zlomsocz ago

interesting piece taking a look into the world of andrew j kline and his previous connections to human trafficking


Special Litigation Counsel Andrew Kline, a Clinton appointee with an M.A. in human rights from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, was one of four attorneys in the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the Department of Justice, in the Civil Rights Division. It fell upon the curly-haired, bespectacled Kline (now a senior adviser in the executive office of the president) and one other colleague to provide U.S. attorneys nationwide with training on prosecuting trafficking cases. Kline was the civil-rights expert who brought the T.V.P.A. to the attention of James Genco and the task force, and who helped bring to bear on the Paris case the full artillery of federal resources, which would include his services as a prosecutor, supplementary to Genco's. By the time the case went to trial, says Paris's defense lawyer, Jeremiah Donovan, “there were 12 to 14 feds on one side of the aisle—four case agents, each with his own paralegal. On the other side, there was just Paris and myself. The amount of money the federal government has to spend is immense. They invested in the case.

Clinker ago

There are two Andrew J. Klines. The non-government Kline writes articles for food service magazines. It took me about 5 minutes to find this, I am sure there are more. Here is a picture of that page, and I inset the picture of the other Andrew Kline. Page 21 of Food Service Monthly, November 2015
I really don't see how you could pull off putting the wrong picture of yourself on your website and in articles. A lawyer has to meet with people in person quite frequently.

ihavenocomment ago

We need to crowdsource the ISIS jihadi mercenaries the US Government hires with our tax money to HUNT these f+ckers down, pour gasoline over their bodies and burn them alive. I don't care who they are... If the government can hire jihadis to do their business then why can't we?

I'd like to see this in a live televised event. Include their families. None of these people should be left alive.

popezandy ago

blueberries, you are dope and should be a private investigator, paid. Shit I hope your real job gives you monies boy.

Orange_Circle ago

I think it's him. I saw a pic on Google of him sitting at the Comet bar.

Also a pic exist of Epstein at Comet.

klondike1412 ago

Wow, I hope someone's reached out to Winstead. Sounds like he knew this was going downhill from the very beginning. He recorded the video with those bone-chilling screams of "help me!" back then, what more does he know? I really suspect there is something shady going on (literally) in the cover provided by all the trees out front of the restaurant. It seems like those are cover to ensure that anyone entering or leaving isn't easily observed. Poor guy got demonized by his "community" (of shills showing up to court) and I hope that he lives to see himself proven absolutely right about the rapes and murders that likely happened at Comet.

christa ago

I actually tried to message him on facebook. He never responded. I asked what his feelings on the current controversy were.

He actually said in a meeting they were encouraging murderers and rapists. Here:


Petri_Krohn ago


Andrew Kline's photo doesn't show. Notice how all other photos except for Andrew Kline's:

Correct explanation:

Look at the HTML source code for the page. Andrew Kline's photo is implemented as a Responsive Image using the HTML srcset parameter. The three other images are embedded normally. Somehow srcset does not work with Internet Archive.

Here is a link to the photo archived on June 8, 2016.

Wrong explanation (first try):

This is because it is not archived on Wayback Machine, while the three other photos on the page are archived. If you open the photo in a new tab you will see the non-archive version, while the three other open as archive versions.

This might be a sign of censorship. Someone asked Internet archive to take down the archive photo while the <conspiracy> online version was silently changed to something else.</conspiracy>

A similar thing happened to The Daily Sheeple after their site was taken down.

P.S. - Andrew Kline of the Veritas Law Firm is General Counsel to the Board of Directors of the Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington (RAMW). Archive versions of the site show that he uses a photo matching the one on the Veritas Law Firm site.

pizzathrowaway ago

Exactly, 2 different people with completely different educational histories, careers, areas of focus, and linkedin pages. It's not the kind of thing that can be explained away by a "fake photo".

pizzathrowaway ago

"Drop your skepticism" is always terrible advice.

Commonwombat ago

Ok thanks, I sort of gave up looking further because I seemed to run into dead ends. So I figured HIZ Inc went from the timber trade to a pizza place when Richard retired.

Commonwombat ago

What if Hamade sold it to Hiz, (Richard) and was kept as a partner? The lead I had on HIZ is that it was a timber place in Wabash Indiana but that is now closed. It definately struck me as odd but I don't understand how businesses and registration works. http://www.manta.com/c/mmqbrgv/hiz-inc

Millennial_Falcon ago

Now look at this article about the sex-trafficking ring that got busted near Comet Ping Pong in 2008.

