Verite1 ago

Thank you for your comment. Eye witness.

Sentastixc ago

Why does it say submitted by deleted? While the Submitter in the comments is not a deleted user?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

BEcause I deleted it. Apparently it only deletes me name.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Yeah. I agree as well...I will say, The owner Of the property, also OWNS a DIFFERENT COMPANY, That works in demolition. The Mayor said a local team had to come clean up the site and that it needed to have specific equipment... David F(the owner of the building that was destroyed) Owns a local clean up demolition company.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I wasted 10 minutes explaining what " Someone like you, couldn't understand after 45 mins reading" Do you understand the connection yet? or were you just a douche asking questions, knowing you wouldn't read the answers.

Since I don't trust your interpreatation of this comment, I'll clarify. I DO NOT KNOW, if this is connected or not. I'm simply show the possibility that it might be.... With a lot of "Coincidental" facts, and Suspicious circumstances.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. And the fact that they even knew it was a light bulb... Like, If you see a light bulb heat up some cardboard... You bought it out. Just like you said, fires don't spread instantly... So either you say the initial Light bulb set the fire, in which you could easily stop it from spreading... Or you didn't see shit.

That being said, It very well could be an insurance scam unrelated to pizzagate. But then you have to factor in some of the other coincidences highlighted.

CandyPanda ago

So did anyone know that this Dave Flinstone (Island Distillers) also has a foundation in the same name? Why would a small distiller have a foundation? Why do so many of these people have a foundation?

And his charity is not required to file:

More info, okay so the above mentions the same address, but this lists a different address: And that exact address is this:

Chayong Enterprises 220 Puuhale Rd Ste B3 Honolulu HI 96819-2294 USA

Verite1 ago

Because that is how you launder money!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

good stuff. Unfortunately I wasted all day trying to defend shit that I could have never envisioned as need defending.I'll check it out tomorrow

pizzagape ago

There's an Anthony Franjoine that received 2.2 Millon in gold coins. Source This was in 1990 and it was from the Catholic Church.

Not saying it's related or anything.

crazimal ago

Re: the fire Maybe suspicious maybe not. In a foundry operation using huge amounts of iron and steel at 2500+ temps plus oxygen other chemicals and enough electricity to power a small town, there is always a risk of fire. Fighting such a fire requires evacuation, fumes could actually kill people in a good radius. Demolition followed by site cleanup is part of making it safe.

Timing is the most suspicious: connected to CF, CF doing poorly, therefore any bribes paid will not be recouped, business may fail would be the logic. Re: connections via corporate agents, registrations addresses etc. Are these connections merely because of using typical business service agencies who provide legal presence, addresses, and legal shells to 100's of business clients? If so, the connections are probably bogus, due to coincidence. For example, how many other options than the one chosen do the companies/people have to get the same service in the same area? Is it like being connected by buying groceries at the only store in town? Or by buying crack in the same back alley? Convince yourself, and us, which it is.

I find it totally plausible that a crooked CF crony would pull an insurance scam in this timeframe, rats leave sinking ships...

GrislyAddams ago

Now that we've had the fake news, the fake shooter, and an article blaming us for poor sales; the next step is a fire that can be blamed on us.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Seems like there is definitely a Hawaii connection to the general pizzagate investigation.

Good research here lad.

Commonwombat ago

I love this and I love your sarcasm. I can see that you were finding things and trying to keep it coherent but there are so many facets to the CF connections that it's hard not to go off on tangents. Well done and thank you.

standalone ago

One general piece of feedback: you leap from point to point without developing / backing sufficiently (if at all) the connection, take tangents, then teleport back to another point you just remembered from one of the previous posts you made. You also edit back info in old posts so people who already read your post don't know what you are talking about because they didn't read the last update. And you also put some important suff in the comments. It may sound logical to you as the nature of the connection is clear in your mind, but that makes it very difficult to follow for anyone else.

