-down source of unimaginable amounts of liquidity.

The board members are the top of the same food chain all these "little" players belong to. Find them, ferret out their connections and it will start to become much more of a structured view of a global club. The Clinton Foundation (and many others like it) are simply the hubs for all the dirty business. (Soros has created 187 foundations... let that sink in...)

Board members of the Federal Reserve (don't forget, it's a privately held corporation) are, without a doubt, involved in the same putrid pleasures as the local D.C. group, but they are much bigger fish. Taking them down will cascade everything they're connected to.

sleepingbeautycan ago

In the bible, the followers of Molech were said to have child sacrifice altars in the high places. In some translations the altars would be said to be on hilltops. https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1%20Kings%2012:31

So there is that.

sleepingbeautycan ago

That is the same one that was also linked to "We the Pizza"

sentryseven ago

Sorry I don't see the connection btw Besta Pizza and Besta World Group. There's some kind of smoke here but it needs a better tie-in.

DeathToMasons ago

Holly Hell. Masonic Satanist making snuff films from abortions and framing Planned Parenthood. Still wondering why over 800,000 children go missing every year? This probably deserves it's own thread.


Warnos44 ago

yes make its own thread and also link to this. It's full of information, idk if any related. https://haleighcummingsdotme.wordpress.com/tag/timothy-charles-holmseth/page/2/ Daleiden is connected with project veritas.......

sleepingbeautycan ago

I really am not understanding but I am trying to link Besta Pizza to Besta world group inc.

So I looked for companies with the name BESTA in NY (same city as the uptown pizza inc) and found this company https://www.company-detail.com/company-american-besta-international-group-inc-3290208. Now the owner is ZHENNAN LIAN and he also owns Besta (Uk) Limited http://directors.findthecompany.co.uk/l/4671710/Zhennan-Lian .

Going from your Besta World Group Inc panamadb site. The following companies are also held at that address in HK:

Springtown is a subsidiary of KGD Investment LTD ( https://panamadb.org/entity/kgd-investment-limited_158578 ) ( https://archive.fo/S3un2 )

R & K Consultants Limited (Taichung) Intermediary of KGD INVESTMENT LIMITED (no idea what intermediary is)


Data Element Group Corporation Shareholder of KGD INVESTMENT LIMITED




Portcullis TrustNet (Samoa) Limited Shareholder of KGD INVESTMENT LIMITED


WONG, Ka Wai Alice Shareholder of Gsyn LIMITED

WONG, Ka Wai Alice Shareholder of Universal Investing Co., Ltd.

WONG, Ka Wai Alice Registered at address Room 1201, 12th Floor, Connaught Commercial Building, 185 Wanchai Road, Wanchai Hong Kong

webofslime ago

The connection OP is alleging is Grayson/Comet Ping Pong through the picture of the money and baby and the close proximity of Grayson offices and Bounce Ping Pong.

Baluga ago

But no pizza. I think these are just two unrelated companies.

dookiehowzer ago

here bruh catch up

Besta Pizza is owned by Andrew Kline of the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DOJ

Melitica ago

No, it isn't. This has been debunked repeatedly....even within this thread. Two, different Andrew Klines. Also See other pizzagate thread Proof That DOJ Andrew Kline is different from real estate atty, restaurant agent.

Baluga ago

Yes. Now does he have anything to do with Besta World Group? So far it seems not.

draegspir ago


dookiehowzer ago

How did u find that

DentHouper ago

i.e., Mention user like on Twatter, not like on Eddit.

CandyPanda ago

I always thought the Panama Papers were suspiciously lacking US data. While searching on Sealight Incorporation Limited, I found this database that showed it as an agent for 16 companies in Delaware all at the same address. The names are pretty lame too. I always felt the Panama Papers were a bit US light, and seems the data may have been scrubbed of it before release.


CandyPanda ago

Okay, so the Oak Holdings LLC from Panama Papers that links to Sealight through our corp lookup leads to the UK directly (same address) which is in the Panama Papers. The UK site that they're rolling out is pretty sweet, has the actual filings in PDF. So Oak Holdings LLC was set up by M.C. FAMILY OFFICE LIMITED which has the original filing listing two people living in the UK and the Delaware address. Our own corp lookup tool shows Oak Holdings LLC originating in the UK, but with the Delaware address listed.

https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/officers/N4QndEuUcmj3dqE2v3nzFAgimBU/appointments https://opencorporates.com/companies/gb/06588926

Of course, the nature of the business was marked "Other" LOL

CandyPanda ago

Here's another gem: "A-BROKER, INC." ROFL https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_de/2673731

CandyPanda ago

I wanted to add this too. It's a link to an active "Insurance Brokers" of Hong Kong at the location where Sealight is supposed to be located (based on Delaware's list of active companies linking to that agent).

http://hongkonginsurancebrokers.com/broker/CIB/0226 http://archive.is/6OeXZ https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/282111

The C.E. name comes up in the Panama Papers as well:


Trumpsnow81 ago

@kingkongwaswrong this should be stickied. This is fucking nuts. Literally the smoking guns. Liberal cuck cannot deny this any further and its gone on to long. We have to get men out in the streets. Money in the order of minions is being funneled straight into kid rape. This is sick sick stuff

kingkongwaswrong ago

thanks for the heads up, i have stickied it

RecycledUser ago

King Kong, maybe a note in the OP if you want us to 'share' these breaking news things, or keep the info here, until enough evidence/documentation is made? I just don't want to tip them off if we can help it, and also don't want anyone confronting them without all necessary precautions taken.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I don't know man, I'm not across what's going on as well as you. I've been spending all my time modding and organizing =/ maybe message OP ?

CuriousGeorge16 ago

I wish I could give you an up vote (or is it a point?). I am new. I have exceeded my upvotes for the day. I guess they are precious. LOL Great job with the find!!!

pizza_merc ago

My fucking hero.

poirotpepe ago

and yet we end up at a Ping Pong bar in London?

SpectraDatum ago

Yes, the alleged connection is based on the baby/money picture and the proximity of Bounce Ping Pong and Grayson.

Even if Bestas were connected, the degrees of separation make it tenuous.

Even if Bounce Ping Pong is connected to Grayson it is tenuous.

Not saying wrong... just saying smoking gun is probably going to have to involve Giustra mines and trafficking.

Swissmiss ago

wellendowedduckling ago

Jesus the Nytimes didn't even try to investigate.

I don't know why I'm even a little surprised.

afterbernerthrowaway ago

I was surprised at how truly dismissive the NYT article was, and how it claimed they had debunked the whole thing after simply asking the people implicated about how they were handling it. No questions about or even independent research into any of the many coincidences and connections dragged into the light.