First I've heard of this. Link says nothing about D.C. What do you mean by "near Comet Ping Pong"?

sixgorillion ago

Kline is watching us guys!

No, although other people are watching us and covering for these fuckers. Makes me believe the jewish lead even more, the only thing connecting these people are their ethnicity.

NotConspiracyIfReal ago

Very good work! They are running and scrambling!

thicktail1730947 ago

Isn't Besta Pizza owned by a guy named Abdul Hamade?

Commonwombat ago

Abdul Hamade and Samir Sbitan are the owner and main principal of Besta. HIZ Inc is the business name I suppose, which has a man named Richard Flora as director IIRC. I looked all of this up 3 weeks ago. Now I'm not business savvy but there is a couple of pizza places, Besta and Pizza Bolis that are Incorporated under Uptown Pizza. I still think it's suss if Andrew Kline is agent but he's definately not owner. It seems he represents a few restaurants.

pizzathrowaway ago

Neither owns Besta. One just represented Besta as registered agent for legal filings, that's not the same as being the owner.

Theophany ago

Fantastic work!

eyeVoated ago

searching for a second Andrew Kline to act as a scapegoat.

Reason number 431 why we need a well regulated militia. Every Andrew Kline who's not this one needs to be prepared for the worst.

GenghisSean ago

Woah dude, chill out. I think MeatballPizza was just confused by your question. There's a lot going on here so it takes a while to parse it.

h2d ago

Whomever was the original person that posted this information, one can only hope that they are still around these parts. Some of the most excellently written and cogently explained research I've seen to date. Especially when dealing with a topic as seemingly mundane (lots of documentation and redundant searches in databases producing a mountain of evidence to pore over) it's hard to not become easily discouraged at the sheer scale and size of this thing.

Additionally; I for one had always thought that the Kline connection was not at all a coincidence. That there happens to be a lawyer, one of four (in the whole country at the federal level specializing in these sorts of cases--the same thing we are investigating) who is discovered in the midst of our work - someone who is ALSO tied to Hillary Clinton (as every major player so far has been) and has dealings with the same shady little neighborhood strip mall, this is just way too much to be sheer happenstance. I refuse to believe that. "Conn Coxtion"...concoction. Are you fucking kidding me? Between that and these assholes like Alefantis (James Alefantis:J'aime L'enfants/I love children) and their need to rub it in our faces when they get the chance like he did in these ridiculous articles and on that absurd YouTube video with him talking to some (admittedly really stupid/not equipped to properly question him) guy protesting outside of Comet. He was so smug and took the guy on a little tour inside of the place, and was being all mocking and patronizing. I wish someone who wasn't ill prepared like the protesting guy was there to really ask him some real questions.

militant ago

"Conn Coxtion"...concoction. Are you fucking kidding me?

'1337 Conn Coxtion' even, so 'elite concoction'.

SaveTheChildren ago

It's whoever

The_Bohemian ago

and on that absurd YouTube video with him talking to some (admittedly really stupid/not equipped to properly question him) guy protesting outside of Comet

Don't forget for a moment that Alefantis' partner is David Brock, owner of CTR and numerous other other agent provocateur and shilling groups. I don't buy for a moment that the video posted was anything but a completely faked piece to cast doubt.

h2d ago

I should've been more thorough in my explanation. I totally agree with you actually, not on the guy who was outside - the two guys outside were way too hardcore spergin' out, to an extent that'd be difficult to fake. Also, it was edited in such a way that they tried to make it seem like Alefantis was coming out to answer the questions of the people outside, yet he left in the middle of the questions, then came back out, and it was clearly different people he was talking to the second time - it then cuts to him giving someone 'a tour' but yet they never ask any REAL questions, they barely show any of the place, and the only thing that was of any interest was someone asking why the artwork was no longer on the walls - as much of it was missing. Alefantis falsely claimed that the artwork hadn't been up for '5 years' which was total bullshit. No questions about the 'torture chamber' any of the underground tunnels, the 'shut up and fuck' artwork in the bathroom, etc.