I have the feeling that you are really onto something, but at the moment it's too scattered around and I really can't wrap my head around what you are trying to prove. Please gather all your notes from all your other posts as well as the original Hawaii post on which you started commenting, and make one clear expose of how everything connects together. Don't hesistate to over-explain. You can add tags like "(1), (2), (3) etc." to also point back to earlier references in the post. And also make sure that every fact that's needed to connect things together is backed by solid evidence. When you say things are side by side, an annotated google map snapshot would help a lot and save everyone the hassle of having to retrace all of your investigation step by step before they even know if it holds any water. I know there is a character limitation in Voat. Maybe you can make a post on Steemit (recommended as censorship resistant) or Medium and then link to your post from here.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

" You also edit back info in old posts so people who already read your post don't know what you are talking about because they didn't read the last update. And you also put some important suff in the comments. It may sound logical to you as the nature of the connection is clear in your mind, but that makes it very difficult to follow for anyone else."

I'm just reading this comment now... And I agree with you 100% I Ran out of room in my post to add all of the Updates, So I had to determine what I thought to be the most important... I should have just made a new comment, But I was worried it wouldn't be seen.

I've done A LOT of research, and uncovered A LOT of relevant infromation. Information I'm more certain about then the information in these posts...

Unfortunately I decided my first attempt at conveying my findings, would be with the information I'm least certain about, and hardest to explain... This was a few days ago, So I forgot what my motivation at the time was, But I remember thinking, "Now would be a good time, to drop this, Even though I'm not done researching myself."

But I just want to say, I'm trying to prove the extremely evil government corruption facing this country.Not every post, Needs clear cut, "This is exactly what happened, here is the concrete evidence". Most of us are not presenting Information to a jury, as a prosecutor...

FIrst we need to figure out what the fuck needs to be researched more. I was simply stating some facts, that connect my information, to the clinton foundation... Some facts that have never been mentioned and angles that have not have been looked into (To my knowledge.)

Maybe people did look into some of these angles, prior to my post, But never mentioned them becuse they didn't deem it relevant... Or maybe they weren't looked into at all.

It's not my responsibility to Know with 100% certainty before posting...It is my responsibility to post information that I feel need to be looked in more thoroughly, If I can at least provide information as to why I feel that way. As you've stated and I agreed to, It was disorganized as fuck... But I Believe I provided enough information, To justify my making of this post.

But Like I said, I agree with you when you say it was disorganized and I was jumping around, In addition to letting "the clarity" in my head, affect my presentation of how this is relevant.

I've learned my lesson, and will Undoubtedly make sure all future posts are clear, and concise.

justanotherone2 ago

Alas he might have a point or he might not but he is so bad at presenting his case and so "prickly" (understatement) to deal with to get answers, I know I won't be the one to help him cheer-lead his case. If I had admin privileges he would be kicked or severely warned.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago good thing you don't do shit, except make comments like this, and post deliberate disinformation. You fucking retard.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

And Thank you. that's a good IDea. But if you defend a shill. you're not helping me. I really dislike shill's and shill defenders. I admit it's hard to tell true shills nowa days... But that's why I said at the beginning of my post. I will tolerate people who are cunts for no reason, you have no excuse to be a cunt if we're on the same side.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Well I'll Tell you. Wait.. Did you not read the post? Or what. W.e I'll Tell you.

The Address we have for david flintsone Is In A town Founded by henry Kaiser. If You look at google maps, The 4th Closest BUildings ( Which are across the street From the hawaii Loaction) Which are several schools and yadia yada yadaa

So who Is Henery Kaiser you asked? (Again, Did you not read the post? Because I'm copying and pasting because I don't have time for this)

He established the KAISER SHIPYARDSwhich built Liberty ships during World War II (Bethlem steel subsidary company, Bethelehm Shipping Corporation, More on Bethelem bellow)after which he formed KAISER ALUMINUM(have not researched) and KAISER STEEL(have not researched)

Kaiser organized Kaiser Permanente health care for his workers and their families. KAISER PERMANENTE IN HAWAII Also KAISER HEALTH HAWAII Have not researched

KAISER FOUNDATION, NEXT TO CLINTON FOUNDATION, D.C. KASIER FAMILY FOUNDATION (Have not looked at buisness filings for kasier in different states yet..)

Kaiser foundation focuses on major health care issues facing the nation. U.S. role in global health policy. The Foundation states that it is a non-partisan source of facts and analysis, polling and journalism for policymakers, the media, the health care community, and the general public ACCORDING TO THE WASHINGTON POST, is known for having the "most up-to-date and accurate information on health policy[2]" and as a "must-read for healthcare devotees." mmhm I'm sure, just like I'm known to cure cancer with my cock. KAISER FOUNDATION AID/HIV (remember Clinton Aid/hiv foundation)


CLinton HIV/AIDS, Kasier connect


More Kaiser Clinton[here(

Ok? Can you follow that much? We'll go from there. But I Feel you need special help. so we'll go step by step.