I know I shouldn't be expecting more from such a biased/elite-entrenched corporate media, but at the end of the day, I still want some of the reporters and editors there to go rogue and redpill America. I have lost all faith in the corporate media, but not (totally) in journalists.

save_thechildren ago

Yep Their CEO covered for a big BBC Pedophile

SpectraDatum ago

Quite a bit. It is a pain to sift through. Basically, it implicates anyone you can think of who is super rich, but tying a shell company to financial transactions is difficult, let alone specific illegal ctivity. But, the easiest way is to start searching up names, then the addresses of anything you think is suspicious.

As in the Podesta connection to the Uranium One scandal. It is a smoking gun for treason and Hillary Clinton, and even though the New York Times did a good story on it, the public didn't react. And people shout SMOKING GUN so much that it has lost meaning.

But, as far as treason, the Panama Papers are the smoking gun.





Sleuth222 ago

even though the New York Times did a good story on it

Is this your first day?

13asteroids ago

Comet Ping Pong has a Tumblr. On one page the tumblr posts a picture of Ping pong tables and text reading, "Favorite PingPong Palace in Berlin, Dr. Pong". I found their website and unfortunantely it's in German. But it didn't take me long to find a cartoon baby, kid and a hotdog. The last page is full of unusual links. I don't know how to research as good as you guys can so please carry the torch, here's the website: http://www.drpong.net/bilder.php

Godwillwin ago

Yes and somewhere on their site there's that weird teddy bear too and that picture of the disassociation outer body thing

Nowell1984 ago

On their page . At the very bottom on the right you'll see the word "code" click it . Takes you to a very weird website . It's a picture of a toilet with weird text. I have a feeling that info is hidden within the picture. I'm not savy enough to check......someone should..

BatRascal ago

Followthemoney.org. Sadly, I'm not autistic.

Fatsack ago

The Clinton Foundation is the hub/nexus of the internation black market. They are the middle men, money launderer, bribe funneler for human trafficking, gun running, embargo'd oil smuggling and refining, drug running and refining, intelligence trading, etc etc etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q177U_elOno

CandyPanda ago

Noticed Besta Pizza's Bethesda MD operation still has the old logo on this menu (oops :D) http://www.bestapizzamenu.com/ http://archive.is/8q5zf

RecycledUser ago

Pls archive it also, before it's gone

CandyPanda ago

I did already - it's next to the active link.

ababcb ago

Just curious, is English your first language?


The name of the man who owns Comet Ping Pong LLC. is Christopher Achilles.

13asteroids ago

Did the link leading to https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/221081originally have that message about not intending to work with people who "have broken the law or otherwise acted improperly"? If not, now there's a message.

nativeops ago

those guys led me to another NGO for Syria> savethechildren.org remember this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBQ-IoHfimQ yeah here is your pedo case. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/jul/29/children-charity-worker-paedophile-jailed

nativeops ago

tear in my eye right now... don't tell me they are going after Syria now too. http://www.barcroft.tv/syria-lebanon-refugee-school-ngo-camp-settlement

nativeops ago

THESE BASTARDS, THE COMPANY WHO DOES THEIR VIDEOS AND PHOTOS https://twitter.com/Barcroft_TV/status/798485767181828096

nativeops ago

http://www.barcroftmedia.com/team HERE IS THE TEAM OF PEDOS

southartful ago

But we have potential ties with James to these places and there is something worth digging here

sentryseven ago

What ties? I don't see it.

TealHighCloud ago

The larger sum of money with the baby is in Euros.

KittyTigerlily ago

Hey everyone,

You need to do something about this stuff now. So what about Larry Klayman?


I don't know any attorneys personally, although I used to work for court reporters in various states. What about Klayman? He stands up for conservative, but does anyone know if he is trustworthy?

srayzie ago

Can someone tell me about this FBIAnon? Why does it seem like they have a lot of info and gives us hints but no answers?

Godwillwin ago

If you haven't read his original posts from back in July, you need to check it out Here's a link https://archive.is/JEXOo

Godwillwin ago

Has he posted Anything since the NYPD wiener laptop thing?

dcdale9 ago

Good job! Thank you.

28leinad82 ago

This is a dead end until you can connect Besta Pizza to Besta World Group. Besta Pizza website says they have been around since 94 (although maybe they changed names at some stage?). Besta World Group says registered in 2003. Can anyone connect the 2?

sleepingbeautycan ago

Not really. It seems to be another location that hooks up food, ping pong and CP.

DontVanMeBro ago

Yes, its right here.

sisterfrancais ago

Well done! Keep digging autists!

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Warnos44 ago

It blends in with stuff like swingers clubs. No one would think anything of this.

roundhouse1776 ago

This looks really fake. We have to be wary about latching onto things that may not be real, it could ruin our credibility.

piratse ago

You should really be archiving ALL those pages dude. Also, as I have said for a while, this whole thing is likely more about: money laundering, arms trades, people trafficking, and a little bit of pedo shit thrown in. I don't know why everyone is tunnel visioned on a pedo ring as the end game, when the evidence continues to point to selling kids, drugs, arms, and hiding money. The pedo stuff is just the cherry on top for some bored billionaires (don't kid yourself, with their hidden assets they are all billionaires). I AM NOT SAYING THERE IS NO PEDO STUFF, it's pretty clear there is (and proof from old arrests etc), but I think people will have better luck connecting it all if they do as the anon above did and follow the money! Here's my personal and made up slice of the pie:
40% money laundering/payoffs
20% arms/drugs trade
20% human trafficking
10% pedo parties
10% connecting businesses with similar interests so that it's easy to keep track but hard to trace

Warnos44 ago

I think people are focused on the pedo stuff because its ultimately the worst of it all to us. I have to be honest, I'd not be happy to hear about arms, drugs, money laundering, and political payoffs but we're all so used it being a "common" thing to occur (gee wonder if all the movies normalized it for us... and now we're hearing about pedos being a mental illness and not a crime...). We all know pedo occurs but it's never been in the lime light and we want to protect the innocent. I wouldn't be involved in this without the pedo side of it. I am furious about it. But you're absolutely right, it's bigger than that.

totorox ago

gee wonder if all the movies normalized it for us

Yes. And it goes back many decades, right back to black & white motion pictures. Romanticizing criminals. Why? Jewish mafia / Hollywood, same deal.