So yeah, with the shit that CTR has pulled and the sheer scumbag that Brock is, anyone even remotely connected to him (and Alefantis is way more than simply tangentially connected) is someone to be weary of. I've seen many things across various (reliable) sources that state he is Brock's ex-boyfriend, I'm pretty certain this was mentioned in one of the wikileaks Podesta emails releases. Anyone know about whether or not they are still involved? I saw a very interesting theory on CTR involvement/disinformation tactics and media attempts to discredit this whole thing, centered around the involvement specifically of Comet Ping Pong and Alefantis. There's definitely some WEIRD shit going on, especially with respect to the various creepy instagram posts all centered around pizza/creepy art/random mentions of children/all having an avatar of a singular eye/pictures of blood...I'm fixing to put up a thread centered around this itself actually.

pizzainvestigator ago

This was my thought exactly. Very easy to hide under the cloak of "investigator" when truly building up and supporting the opposition. Continue to be weary of incompetent explanations and upvote and support comments with strong evidence like the top comment in this thread!

Fatsack ago

Nice catch.

ghtdak ago

Outstanding!!! I was concerned we got this one wrong. This is really significant

Sonic ago

Motherfucker just tell us the god damn inform instead of stroking your dick and trying to build up the tension.

Pizza-Gate5 ago

Linkedin for Andrew J. Kline: Attorney & Lobbyist at Veritas. Headquarters are 1225 19th Street NW Suite 320 Washington, District of Columbia 20036 United States, which has already been posted here. But what was interesting was apparantly Trump International Hotels was a client of Andrew J. Kline's at one time because there is an exceptional review from the Trump hotel posted.

Title Here

Title Here

whoisonfirst ago

Another thing to think about is that these are all honey-pots? [Kline pizza/pedo dba's in DC )

I mean think about it, all in a row on a street are biz openly using known FBI pedo calling signs? We know that most of the CP on the net is owned by FBI to entrap, remember also that some 1700 MIL/COP's were on most recent sting of 5,000 and none of the cops/mil were even notified by FBI. Essentially PEDO is an OP to entrap ppl, and steal their kids, ... What I'm saying is that sure, Kline setup the pizza op's on the street, and got DBA's, and put his lawyer name on them sure, but its all a honey-pot. To entrap ppl.

Also let's talk FBI since 1930's the FBI has the largest library of snuff/cp on earth, when janet-reno was DA there used to be story's of friday night beer party's where fbi would show these snuff/cp films with beer & pizza Note all that gay-edgar-hoover FBI director for 50+ years was gay, and gay are a minority and always been hard to find lovers, so thus the entire FBI started with the idea of a black-book so that these perverts could find easy free sex.

abcyouknowme ago

If there is a number to Andrew M. Kline you should be able to call him if he represents them right?

Maeglor ago


And they say Latina Mortua Est

gumshoe_mob ago

Here: all you do is enter the address or name of person and you'll get a property tax assessment ---



sentryseven ago

I had a feeling. Great work. The coincidence in name alone was uncanny.

MeatballPizza ago

I'm not sure what's going on either. Lawyers go into tracks these days -- civil, criminal, tax, etc. Specialists like doctors are. So if the guy is prosecuting cases for DOJ he stays on that track until he might possibly flip and do criminal defense work. That's how it works with very rare exceptions.

The profile on Veritas looks like a small business, set up the LLC/corp, maybe some ABC board work as well. NOT a criminal prosecutor or defense attorney.

But the initials seem to be flipping from various sources. It's late and I'm confused. Hope someone can make sense of it because all the details are in this thread! Good work!

hcahcsror ago

**Voat is compromised. ****My thread deleted for being cryptic. Yes, because when sharing sensitive info, everyone should be a halfwit and spell things out. Gross.

Thrash57 ago

Hey man im the guy that commented on you post about it being a distraction. I see what your hint was yesterday with the keys and the caption tra dc. Transformers dc. I saw the site. Were you meaning that the transformers dc site is a key to something? Could you please repost with maybe a little more hints

hcahcsror ago

Yes. I see that CTR is here though, so GL to u. Done with all research.Very , very busy. No time for any further research. And 4chan has the time and resources anyway. They've already dived in deep.

Thrash57 ago

Thank you very much, I apologize for calling you spammer. I now believe that those with any real info should stay mostly silent about their findings. Stay safe

piratse ago

You posted a picture of blank keys for transformers. Ebay yields two users that sell keys that look exactly like that and there is nothing suspicious. The "ebay" logo, well you loaded a fucking potato photo asshole, but the ebay looks like the "b" is wrong, picture is so shit I can't tell what it is. Then there is a name on the bottom "Final Fantay Cloud". Which even when making sure I have "Fantay" (instead of fantasy) in my search it yields a ton of misspelling on forums and people looking for final fantay toys, it also yields nothing on ebay. You don't need to be cryptic, post info or don't. But people aren't going to waste hours and hours on some shit some faggot posts.

