FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

But here is another instance IN which . GOV is different from bizapedia... But I found 2 additional sources that verify bizapideas information. On the Opencorporate source, It shows filing 100152168 as WJC foundation... But If you click the link provided, It re directs you to a completely different company, with a different Filing number.

If that doesn't prove the point that MY sources, WERE NOT THE SOURCES FALSIFYING INFORMATION, and that it was more likely that the STATe Of ARKANSAS SITE WAS. Ya know, becasue only one source benefits from lying... and its the presidents home state source.

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC FOUNDATION

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC Foundation

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC foundation

But if you click the sos.gov link provided by The third soure (Opencorporate) It takes you this THF, INC. filing number 100152182 http://www.sos.arkansas.gov/corps/search_corps.php?DETAIL=152947&corp_type_id=&corp_name=&agent_search=&agent_city=&agent_state=&filing_number=100152168&cmd=

So IF you search filing number 100152168 on opencorporate It takes you to the WJC foundation... But if you click the Arkanasas GOV link, provided by the WJC number 100152168 It takes you to file 100152182 Which is a completely different company "THF INC"

So I Don't know what's going on with arkansas.gov. But all the information via bizapedia, Can be verified on opencorporate, EXCEPT for sketch companies filed in Arkansas. Soooooo

InfiltratingAuditing ago

I think your lead is super solid and not getting the attention it deserves. There were a few degrees of separation that I thought needed shoring up on my first read, but I'm still working on tying together what you have, here.

You assert that J&T Packing has a board of directors that ties the Clinton and Giustra to Dave Flintstone who is tied to the Hawaiian property. Additionally, these people are tied to the burning of planes. Is that correct?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Hold... This post specifically, Is addressing the validiity of my information in my other post. I was accused Of not having accurate sources, and that I had stumbled across CTR fabrication. I defened my information earlier, but They still persisted with accuastions, with no justification. This new up date contains irrefutable evidence, of the fact that I provided ACCURATE INFORMATION. This is simply addressing the accusations.

But Yes, after the shit I just found, I can confidently assert that J and T packing has board of directors that tie clinton and everyone you mentioned EXCEPT, DAVID FLINTSTONE. THe david FLintstone is an entire different angle, and is also in addressed In my last post.

Right now I'm wasting time having to defend my original information, because a couple fuck heads, got there incorrect comments voted to the top.

InfiltratingAuditing ago

I will reread your last post. Dave Flintstone might be an alias for a sex offender on Molokai.

You are still trying to connect Kaiser to Flintsone, which would complete the loop?

r3dtr1x ago

It is. If the .gov records aren't there, it's fake - and you are spinning your wheels, and wasting all of our time. You wanna find SEC filings? Lol good luck! ( they don't exist)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I found 2 additional sources that verify bizapideas information. On the Opencorporate source, It shows filing 100152168 as WJC foundation... But If you click the link provided, It re directs you to a completely different company, with a different Filing number.

If that doesn't prove the point that MY sources, WERE NOT THE SOURCES FALSIFYING INFORMATION, and that it was more likely that the STATe Of ARKANSAS SITE WAS. Ya know, becasue only one source benefits from lying... and its the presidents home state source.

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC FOUNDATION

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC Foundation

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC foundation

But if you click the sos.gov link provided by The third soure (Opencorporate) It takes you this THF, INC. filing number 100152182 http://www.sos.arkansas.gov/corps/search_corps.php?DETAIL=152947&corp_type_id=&corp_name=&agent_search=&agent_city=&agent_state=&filing_number=100152168&cmd=

So IF you search filing number 100152168 on opencorporate It takes you to the WJC foundation... But if you click the Arkanasas GOV link, provided by the WJC number 100152168 It takes you to file 100152182 Which is a completely different company "THF INC"

So I Don't know what's going on with arkansas.gov. But all the information via bizapedia, Can be verified on opencorporate, EXCEPT for sketch companies filed in Arkansas. Soooooo

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


r3dtr1x ago

Whatever you say, boss ;)

Try using Bizapedia in court as "evidence" see how far that gets you.

Do you even know why SOS registrations are required?

thisistotallynotme ago

Someone's clearly never filed an affidavit in their life. Attach the link as an exhibit, and wait paitiently for the opposing counsel to spend a week trying to prove it wrong, and failing.

Source: I file at least 2 affidavits a week in civil and criminal matters.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Nah. Not whatever I say. I've put at the front of both of my posts. So users know to check out your history.

PodeezyCheezy ago

Unless there is a record of it on the Arkansas SOS official .gov website, it's not real. It really is as simple as that. CTR set you up and you made these really long-ass posts about fake shit, just like they wanted you to.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

OK Dude. So someone is going to come in here, and say that the info I submitted, Is false, Becasue the SOS,GOV site said something different...

Am Still confused by what is what. But here is another instance IN which . GOV is different from bizapedia... But I found 2 additional sources that verify bizapideas information. On the Opencorporate source, It shows filing 100152168 as WJC foundation... But If you click the link provided, It re directs you to a completely different company, with a different Filing number.

If that doesn't prove the point that MY sources, WERE NOT THE SOURCES FALSIFYING INFORMATION, and that it was more likely that the STATe Of ARKANSAS SITE WAS. Ya know, becasue only one source benefits from lying... and its the presidents home state source.