JusticeNow ago

I believe the pedo is used as blackmail. Compromise those involved in government and the justice system to gain greater power.

fogdryer ago

Not that it matters but what is next? I mean blackmail for mistresses, illigetimate kids , sex in college, experiemental sex, prostitution. I mean what's next

Melitica ago

Exactly. That is Jeffrey Epstein role and others like him. Invite people, get them into compromised position (possibly by drugging), film them doing heinous things...then blackmail . The ones who like it come back for more...those who don't, stay silent. That is how the Clintons got there in the first place...only they didn't need drugging. Podesta is not a glorified secretary. Podesta is a real power.

hedy ago

THIS. Blackmail like this works only within a society willing to turn on dissenters of decency (which is one of the reasons I'm always more suspicious of the holier-than-thous). But make no mistake; the pedo industry is a $32B business. The drug and weapons trades are a serious business, but the pedo and trafficking business is bigger. Most survivors I've come across suggest it's all always interconnected. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/poverty-matters/2013/jul/15/slavery-industry-money-human-trafficking http://time.com/105360/inside-the-scarily-lucrative-business-model-of-human-trafficking/ The Shocking Truth of Child Sex Trafficking

save_thechildren ago

Wikileaks started a new research/investigation site......you guys might want to put all this stuff over there..

piratse ago

Wikileaks is VERY suspect right now. VERY. They REFUSE to show Assange proof of life for a month at this point. And we get VERY weird excuses. Then they change their codes. They can't be trusted right now. Assange may be making a deal. Their "proof" is that the cats twitter had updates... But no photos or videos of Assange. He is most likely alive, but probably not at the embassy, that's why the stall.

lookingfortruth ago

If there are any very solid connections to be made based on the wikileaks evidence, why not put them on the research site? It could be in both places, here and there, and since wikileaks is known as credible, it could add structure and credibility to the investigation. Regardless of what has happened to Assange. Unless I'm missing something important.

totorox ago

wikileaks is known as credible

not anymore.

add structure and credibility to the investigation

This is not how it works. You bring up a smoking gun and let it viral out, you don't play PR and tone-policing. The latter backfires heavily, allowing disrupters to take control and neutralize the popular investigation and interest.

What you're suggesting is old media: "credibility" and deception work. If you wanna play fakery, you're on the wrong team. Even "looking good by using the credible channels" is part of fakery. Let them run the stories as they wish, they are powerless in front of the network-based tidal wave of content. As soon as you rely upon them for content-polishing and -publishing, they own you and you are working for the pedos.

lookingfortruth ago

too bad I don't have a downvote yet.

piratse ago

Because of the complete tonal shift and weird behavior, that coincided with internet outages, armed guards, and a missing Assange; a lot of people think it is now a CIA or similar (to another country) run operation. And the fact they keep refusing to show him or show proof it hasn't been taken, lends even more suspicion. Probably don't want to load all the things you are looking into directly into the CIA's hands. At least make them work for it. This is just the general opinion of those in the world.

Godwillwin ago

I heard that it's been taken over as well and that he was flown out during the London power outrage and something about airport tear gas scare??

Whatever happened with the dead man switch though?? And the key to decrypt?

topkek1337 ago

money laundering =/= paedophilia who cares?


Remember this guy's real name is Christopher Achilles.

DriftingDevoid ago



Comet Ping Pong LLC. is owned by a Christopher Achilles.

anonagent ago

That's a fake name, dude...


Wouldn't the french "I love kids" name be the fake one?

hir0ce1ine ago

Guess which law company has its office next door? HOGAN & LOVELLS. The same Hogan & Lovells that was once the employer of Cherly Mills, Loretta Lynch and Sandy Berger. All associates of Hillary and Podesta. Is this truly more coincidence? https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Bounce+Ping+Pong+Bar+%26+Restaurant+-+Farringdon/@51.5177224,-0.1082692,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x48761b4dace4700d:0x3e8ac968ee2020ba!8m2!3d51.5179795!4d-0.1082477

myowneyesnears ago

FBI Anon said to check out former employer of Mills - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1430910 19) Cheryl Mills (and where she worked before joining the CF)

hir0ce1ine ago

She definetly worked at hogan Lovell (previously called hogan and hartson) like many of hillarys cronies. Even kzir khan the muslim father that trump 'attacked', worked for the same law firm getting visas for rich saudis.

JusticeNow ago

Definitely not a coincidence!

sleepingbeautycan ago

Might be another Connecticut Ave NW, I wonder if there is any child protection agencies nearby.

TealHighCloud ago

Good spot. If we can do this in our spare time then for sure the Feds should have been doing it in their work time..

joe_hill ago

Pics with the baby : Euros because... Dr Pong is in Berlin "Geffält" = Love in deutsch

bringitdown ago

Geffält means "to suit" or "to find agreeable" "to like" (roughly).

TealHighCloud ago

No it means to like. The image has been 'liked' 15 times. Love in german is liebe.

nnfx ago

"gefällt" means "like"

Phobos_Mothership ago

This is starting to look familiarly suspect

(from the 'bounce ping pong instagram)

RebelSkum ago

Great research, anon! Well sourced and indeed a little facemelting. Keep on keepin' on!

CandyPanda ago

Andrew J. Kline http://www.theveritaslawfirm.com/ajk.htm

Who fought to extend hours in Washington DC http://archive.is/i3EWm

Who ran into legal troubles when he was caught paying someone off out of the wrong personal trust account (DEC 19, 2008) http://archive.is/HlBgF

Which produced records on said trust account when the records were subpoenaed http://archive.is/Czu5b

Which showed money transactions between a C&D Incorporated and Cholok Incorporated, of which, C&D Incorporated could be this Chinese company http://www.chinacnd.com/history_en

Which shows on their timeline has opened a US based company in 2008 https://sli.mg/sFnDyD

Which Bloomberg says"line of business includes the wholesale distribution of animal feeds, fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, and other farm supplies. http://archive.is/7wQSx

Which leads to a Illinois Governor Quinn Announces Major Trade Partnerships Between Illinois and China (2011) http://archive.is/6bsNu

And brings us back to Andrew J. Kline who, despite that little legal issue, serves as the General Counsel for RAMW (Restaurant Association Metropolitian Washington) http://www.ramw.org/board-of-directors/archives/2016-2017

Where he does things like fight to make sure minimum wages for employees aren't increased. http://archive.is/DRmd2

NWO enough for the non-believers? Obviously more work on this to do, but see why people are trying to link a Chinese company to all of this?

CandyPanda ago

So on the RAMW site is industry sponsors: http://www.ramw.org/industry-partners

Look at what "Golden Trangle" landing page brings up. I swear, is this real life? https://goldentriangledc.com/ (http://archive.is/wh8PB)) What a landing page!

sentryseven ago


CandyPanda ago

Exactly my thoughts. There's too much concern trolling of late here or I would have started a complete thread on it all. It's pretty jaw dropping. I'm not sure what the concern trolls think will happen if we "organize." Like, oh right, people that are taking over the world and killing whoever they want or gets in their way are going to be like, "Gee, now that you presented your arguments this way, we admit it all! And we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you crazy kids and your memes." But I'm running with it on my own, will reach out to some people who do the whole analysis with the pyramids and the like - I'm sure they'll love this.

therealwopD ago

yeah of course giant picture of ping pong


**Bounce Ping Pong has a bar in Chicago called ace bounce http://acebounce.com/

Remember how Obama flying in pizza/dogs for $65,000 from Chicago anyone?

