ronnyCPI ago

J&T Packing is likely a front company for private deal-making by the Clintons outside govt oversight. See this article here how the Clintons were running parallel operations (1 public, 1 private) and servers: [] "The Clinton outsourcing of U.S. foreign policy not only involves Teneo but also the Clinton Foundation, for which Mrs. Clinton solicited donations from foreign sources while she served as secretary of state. Moreover, in a classic example of racketeering, Bill Clinton was paid by Teneo as an adviser while his Clinton Foundation hired Teneo as as a consultant. The Clinton Foundation is directed by Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with their daughter Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky. Mrs. Clinton’s private email use also extended to Clinton Foundation chief financial officer Andrew Kessel and longtime Bill Clinton friend Bruce Lindsey."

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude A lot OF people didn't understand what I was saying....Which is understandable as I could have been much more clear and concise. Also, I didn't know you were replying to someone else, But I did not think you were criticizing me.

I love that there is voat since I've abandoned reddit ship... But The messaging system is really fucking me up. Sometime I don't even see messages until days later... Sometimes there over here, then they're over here...I just need all my replies in one spot, and all my sent messages in another. I had no clue you were talking to someone else.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

There like that on multiple Clinton foundation filings in several states as well... Just go to Type in Clinton foundation, and that same list of directors will come up three or four times. Don't forget lisa jackson...(ALIAS Richard Windsor)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Hey just incase you didn't see this part... I said that J.I.T was unrelated. Or at least I said "I thought I found J&T packing, Only to realize it was J.I.T"

Just FYI. I know I did not convey my infomration in the most concise manner. In addition to draining out the inforamation it self, with making a bunch of edits, defending something that I now realize didn't need defending.

Either you believe the state of Arkansas SIte is the only site you should listen to, and Bill CLintons Home state, .GOV source, nvalidates three different sources that don't have motive to lie.

Or you don't trust The corrupt government that is the basis for pizzagate in the first place.

But yeah, Long story short, I did mention in my original post that J.I.T was a different company...or at least different name.

kingforpres ago

Has anyone mentioned Iris Wireless? This seems too obvious. Same address as the packing company and half of all Clinton non-profits.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


CandyPanda ago

Okay, something interesting to add to your find. It would seem Bill Clinton was getting money for cleaning and packaging back in the day for the state:

"In 1998, the cooperative received a $3 million Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan from USDA to purchase and to modernize a tomato cleaning and packaging facility in Hermitage."

And fast forward, and of course that initiative was busted for fraud (see last page here):

Because would it be a Clinton imitative if it didn't end in fraud or worse?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Saved to look into tomorrow... THANKs!

CandyPanda ago

This entry seems to match this entry for the Clinton Foundation in all things but the name. The simple explanation is the people at Bizapedia have a problem with their data. Also, the J & T Packaging official record is inactive. When they do the shell companies, it's usually just one zombie director with many of them at a location, and none of them seem to be legit. Someone would have noticed them setting up a company like this, it's too obvious.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Wait. What are you saying dude? The link you provided has no mention of The J and T packaging I mentioned... The J and T packing "Official Record" Is an official record for an inactive company that was revoked.... That has nothing to do with the one I linked to that is "In good standing" That information was available before this pizza shit broke.

CandyPanda ago

Because the J & T Company record is not matching in opencorporates in address, names, etc.(Look it up there), different agent. You can feel free to keep digging, but I wouldn't rely on a data aggregator on the internet as a valid source. People do keep tabs on companies that big politicians open, I can send you links where they question it. Someone would have questioned this way back if those people showed up on a company named J & T Packaging. There's all kinds of games they've been playing with shell games, but these people have already been doing it through the Clinton Foundation, everyone is calling them out, and even someone has audited them and found them guilty, but no charges. If you think this is leading you somewhere, feel free, but like I said, everything (including address) matches the Clinton Foundation itself.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. I'm sorry. I need coffee or something.... BUt I'm confused what you're saying... There is the information for J and T packaging company.... That is the same Information that user standalone linked to.

SO BOTH OF THESE, are equally irrelevant, in determining the validity of the company listing I originally linked to.

Help me out here man... What is this insinuation? That Is just completely fabricated out of deleberate misinformation?

How does that make any sense? IF there is nothing to this company and the people involved....WHY WOULD THEY BOTHER FABRICATING FALSE INFORMATION ABOUT IT... IF it IS MEANT TO BE FOUND TO THROW PEOPLE OFF THE RIGHT TRAIL, Then it would be false information that leads somewhere that will waste time...

The info I provided, Leads nowhere, Other than the information itself. Which I Can't understand why they woud that.

CandyPanda ago

I'm saying the company that does the bizapedia sources the info from something and might have screwed up. My only point is, and again I believe you 100% in what you're trying to do because I'm with you there, is that it's not what we used to call the "golden copy" of data. Where I used to work (big company), we ran into constant issues with stale data or copy data or changed data, then managers would freak out because this report or site didn't match that one. That's all I'm saying. I'm saying the bizapedia puts us at the clinton foundation based on the "golden source" or as close to a reliable source as we have (which still sucks in its own way with alpha matching).

