VeritateVivere ago

Some interesting research that links Clinton Foundation / Guistra & many other of the guilty

MysteryMachine ago Sorry for bad link...btw, it's called The Secret To Boys Club by a group called Young Filmmakers....

MysteryMachine ago

This Frank Guistra guy is a BIG sponsor of Vancouver Boys Club along with teacher/actor Jimmy Crescenzo...While Giustra provides more Clinton jet rides than Jeff Epstein his buddy Jimmy is in Vancouver BC teaching and mentoring young men....Here's a video that Jimmy stars in with some of his young students...Yea, it's a bit odd it's

popezandy ago

Dude I can't believe I am just learning of this. TY

popezandy ago

I have this on the master list of important leads along with lots of other stuff, so it doesn't stay buried down here.

Gretch ago

Has to do with Clinton Foundation and Columbia .The deals made down there and how worker are treated

looking4truth ago

Omg they changed their logo now

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Talked some serious shit on their facebook. I want fucking answers. Let's see them explain their way out of this fuckery.

21yearsofdigging ago

I know who started LionsGate and the tentacles. Also Giustra should really be looked into concerning the Pickton Farm and what was called Piggy's Palace. I personally have no proof of his involvement in this but I sure do with LionsGate.

ENTPenis ago

The name is pretty blatant too.

Scoundrel ago

But but, didn't you know? It's all fake news! All of the people put and bought into positions supposedly out to "help" children, seem to want to rape, torture and kill them as well.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Syrian kids being trafficked, wonder if its Ratcliff

SavingGrace ago

Carlos Slim apparently is of Arab Lebanese descent.

doubleunder ago

The guy in the picture posts a fair number of pictures in AZ. It looks like he lives there and is a big sports fan. The lawyer lives in MN?

To answer the post below. I was not trolling. I thought it was interesting to find a person with that name connected to something like PG so quickly off a name. The biggest issues with any hunt for info is actually confirming once you have found something interesting.

briguy24 ago

This is so creepy. We need to get these guys exposed publicly.

smoothassilk ago

nice find!

C1REX ago

Wow. Good find.

ploppy ago

I found this from the NY Times Haiti: Reconstruction Panel Meets. More than five months after the earthquake, with rubble still clogging the streets of the capital and some 1.5 million Haitians still homeless, the interim commission for Haiti's reconstruction met Thursday for the first time. The panel, chaired by former President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, met behind closed doors, but Mr. Clinton said that future meetings would be open. The commission announced $45 million in grants from Brazil and Norway to help the government close its budget gap and a $20 million fund created by Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman, and Carlos Slim Helu, a Mexican businessman, to provide loans for small businesses. Resolving central issues like debris removal and moving Haitians out of tent camps will take time, Mr. Clinton said. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] 6/18/2010, Vol. 159 Issue 55075, p8. 0p.

cantsleepawink ago

When I first saw this story (about 2 hours ago) I thought it was all a huge con because there is so much 'in your face' data on the web. Now I'm beginning to think otherwise. It's unbelievable. Archive everything!

baron_samedi ago

i'M looking into that too it is scary the links with the Haiti operation ,i'm afraid to post my findings but you are on the right path. From my understanding the Clintons are ruling over haiti, right now a new president as been elect ,the thing is nobody knows were is from he was refeer by the leaving president Martelly who him was help into power by the Clintons.

SavingGrace ago

The website, Haiti Chery, has some very good information on the Clintons and their involvement, CNN's and Digital's in the elections in Haiti

baron_samedi ago

nice, good infos. we need to find how and who get the fondation money in haiti, I have a idea but I cant find money trail, but panama papers leak might give a hint

h2d ago

Ding ding ding. Monica Peterson in Haiti - Clinton (Hillary)'s brother, Tony Rodham was given the exclusive gold contract to a mine to exploit the Haitian people's natural resources, despite him having a long history of personal scandals -- and no experience or knowledge whatsoever in mining.

h2d ago

What's up with that happy hearts fund on the "people also liked" part of the image -- bottom right.

isthisreality ago

-And tied to Barrick Gold, which is tied to fucking Soros --AND HE IS FUCKING TIED TO BEYOND BORDERS Holy shit.$6-million-for-peru-projects/

isthisreality ago

Wait. So you're saying Giustra- who has not only ties to the Clintons/government, has ties to Hollywood, Haiti, AND Carlos Slim? Wew lad...did you just find the link?