Look at the location, it's next to 77 west wacker, lair of reptiles. I bet lobbyist firms like McGuireWoods and Greenberg Traurig likes pizza for an hour. They are mentioned in wikileaks. **

hir0ce1ine ago

I discuss this here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1450105 A friend of a friend of a friend actually help set it up. I'm looking into it now.

SpikyAube ago

Priscila Lustre is Director at a number of companies all registered at the same address in London, and also registered at that address is a company called EPF trading Ltd, which is a shareholder of Central European Securities Ltd, registered in the British Virgin Islands, and Mossack Fonseca & Co is an intermediary. Also a Ukrainian person is the beneficiary of CESC Ltd, Mykhaylo Khalanych. Director of EPF is Ian Taylor - Priscila and Geoffrey's son.

The London address is just down the street from 788 Finchley road, an address that an investigator in the UK looked into and apparently has 200,000 companies registered there - this guy (Gordon Bowden) discovered huge amounts of fraud and money laundering and things like British politicians stealing nuclear weapons from South africa etc. It seems like there is SO MUCH going on it's insane.

Eat_The_Gungans ago

Bounce Ping Pong, the London ping pong bar/pizza restaurant, opened another ping pong bar/pizza restaurant in Chicago, called Ace Bounce. Now, normally I would dismiss this weird stuff as confirmation bias, but the rabbit hole that is pizzagate really has me thinking about some stuff on their Instagram and website.

This stuff might be worth something, but it also might be just speculation on my part.

Advertisement for booking holiday parties, featuring statue of a kid holding a ping pong paddle in a weird pose: https://www.instagram.com/p/BMRsYefAcpG/?taken-by=acebounce

Republican/Democrat/Pizza party photo, similar to the one on Alefantis' Instagram but without the ninja turtles: https://www.instagram.com/p/BMkUoIIguCL/?taken-by=acebounce for reference, the similar photo on Alefantis' Instagram: https://i.sli.mg/H9gUDZ.png

As someone in the comments mentioned earlier, when Alefantis mentioned his desire to play "ping pong" in London, he may have meant at Bonce Ping Pong. Similarly, remember the email that mentioned Obama getting $65,000 of pizza/dogs flown in from Chicago? Ace Bounce is in Chicago.

Take a look at this page where Ace Bounce advertises holiday parties. Does it not look a little strange, considering what we've discovered so far? http://acebounce.com/whats-on/holidays-acebounce

Another weird coincidence. Here are descriptions for:

Bounce Ping Pong: "1950s'-style cocktail bar and pizza restaurant with red leather booths and 17 ping pong tables."

Ace Bounce (this one wasn't directly on google search results, I went to the "ping pong parties" section of the website): "Wander through 16 ping pong tables (and a very special beer pong table), each with their own party going." So if you included the "very special beer pong table", it would be 17 tables

Spin NYC (another ping pong bar/pizza restaurant) "Active, modern lounge with 17 Ping-Pong courts, full bar service, dining & live music on weekends."

If someone could archive these pages or explain to me how to do it, that would be great.

Please don't shit on me if these are just coincidences, I'm just trying to help and leave no stone un-turned. But isn't that picture of the statue of a kid holding the ping pong paddle creepy, especially considering all the bizarre stuff we've encountered so far?

hir0ce1ine ago

I discuss this here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1450105 A friend of a friend of a friend actually help set it up. I'm looking into it now. I'm genuinely freaked out about this connection.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Better yet, print out everything and put in safe box

TealHighCloud ago

Screen shots on an isolated USB or something. Im surprised people don't put screen shots under their links for when the websites get scrubbed.

Thrash57 ago

be wary of the "leaked menu" supposed it is from the WeThePizza hackers which was a hoax, so for now i am unsure of the validity.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Please post links when you make such a claim. It would be helpful

justiceforever ago


Revolutionismyname ago

This is exploding. I cant even read fast enough. Such powerful autism here. Good job fam.

micha_ ago

Bounce Ping Pong Farringdon ABOUT US:

Bounce is a ground-breaking social entertainment brand founded by Adam Breeden, entrepreneur, co-founder of Flight Club and former CEO and co-founder of All Star Lanes, and also Dov Penzik, also a successful entrepreneur and former competitive table tennis player. The two founders conceptualized a vision, taking inspiration from the explosion of stylish table tennis social venues stateside and the huge resurgence of interest in the game within the UK.

Since its launch in 2012, the Bounce concept has been widely regarded by the industry as a game-changer in social entertainment venues, which combines three elements of hospitality: bar, restaurant and entertainment activity - all set against award-winning design and the highest standard of fit out. Bounce is the world’s leading concept to offer this immersive experience, taking the humble Ping Pong table from the back corner of a bar to become the main offering of the venue, while creating an intricately considered and currently unrivalled leisure experience.

Bounce Farringdon, the flagship venue quickly established itself as one of London’s most iconic and most talked about venues and has hosted games for Elle Macpherson, Gwyneth Paltrow & Kevin Spacey to name but a few.

Bounce Old Street officially opened its doors in October 2015.

AceBounce Chicago, the first of several planned US venues, launched in June 2016.

"The philosophy at Bounce is to exceed expectations in everything we do and to constantly innovate - it's not enough for us to just rely on how fun it is to play ping pong, we aim to create a totally new experience, a Bounce experience." Adam Breeden, Founder and CEO of Bounce

Playing table tennis under bad light conditions? The text sounds a bit exaggerated about table tennis.

Kevin Spacey? Wasn't he guest on Epstein's Lolita Express?

Warnos44 ago

I'm sure I'm stating the obvious, but they're really harping on the word bounce. And bounce is a common term to refer to having sex, especially casually. "Intricate and unrivalled" bounce experience...

micha_ ago

That's significant, Tx, didn't know that (not my mother language).

blackeneth ago

This strikes me as a really stupid business model. You make money with butts in seats. Ping pong tables are large. That square footage could be used for butts in seats, generating revenue. Plus ping pong isn't that great a game.

micha_ ago

I'd like to add, that ping pong is a kind of sports. Movement and fast reactions needed. Drinking alcohol during sports feels awful, not good. And what is also important to feel good while making sports: lots of fresh air is needed. In bars and restaurants the air is not suited for higher body activity.

And why would MacPherson, Paltrow or Spacey need someone to organize a table tennis game for them? They should be able to make big tourniers with their friends in the best conditions at home. What I want to say is, that what this business claims to offer (ping pong), is nothing special at all.