So rather than make it seem like I'm getting on you, which I'm not, let's just say both are at the same place - the Clinton Foundation. Where can we go from from here? I mean, the Foundation itself (with those people and that address) are taking money from foreign interests as it is. Where do you want to take this, and I'll help out. Right now, I'm arriving at the physical location of the Clinton Foundation based on the Bizapedia link too, just with some sketchy name.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

"I'm saying the company that does the bizapedia sources the info from something and might have screwed up."

Yeah. They might have...but based on what we have... there is nothing that can reasonably lead us to that conclusion, especially what was said by the people saying this is fabricated information.

But can we take a second to address the implications behind that.

I have DOZENS FILINGS That can be verified as "not being screwed up" from that same source. Am I saying that I can verify that source as being 100% accurate on everything? Well I guess not. BUt I can verify that is accurate on the dozens of filings I've posted on my other post... My biggest issue with all of this, Is the notion that the Inactive filing here is somehow indicative of my information being completely fabricated as a red herring.

Taken From my edit:

"Ok. So let me clarify these insinuations...

  • The claim is that somebody made an actual business filing,
  • With a fake company,
  • With all of these key people involved,
  • MONTHS BEFORE PIZZA GATE BROKE. In hopes that it would be found?
  • And they reason they did this, Was so that it would lead people down a false trail....
  • EXCEPT THERE IS NO TRAIL AT ALL, OTHER THAN THE FILING AND LISTING IT SELF. Wouldn't you lead people down a false trail, That has many false ways it could go....
  • and EVEN THOUGH, Both sources were equally easy to find(Not easy to find, But I found them both at the same time) as I found the "Inactive, revoked one" at the same time I found the Good standing one(that contains all key people)

The comments Addressing that notion, Do so in overtly confident and dismissive way, yet have no reason to be confident OR dismissive. It's simply Two separate pieces of information, Neither being relevant to the validity of the other, since they are not both active.

If it is two active filings with The same LLC and completely different information, that STILL doesn't mean one is fabricated in attempt to be a red herring. The only thing it means, is there are more red Flags Needed investigating.

CandyPanda ago

Oh I agree. Never said it was fabricated intentionally. Just saying this is a data maze and wanted to point out to you how it's all matching the Clinton Foundation too. You're fighting the good fight, and I'm with you. I have run into all kinds of schemes with Andrew J Kline as well, but not many on here get the connections. I've also found that Delaware is where they run shell companies with different names that match other names and locations in the Panama Paper data that will put you at some brownstone or old house running as a small business location (with 12 companies when it can't even house more than 6). I am just admitting I don't know where to take it online because most people don't get how money laundering works and how all of this is breaking the law. Everything I've seen you post is stuff I've looked at with you and yeah, there's nothing wrong with pointing this out - it's odd. And if you look at the agent on that opencorporate search for the same company, he's tied to companies like China Signs LLC which runs out of Arkansas and makes you look back at when Clinton opened trade up between us and China back in 1993.

So sure, it could be a reverse mistake where the source on the other end got changed and the aggregator somehow matched up with the Clinton Foundation location because it seems to think it lines up still.

Here's the Arkansas gov listing for the company in question:

The biggest issue with our lookups here is they don't give us access to the underling filings. The UK one does so you can see when locations, names, and directors moving on and off.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I Can't read your whole post and reply thoughfully at this very second... I 've written it down On my notebook So I don't forget to some back.

BUt my only anger and annoyance, Came from the insinuations that this infomration WAS fabricated, as a red herring.... So if I replied To an earlier post of yours, in overtly Hostile manner, It was because I mistakenly assumed you were defending the notion that it was Fabricated.

CandyPanda ago

You have every right to be angry in this. I didn't take it personally. What is happening are crimes against humanity on all fronts, and anyone defending that are sick. I will keep looking to see if I find anything else and post it in a separate comment so I don't distract you from the cause.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Yeah I may Have the right, But getting upset in the way I often do, is extremely counterproductive. Unfortunately, even though I know that, I continue to do it.

I can have 100 supportive or helpful comments, but I devote all my energy to the few that I deem Irrational.

Having questions about these topics is never irrational.

Making a post deeming this as a red herring, planted by ctr... Is irrational as it gets. (Not talking about you) And the Fact that it gets voted to the top, even though there's nothing to support that claim, Is the biggest factor in my irrational response.

But w.e Moving forward. Hopefully This is will be more clear one way or the other, soon.Thanks for puting up with me.

cantsleepawink ago

We have already had cases of misinformation being planted. Surely you are aware of this? I have already posted here why I think that we have to be cautious about the bizapedia site. Tech literate people can sense dodgy sites. Also, the fact that Alefantis has a brother who works with a company that deals in cyber intelligence warrants attention. Don't you think ? That's the sum of my contribution here. Take it or leave it. And...take a chill pill.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

EVERY SINGLE THING I POSTED CAN BE VERIFIED, ACCEPT THE J and T. You posted a completely different filing and acting like they should match up... They shouldn't because they're separate. You're either stupid or lying.

cantsleepawink ago

What filing do you mean ?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

The one you use as reasoning for my post to be "False" Saying they don't match up. They don't match up because one is active, and one is not. They are irrelevant to one another.

cantsleepawink ago

He's James brother. And that wedding was at Bucks Fishing and Camping. Next door to Comet.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

I just stumbled across a very interesting article about the Clintons relationship with Dow Chemicals Company. This happened while researching Christopher Achilles (Comet Pizza's new owner) Who works and lives near Dow Chemicals wholesale location in Vermont. Christopher Achilles is head of DOT. I think JIT Packing is bullshit legal company used to ship Sodium Hydroxide to Regal Wet Cleaners next to Comet Ping Pong. Then they can dissolve all the dead kids...not saying it's true or proven...I have a hunch. This is all about the cleanup process.