"BOY" "LOVE" post was posted about 6 hours ago and looks like it's a troll?

crosshairs ago

Detailed article on how Giustra met Clintons leading to many shared plan trips around the work and their charities. Chicago Tribute May 3, 2015 - The Clintons, a luxury jet and their $100 million donor from Canada

Among the local efforts he funds is an organization that provides mentoring for at-risk teenage boys in British Columbia. It once helped put a former gang member through college on the condition that the boy meet with Giustra every few weeks to provide updates on his progress...

doubleunder ago

jeffery metakuffar anderson "You are not alone. Seeking justice for survivors of childhood abuse is more than a job -- it's our cause."

anon67406 ago

Not sure if relevant, didn't see it, but on the Elpida subpage on the Radcliffe Foundation page here

this is in the photo gallery. I know it's the company's logo and everything, but it kind of looks like a kid's painting and is kind of weird.

CrackerJacks ago

Why would you add the company logo to children's wall painting?

cubes ago

Laurel Aston Ex CIA Operative Fighting Child & Human Trafficking & Slavery March 16, 2015 · Clintons new pedophile billionaire boys club at it again .Now you can really start to see the real filthy rich and I do mean filthy . This is the next pedophile ring to come down .Clinton does not just hang out with men that are not just like him . Money laundering child rapist who think they own the world because they run the Gulf Mexican Mena Cartel protected by the Nazi Skull And Bones Via the C.I.A.

Trumpwon-suckit ago

Did anyone else notice the comments from a fan on the first screen shot? The two words that are capitalized? Seriously?

PizzaAccount ago

I normally tell people to not make a big deal out of finding pedo symbols in logos and on sites. This is a case where it was done properly. Symbols can be good indicators that something else is going on, but isn't worth posting on it's own. In this case, the symbol was seen, more digging was done, and legitimate stuff was found. Good work.

pizzagateinvestigate ago


Nightbringer ago

Nice find.

AgainstCotton ago

From another Voater: Founder of Elpida worked for the Clinton's

tired_father ago

Same symbolism on the basketball backboard as found in Comet Pizza Sign (WTF) -

dougG ago

The same moon and star is on another mural at elpida!

ejd4500 ago

The start them young at any and every age - getting them used to the signs and symbols so that they're accustomed to associating them with good things.

tired_father ago

The "rainbow" may also allude to mk ultra

Christophalese ago

This is the real deal stuff right here, more of this kinda hard hitting evidence is what will take this over the top.

SavingGrace ago

Frank Giustra in a rare interview

Godwillwin ago

Can we sticky them to the top? This is pretty big- especially with the comment

isthisreality ago

lovely work.

AgainstCotton ago

I'd say this one is pretty clear cut.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I'll add you as a janitor and tell me if you can flair things

Chocolatemilk7 ago

Don't message or comment on their Facebook!!!

DonKon ago

did you see the pedo logo on goodhumor? think they are owned by unilever wonder who may be connected to them

CrackerJacks ago

GoodHumor is an ice cream brand by Unilever.

Here are another 48 brands by Unilever all with the same logo all around the world.

dookiehowzer ago

Unilever logo with satanic symbolism inbedded

kingkongwaswrong ago

we can flair but that requires someone with enough time and mental energy to figure out whats legit and not. you interested?