Rave about a non-event? Where do we know that from?

From the Podesta emails, dreaming of hot dogs and pizza...

micha_ ago

Brilliant observation from a business point of view!

DentHouper ago

Yes he was. He also did American Beauty.


Bounce Ping Pong has a bar in Chicago called ace bounce http://acebounce.com/

Look at the location, it's next to 77 west wacker, lair of reptiles. I bet lobbyist firms like McGuireWoods and Greenberg Traurig likes pizza for an hour. They are mentioned in wikileaks.

hir0ce1ine ago

I walk past one of these on my way to and from work. In the evenings it has bouncers and it never looks very inviting and always seem to attract a trashy crowd. It has no mention of pizza on the outside, and you can't see into the building from the street. The only room for ping pong is underground. I've walked past this place hundreds of times and I've always got a creepy vibe from the place!

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Can someone help me something now! I don't have enough points to send a private message...

sleepingbeautycan ago

Help you what?? Who do you need to send a private message to?

I went to bed and I couldn't sleep. We don't necessarily need to tie this to Comet Pizza or Besta Pizza or even Hillary. I think it is the Soros, and Rothschild level. 240M in one arm of the business (money laundering) seems like it is out of the league of Hillary.

Actually, I think we should continue our scattershot strategy and see what sticks. But keep your eyes open to connections to Soros and Rothschilds and the rest of the Bilderberg group. I think we will find connections to the Clinton Foundation made by members of the Bilderberg group.

loneIy_jew ago

Excellent work, fellow patriot!

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Remember the post awhile back about "Girl Walks Into A Bar" movie. Steve Bing one of the elitist that took Bill Clinton and John Podesta to get the two journalist, his company Shangrila did the movie. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Walks_into_a_Bar

MommyLove ago

Girl Walks Into a Bar music video


Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

That's a guy and I don't get it

Fire_Fly ago

wow, great work!

UncookedSpirit ago

And it's more naked ping pong, just like that Hollywood movie connected to the pizza.jpg Podesta email... https://sli.mg/qIBBJ6

xeemee ago

pix from Bounce Ping Pong

nude ping-pong (it's a staged shot)

christmas parties so good - yule want to come twice (a bit more interesting)

nothing incriminating, but mildly interesting

edit - additional info

those pix came from here btw

UncookedSpirit ago

ping pong paddle case says "BUTTERFLY"

that's what we've been saying the ping pong paddle logos look like all along


Freemasonsrus ago

Please everyone calm down. Sometimes pasta is just pasta. Butterfly is a brand of ping pong balls. http://www.tabletennisdb.com/images/balls/butterfly-3-star.jpg

KittyTigerlily ago

Someone on here mentioned a lawyer. Well, what about Judicial Watch? Maybe someone there can direct you where to take this, or maybe they will take it.

KnowThyself ago

use @+username. ex. @SpectraDatum

quantokitty ago

Bingo!!!! Wish I could give you more than one point. Wish I could give the OP more, too!!!

Genius .... sheer genius!!!!

Atreidian ago


Chicken Lover hashtag found on Bounce Ping Pong's instagram.

link to instagram, its still public: https://www.instagram.com/p/BCiruvPg0Wu/?taken-by=bouncepingpong


chicken lover hashtag is now removed..

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Oh. My. God.

quantokitty ago

WTH does 780 babies mean?!!!!!

echo-sierra ago

A now private Instagram account for something called "The Edmonton Show" https://www.instagram.com/780babies/

Peering through the rabbithole does reveal non Instagram accounts such as the one on Piknu which links to their Instagram. Only 5 pics on it, all benign, none using any suspicious hashtags.


MAGABoomer ago

Wow that's some great work there! I hope the "right" people get to see this!

I_like_paint ago

I love you autists!

TheSeer ago

They use pounds not euros in England.

Yates ago

It's a short drive from England to the continent where they can be used. Many people use, trade, keep and have many different currencies. I used marks years ago when they were valuable because I would get more back when exchanging at Asian kiosks, yet I've never been to Germany.

Thrash57 ago

This is true

DukeOfLizards21 ago

you could use euros before brexit no? and euros are more usable if you need to purchase things while in europe anyways

TealHighCloud ago

No euros were not used in England before Brexit. Only a handful of large shops would accept them because we are close to the continent. Euros however are useful for transporting illegal cash because you can get denominations over 50, so large sums of money weigh a lot less. Plus even if you do have a £50 they are difficult to get rid of, because people are worried they are fake. You'd have to go to a bank with it and leave a nice big paper trail.

DukeOfLizards21 ago

Thank you, clueless about currency in general

KittyTigerlily ago

This is huge! It mentions the Panama Papers. I have no idea what they are, but remember when Wikileaks for started leaking a couple of months ago? Well, I remember someone on Twitter saying something about, I hope they release the Panama Papers.

MAGABoomer ago

I think they have released them.

9217 ago


smokinggunspizza ago

Its right next door. Its owned by a Qatari. they have the pedo symbol in their logo. We know Comet Pizza is pedo. We know they have bands like sex stains that have the same symbol as besta in their music videos.

etc etc etc.

I found the link to besta world by finding Bounce through develclan which is all connected.

You honestly think that bounce and comet ping just happen to look exactly the same and have the same themes, while bounce is owned by a shell company out of panama called Besta, which also happens to be the pedo place next door to comet?

if thats just a coincidence then its the biggest one ive EVER seen.

Manning ago

Aaric and Strafor.com emails can be found on Wikileaks -- they are Glocal company that comprises Information for Podesta and the DNC,

From Wikileaks Website "WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment-laundering techniques and psychological methods, for example:"

Aa**ric - the guy that talked about $65,000 for Obama Hotdogs being flown in, is part of WikiLeaks Stratfor.com Emails and is directly tied to Podesta and and Global Enterprises

his wife and him discuss hiring someone that kidnapped a young child, a death of an infant, an island for Men to live with children... strange shit.**


RecycledUser ago

Also a reminder A Jones / Stratford link. Google search shows more

oresd ago

This exactly. What is the connection?

Revolutionismyname ago

A common theory is that Besta and Comet are in direct competition in a client rich geographical area. Their interactions may be primarily in competition. What a strange world.

oresd ago

Well, someone has a theory, and I can't say how common it is. There are no facts. There is a similar company name tied into offshore businesses. I own 3 LLCs, and I am sure there are dozens that have a similar name.

This thread sounded promising, but there is definitely not a smoking gun, more likely a waste of time.

LtSilverFox ago

Go check out the new thread with the Pizzagate webmaster website. This is a great thread that's getting no attention, we can't let these platforms escape us.

We_The_People ago


ForrestGumpWasRaped ago

Weird pic of what appears to be a young girl with her face hidden standing on a ping pong table from the bounce IG.