" 610 PRESIDENT CLINTON AVE. LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 There are 11 companies that have an address matching 610 President Clinton Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201.

The companies are Bill Hillary And Chelsea Clinton Foundation, Bill Hillary And Chelsea Clinton Foundation, J T Packing Company Inc, The William J Clinton Foundation, Axpm Insurance Purchasing Group Inc, Axpm Conway Dental PLLC, Axpm Lonoke Dental PLLC, Axpm Wlr Dental PLLC, Axpm Jacksonville Dental PLLC, Axpm Jonesboro Pedo PLLC, and Axpm Services LLC."


Jonesboro Pedo PLLC - hmmm??

Agent Name JOEL CARTER - who also owns


I knew that fire was related to destroying evidence, someone else mentioned it on reddit the day it happened.

It haunted me in my sleep that night for some reason, I half dreamt that a great evil had been awoken, and millions of children had died in that fire. (symbolically)

It was a feeling more than a dream - was terrible and bothered me for days

thanks for the sleepless nights pizzagate!! fuck you !!!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Do you happen to remember where you saw that? Or did the elaborate at all?


sorry no, I just remember the post about it said it had something to do with human trafficking coverup

it was on reddit: T_D nov 9

Sentastixc ago

Good info.

We hsould dig into the steel plant. Apparently it has been out of business since the 80's. Yet witnesses are reporting several blasts inside the building. Could it be they destroyed one of their playgrounds to destroy evidence?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Well, Bethelehm steel has been out of there since the 80's New companies went in.Great lakes industrial specifically Is one, and David Franjoine heads it.

nomercyforthem ago

it goes way deeper ( sry if already posted )

r3dtr1x ago

Whoa whoa whoa something ain't right. I checked the Arkansas SOS website and this business is long gone. The President is listed as James Alan Terwiliger. Registered Agent David F Butler

I smell something really, really fishy. That bizapedia is wrong.

Gorillion ago

Fuck, there's that sick feeling again...

TheSpeaker2 ago

Looks like ALL of these people are high up in the Clinton Foundation. I think this warrants a lot of attention, if it turns out to be legit info.

All these people are listed as directors for a packaging company which has no website? Yeah right....

BerksResident ago


LostandFound ago

Seems too good to be true, red herring perhaps can we or has this been verified via tax returns and other public records. This is a whos who of creeps

cantsleepawink ago

LostandFound ago

I did some research on Agilecraft recently actually seemed to be one of the few times I looked at a company that sold what it said it was selling. They received large cash donations circa 10mill for development. I thought this was not unreasonable for a SaaS company but still no small sum. You can search them on the stratfor docs I think on WikiL for more info here.

cantsleepawink ago

I've already done so. Have you seen this ?

cantsleepawink ago

Here's the VP page

cantsleepawink ago

Louis (LJ) Alefantis is the brother of James Alefantis.

Thrash57 ago

Donna Shalala (lalalalalalalalalalalala) was the President of the University of Miami.

She thinks we as a society are partly to blame for the trafficking

“We don’t have to be a perpetrator to take some of the blame. We’re guilty as a society of too often glamorizing human exploitation,” Shalala said. “That means we have to redouble our efforts and it will only happen if we all link arms and join together.”

She said this in 2015 with Miami-Dade's State Attorney at an event held at UM.

Donna Shalala is now the serving President of the Clinton Foundation.

Why is this person, who must be so busy doing "great" things for the world that she was the president of a university, and now the Clinton foundation, the president of a virtually non-existent packing company?

Turns out she was also US Secretary of Health and Human Services and chancellor of University of Wisconsin.

Like i said, why would this philanthropist have any interest in this little known about- packing company.

billcaseyABC ago

For later reference: JARTS OF ARKANSAS in Beebe, AR (John T. Allen) = Filing #100152171 JARTS OF ARKANSAS in Magnolia, AR (James Alan Terwilliger) = Filing #100152171 (same)

J & T PACKING COMPANY in Magnolia, AR (James Alan Terwilliger) = Filing #100152178 J & T PACKING COMPANY in Little Rock, AR (Andrew Kessel & Clinton Gang) = Filing #100152178 (same)

That would appear to be proof positive that Terwilliger and David F. Butler were involved in the same exact business that the Clinton Gang now runs.