EDIT: Fuck it.

So There we gave you about 8 examples of how the kaiser foundation and clinton foundation are connected. I picked 8 because it' my favorite number, Feel free to continue to research clinton kaiser connection on your own.

If you've already forgotten why kaiser is relevant, I'll refresh your memory.

WEll The Hawaii Address OF david Flintstone, That is address that is On it's own power grid, Seperate from the rest of the county. Also Has an astounding number of other Industrial marvels, For such a simple place in hawaii. I believe it's own Drainage system. The own that was there prior to Flintstones purchase, Was removed. That's a tough feet. It's weird He's able to do all of these things IN hawaii!! they have insane Zoning laws. I think it's only worse TO California? DOn't quote me on that. But take a look at the link I have in my post.

So that address Is located In the town Founded by Henry Kaiser. and 8 of the closest buildings from the flintstone address are named after Henry Kaiser.

So, You said you wanted me to focus on the connect between Kasier, and Bethlehem? Because Even you could see that it was weird connections bethlehms owner has with clinton.

So you're right in saying that the Betheleh and kasier connection is the weakest point. I never Once insinuated otherwise. But lets see what we have

Bethlehm steel plant location, Was bought By david Franjoine He too specializes In steel, STEELWORKS actually. Kasier also specializes In Steel, Kaiser Steel, and again, Clinton has the same address as david in 4 states, and close proximity in others.

So What Else Does David Franjoine do? Well He has Companies specializing IN Construction, Mining, Steel manufacturing, Demolitions, PIPELINES. Real estate. ETC. ETC

Basically Everything. They all specalize in everything. David Franjoine, Kaiser, and here's a fun fact.

This fire was actually at the Site of the old Bethlehem steel factory.

Bethlehem steel was one time the Second biggest Steel manufacture in the country... As Well as America's second-largest shipbuilder... Guess As to who number one was? "KAISER PERHAPS? HE WAS THE FATHER OF SHIPBUILDING" Yeah both Bethelehem and Kasier Worked On producing and manufacturing ships for world II

They also Collaborated On The Hoover DaM and Golden gate bridge... Wait, Don't quote me on the bridge, I'll double check . But w.e They basically were two of the biggest best in their areas of expertise.

And like I said, The Kaiser connection to David Franjoine, Is by far the weakest link in the post. So maybe Don't worry about that connection as much as the other ones that are super suspect.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

" hear me out: the cities where these entities are in close proximity to each other are all high-density urban environments where buildings are often specialized around the type of entities residing in them (i.e. charities, law firms, medical insurance firms, PR firms). Specialties "

Dude. that's exactly one of the reasons I'm not certain... But then it's two... and the then three.. and then 4 states with the same fucking address.

But no I agree with what you're saying. My only goal was to make this known, and see where it goes. Honestly; I probably should ahve just made separate posts, and then linked them in order since theres so many different components.

justanotherone2 ago

There are 2 things One is the evidence you are trying to present, the other is the picture you are drawing with that evidence. I don't understand what you are claiming, what is the motive? Are you hoping we will find out for you? Why is this in Pizzagate? Even if the intentionally touched a building because trump won, I don't get why, why does it matter?

Verite1 ago

Think of it like a spool. The Clinton foundation as a wheel, the center of it at the moment it's pizza gate but everything walks out from there. We started with the emails it brought us to Comet, we see all the faces that interact with it, it can be traced snail step by snail step and it leads to this. The OP has left no space in between the breadcrumbs. Bravo! If you don't think a fire of this magnitude linked to the entities that are the CF, I can't help you. If you have read all of the material, that is!

SpikyAube ago

Surely the implication is that when Trump won, it scared someone into thinking they needed to get rid of a load of evidence, maybe?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

What's your next question.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

EDiT: you're a fucking retard. WHAT IS THE EVIDENCE !? WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING TALKING ABOUT. I'm PRESENTING FACTS YOU STUPID FUCK. Can You not comprehened why this may or may not be relevant? You're legit flabbergasted? jesus fuck.

Dude. I don't know why bother answering this. But why would a company, That shares the same address with clinton foundation, In 4 different states, and in two states a half mile apart, matter?