MeatballPizza ago

Okay, something is going on here. The lawyer Andrew J. Kline clearly has Comet/Trading Post listed as his client, but the ABC board (my post below) has Andrew M. Kline as Jimmy's lawyer. Honestly though I'd find it odd that a real estate - ABC board lawyer would be doing federal prosecutions for trafficking and be head of a Civil Rights division. More likely he'd go into criminal defense and that seems to be the Kline that was subject to the bar complaint.

But it is messy.

The_Bohemian ago

This seems to be some sort of typical thing on a lot of leads I've dug on with this. Usually same first and last name with a different middle initial, but at the same address, with different registered businesses. I'm not sure of the legal requirements for registering these businesses, such that if you would be perjuring yourself by lying about your middle initial. However, assuming there would be some legal ramification, I'd fully assume that a lot of these shady Saul Goodman type lawyers probably legally change their name to have multiple middle names just for this type of obscurity.

Commonwombat ago

Could someone point me to the link that shows Besta owned by Andrew Kline please? I only ask because the only company I saw Besta linked to was HIz Inc. I've missed something somewhere.

whoisonfirst ago


TWO WEEKS old, sure you can't find it now, because that's what they do, they scrub the public records clean, just like they dispose the corpses when they're done eating, raping the children.

IF you can't find it, that just shows how good and how deep these guys are, they're fixit men, just like in the movie pulp fiction, when they call in the cleaners,

Why in the hell do you think hillary made this guy the child-traffic czar? Because she knew he/they would always clean the scene, and leave no tracks

Commonwombat ago

That doesn't mean he owns Besta. I have only seen Besta linked to HIZ Inc which appears to be traced to a guy who once ran a timber business and is possibly retired. I was following this up from the beginning. Ive never seen proof that Kline owns Besta or Pizza Bolis which make up Uptown Pizza Inc.

whoisonfirst ago

Listen Mr Scientology R U Stupid? U go to this site, and DBA is printed, where it says "andrew kline' owns besta-pizza, and that was two weeks ago, of course the public records today don't say this, that's why we wayback all, so ass holes don't re-invent the past.


If this is NOT enough proof for U, then personally dear I dont' care, I suspect that shit fed in your mouth, you would still say its not shit.

U can lead a CTR shill to water, but you cannot make it drink.

Commonwombat ago

Well you're a fucking moron aren't you because Besta Pizza is owned by HIZ Inc and the records haven't changed in 18 days, Andrew Kline might act as the agent and that is a different matter altogether. If we're going to do an investigation we'd better get our facts right lest we look like complete fuck knuckles, isn't that right Boy Wonder?

whoisonfirst ago


Most likely this is him, same photos' as above, and he even looks like a Gay Edgar Hoover wannabe clone, aka pretty face for the public, but a real back door kind of gay.

So the question is WHY does a guy like this put a known 'U want to fuck little boy logo on his biz?', knowing full well that he and all his FBI buddy's know that this is their logo since 1930's?

U can't assume its dumb, they are the power, if elphant-it-i-like children is #48 most powerful gay-man in DC, imagine how powerful this guy-gay is-is?

The point here gang is that these are the same ppl that are supposed to drain-the-swamp, and bring hillary to just-us, yep right, they have been getting away with child-rape since 1930's and janet-reno murdered 100's of children long ago, these ppl are above the law, they are the law, they make the law, and they have an invisible cloak around themselves and DC.

There has always been selective law enforcement forever. just-us is for little ppl, a good example is the book autobiog of malcolm-x he was a pimp, and in the 1950's in his book he makes perfectly clear that it was the judges and police chief's that had him deliver children, he could never figure out why they didn't want 'women', but he didn't care at the time, as a pimp's only job is to provide the customer.

MeatballPizza ago

Okay, it's 2 am and I'm confused.

Comet Pizza (Big Cheese LLC) has a lawyer named Andrew M. Kline. I just proved that by showing the legal records and I showed his name and address in the DC bar.

You're saying Andrew J. Kline (different lawyer) either owns or represents Besta Pizza and works for the DOJ?