As for the two separate filing numbers...that's a nice big rabbit hole.

travistea ago

Both companies have the same filing date. JARTS OF ARKANSAS appears to have been issued a new filing number when their for-profit filing was changed to non-profit (J & T PACKING COMPANY, INC.) and received a filing number a few numbers higher than original as a result from the company conversion process.

billcaseyABC ago

why do you think they did that, and did it in a different city with a different registering agent and company president?

travistea ago

Same filing numbers for JARTS OF ARKANSAS because same company but with 2 separate locations (hubs) with a different person running each. After for-profit to non-profit change, company structure could have changed and required different business acumen and expertise. As for location, maybe after changed to non-profit they afford to open in Little Rock, AR because of tax exempt status instead of 45 min. north-east of city. If the filing numbers are given in order, maybe 7 (difference in filing numbers) companies were established by time change took effect. I still think this is a good lead as people involved and nature of business are suspect in pizzagate context. Just think locations, filing numbers , and personnel change may be dead ends.

cantsleepawink ago


Google Bizapedia and AgileCraft to see what I mean. AgileCraft is a software company whose VP is LJ ALEFANTIS. I believe that they are planting false information. If we do not check our sources we will be discredited as well as wast lots of time. (Note the street address of this so called packing company.)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

up to date version explaining why you're an insane person.

r3dtr1x ago

You are correct. This is false information on bizapedia. I do commercial asset investigations for a living.

See the REAL Arkansas Secretary of State business listing here

Totally not Clintons.

EDIT: okay it just got weirder, the real Registered Agent, per the Arkansas .gov website is David F Butler. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. He's also a deputy prosecuting attorney.

Here's his firm:

unbiased_researcher ago

It seems the address for J&T (610 President Clinton Ave) was the home of the Clinton Museum store, up until this year when it was bought by AXPM, a dental services company. The Clinton Museum store is now operating in the Clinton Presidential Center.

billcaseyABC ago

if you google the misspelled version of Terwilliger's name, this comes up from bizpedia:

"Jarts Of Arkansas, Inc. is an Arkansas For-Profit Corporation filed on October 23, 1997 . The company's filing status is listed as Revoked and its File Number is 100152171. The Registered Agent on file for this company is David F. Butler and is located at 135 South Jackson, Magnolia, AR 71753. The company has 1 principal on record. The principal is James Alan Teriwilliger."

All the other details of it match the Clinton's J & T, as well as the Arkansas SoS J & T.

This leads me to believe that the Clinton gang took over ownership of the company at some point between 1997 and 2016. Then again, that doesn't explain why the SoS website's entry is out of date...

billcaseyABC ago


There's another SEPARATE Arkansas SoS listing for "Jarts of Arkansas, Inc." Archive here:

SAME REGISTRY DATE - OCTOBER 23, 1997 in Beebe, AR - not Magnolia, not Little Rock



Xerider ago

Here is another connection of Giustra and Clinton. How they are being helped by the Australian government in Indonesia. Also covers CF and giustra in Columbia.

billcaseyABC ago

I'm pretty sure James Alan "Teriwilliger"s name is misspelled. It's probably "Terwilliger".

There's ONE likely result on for a "James Alan Terwilliger". He lives in Livermore, CA (affluent Bay Area suburb) but previously is listed as having lived in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

His registered agent/lawyer, David F. Butler, was born in HONOLULU, HI in 1955. Here's his website: Here's his office: Here's the alternate Arkansas SoS filing:

Interestingly, both the bizpedia JIT and the Arkansas Sos JIT were incorporated on October 23, 1997. It appears that they're the same company, or were at one point. wtf is going on???

Commonwombat ago

We must be hitting a few nerves.

aussie_fuckin_legend ago

this needs to be cross referenced with the panama papers leak.

billcaseyABC ago

Let's try another name: CEO Kevin Thurm. Who's he?

Former Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services under HHS Sec Donna Shalala, in the Clinton administration! He got a job in 2014 as a "senior counselor" to HHS Secretary.

EndThePizza ago

CTR just got overtime approval

billcaseyABC ago


Check out this qt.

Daughter/heiress of British-Sudanese telecom billionaire and "philanthropist" Mo Ibrahim:

"Ibrahim has served as the founding executive director of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation since 2006.[5][6] She serves on the board of directors of the Clinton Foundation,[7] the Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice and the Synergos Institute.[5] She also serves as the co-chair of the board of directors of The Africa Center,[6] and on on the council of advisors of Refugees International.[8] She is a patron of Restless Development.[9]"


SYNERGOS INSTITUTE IS RUN BY MARGARET DULANY "PEGGY" ROCKEFELLER, DAUGHTER OF DAVID ROCKEFELLER "Synergos is a global nonprofit organization that brings people together to solve complex problems of poverty. We work on issues such as health, nutrition, agriculture, and youth employment – creating opportunities for individuals and communities to thrive."

They operate in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.

And this one? "Restless Development, is a youth-led development agency, known previously as Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW.) It was founded in 1985, by Jim Cogan OBE. Its mission is to place young people at the forefront of change and development.

Restless Development currently works in India, Nepal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe and also has offices in London and New York. Restless Development works to bring young people to the decision-making table across three areas:

  1. Civic participation

  2. Livelihoods and Employment

3. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights**

"Restless Development (then Students Partnership Worldwide - SPW) **was founded in 1985 by Jim Cogan OBE, the Deputy Head of Westminster School. **It was originally a gap year programme for school leavers from Westminster School to work as supply teachers in India or Zimbabwe.