Why would it matter that David Franjoine, who shares an address with the clinton foundation in 4 states, and is Half a mile a part in two other, HAD HIS BUILDING BURN DOWN, WHEN THE PERSON WHO HE SHARES AN ADDRESSES WITH IN 4 SSTATES, LOST A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION! THIS IS YOUR FUCKING QUESTION YOU NEED CLARIFIED?

Dude. AGAIN. I'm not even saying that is what happened, BUt you can't understand how that MIGHT be relevant? Is this really what we're working with here?

Clinker ago

No reason to attack. I wasted ten minutes of my life reading this and I have no idea what the point is. It doesn't help to be insulting. If you are not able to concisely point out what the claim is, can somebody else step in? This might not have anything to do with Pizzagate but this sounds like it might be another big scandal with the CF.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Have you realized that clinton foundation is the focal point of pizzagate yet? If you didn't realize this at the time of you comment, I can't imagine anythings changed. If you have, Good on you. More eyes the better, Just don't need those eyes focused solely on pizza, Since it's simply one piece of this 10,000 piece puzzle.

And I'm not saying you should pay attention this post, I'm just saying you should get a grasp of what you're supposed to be researching. (As IN EVERYTHING, that is connected to the clinton foundation... Everyone that is connected to clinton foundation.)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

You're a fucking moron if you think pizza gate doesn't involve CF. I'm only insulting to those who speak down to me. I have all the time in the world to answer legitmate questions. If you're a condescending douche before saying anything of substance, I have no time for that.

klondike1412 ago

Just to clarify, the major implication is that the Bethlehem fire is insurance fraud? Or is it an excuse to release toxic fumes somehow? If there were more ties to insurance or a summary of how Clinton directly stood to benefit from this, it may make it a bit more clear. Not everyone's a shill, some of us either can connect the dots but want credible sources to point others to who may not have the same background, or have a hard time following many parallel investigations without good executive summaries. We all need to explore our own rabbit holes, but provide concise conclusions for others to avoid duplicating work.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

"just to clarify, the major implication is that the Bethlehem fire is insurance fraud? Or is it an excuse to release toxic fumes somehow? If there were more ties to insurance or a summary of how Clinton directly stood to benefit from this. "

Dude. What you're asking is out outrageous. Why the fuck would I speculate on something like that. I'm just giving the facts.if you can't see them as relevant, then carry on. I don't understand why you're trying to figure out a motive before you solve the crime. That's the stupidest shit i've ever heard. That's how you fuck shit up, That's why i wasn;t doing it.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I wrote my last comment with out reading the last two sentences. GET FUCKED SHILL.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

DUDE! WHAT IS THE MOTIVE FOR WHAT. there is no single answer to a single question man. Come on. I said, Just spent time writing a thoughtful fucking response to you're originally idiotic question, asking you to please clarify what YOU want clarified, and you reply with the same fucking thing you said in your first comment.. What the fuck. I don't have time for this shit. ASK A QUESTION ABOUT A SPECIFIC PART . I Just presented a shit ton of different parts, it's insane for you to inquire a single answer with that question.

thatguyiam ago

All these newbs gotta learn. If it was credible evidence and it was for a good cause, they wouldn't give a shut who presents the discovery.

Too many fucking shills here lately. OP and his bum buddies new here too.

Fucking run your evidence by the elders, son! Then you wouldn't be bitchwhining about your post remaining stale.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Who are you talking to.

justanotherone2 ago

I don't get why this is in Pizzagate? You obviously believe it belongs here but after reading the whole first post it feels like a shaggy dog story. Could you not start out with a synopsis first? Why would they set fire to this? Was it part of a child trafficking ring?

amCassandraAMA ago

the second part is in a post because too many letters for a single thread post.

Essentialy it shows the connection between the CF and Haiti through Kaisers

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. Child Trafficking is a single aspect of what this all entails. You know that. You know it's Trafficking of every kind. If you didn't know that, now you do. If someone in the future to tell you that Child tracking is what this is all about, be weary of what else they say, without knowing this crucial fact.

That being said, All I'm looking for is whether or not people think this is important or relevant to anything else. I'm not asking if after they read this post, Do they think a trafficking ring is under way. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

Personally, I do feel like this is could be very relevant, based on the facts I've found. I don't know what the end outcome is, and I'm sure no one does.