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC FOUNDATION

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC Foundation

Filing resistration number 100152168 WJC foundation

But if you click the sos.gov link provided by The third soure (Opencorporate) It takes you this THF, INC. filing number 100152182 http://www.sos.arkansas.gov/corps/search_corps.php?DETAIL=152947&corp_type_id=&corp_name=&agent_search=&agent_city=&agent_state=&filing_number=100152168&cmd=

So IF you search filing number 100152168 on opencorporate It takes you to the WJC foundation... But if you click the Arkanasas GOV link, provided by the WJC number 100152168 It takes you to file 100152182 Which is a completely different company "THF INC"

So I Don't know what's going on with arkansas.gov. But all the information via bizapedia, Can be verified on opencorporate, EXCEPT for sketch companies filed in Arkansas. Soooooo

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

"CTR Made this random Fake listing, For a random company... But didn't do anything else. they just did this."

Why did they do that You fuck? So that IT WOULD WASTE MY TIME!? I'm the only person who found this, YOu stupid fuck.

IF it was as you say, and if it was fake, I wouldn't be able to make a post explaining its not.

IF it was fake, and your reasons for it being fake were true, It would make sense. It would also stop people from going further...SINCE THIS" FABRICATED" Info, was found the exact same time as the info provided by the state of arkansas, The state you high in super high regard... FOr some retarded fucking reason.

You're excuse is that There isn't government corruption going on, And this company that IS MEANT TO BE HIDDEN, doesn't show up on the state government website.... The state THat bill clinton was the governor of?

You're the most pathetic fuck here. At least the people who raised concerns, addressed certain reasons. Reasons that I never thought to clarify in the original Post. But now have.

You're not fucking saying anything. I just made a post explaining how you're retarded for thinking that way.

You just made a comment saying "Nu uh".

Go fuck yourself retard. IF this was really nothing, You wouldn't comment like you just did.

The source and facts in question, Is not new. It was there before PIzzagate.

You're either a troll, retard, or scared.

r3dtr1x ago

What facts? That you found a bizapedia page that doesn't match the SOS filing? You are right. That's exactly what you have. A Bizapedia entry for something that you think is supposed to be secret. Well, it's not very secret if it's on Bizapedia, is it?

Your lack of objectivity is showing.

I bet you are sure that Comet Ping Pong has a basement too, right?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU. You just validated you're a shill. I don't know why you did that. but thank you.

r3dtr1x ago

Gosh if you say I'm a shill then I must be a shill! If a business was supposed to be secret, why would their shit be on Bizapedia? And furthermore - do you even know how to contact Bizapedia to "confirm" this super secret info that you've found? They are riddled with errors.

Look at all the complaints. Here's just one of many:

"Bizapedia's Contact Info.Here it is.

So some one in another state was using my Registered Trade Name, when I asked Bizapedia to remover the company from their website, they refused and instead Highlighted this other company, by updating the file with LAST UPDATE - The date I asked them to remove it. I looked on this board and I see many complaints of people trying to contact them - So here's their contact information (I found from BBB). If they can share your information, the we can share theirs.

Andrea McCall, Bizapedia, LLC, 3225 McLeod Drive #100, Las Vegas, NV 89121.

Good Luck All - take action!"

Here - I went the extra step to find the Las Vegas BBB on them. LOL. You can't look at this and actually think this site is credible.


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Oh, and even forgetting about my entire post. You still talk and act like a shill based on your comments to others, and your post's don;t help defend you either.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I didn't just randomly decide to call you a shill... It was based on every comment you make, and your post history. You realize once I know you're a shill, I don't have to read your comments? I'll give them a sentence or two to say something worth while, But after that it's a no go. Sorry :/

r3dtr1x ago

Bizapedia has a procedure to correct errors on their website. I bet you didn't see that, or don't care. Here, I'll paste the options for you.

Which one of these would apply to your proposed scenario?

CONTACT US Select Reason Please select the reason you are contacting us from the list below. My company's information has become outdated and I would like it refreshed to match the official public record of the governing agency that has published my company's information. (e.g., The governing agency in Nevada is the Nevada Secretary of State) I would like to hide my company's private information from the general public. (i.e., Private information is limited to names of people and addresses) My company has been dissolved, closed, converted, or is simply no longer active and I would like it removed from your website. (We will attempt to verify that the applicable governing agency no longer makes your company's information available. If we find that not to be the case, then alternatively you can request us to hide private information as defined above, but the company profile will remain on our site.) I am a law enforcement officer, a peace officer, a member of the military, a district attorney, a public defender, or a federal, state, or administrative law judge, and would like to submit a declaration to have my company's information removed from your website. I would like to hide my trademark's private information from the general public. (i.e., Private information is limited to names of people and addresses) I would like to have my personal phone book listing removed from your website. Other Reason

Kayzza ago

What's with your fucking caps lock man

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. I know. It's out of control. And I have no excuse.... I Picked Up the habit while making post that were long, In attempt to make important information easy to follow.

Unfortunate It has carried over into my comments. It's bad. I need to stop.

Stayvigilant ago

Yes please stop you're really throwing up my red flags lately

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


You need to reevaluate what constitutes a red flag.

My Caps are a result of having to defend nonsensical points and allegations, and dealing with people like you who insert themselves into a conversation for no reason other than piling on. Over a non issue.

The user before you, Brought up a vaild point, that I do agree with, Except he wasn't a dick about it.

And besides, My caps are the least of the problems you should be worrying about.