In 1992 SPW started recruiting local volunteers to make programmes more sustainable. This provided extremely effective and became a hallmark of SPW's work.

Between 1992-2000 new country programmes in Nepal, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa were launched and there was an increasing focus on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. From 2000 onwards SPW began to purely use local volunteers to deliver programmes.

Between 2000-2006 new country programmes in Zambia and Sierra Leone were launched. In 2010 SPW re-branded and became Restless Development.

Restless Development also sends volunteers from the UK abroad to work alongside national volunteers through its flagship International Citizen Service (ICS) programme. ICS is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID)."

Hmm, a charity for children founded by the knighted Deputy Headmaster of the Westminster School in 1985? I wonder if anything was going on around that time... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jim Cogan now runs an NGO called, I shit you not, ALIVE & KICKING. They supposedly donate soccer balls with inspirational messages written on them to poor kids in Kenya and Tanzania. How brave. ALIVE AND KICKING'S SYMBOL IS AN UPSIDE DOWN PENTAGON WTF




Commonwombat ago

Fucking soccer balls? How big of them!

micha_ ago

I noticed that, when I made a topic and linked to articles from mainstream media about research in rejuvenation by blood from young people.

speepsie ago

I think the take away from this is we need more government oversight, which comes from the right not the left.

oldchangling ago

FWIW: This Frank Giustra guy did something to the actor Stephen Shellen. Check out his youtube channel, Steve News, for details:, particular the video "PizzaGate feeling discouraged, don't worry"

oldchangling ago

Here it is as a not-for-profit: Here is is, same name, same date, but for-profi, revoked, different address and principals:

billcaseyABC ago

Everybody check out Andrew Kessel's official registry address at 610 President Clinton Avenue in Little Rock.

Here's Google Street View:,+Little+Rock,+AR+72201/@34.0517982,-118.2468147,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x87d2bb8205088e7d:0xd0d0b995c7dbbfa5!8m2!3d34.7470274!4d-92.262521

Google shows four businesses are listed at 610 - but none of them are JIT/J & T Packing Company. They are: 1. Clinton Foundation 2. City Year-Little Rock (AmeriCorps chapter mentoring at risk children REEEEEEEEE) 3. Orthotek 4. AXPM

Orthotek is a company and/or medical brand that designs orthidontic products (braces, dentures, etc).

AXPM is the parent company of Orthotek, and describe themselves as a dental/medical logistics and sofware company. They have an app called ONE that seems to be a platform for accessing and maintaining digital medical records. They market their service as a "digital lab experience", and they have a password-protected page.

City Year Little Rock is full of the type of red flags we've seen elsewhere. Just take a look at their Advisory Board:

Gen. Wesley Clark (Founding Board Chair) Stephanie S. Streett (Executive Director, Clinton Foundation) Bruce T. Moore (City Manager of Little Rock) Catherine Grunden (Wesley K. Clark & Associates) Mike Wilson (Vice President, Govt Affairs for Comcast Cable)


I found myself under an overpass on google street that correct?

Commonwombat ago

Great post, good research.

kingforpres ago

So that website is a wealth of information. I went through Bills affiliations. There was one other that stood out. STREYMOY LLC has Chelsea and a few of the other usuals, but again no real business that I can find. It does seem to be named after an island in Atlantic however so that's interesting.

Also you failed to mention GREAT AMERICAN BOOTY INCORPORATED. Now while I'm guessing you're going to say you over looked this it appears to be quite an oversight. I seriously doubt it's that William J Clinton but still.

SavingGrace ago

Wonder if Anthony Weiner petitioning the Israelis to allow 2 containers of "carp" to be allowed thru customs duty free, with 7 more in the US (Illinois) waiting to be shipped has anything link to the Packing Coy? Other relevant emails to this : basically says that there was a Summer Work Travel program that was being abused to smuggle eastern european women into work in the american sex industry. Iraqi SWAT wanted to search crate with med supplies, found secret compartment, called convoy IV.

dookiehowzer ago

Someone look into this shit


All these people seem to be described as 'philanthropists,' e.g., Wikipedia entry on Hadeel Ibrahim:

28leinad82 ago

Interesting - another packaging company showed up, and they have JIT in their logo?

Commonwombat ago

Hadeel Ibrahim's father is Mo. He's deep into the Clinton Foundation. Someone's brought this up in another thread.

BugSmasher2016 ago

What are they packing? That is the question.

ZeroPointNow ago

Penises into little boys would be my guess.