CandyPanda ago

And this one of Prince George is just totally f*cked up: http://archive.is/xDtq0

Warnos44 ago


Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Guys I'm not as computer savy as you are but I feel a real connection to art. These pictures creep me out and I've been wanted to post them. One of Tony Podesta's favorite artist.
https://sli.mg/AeuE2d https://sli.mg/H4d50z https://sli.mg/52gvJS Reminded me of The Ring Her name is Anna Gaskell

smokinggunspizza ago


grab a copy while its hot

PatriotDNA ago


LtSilverFox ago

Fuck almost burned my hand grabbing it

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Nice work.

I know this will sound weird, but make sure you tell your.loved ones/friends you arent suicidal.

Just be safe

21yearsofdigging ago

Oh man, is that ever true. Years ago, when I was desperately trying to find out what happened to my children and my production company I would be daily sending out notes to people to let them know I wasn't suicidal and would not kill myself. At the time I had 24 7 surveillance and gas lighting

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Already said it many times. I am fucking furious, I am far past the point of caring.

MoonWalker68 ago

This is exactly how I feel..

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Someone needs to get a hold of the fucker Epstein. He has a black book, he has videos, he knows more than we ever will.

If only some dying cancer patient would just kidnap that fuck, torture him to get the info. God i would if i was dying.

dskies ago

We have "the black book" now! And while he undoubtedly knows alot, according to Anonymous (which is backed up by this Erik Prince interview (short / long)) he is just a front man for Les Wexner

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Wish i could upvoat this more.

Thanks, thanks and thanks

smokinggunspizza ago

I have.


dookiehowzer ago

check this review on bounce ping pong out by giles coren of the times uk


Warnos44 ago

I'm pretty sure I've never referred to any food as stunning. That's just not a descriptor that goes with food. Nice find.

swordfish69 ago

Also, isn't it funny that both Farringdon and Comet Ping Pong both have hugely expensive hanging art installations that looks like repurposed trash?


Maybe I'm reaching.

Warnos44 ago

Idk if you could figure out who those pieces came from, but if it were to be the same artist, there could be more links.

MAGABoomer ago

Trash modern art=inflated values=money laundering!

Deedee88 ago

I posted several articles regarding links FBIAnon suggested between people, places, etc. I can't do a lot of in depth searching but if anyone has time to please review the articles I've posted and have at it. I would like to be of help and I know this goes far beyond pizza. Thanks!

smokinggunspizza ago

Sure. Or someone else is free too. I need a bit though, quite busy today.

EraseYourHistory ago

Agreed. It's a map that may or may not point to a smoking gun. Every post here is a smoking gun now. Don't forget the Caps Lock.

TealHighCloud ago

We should make this a no smoking forum before some gets emphysemia.

trite ago

A pizza related map, one might say.

rail606 ago

No it just shows us CTR is really doing its job. Misinformation campaign is real.

LionParty ago

I see where you've connected Besta World Group Inc to money laundering and arms deals etc. Through those two women, but I have two questions. 1) Where does that ping pong bar connect into this from? 2) How does this connect back to Besta pizza?

sentryseven ago

It doesn't connect.

smokinggunspizza ago

develclan > bounce

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Hmm. I'm still not understanding how Pounce Ping Pong is related to any of this besides the picture/comments on Alefantis' instagram. How is Bounce connected to Deveclan?

krbrown ago

Can this be posted to 4chan also? We need as many Autists on this as possible.

myowneyesnears ago

I posted to 4Chan. Not sure if I did it correctly

LtSilverFox ago

Up vote this guy !!!

DarkOne ago

i second that notion.

smokinggunspizza ago

do it. 4chan 8ch endchan go everywhere

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I concur.

CandyPanda ago

Tie this in too. Talks about Zombie Directors and Elisana Marie-Antoinette Labonte.and firm Mossack Fonseca.


SpectraDatum ago

Besta gets money from Sealight. Sealight implicated in money laundering.

Sealight gets money from Develcan. Develcan implicated in arms dealing.

The amounts are clearly more than what a small pizza chain would be operating with. The shell companies in Panama are used to conceal these relationships.

Still need to connect Besta World Group wIth Besta Pizza.

iwasthey ago

Look in Panama papers for link?

yabbadoody ago

This is great stuff. I thought it was already determined that "Besta" was code for "Beast", in which case there's already coincidental name inference. Patience and diligence should provide more concrete clues, considering the other "coincidences" cited.

Now the "banking structure" itself? That's just classical CIA shell banking - lot's of accounts, pass throughs, fronts, etc*. If you actually visited these, you might be shocked to find little more than a single-room office or a PO Box. Really. Which is not to discourage anyone, because if this really is an intel op (and it appears to be related) then THAT is precisely why they've kept it this secret for this long - COMPARTMENTALIZATION. Need to know. Etc etc.

[* Does anyone here remember the Atlanta BCCI Scandal - dubbed "Banks of Crooks and Criminals International" by investigators? That bank was brought down with JUST ABOUT as much information as is found here, in more detail... and was ALSO directly and indirectly related to the Clintons, via some Asian "business partners"; Chicago journalist Sherman Skolnik has kept up with this, and has good information regarding.]

In THAT case, Alefantis himself is likely QUITE IGNORANT about certain sides of this operation, EVEN as he knows "where he stands" in that organizational chart. Same with Besta's owner, the Human Trafficking lawyer dude. They know what they know and do what they do (which is considerable) - though they may or may not be much good for anything else.

And frankly, no one wants to know my opinion regarding what they're good for - it's not printable.

domestiKgypsie ago

Not sure if you saw this https://panamadb.org/entity/besta-world-group-inc_221081 Shows Sealight and Besta are connected. Also they do business in the Virgin Islands..... home of Epstein's St. James "Orgy" Island?

spez_dispenser ago

I think Sealight might be an incorporations company.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page (above).

Sealightis probably just a lawyer in an office who creates the paperwork for incorporations.

This document ties Besta World Group to the Virgin Islands.


Why is this document important? It shows the Virgin Islands removed Besta World Group from their record of incorporations. It also establishes a link between Besta World Group in Hong Kong, and creates a link to the Virgin Islands. This places the connection closer to Epstein.



This is huge.

CandyPanda ago

I found this PDF from the Virgin Islands that includes Besta World Group in a list of companies that are stricken from the register for not paying annual fees. That was on 5/2/2011


RecycledUser ago

Can you explain the significance of that? Trying to understand. Thanks.

Ling_Ling ago

there needs to be a TLDR at the start imo

pirawrr ago

Wait, if Besta World Group and Pizza are not linked, why the hell is this post receiving any attention?

9217 ago

Holy shite

PatriotDNA ago

Don't forget Pelosi's Goat Hill Pizza also registered in Panama and suspected of laundering for CL.

iwasthey ago

Panama papers for link?