OK. as argumentative as this might sound, I'm truly not trying to be. IN fact my motive was to get feed back as to whether or not these facts seem relevant to everything that's come before these facts. OR if they thought it did not, and could say why.

I don't feel comfortable making allegations about specific things I have no way verifying... I am trying to stick things that are undeniably facts.* I'm not going to attempt to Say what was burned. That facts, Should lead you to a a possibility of why there was a fire though, Correct?

I am happy to try and clarify specific questions you have, Because I'm sure you're not the only one.

But you need to give me a specific example of part you're confused on. Or a few, Or as many as you want. But just pick one, at a time and I'll explain that part. But I Can't explain the entire post, MORE SPECIFICALLY In a comment to you.

Ya know? So I am happy to clairfy your questions, But it needs to go past " I don't get it"

justanotherone2 ago

You are incredibly prickly. I tried to understand your case and you might have one or not, I can't tell, but the way you speak to people, ugh. Take a chill pill and figure out how to tell your story more clearly. First just lay out the basic claim, don't worry about evidence just give the basic outline of what you are accusing them of. Make this the top of your post. Then below provide the evidence that hopefully backs up what you are trying to say.

Also there ARE some shills here and idiots no doubt, but don't assume someone is one of trying to undermine you automatically just because they don't get what you are saying. I am not a shill, and I am not the only person to fail to quickly and easily comprehend the nature of your claim (besides some arson for initially unclear reasons). Also you say there is more that child trafficking etc... But PizzaGate is about that and so ideal posts should be on that subject and if they somehow aren't and are still posted here is should mention that it is mildly off topic (Clinton related but not to Pizzagate).

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

DUDE listen. I honestly think I got confused In my replies... I'm sorry, I was like replying to three different threads, and weaving in and out of conversations. I don't even know. I'm sorry, If I was dick. I honestly don't even know waht I said to you because its so fucking hard to back track conversations on voat... (My only critique, and maybe I just havent figured it out yet)

I will say. I believe either you or I have a misunderstanding of what pizza gate entails... CLINTON FOUNDATION Is the one of biggest part of pizzagate. Pizza gate is the shitty title we got stuck with via bad voting process. PIzza gate has pizza and pedophilia involved, but by no means is that the entirety of this situation.

Or am I confused about what pizza gate entails. IF It is in fact, only pizza pedophila related, Then we need an emergency conference thread changing that. Or is there a third possibility Im not considering?

justanotherone2 ago

Thanks for that. Yes Voat is bad for trying to back track conversations.

IMO Pizzagate is about the Pedophilia connection and the creepy would connected to it, which seems to include cannibalism. I agree it's not a great name and it isn't as all inclusive of other connected areas of corruption connected to this corrupt scum.

But I think it's too late to change the name, however another name should be found for the other subjects that are not directly related to children or pizza in some way.

Clintongate? Emailgate?

MAGABoomer ago

Could be the fire and moving all the people out of the neighborhood was a cover for moving something out of the warehouse? But what? Arms, people, something other people would likely notice being moved? So something needing large trucks? Why after Trump was elected? It is curious.

flyingcuttlefish ago

adding a link to this to my post on Clinton Foundation and Hawaii ....

carmencita ago

This smells rotten to me. Anyone not even being a detective can see through the lines that they don't really want to release any real information. It seems they change the story right after they give the facts (although probably not true) when they are not even doing any real investigation. Where there is smoke there is usually a fire, I think it is obvious the building was in the way. Only to prove it.

peteczar ago

I'm trying to comprehend all this but it's a real mess.. for starters you spelled "Bethlehem" about 9 different ways, you slipped in a lot of crass jokes.. it makes it very hard to actually read and digest. I'll try again later when my headache subsides.. maybe you should just list 10 or so relevant key points without explanation, and then we can go and look at the explanation if we want to.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

EDit: Don't lie when addressing my post please. I don't want people persuaded by your dishonest analysis. I don't make a lot of crass jokes, I do not spell betqxqwqlaham nine different ways. I used the word twelve times, Added an extra L once, and typo the other.

IF you actually wanted to contribute anything of relevance, You could have. But you didn;t do anything. you gave a horrible suggestion and acted like a douche. I agree It can be more organized. BUt it's not like " OH MY GOD WHAT IS ALL OF THIS AHHHH MY HEAD HURTS" No. Chances are you;re just a douche bag, Or you're just retarded. Obviously both is a possibility.