EndThePizza ago

Packing penis are used frequently in shipping

hardrock ago

There are a number of possible reasons for packing the board with big shots, but the most likely is that the company is a shell with the sole real purpose of funneling money to those persons listed as Directors. If there were just the minimum number of Directors ( i.e. a Chair, a Treasurer and a Secretary, for example ) then the best guess would be that the company is a front, a cover, for some activity that those Board Members can be trusted to keep their mouths shut about . . . but which they aren't expected or needed to actively participate in.) In this case, however, because that's a ridiculously large Board of Dirs, I'll go with "Money Funnel". Incidentally, the USUAL reason for packing a Board with big names is for prestige purposes (looks great on the letterhead & helps in fund raising) but since you say this company has a lower profile than a skid mark I'll stick with the money conduit premise. By the way, don't expect to hear from me very much. I was just perusing for pizzagate stuff, saw your "what the fuck is THIS all about?" question and decided to chip in. I've been out of the spook business for many many decades, but some of the basics never change and there is no doubt in my mind WHATSOEVER that you're on to a very large something with this J & T Packing outfit. Carry on.

BallsDeepInReality ago

Well, they're a nonprofit, so they're tax returns and transaction history should be publicly available

kingforpres ago

You bring up a good point, usually people want to make they border of director positions known, paid or otherwise. There isn't any way to follow these guys by these window dressing positions? The frequency graph would be outstanding, plus it would be easier to tie new names to the puzzle.

hardrock ago

I'm sure the researchers are aware that the next things to look for are interactions between the individual board members and the company itself, between themselves about company activity. If it is a real company then it has to pay utilities, supplies and services, and someone has to sign the checks. My guess is that it is NOT real and exists solely to transfer payments to its board as phony salaries and fees for services that don't actually get rendered. The only thing won't be pretend is the money. The money will be the real deal.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

It;s inactive

dookiehowzer ago

Yo upload all this shit to external hd and keep working on this please, god bless

lawfag123 ago

Bump for interest

ThorTheWonderful ago

I strongly recommend you go through all the links you posted and archive them ASAP. at

Excellent work too. Great job!

Nilly ago

How do we know that is safe? If it gets compromised, it'd take everything saved there down with it, right? Sorry for being a noob. I'm not new to pizzagate, but I'm new to the investigative process and archiving and keeping info safe

ThorTheWonderful ago

Use a spare HDD and save the web pages to disk. FlashGet is great for DL whole pages and all linked content but I can't remember which version, I know its an older version though. But if it is just the single page you need to save, it can be done right from your browser.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

psssh. Shiit son. I've archived every thing over the last month. Everything.

In Fact, Got bitched at by girlfriend twice because of it.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Awesome. Keep up the great work. Don't let the GF slow you down, try to get her more involved if you can.

Godwillwin ago

Indeed! that's a crew of scum. I cannot stand that wretched Cheryl Mills - she's horrid. Nasty woman

BoosCoos ago

edit because I botched the spelling of MOLOCH and figured I'd just link to the email. Honduras: Maybe, Maybe

Have you seen the wikileaks email from Mills to HRC (Clinton leaks) saying she is going to "sacrifice a chicken in the backyard to Molech"?

Just search the wikileak for Molech, its in the email about Honduras.


careful, it wasnt CM who said that, it was Lewis A -

keep the facts straight please - last thing we need is confusion

Stukov ago

Not op, but I have, I haven't been able to look away since.

Godwillwin ago

No. I missed that?!!

BoosCoos ago

I edited my original to add the link and correct spelling.

standalone ago

At the very minimum, this creates another connection between Bill Clinton, Frank Giustra and David Flintstone, which is already worth the while. Goes to show that the relationship is deeper than just via the Clinton Foundation.

Now, something puzzles me: the registry mentions that this is a .. non-profit! Why on earth would anyone register a packing company as a non-profit as if packing was a philanthropic activity?

EDIT: It appears that the company record quoted by OP from Bizpedia is inconsistent with the official Arkansas business registry (see child comments). Unless it is proven that it's the Arkansas registry entry that is false (very doubtful), this pretty much invalidates the lead and the entire thesis in this thread.

cantsleepawink ago

Maybe to feel the love ?

cantsleepawink ago


Google 'Bizapedia and AgileCraft' to see what I mean. AgileCraft is a software company whose VP is LJ ALEFANTIS. I believe that they are planting false information. If we do not check our sources we will be discredited as well as waste lots of time. (Note the street address of this so called packing company.) AND ARCHIVE EVERYTHING

r3dtr1x ago

I think you are right. I checked the Arkansas SOS website.

Totally defunct company. Different President and registered agent.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Whelp, Pack it up folks. Bill clintons home state government website, clearly says

"Nope, bill clinton is not involved in a sketch company you've never heard about... If he were, we'd tell you."

standalone ago

I'll be damned, you are right! This Bizapedia entry (archive) about the J & T Packing is inconsistent with the Arkansas registry. Here is the official record (archive):

Corporation Name J & T PACKING COMPANY, INC.

Fictitious Names

Filing # 100152178

Filing Type For Profit Corporation

Filed under Act Dom Bus Corp; 958 of 1987

Status Revoked

Principal Address


Agent Address 135 SOUTH JACKSON MAGNOLIA, AR 71753

Date Filed 10/23/1997

Officers SEE FILE,

Incorporator/Organizer JAMES ALAN TERIWILLIGER, President

Foreign Name N/A

Foreign Address

State of Origin N/A

And look at that address of the agent in the fake entry: "610 President Clinton Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201". This looks strange, a bit too much "in your face". Yet this is a real address! It it the address of the President Clinton Center, a controversial project started in Arkansas and funded in part by Marc Rich, a financier who was being prosecuted for fraud and tax evasion, and later received the presidential pardon from Clinton. Strange story... Unrelated to #pizzagate, but weird nonetheless. It's interesting who researching things around Clintons always leads to controversies, aborted investigations, bizarre legal setups, covered up affairs of corruption and pedophilia and accidental deaths...