  1. What's your proof he owns Besta? Where are the business records? All i see is Besta is a registered trademark / no owner showed.

  2. Is he the owner or just the agent? It says he represents clients before the alcohol board on the website. He might have just formed their business and registered to be the agent without being the owner.

  3. Lawyers working for the feds usually aren't allowed to do private practice for concern of conflicts.

It would be odd that a lawyer prosecuting sex crimes in the area would show up as lawyer for a business in that area. I agree with that.

whoisonfirst ago

Well let's see, Besta-Pizza was the first one to fix their logo, they act quick wonder why. First reports before the boy's had time to scrub their sites, the tie to besta and andrew j. kline was a known known what we know now is that on all sites ( zh, 4chan, steem, .. ) any time anybody makes the connection that besta-piizza is owned the clinton child-trafficking czar were told 'not same person', and not this is not happening for any other actor in this 'story', I smell scientology personally when you see a team of CTR folk all trying to protect somebody, well u know what's going on,

First impressions and first story's is usually correct, now 1-3 weeks have passed the players have had plenty of time to correct online records,

To answer your question, the early legal records were scraped and archived, I suggest you go study them.

Even since the podesta wikileak emails hit the net, what 2-3-4 weeks ago ppl have known about these pizza joints and their ownership, note also that FBI knew months ago that wiki was going to release this stuff, they were all prepared and ready to dis-info

AGAIN what is telling is that nobody else than BESTA-PIZZA was first to change their logo, telling.

I personally think that ppl spending too much time on ping-pong, and not enough time on best-pizza and the other clinton pedo child stealing outfits ran by clinton on this street. Funded by Soros, with the pleasure of the FBI to get free male prostitutes and the best snuff-porn library on earth.

Commonwombat ago

I have never seen proof of Andrew Kline owning Besta, I'm still waiting for someone to direct me to that. Being an agent for a business isn't the same as owning it.

Commonwombat ago

I thought Besta was owned by HIZ Inc by a man called Richard Flora. I'm confused now. https://restaurant.cybo.com/m/US-biz/hiz-inc_1B

MeatballPizza ago

What am I getting at? ANDREW KLINE, the lawyer for Comet Pizza was identified by me (name, business address, and website) and I proved it by showing the public record of the Liquor board case.

Are you saying this guy is the same one who works for the DOJ or some other federal agency?

Lawyers are frequently used as agents for service of process for their clients. The fact that he's the listed agent means he's a lawyer representing a client. Doesn't mean he owns the place, though he certainly could. You could find that out by looking at the liquor license for the other business (Besta).

gumshoe_mob ago

Does ugly with bad teeth count when analyzing the character of a potentially shady LAWYER???? No page on wikipedia?? so we go to the law firm and retrieve the official portrait.



( . )

MeatballPizza ago

Adding his website and photo as it is a public record he represented Big Cheese LLC (the actual owner of Comet Pizza and Ping Pong):


MeatballPizza ago

Did you go to the D.C. Bar website and look up the name? There are 3 Andrew Kline's.

I thought one represented Comet before the Liquor board. Here's the case:

Show Cause Hearing (Status) Case #



00013 Big Cheese, LLC, t/a Comet Pizza 5037 Connecticut Ave NW License

74897 Retailer CR ANC 3F Failed to File Quarterly Statements (3rd Quarter 201

pizzathrowaway ago

It looks like there are 2 Andrew Klines and one Andrew Klein.

1) Andrew J. Kline, ex-DOJ, AU professor, ex-FCC. Graduated from Harvard. No direct connection to Comet or Besta that we know of but does have connections to Clinton https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewkline1

2) Andrew J Kline, Veritas law firm, restaurant lawyer, Graduated from William & Mary, has had Comet & Bucks as Clients. https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-j-kline-95042a4? http://abra.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/abra/publication/attachments/ABC_Board_Dispositions_June_4_2014_0.pdf

3) Andrew M Klein, Klein Law Group, communications lawyer. http://kleinlawpllc.com/andrew-klein/ Albany Law School, Doesn't appear to have anything to do with any of this stuff.

MeatballPizza ago

Andrew M Klein Klein Law Group 1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 200 Washington DC 20036

United States

Email: Email Phone: 202-289-6955 Fax:

Membership Status: Active Disciplinary history: No Date of admission: October 4, 2002


That the same guy? He's up the street from Comet. Address: 5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008