FuckTheseSickos ago

The company documents or just the domain name whois privacy? Big difference.

PatriotDNA ago

I have been wondering why in hell she would be involved in a pizza business. The name is off kilter, to me. The site says it is because wild goats used to roam a hill. But the severed goat head logo is so unpleasant......

C1REX ago

I don't understand. Can somebody simplify this to me, please?

DarkOne ago

we need a lawyer to review this. any anon's with experience in law?

DCmommaBear ago

That's an interesting thought. What powers do "We The People" have to sue these sick fuckers? Citizens arrest, One massive lawsuit!

Warnos44 ago

Not trying to be funny, but "arresting" is about the last thought in my head when it comes down to these "people."

swordfish69 ago

If you look at a conspiracy long enough, the Ukrainian mafia will be involved. I did a lot of investigative work on similar lines before Pizzagate, and America/CIA essentially runs smuggling and black ops in Odessa, Ukraine, and they run arms and Captagon (the jihad drug) through Georgia.

Also, has anyone ID'd Abdel Rahman Hamad, the owner of Capital Pizza Inc. (Aka Besta)

billcaseyABC ago

I'll give you one and let's see where it takes us: google Leonid Minin, Odessa Mafiya Kingpin and gun smuggler to Liberian President Charles Taylor in the 1990s. Still alive, living in Italy, but reportedly brain-dead from excessive cocaine use.

Taylor was broken out of prison in Massachusetts, 1986, by the CIA.

As President, Taylor facilitated between $30 and $130 million worth of sales in blood diamonds to representatives of Al Qaeda in the months leading up to 9/11 (anticipatory money laundering).

Taylor conducted arms deals with Slovenian-Australian pedophile Nicholas Oman.

Nicholas Oman was a business associate of Licio Gelli, leader of the P2 Freemasonic Lodge in Italy.

Oman, Taylor, Viktor Bout, Osama Bin Laden, and a retired CIA officer named Roger D'Onofrio were all involved in selling guns to various factions in the Yugoslav civil war (CIA assets executing the policy of the Clinton administration).

Dyncorp was caught trafficking children for sex in Yugoslavia during Clinton's war...

And that's just scratching the surface.

Chance903 ago

they most likly are but in a weird convoluted way. http://tapnewswire.com/2014/12/vancouver-grand-jury-investigates-child-trafficking-and-snuff-movie-industry/ http://itccs.org/2014/12/17/historic-common-law-grand-jury-to-convene-january-15-2015/ http://itccs.org/2014/07/14/whos-really-behind-child-trafficking-following-the-big-money-across-the-globe/ This is too big. and dangerous.

Clinton Pride’s 8(a) Pig Farm Bridge – Serco Zulu Server Snuff –Soros's Patented Voter Key Hillary Clinton used DOJ Pride 8(a) actors to blackmail mentors of FBCA – including erstwhile directors of Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman – with child pornography originating from a B.C. pig farm. In early 2001, Clinton's 8(a) companies used Starnet to set up a server to the federal bridge in the basement of her NY home where she used Serco signals to synchronize and watch‘the first live-broadcast mass snuff film on 9/11. Serco 8(a) companies at USPTO have issued...

The connection is in the pigfarm Marine Brief – Pig Farm Scripts on Clinton Server – Starnet Bets on Benghazi Deaths – Serco 8(a) Digital Fires From Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net) - June 17, 2015

  1. Hillary Clinton has allegedly been registering scripts on her server for use in pay-per-view snuff-film betting following a Dark Web model for a Piggy's Palace charity launched in 1996 by David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, at the Pickton Family pig farm in British Columbia.

  2. Clinton agents allegedly used a 9/11/12 pig-farm script from Sidney Blumenthal to set up a Starnet (now World Gaming) playbook and take bets on the predicted time of death of the former SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods on the roof of the CIA "Annex" in Benghazi.

  3. Clinton agents allegedly positioned a drone over the CIA annex to send video directly to Obama's 8(a) Cabinet in the White House in support of online pig-farm snuff-film betting where the precise time of death of the former SEALS was determined by the atomic clock of Serco Digital Fires.

McConnell is offering to serve as an expert witness in any action for wrongful deaths related to Clinton's support for online assassination betting and Serco digital fires during the attacks of 9/11/2001 and 9/11/2012. https://vimeo.com/23606112

VieBleu ago

Just have to say, remember that creepy dead pig's eye picture on Infant Lover's Instagram. shivers.

zofo777 ago


VieBleu ago


Go there and it's about half way down, above the meat locker room picture.

webofslime ago

What in the world is itccs?

It isn't the International Criminal Court in the Hague, which has it's own webpage, which is not that one.

I can't find any information about what they are claiming and the ICC list of warrants and arrests is found in a variety of places that are not correlating with what that site has to say.

RainingPiss ago

Its the common law court? In Brussels. Because our civil systems are corrupt all the way to the top.

Chance903 ago

at this point, many of my post have just disappeared or won't post at this point.

Godwillwin ago

Where did you get this info? This is nuts. At this point anything is possible. But good grief.

mto89 ago

Never trust a pig farmer.

SpikyAube ago

There's a Ukrainian, Mykhaylo Khalanych, who is the beneficiary of Central European Securities Ltd, of which Mossack Fonseca & Co is an intermediary.

Freemasonsrus ago

Not sure if this is related but FBI anon had hinted at Kosovo being a place the Clintons were interested in. He basically asked "what is it about Kosovo that would make them interested?" I haven't had time to look into it but thought I'd throw it out in case anyone has run across any connections possibly dealing in money laundering, drugs, trafficking etc.

gumshoe_mob ago

can't find you the links at this moment, but the plan of globalism is to eliminate independent countries -- something like 17 less countries exist compared to 10 yrs ago??? -- same with the european union -- to slowly eliminate the control each country has and move it towards a central authority


jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Kosovo and the entirety of eastern europe were completely overrun by Russian/Soviet linked gangsters. They sold guns to everyone, even the enemies of their countrymen. Involved in drugs/guns/cigarettes/prostitution, so it makes sense they were trafficking in humans as well. The worst scum on earth. Im sure the Clintons were very interested.

RainingPiss ago

Kosovo has 0% tariff on all petroleum based products. Its probably the route for ISIS oil

Freemasonsrus ago

Thank u!

TheSeer ago

Camp Bondsteel. Kosovo is basically a rump state, a place that exists solely to provide a military presence for 'the West'. Divide and conquer. I suspect you would find all the usual suspect activity there, arms smuggling, human trafficking, drug smuggling, intel operations, torture, and that's without even looking into it.