Anyway, back to the point. You are right that we are being played. The Bizapedia entry is inconsistent with the Arkansas registry and links to another half a dozen equally bizarre Clinton owned entities that seem equally phony. Now the question is who is doing that and how? Could it be CTR trying to push us to make false claims, so that MSM can debunk our findings and discredit the entire effort? Could it be Trump side astroturfers who poisonned the well to make the Clintons look like they were hiding businesses? And how? Looking at Bizapedia, they claim to offer tools to perform due diligence and legal checks! With a fantasy database, really? Or is it Arkansas registry that is wrong?

We need to dig that shit. Clearly there is something spooky going on here.


pizzagate wasn't the target of this manipulation it seems. According to Bizapedia (inasmuch as what they say can be trusted at all), the last time the record was modified was 9/6/2016 which was a good month before #pizzagate started. No record in It seems that Bizapedia has a bad reputation and many people complain that the info is inaccurate, outdated, or even outright phony.

Going forward we should only accept as proof of a company's status and information official company registry entries.

@OP: this invalidates a lot of the research you have done. Please update your info using the official company registry, and see what still makes sense.

InfiltratingAuditing ago

Clinton Foundation Investigators were looking into all the companies at that time per the Clinton Foundation Investigation as a result of Uranium One and FBI Anon.

So, your leap of logic is invalidated. Please update your information using the facts you failed to present.

boobasaurus_tex ago

Maybe a stupid question since I lurk here infrequently, I'm not up to speed. But does anyone ever check the county public tax and property records on this stuff? Usually "countyname"appraisal district is the website for property records. Official records, deeds, etc can be found by a google search to get you to the website. my county is eagle'countyname'org, but idk what others are.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago




THE ONLY THING THAT DOESN'T HAVE A TRAIL, IS J AND T. .... and you're Saying that a different Source that Has a Filing that been revoked and inactive, with different people, IS WHAT DISCREDITS THE SOURCE THAT IS ACTIVE WITH GOOD STANDING... HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE?



Your defense is that the ARKANSAS state website, doesn't have the information that I provided, so that must mean my information is false? Fuck you. Even though the two seperate sources that have no reason to lie, say the same thing? It's only .GOV that has discrepancies.

Why don't you look in the Missing person websites run by the government as well.

AreWeSure ago

Why is the Clinton Center controversial? It holds the presidential library and in partnership with the University of Arkansas, a school for public service where you can get a Master's degree.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Why is the fact that it holds a presidential library, and is in partnership with a university, In your comment at all?

What are you insinuating by stating those facts? That there's nothing to worry about?

Is that legitimately the point you're trying to make... Or dId I misinterpret why you brought up that information?

DO you think this is reddit? Where fellow retards/shills, are going to up vote your comment, as if you've actually made a point, or contributed something of substance.

abortionburger ago

Might I recommend archiving this thread and then deleting it? If it is indeed debunked, I could still see MSM grabbing onto it and ignoring the fact that we disproved it, still using it to their advantage.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago




trust us, this company isnt a plant to distract from other things, this has been purposely hidden from public

r3dtr1x ago

Bizapedia aggregates data from Secretary of State business filings. It's legit.

billcaseyABC ago

Check my posts elsewhere in this thread. You're right that the bizpedia entries don't sync with Arkansas SoS...but don't just jump to the conclusion that Bizpedia was hacked by CTR or something.

Consider that the State of Arkansas is packed with long-time Clinton really don't think they could get one of their shell company's filings modified on the official state database?

This is a spooky af, and we should pursue all the angles, but let's refrain from declaring "ITS A REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY PSYOP" until we find more evidence

standalone ago

you really don't think they could get one of their shell company's filings modified on the official state database

You are right that this can't be entirely excluded. Reworded "fake" into "inconsistent" for the sake of precision. That being said, many elements point to Bizpedia being the one that is fake. First Bizpedia has got very bad reputation: there are plenty of very negative customer reviews claiming that records are phony or outdated. Next, Chelsea Clinton is a registered shareholder which is strange because the company was incorporated in 1997, and back then she was only 17 and therefore not legally independent. Last but not least, the address of the incorporation agent on record didn't even exist in 1997: the "President Clinton Avenue" was named at the time the President Clinton Center was constructed in 2001. Beside all the other independent business registries all have the same address as the Arkansas registry.

Another thing to consider is that business registries are not the only record of business creations. New businesses creations are gazetted, so there must be a paper trail of the creation of this firm, and changing its status silently would conflict with the official paper trail and all the copies of the statuses that were created from the official registry. I'm not saying that this would be beyond what corrupt politicians can do: we have seen much more crazy stuff. But it would be unnecessarily risky to do that because should it be exposed, people would start doubting the reliability of business registries, and shareholder registries, and company ownership, and property ownership, and (why not?) birth registries as well, which means it would be possible to create electors out of thin air with a bit more trickery... Wait, didn't Trump claim that actually happened? Oh well...