You could go line by line, and tell me things that are factually wrong or don't make sense, OR hard to follow etc.

But do you not understand that you're being a dick for no reason, and not actually saying anything worth listening to?

And mostly because you're a dick. I mean, The list of 10 things isn't a horrible idea... But it's not great, and it's for not great enough to ignore the part where you were an unnecessarily condescending dick.

It's called constructive criticism. It makes people better people. Your chose of communication, doesn't it hurts everyone. Now I'm wasting time and energy, being annoyed with you. And that factor means theres no good outcome for you either.

You know what I mean? What did you actually expect to happen, after making that comment.

IF you have an opinion on the information itself, Or have a suggestion without being a cunt., I"m all ears. But I've got no ears for unnecessarily douchey douche bags, like yourself.

Tell me how to make this better, But I'm not going to listen if it comes from a dick.

CWenstra ago

I'm sitting at my desk less than 5 miles from where this building is/was. I'd love for someone to find out if there is a connection beyond what you've laid out. Good luck man!

Verite1 ago

Go interview ppl in the hood.


Dude, wow... just.. wow..

I've read and re-read what you posted. You seem very, very proud of your work and I can tell you spent a lot of time researching this and and looking for kudos, so I will give you some. Kudos to you, good job making these connections.. But please, for those of us who clearly aren't as intelligent as you are, can you break it down all simple-like?

You've presented a massive wall of facts, and given no reason for doing so. You've linked all these people and businesses to the Clinton Foundation, but I can't seem to find where you are providing any kind of theory, claim, or even asking any more questions. Please clarify what's in your head, clearly there's a lot running through your brain and we are not psychic.

amCassandraAMA ago

dude you need to calm down. You found great stuff with finding a link between them, dont let it get discredited because you were tired when you wrote it.

Rearrange reorganize spellcheck and post again when this thread gets buried (which it will on this voat mess) this need to be seen. For now people are discreting the link between the CF and Haiti, if we can link them to Kaisers were closer to the goal.

Verite1 ago

Oh my god if they are discrediting any links to Haiti we have a real problem may day. It's all about fucking Haiti.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Oh. In regards to CF Haiti and kaiser, My guess Is It'll be in regards to the Global HIV/AIDS initiative. I'm saying that Based on doing zero reserach about those specfics, but that's where I'll probably start tomorrow.

Dressage2 ago

I think you have some great info. Looking forward to your research on Kaiser.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Thank you. I Will do that for sure..

But you know you can't tell people to calm down, when the person you're telling to call down, thinks they are justified in being not calm.(Regardless IF they are or not)/

And I think I am. Fuck those people. I don't need to calm down. Because fuck them. There are two types of people involved in this. People that are trying to find truth, and those trying distribute it.

If you're going to comment on a post like this, being a cunt for no reason, before you even say anything of substance. You're in the latter group. Tensions are too high, and this shit is too unprecedented for fucks to be getting in the way by being dicks. Regardless of what their true intentions are. If you think this post is nonsense, But you also want to find the truth, Then convey that without being a douche. Because there's nothing positive that can possibly come from being a cunt for no reason. If I see a post that I disagree with, I explain it to them, I'm not a dick to them, because I know we're trying to accomplish the same thing, and I know what Might not make sense to me right away, Makes perfect sense with proper context.

EIther be cordial, Or be assumed to be a shill. Because if you're not a shill but you're not at least cordial, Then you're part of the problem too. I've spent way too much time and effort on this, not to mention the shit I've done prior to this, To give any cunt the time of day... Ok, well that's not true because I usually spend 5 minutes bitching them out. I'm just saying. Lets not be cunts to each other, if we're actually trying to accomplish the same thing.

**The thing is. Even If you don't think something relevant, You have no right to be a cunt, or dismissive about that theory. Chances are, you don't know the whole picture, (as these fucks had made perfectly clear,) Because every fucking theory at the forefront of this research, was dismissed time and time again, some of mine included. Many of which would never have been known if it werent for random luck.

So that's why I get fed up with these fucks. I know anyone actually worthwhile in this research, wouldn't address me and this research in the manner those cunts have. Done End rant.