DentHouper ago

Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva. They include Frank Giustra,

Another Clinton foundation donor who had a HSBC account in the tax haven is Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender

FBI Director Comey was board member of HSBC – Clinton Foundation & Drug Cartel ‘bank of choice’

eyeofeve ago

There was a thread a day or so ago where some user had info but wanted some proof from a mod that he was genuinely on the side of the children in this issue and that this subverse wasn't a psych-op before he posted. Everyone started singing out shill and it became a shitfight full of suspicion on both sides. I wanted to register then reading that thread but didn't have the free time, to suggest that v/pizzagate should be like a central info place with links etc and latest news updates, but also create sub-subverses to specify in particular areas,e.g. one for the satanism aspects,one for the clinton ties,one for human traffickers, one for missing people, etc.etc. All tied back to the main thread somehow. I am not technically inclined, but I am an ideas person, and can help on some levels other than investigating by seeing the big picture and hopefully help hold the whole thing together in my contributions. I've said it before and I'll say it again here, who ever is running the wiki at link is the best I've come across in the mass of information we're having to sieve through for concise,up to date (so far it seems) information.It's hard for me to find a daily concise update every morning.This person has to sieve thru the same shit as the rest of us to compile this stuff.And then write it up with links etc. Imagine if they/us could go to one spot where people posted breakthroughs only, and no time wasting through sieving through things/opinions of lesser importance. Great comment!

VoteOrDie ago

I mostly disagree with setting up additional subverses. At least in my experience with Reddit, unless there is clear censorship or a crazy amount of posts (like the_donald) then what we should be doing is encouraging more users to frequent /new and upvote accordingly.

MurrueLaFlaga ago

If you're asking about a way to hold the post for your own sake, there is a "save" button below each post. If you're simply asking about aggregating or sticking a post for more visibility, well, that is a good question.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I took the logo and reverse image searched it. Funny theirs is the only result after cleaning up the logo, there were no other results for matching that image. But several results did come up all the same but in seemingly different languages. Not sure if the result URL will work but this is the results

The_Kuru ago

Maybe it's still got some roughness the way it's drawn so it matches only that one. Can you search a clean geometrically perfect version of the design and rotate it to each side and do 3 searches?

ThorTheWonderful ago

I don't have any graphics programs, only irfanview. I did clean it up a bit and made it black and white

The_Kuru ago

I'm just seeing this image search feature for the first time so doing a quick search about the feature it looks like you can drag any kind of of image into the Google image search box ( I only got phone so I can't do it ) and there should be some parameters that allow you unlimited similar hits. Like if you drag in a spiraling isosoles triangle it should give you many similar to it so you wouldn't want to click anything that will only give you exact results. I'll have to play around with it when I got my computer.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I don't yet know how to post a pic in here or I would post it.

ThorTheWonderful ago

The google reverse image search wants to add a key word which skews the results.

Hooliganscat ago

Try using another search engine

Precipitate ago

Maybe we should start using the wikileaks page.

dbstfbh ago

Not until we know it's not compromised.

Stab ago

What difference does it make?

Voat is public just like the page WikiLeaks specifically made to help in the investigation.

They've been investigating and verifying truth for over 10 years why the fuck would we not welcome the help?

Precipitate ago

Good call

RainingPiss ago


deplorable_pizza ago

The website for Elpida is this:

I also tried to look up @elpidafactory in twitter and it looks like that account was suspended. One other twitter account refrerenced it.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Wonder if that twitter account was one of the pedos exposed a couple weeks back??

Alois_sticklgruber ago

God, these sickos just flaunt it openly.

I hope they die slloowww

2impendingdoom ago

On his page, other section: pizzagate

CJJacobs ago

A 'web' seems like a more fitting format -- so all the connections can be clearly seen. Unfortunately, I don't know if the technology is out there to create a multicomment site that translates info in 'web' style. The closest thing I've seen is Jan Dyers "brain" technology over at

micha_ ago

Incredible avidavit. But the video is not there?

u-spez ago

search Hampstead Cover-Up on youtube lots of videos.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Sounds promising! You should consider making a post summarizing him. I keep seeing him pop up....

srayzie ago

I have a couple of people from Gab that will spread this like fire!

srayzie ago

Twitter! Use pizzagate hashtag.

letsdoitnow ago

can u develop? not sure if connected but i want to understand. i saw a twit from someone important speaking about how mining had no future. whats up with giustra and mining and uranium one and pizzate?