Anyway, unlikely. My money on the hypothesis that Bizpedia is full of sh*t

let's refrain from declaring "ITS A REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY PSYOP" until we find more evidence

Well, you are stretching that farther than the ideas was toying with. Given the last update date on Bizpedia, I don't think this was modified to trick #pizzagate. This arrived 2 months before the election though, so it's likely to be election related. That being said, I looked for a related hoax, and couldn't find anything.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


cantsleepawink ago

Archive everything. Because if we are being played we need proof.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

We are not fucking being played. That's retarded fucking notion. You have misunderstanding what you're looking at .


standalone ago

done, links in the post

C1REX ago


cantsleepawink ago

if you find anything interesting please archive it. Just think of the scale of this and the implications if we are being played. Most definitely there's a huge trafficking network and they are trying to get rid of our network of whistleblowers. The MSM will not do their jobs. The system has no checks and balances (except us). We must be smart about this. Archive everything.

Stab ago

Frank Guistra was also involved in the Uranium One deal:

kingforpres ago

My sarcasm tank is empty, normally that question should be slow pitch softball.

Thrash57 ago

i like this comment a lot.

Godwillwin ago

Hmmmmm. I haven't read the comments yet, but definitely stinks that they are all "directors" of a shipping company?? Good job. Gonna check the comments now. Hoping they've helped shed some light on this stinky pack

RainingPiss ago

Archive it and back it up. I think this is a great find

zoupSER ago

this book is interesting....

wellington33 ago

We need everyone eyes in this.

2impendingdoom ago

FYI -- JIT is a business process system that means "Just in time" where suppliers keep raw (or parts) materials travelling in a pipeline for efficiency and to reduce storage/inventory. It requires shipping materials on strict schedules and hoping that there are no fuckups in shipping that could cause any shut down of manufacturing. So the question is, what are they shipping and to whom?

msgtw123 ago

Great find!!! There is something to this, some sort of corruption. its something that should be dug into further, to see if there is any relationship to Pizzagate.

Thateurogirl ago

Weird the Bizpedia lists it as a Non-Profit. The Arkansas SOS website is odd : Same created date,same filing number,lists as revoked and for profit.

Godwillwin ago

All of their "non-profits" just make me sick. These people are scum of the Earth-- just the lowest vile creatures. Thank our Father in Heaven that Clinton didn't win!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

This is their old filing. the have a current one as well. But yes. that is weird as well. Will look into it tomorrow.

Thrash57 ago

Uhhh... well you know, despite you saying to check them, i did not, but i will now.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


Thrash57 ago

Nice find! Maybe we could check other businesses on President Clinton Avenue.

Also, for a company that cant be found, the Bizapedia link was updated in September. It seems like the company is still a company.

billcaseyABC ago

refer to my posts in this thread. There are several businesses listed at 610 President Clinton Avenue in Little Rock, including the Clinton Foundation and an at-risk youth charity.

Many of those people listed in bizpedia have MAJOR connections to the Clinton Foundation and the child-saving (trafficking) NGO world.

This is a fucking MASSIVE bundle of potential leads

Pizzatemp420 ago

Definitely has to be something. A company with a board of directors with that kind of power, with zero internet footprint....sounds extremely implausible. I say, keep fucking searching! Have you dug through wikileaks for that company?

ThorTheWonderful ago

Funny you mention that. I was investigating a cognitive research group (as in brain function) 2 years ago who's office is located in the same building as google and their board of directors had ZERO internet foot print except one who was a business starter type and seemed rather shady. I was able to get info on one or two of them but very slim, however one of the board members was connected to a pharmaceutical company located in Vancouver BC Canada. Seems legit for a bunch of neurologist types to be dealing with medicines right. But that was the only one who a neurologist. It seems to me they were studying through cognitive therapy, by assisting in head injury recovery, they collected brain function data which seemed to relate to development of AI technology. I can't recall the name of the out fit but my investigation took me off on many other branches as well. And I know google and Facebook are both heavy into the AI thing and are very fascist within their sites. Google and facebook are part of the huge propaganda machine and very key to control and manipulation of what we do and think.

Gumbatron ago

Looking at that address on google maps, there isn't even a sign on the wall with the company name (or any company name). Building could be consistent with a packing company (as in a removalist or similar) but only a small one. If it was a removalist though, there is nowhere to store any trucks, just a couple of loading bays for vans/small trucks. Wouldn't think the building is big enough for a warehouse for packaging supplies. Definitely not a head office for a company (zero windows in the building).

Whole thing seems pretty fishy to me. That's a ridiculously over the top board of directors for what appears to be a tiny company.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude I haven't dug through anything for anything it seems like. Add it to the fucking list.

No but seriously, Seems Like a good place to start in the morning.

Pizzatemp420 ago

No mention of it in wikileaks at all, although i haven't found a way to search the term 'j & t' because '&' is a search modifier and quotes don't seem to matter

Great work though. Seriously.