That being said, I appreciate your comment. I have a lot of shit that Can now be added and hopefully tomorrow I will have time to organize it thoroughly.

amCassandraAMA ago

I say that because I can clearly read out of the language you use and the capslock and all that you are highly agitated, and I just had to take 1 day off of this ride, to secure my own health. That state is ofc highly appropriate. But we have to stay functional, to stay good soldiers in this.

The best method I yet found to sabotage shills is forcing constructive discussion at all situations. That makes most of their tactics unusable, except planting false leads. And we are so many people that these dont stay long.

@CF yeah I have no idea at all about the global hiv initiative. But the Haiti connection gets attacked in multiple threads, so further evidence of them linked is welcome

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Oh my god, I know I'm embarrassed... I mean, not about the irrational anger, but the excessive use of caps lock :/ I look back at some comments and just cringe.

In my defense... I got in a bad caps lock habit while making this post. ya know, so that it's some what easier to follow certain key things, lol. But yes. you read me like a book. Woo Sa. And hopefully you know none of that was directed at you.

And I agree with everything you say... In there defense, I don't even know if they were actual shills, But I just wanted to convey the point that being a dick from the start will make you look like a shill. Or I don't even know what my fucking point was anymore. Tomorrow's a new day.

Keep me posted IF you find anything as well. at least in regards to haiti connect.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I know. I will. Honestly dude, I had plans to do a lot of shit after this, BUt I was just trying to gauge other peoples thoughts before going head first only to have it be nothing. I've started to do that like 10 times, with 10 different projects. I'm a disorganized cunt. Do you have any suggestions for programs or apps that would be the best way to go about doing that?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Of course he was. Thanks man.

We_The_People ago

To the TOP!!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. This shit ain't going anywhere. And I'm having a hard time understanding why not... TO the point I feel like I'm crazy or something.... BUT THEN SOMEONE AT LEAST SAY THAT, we can't just ignore shit like this. It's either a crazy good lead, or a waste of time. Any feedback is appreciated. Feel free to repost at will. I've tried too many times, granted I only tried the easy to follow version once.

2Jackie-Bodiou ago

It seems fishy to me. Like they are hiding evidence They demolished the building before their was even an investigation? Really weird the way their story changed. Weird that they evacuated the neighborhood. I think you're on to something! Great research!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Thank you man. I know something sketch went down, But it's a matter of whether or not It was related to this. Hopefully it will be come a bit more clear one way or the soon. I have a good amount of time tomorrow, that I'm unfortunately going to spend on this.

derram ago :

Clinton: Clinton Foundation helped 9 million with lower-cost AIDS drugs | PolitiFact Global News Service

This has been an automated message.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I couldn;t even add this part to my post, (over character limit) I am by no means Spamming, But This is a much more digestable, easy to follow version, Of my post from 5 hours ago. IF you've read that post in the last hour, I've edited it to be the same as you see here. If you have not read my last post in the last hour, this has more info and sources. SORRY. and thank you.

*EDIT: Alrght, I'm going to be an annoying cunt one last time.... I know everyone is busy as fuck with a variety of shit...but I REALLY would appreciate ANY input, Because I have a lot of other things, That might be relevant, But It's almost impossible for me to explain how or why, without being called a shill, or retarded, in addtion to needing to make post 10 times as long as this, I guarantee no one wants that...

Good, bad neutral... All Is extremely welcome. Seriously, Bad is good in my book, so i can move on... but you just have to explain why. Some of Biggest my nonsensical ramblings that have have been dismissed with out justification, have unfrotunalety ended up validated. So please tell me why I'm, or what is wrong.

Sorry, and THANK YOU again.




  1. This was the third Fire in lackawana in the last year... The part I can't confirm as fact, but will look for the link, all the fires happened in the same industrial park, specifcally the buildings owned by Great Lakes Industrial (The same owners as the fire we just talked about)

  2. Dr. bob's storage was destroyed, burning luxury cars and boats. something that I can not confirm as fact, is that some planes were also in the storage unit... When asked about cars and boats being in the storage, the MAYOR didn't hesitate to say yes, But when asked about planes, Said he couldn't comment on that.

    • Even though this fire burned for 5 days, and everything was basically destroyed... DR. BOB's customer insurance paper work, was left unscathed.

OK, On to PART 2

Great lakes Industrial Owns the building that caught fire hours after the election... It is owned by David Franjoine


It should also be noted that These are not the only companies linked to david FRANJOINE. Many of this companies have subsidaries, Ranging from, STEEL PRODUCTION, MINING, DEMOLISHING, CONSTRUCTION, and REAL ESTATE... I Have yet to research the Environmental companies he's linked to.