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Good find. Also wtf is up with "Heh Heh Heh" guy

IntelligentObserver ago

Found this logo on this website...WHAT THE FFFFFF????

piratse ago

Someone could just make an excel and grab relevant archives etc over time, then in a couple months post all the relevant things.

Ling_Ling ago

a lot of people should be doing this

LargePizzaWithGate ago

Chilling. This lead is a direct hit, wow this deserves some attention and is really the best post we've had in a week.

CJJacobs ago

Direct tie to Clinton:

BlackListMedia ago

That comment, "BOY...LOVE..." How fucking obvious is this???

GoingHAMradio ago

Looking a little bit into his profile, he has 13 followers.. One Here Oddly worked at some "pizza" thing

The other, Here seems to be very interested in the topic of pizzagate...

HeaCel ago

Scrolling to the bottom of his Facebook page he likes Pizzagate which is a pizzeria in Seoul, South Korea seemingly unrelated to this movement. However, the number 14 on his cover image reminds me of the number 14 on John Podesta's hand which everyone seems to have ignored. The myth of Osiris and Isis is a plausible explanation, and the line "phallus out of gold" reminds of Marina Abramovic's gold art. However, this is pure speculation and further research is needed.

I think I remember seeing the number 14 somewhere else too, but I have been all over the internet the last hours so I can't remember where I saw it.

(P.S. I have never before been on Reddit, 4chan or any website of that kind, and this is my first post so it might be inappropriate and perhaps better off as a new "thread". I wouldn't mind some guidance by the more experienced Redditers/Voaters.)

Edit: I remember where I saw the number 14 now. It was in a Podesta e-mail mentioning "feb 14 valentines day dinner".

GoingHAMradio ago

His cover picture appears to be in support of his favorite hockey teams players jersey number

But I did see a hashtag earlier somewhere that had read: #legalize14

ThorTheWonderful ago

I also noticed on an old Washington DC map the layout looks like the fish on Podesta's hand. I couldn't see a "14" but I didn't really analyze as I didn't see the relevance. But all stuff seems to be quite central to DC.

BlackListMedia ago

14... what is this..? Good eye.

Hebephilia - Hebephilia is the strong and persistent adult sexual interest in pubescent (early adolescent) individuals, typically ages 11–14 (Tanner stage)

Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.

28leinad82 ago

looking at the date of the comment he may have just been onto them and trying to make a joke.. but its creepy nonetheless and it only confirms our thoughts.

echo-sierra ago

Thankfully for us, he has a pretty unique sounding name that makes it easier to see his social media and other online activity. Apart from that creepy comment, his other comments appear on news and blog posts seem rather benign.

Edit - of course, he could have simply forgotten to log in under an alias?

BlackListMedia ago

Every clue must be looked into.. The guy could be making a joke, (most likely) or could be somebody who recognizes the symbol..

whorsquini ago

Maybe not. The guy is big on Lady Gaga and has no other pizzagate posts.

28leinad82 ago

try messaging the OTHER mods.... wasting your time with this one.

BlackListMedia ago

I don't think so, that creepy comment in the image? who is this guy? can we look into his online records?

28leinad82 ago

i meant the kingkong mod, nobody knows where he came from, i dont think hes on our side. The guy in the comment, the date of the comment is today, suggests he just noticed the logo and made a joke comment. But the Giustra link is potentially huge to look into!

BlackListMedia ago

I seen another comment that criticized the kingkong guy.. This scandal is nothing to joke about, there's probably a few of these people having their way with kids right now.. and the public is powerless..

