ScientiaPotentia ago

There was a post yesterday which indicated that they were all bought by Saudi Arabians and given to Andrew Kilne in 2003 all on the same day. The reason they bought the whole block was because they are all connected with tunnels underground allowing for the transport of people, supplies and customers without suspicion. For example, if you wanted to have a secret meeting between a large number of people, you could have small groups dine at different business fronts and then all meet underground. No one would be the wiser.

The cleaning company could buy chemicals to dispose of evidence without suspicion too.

chelseasPizza ago

This seems to be a re-release of the investigation that blueberries did a few day's ago, the first realtor was 'Gill', now we have a new realtor and they have scrubbed the owner here "CONNEB", obviously this post is meant to hide the Saudi connection.

skeetskeet ago

Is there an archive link with the property prices shown? That link provided asks for a registration before seeing the prices.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Actually, go check your local craigslist, or any number of websites, the Devil has more "tricks" than ever before in previous history.... I'm not happy about either btw.

garretthates12 ago

Would up vote but was reckless with my votes today. Too much good shit :(

eiggaMAD ago

I feel your pain lol

blackeneth ago

Do you have to "join the site" to have it display the real transfer price? Otherwise $0 is the default?

Or ... did it say something like, "$0 and other valuable consideration"? What is that "other valuable consideration"? It's cash. Although a record at $0 is somewhat unusual; you'd expect it to be "$100 and other valuable consideration."

r3dtr1x ago

Check DC tax assessor records here, but a $0 "sale" is not always a "sale". It often indicates that a deed of some type was recorded, and that's all. Also, it appears when searching the 5000 block of Connecticut Ave, that lots include one to four physical addresses, and the same investors own multiple properties.

CJFish ago

Just like the houses of the Sandy Hook families...

chelseasPizza ago

All owned by CONNEB Ii LLC, which is CON N.E.B., which is National Engineering Bureau, the biggest construction company of Dubai, ,Saudi, and Arab Emigrants. Which is all owned by SAUDI SHEIKS, tied to Clinton Foundation.

In summary the Arab's OWN the Clinton's, the Clinton's provide Children to fuck & kill.

Google "Con-N.E.B saudi pizzagate"

voatcaesarpizza ago

I thought that this sounded familiar. Thanks.

warrior_of_light ago

Wait what? I was bluepilled during sandy hook. Can you give me some reading material? Thanks.

kingforpres ago

Every time I read this it sets me back thinking how little effort they've put into covering their tracks. I guess when you're above the law there is no reason to.

stickittotheman ago

They always do a sloppy job, think 911 and most of the other false flags, pure hack jobs.

KingDumb ago

Well... Hopefully this ends with a little more justice than the 911 investigations. Ever get the feeling these people wanted us to find all this shit? If we believe that we are dealing with the mother loving Illuminati, well, they sure seem to hide in the open and pretty much thumb their noses at us. Maybe they feel they are above the law because they really are. Again... I'm very doubtful we will ever see any real players brought to trial over any of this. I see a bunch of fall guys taking the shots and the rest is history

siriansun ago

Overconfidence leads to sloppiness.

kingforpres ago

I think that may be understated considering. You folks keep digging up shit that make these career criminals look like total amateurs. They're so set in their methods and can't adapt, after seeing their methods in practice during the election and beyond it gets easier and easier to see behind the curtain.

r3dtr1x ago

I don't find this suspicious. It's not uncommon for an investor to purchase up entire stripmalls, and a $0 sale price could indicate either a quit claim deed, or just a refinance. I do asset investigations for a living. An easy way to tell if there's a mortgage on the property would be to go to the county tax assessor and see who the property taxes are being paid by. If the taxes are being paid by a bank, there's likely a mortgage - if the same bank is paying the taxes on all these properties, it's likely the same investor.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Okay so:

  • the same entity owns them all
  • then they all seem to have pedo content
  • seem to work somewhat together. James owns two of the places, The little fox guy works at the bookstore cafe

And that doesn't seem to make you question who it was that bought the original 6 storefronts?? And why they got them for no money. Were six shops in a row in foreclosure, receivership or bankruptcy all at the same time? Seems odd to me.

r3dtr1x ago

No, because as I explained, there is no evidence that they "got them for no money".

Have you verified ownership of the lots?

Who is the owner?

Lots of questions!

MeatballPizza ago

What are the current tax assessor values for all those properties? Be interesting to know.

MeatballPizza ago

Hmmm. Could be a cash laundering deal. Cash, Bit Coins, gold, kids (?) go one way and the property comes back.

$0 transaction is bizarre.

slickleg64 ago

Yes most likely a handover. My guess for a share in the business? Or possibly for a favor? Cash and gold is too traceable. Bitcoins weren't invented. Kids could be likely however. Nothings for certain unless we find the seller.

Kayzza ago

This is rather suspicious. If I were setting up a secret front for a massively illegal organization, I'd space out my purchases.