Freemasonsrus ago


TheSeer ago

Well that was easy: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-criminalization-of-the-state-independent-kosovo-a-territory-under-us-nato-military-rule/7996 Links to drug smuggling (is almost always tied to intelligence organizations, who use it to finance black operations, i.e. to avoid paperwork and their official budget), terrorism, 'prostitution' (which is human trafficking+slavery). Tied to Halliburton (who built the place), so all the usual suspects. Oil pipelines. The whole shebang.

DontVanMeBro ago

Andrew Kline of the DOJ owns Besta Pizza. Shills are trying to say its different Andrew Kline or trying to lead to a different person.

Clinker ago

I am not a shill. There really are two Andrew J Klines who are lawyers in Washington DC. The restaurant lawyer has had his picture published in food service magazine articles: Nov 2015 issue of Foodservice Monthly It might be theoretically possible that they still could be the same person, but it would seem crazy to go all that effort to never to be seen in person and so on. And to what end? It really would not make any sense. It is damaging to the cause when we jump to conclusions too easily.

UncookedSpirit ago

Calm down, it's not a total shill thing. Andrew Kline is shown as owner ~2006 in one document through "Uptown Pizza LLC". Later his name doesn't appear attached anymore as far as I can tell. And it's a "Big Cheese LLC" involved. We need a timeline on this.

smokinggunspizza ago

Go on.

the cleaning company on Connecticut avenue had that code on their site under fur and leather and when we decoded it it said

Tiblisi and James Comey.

What's in Tiblisi? Hlep me tie this together.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I think it has to do with this plebbit article. But I think if it is a code they need to work on it ( https://archive.fo/sU4CE ) and this cleaning site https://locu.com/places/regal-custom-cleaners-washington-us/

BrickInTheVVall ago

Just going to throw it out there... You sure it said Tiblisi and not Thaci?

This is from 03/28/2011

Last December Hashim Thaci, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, was alleged to be "the head of a 'mafia-like' Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through eastern Europe, according to a Council of Europe inquiry report on organized crime" as then reported by Paul Lewis for the Guardian. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the allegations which have been seconded by many others, the United States continues to embrace Thaci with a callous indifference for the purported victims as reported by Matt McAllester for the GlobalPost:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited him in Kosovo as recently as the fall. "I want you to know, prime minister," Clinton said to Thaci, during her visit to Pristina on Oct. 13 last year, "that just as we have been with you on the hard road to independence, we will stay with you. We are your partners and we are your friends and we are very committed to your future." The United States is fully aware of the allegations in all their sordid glory -- indeed, many of the claims are repeated in NATO intelligence reports -- and yet a nation which supposedly respects human rights and vaunts the rule of law inexplicably chooses to look the other way.

More info in link (http://bitterqueen.typepad.com/friends_of_ours/2011/03/us-embraces-alleged-international-mafia-boss.html))

Exposed: Clinton Foundation’s Ties To Suspected Human Organ Trafficker (http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/18/exposed-clinton-foundations-ties-to-suspected-human-organ-trafficker/#ixzz4RWcSn48J))

FateBender ago

What the actual fuck? The LAST thing i'd expect in this world is Pizzagate being somehow tied to my country.....

PizzaThrowaway123 ago

It is worldwide.

southartful ago

Its tied to way more countries than just yours, I suggest any international anons start digging on your politicians whilst aiding central effort.

poly ago

Basically whereever there are missing children they are kidnapped. Its like a silent epidemic

. #LittleLivesMatter

UncookedSpirit ago

swordfish69 ago

Georgia was a big part of the 'ratline' that allowed European arms companies to ship resources and arms to Syria through Turkey. It was conveniently available as a safe staging point after the brief conflict in South Ossetia. Wikileaks emails detail the exact same offshore scheme of replacing end-use-certificates on weapons so that they can be smuggled into Syria/Iraq. The state department knew about it but it persisted.

As for the tinfoil aspect, Georgia and Ukraine are central to what I would call America's covert agro-ops i.e. spooks working with Chemonics, Monsanto, Cargill, USAID. Part of it is just basic espionage done under the guise of agro-investment. But another more sinister aspect to it are allegations of human experimentation and bioterrorism, specifically from supposed Mossad scientist Joseph Moshe, who claimed that labs Odessa released Swine Flu in the early 2010s to destabilize the election in their favor.

SavingGrace ago

FBI Director, James Comey (Clinton man) worked for Lockheed Martin earlier in the game - big donor to the Clinton Foundation.

Yuser_Manuel ago

"It is also related to the BTC pipeline Baku / Tblisi / Ceyhan and US moves to get Georgia and the Ukraine within the NATO family threatening Russia's southern flank."

Mattg_life ago

Soros has been in Ukraine for years as well.

RainingPiss ago

Hence why RU annexed Crimea

EraseYourHistory ago

Where is this code and site?

smokinggunspizza ago

I'm on a different PC than my archive. dunno. all I can say is thats what it said at the moment.

there was a bunch of rubbish under fur and leather subsection of the home page and if you scrambled the letters around and got rid of the first and last thats what it said.

sleepingbeautycan ago

But did you connect Besta Pizza to Besta World Group (talk about a NWO name)

SpectraDatum ago


Interesting to note that Besta may be 'beast' from the latin.

I have yet to make the connection from Besta DC to Besta Hong Kong, though.

rrdesc ago

"Besta" is "beast" in portuguese too, and is used not only to denote some animals, but also the Devil ("A Besta": "The Beast").

Interestingly, "Develcan" sounds similar to "Devil can".

sleepingbeautycan ago

There is a Besta International Group which is a company from NY. ( https://www.company-detail.com/company-american-besta-international-group-inc-3290208 ). Now the owner is ZHENNAN LIAN and he also owns Besta (Uk) Limited ( http://directors.findthecompany.co.uk/l/4671710/Zhennan-Lian ). Maybe there is a Besta (HK)..

Well wouldn't you know it there is

http://hk.kompass.com/c/besta-technology-hk-co-ltd/hk060505/ managing director Jason Chien

https://www.hkgbusiness.com/en/company/Besta-Trading-Hk-Limited absolutely no details

smokinggunspizza ago

Bounce Ping Pong is owned by Develclan.

You think Bounce and Comet aren't related? Just take a look at them.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Ok so now all we need is a District Attourney with balls to slap the whole crew with a RICO case and arrest them for racketeering? Where's Harvey dent when you need him?

RecycledUser ago

My suggestions of who to contact that I think are trustworthy and knowledgeable: Judge Andrew Napolitano Judge Jeanine Porto (former DA and judge of Westchester County) Not sure about Mayor Rudy Guilani (but RICO was one of his specialities, and he DESPISES HC) Judicial Watch They may at the least be able to direct you who to contact. edit: spelling

RecycledUser ago

Sorry should say Judge Pirro.

quantokitty ago