O-nite ago

Well, check out the happy hearts fund- those look like the FBI pedo guide's hearts that mean "girl love" (it feels disgusting even writing that)

28leinad82 ago

i think this will go to the top, it's potentially a big one. Up to $100M donated, panama papers involved, pedo logo, a lot of comments about how special it is to work with Bill Clinton and how he can get things nobody else can, obvious creepiness in the "boys club" foundation... it goes on and on. I think this is a potential goldmine for a really solid lead.

bikergang_accountant ago

This pedo logo's not even a good graphic and it is often poorly executed. There is no way so many high value people with otherwise graphically perfect content would use such a logo, repeatedly over and over.

I also think boy's club is meant to hark back to boy's town which for anyone he was trying to "offer services" too would remember. He's trying to express value to people he wants to get money from and that's why he would add that logo. He needs to make the message clear to buyers.

Koched_Up404 ago

Frank Giustra is on the Clinton Foundation Board of Directors!

mathemagician33 ago

I made the following thread a few days ago:   Giustra is also associated with The NYT.

  In 2007, Frank Giustra and Bill Clinton launched something called the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership. Their stated purpose was to create “social and economic development programs in parts of the world where poverty is widespread, including Colombia, Peru, Mexico, and Haiti.” That morphed into the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI). The two men then brought in a third, a Mexican named Carlos Slim, who matched their initial $100 million fund.

Carlos Slim's net worth is more than $64.8 billion dollars. The richest man on earth is a Mexican telecom mogul, whose career's "most interesting parts" are his links to businessmen "suspected of involvement in Mexico’s so-called ‘Cartel of the Southeast." He is a Clinton associate and donor to the Clinton Foundation. In 2015, Carlos Slim became the largest shareholder in the New York Times.

pizzazumo ago

good info graphic. should be stickied. weird how all these pizza shops think they can get away with these obvious pedo legos. its like we are having to learn a new language and once you speak it your eyes are opened to just how fucking sick the world is. i wish i hadnt learned the language but i am glad i know the truth. i hope to god my kids never end up in the hands of the clintons are these sick pizza fuck.s

resist ago

I agree. I have been feeling sick for several weeks having to deal with the truth about these evil and sick people but if we don´t stop them there will be no future for all the children. I say to people that I rather live live on porridge in a free world than eating with a silver spoon in this lying, corrupt and narcissist world. People tend to choose the silver spoon, at least in my country but for the first time in decades I have some faith thanks to all the incredible people that are working on the pizzagate.

resist ago

I have the exact thoughts. I have felt ill for several weeks now having to cope with all this evil and sick people but if we don´t stop this there will be no future for all the kids in the world so we have no options but to continue. I say to people that I rather live on porridge in a free world than eating with a silver spoon in this corrupt evil and narcissist world.

bikergang_accountant ago

What bugs me is the random laughing at the end of an otherwise useless statement. I see that sometimes on the internet and just think they are dumb and lack any personality. Now I have to suspect something sinister or coded messages whenever I see these retarded people on youtube.

I'm going to see this everywhere.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

I still don't understand why these cucks would blatantly use pedo logos in public like that. Would they not want to keep their operation as absolutely secret as possible, without giving any public hints? I just don't understand their motivation in putting shit like this as their logos.

dbstfbh ago

It's how they promote their business. Their clients look for and recognise the subtle clues (there's probably more that aren't public knowledge).

letsdoitnow ago

ive already made a post about this.i think FBI knows about all this, and their document from back 2007 about the logos being used by this pedophile organizations show us these symbols because they are the ones being used by all these people wich we are now connecting and comin up to see wich logos they used to operate. not sure if i explained myself..

28leinad82 ago

Can someone do some digging into Giustra on the email leaks? I dont have time but there should be something in there...

28leinad82 ago

one of the most convincing ones i've seen too... these coincidences are just flooding in to the point where theres no reasonable doubt anymore.