The address for Great Lakes Industrial, 1330 Niagara Falls Boulevard Suite 207 Tonawanda, NY 14150 United States, Is the same Address listed as Several Other companies Belonging to David Franjoine.

Frontier Industrial Corporation

There are 5 different addresses David Franjoine, uses in new york.

  • 26 Mississippi Street Suite 400 Buffalo, NY 14203

  • 500 Seneca St Suite 504 Buffalo, NY 14204

  • 277 Hickory Buffalo, NY 14204

  • 2989 Daniels Rd Wilson, NY 14172

  • 1330 Niagra Falls Blvd. Ste 207 Tonawanda, NY 14150

  • Po Box 154 Lewiston, NY 14092


  • 1200 President Clinton Ave. Little Rock, AR 77201

  • 610 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201

They have multiple addresses in various states, but One of the two clinton addresses are linked to everything I'm about to post, as well as one of the 5 david franjoine.

  1. Frontier Industrial Crop shares the same registered address IN California as the william J clinton foundation in california

Franjoine address 26 Mississippi Street Suite 400 Buffalo, NY 14203

The officer Maura Pally Lives in New york.

1271 Avenue Of The Americas New York, NY 10019 Clinton Address

2. Frontier Industrial Corp Filing state In Illionis, shares the same address as BIll Chelsea and hillary foundation in Illinois

Franjoine address for illinois filling is listed as 2989 Daniels Rd, Wilson, NY 14172


Principal/mailing address for FIC 26 Mississippi Street Suite 400 Buffalo, NY 14203


610 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201


david Franjoine has a po box address as Po Box 154 *Lewiston, NY 14092


Clinton 610 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201


The registered Agent Was Ira C. Magazine.

Principal address was 1200 president clinton Ave, Little Rock. HALF MILE From Cutris investments location.(David Franjoine)

This is not a complete list of all the Clinton and Franjoine Buisness Connections if you go to Type in Clinton foundation, you'll get the full list

If you type in David Franjoine you'll get the full list of david Franjoine.

THIS IS THE FULL LIST VIA BIZAPEDIA, BUT NOT THE FULL LIST. As you can see... Great lakes industiral Is NOT listed there, Even though we connect the address of GLI to many addresses of david franjoine on that list... So we know it is the same person. so this is not THE COMPLETE list, of all companies he's involved with.

SpikyAube ago

Ahh, so that's how a building collapses due to fire - full of propane tanks and combustibles and burning for 5 days straight. Hmmm, where have I not seen this before?

bidentime ago

This is a really important contribution. One suggestion - Start with the information that the CF has the same registered addresses as the other companies in multiple states. This would help a reader to determine where this is going. Right now, there is a lot of information that seems to not have a clearly defined purpose, and then you unload the most pertinent info at the very end.

Start with the common address information. That raises a lot of red flags. Then start to define what the allied businesses are and the releveant company infor.

Really great info here. Don't get frustrated and give up. It looks to me like you hit on some major ties with potentially lots of good leads.

wellington33 ago

I saved everything, you sure there's something here? I'll keep saving anyway! Great work m8.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

No. Dude, I'm not sure of anything anymore. I'm sure that there a lot of interesting facts surrounding this, enough for me to think It should at least be looked into, Or at least not be completely dismissed.

wellington33 ago

Look for LUMOS. I already did it, but some people told me there was nothing to see there. What do you think?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I really appreciate it dude. And that is a really good IDea. Tomorrow I have off, So I'm going to attempt to stick to one thing at a time, Until completion. Im gonna shoot you a PM in a bit.

bidentime ago

Just wanted to touch base with you about this so you don't drop it. I think you are doing the right thing focussing in on the CF in ways that no one else is.

Verite1 ago

Me too. After watching every single George Webb video the Braverman series, that's our Nexus

lollipolli ago

the name magazine? i saw it on epstein flight logs.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Ira c. ? If i remember correctly... There's another magazine though, I think.

MAGABoomer ago

Try to find out what if anything might have been stored there that would have needed to be moved post Trump election, and that they'd need the cover of a fire as excuse to get neighbors out of the way. Arms? Drugs? People? If they were up to something perhaps there are police reports by neighbors, complaints, etc?