TheGrimReader ago

the screenshots linked here from reddit have been debunked. My apologies for not realizing this earlier. Not sure if this renders this whole post useless or not...

queenhootie ago

thats what i was thinking ... for "special orders"

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Those aren't your pics.. quit posing. Originally uploaded by on 11-9-16. THEGRIMREAPER is wannabe "hacker" Sye Phan who photoshops and steals photoshops. Im sure you know how to code somewhat, but you DON'T know how to keep reverse image search from catching you.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

TheGrimReader is Sye Phan and has been debunked. He's a photoshopper not a hacker. Claimed to be CTRL Sec.. CTRL sec members deny him. ANTsec wouldnt claim him (he was ANTsec under Cyphon and Cyphon6). Please sticky this.

slickleg64 ago

all files <2.38gb

Yeah there some HD shit right there.....

anonmoose ago

So has any one seen the "Sponsorships & Fundraisers" page ?

Take any random old guess at what they Sponsor and raise money for ?

Fucking Primary Schools

Why not for veterans or the homeless?

Maybe because they even offer to host school social clubs and class parties. What the Fuck?

Any business trying so hard to get proximity to children raises a red flag straight away regardless of what PizzaGate is suggesting.

siriansun ago

See my response to the above screenshot here:

In conclusion, that screenshot appears to have been fabricated and the source of the possible disinformation, SYE PHAN, has been caught harassing a YouTuber who has been doing a great job until now. See video in question here: So I would take the original data that was used to start this thread with a grain of salt.

Anyone investigating this, should do so with the possibility that this could be a fabricated trail to divert people, or maybe even a Honey Pot.

I haven't looked at the rest of the data in this thread yet so I have no comments. Just happy to see so many people involved and passionate about this.

Just keeping an eye out for my fellow investigators. Keep on trucking boys and girls. Shit's about to get real.

badintense ago

That is just so creepy is right. A peeping Tom of privates? Wow! And using the virtual satan fingers was also horrible too: or

SavingGrace ago

Pizza Express - coy name linked to Giustra and Teneo's Doug Band/who are linked to the Clinton Foundation. Here's the secure log in page for members -

queenhootie ago

wow they sure do want kids in their restaurant...

siriansun ago


The above is a hoax, screenshot is fabricated. I created a test account on jimdo and inspected how the protected area works. It ends up that you MUST SPECIFY A PAGE that the protected section will give you access to. The protected page that shows the password text box is When you log in, it redirects you to a different page, it wouldn't make sense to be redirected to since you'd get stuck in an endless loop.

Something like for example. It would not allow you to create a new page called Contact, because it would cause a circular reference. Give it a try for yourself. I call BULLSHIT on the above screenshot, it was fabricated. I can't verify the data that's in the rest of the thread but I definitely raise a RED FLAG for TheGrimReader and that screenshot.. Need comments analysis to see any patterns of shilling.

blargfargenbargler ago

JimdoFree users can create one password-protected area. JimdoPro customers can create five password-protected areas. JimdoBusiness customers can create as many password-protected areas as they'd like.

Password protection is a simple way to limit who can see your content, but it's not designed for maximum security. If something is really private, it's best to keep it off your website.

siriansun ago


Every single one of us that contributes, whether it's in well wishes, investigators, normie or full blown hackers is useful. Just allowing oneself to seeing the Truth is an accomplishment in itself... Being a believer is very useful, it improves our community and adds a lot of weight to it. Take the normies out and you're chopping off 75% of the army.

Forgetmenot ago

Great comment!

siriansun ago


I created a test account on jimdo and inspected how the protected area works. It ends up that you MUST SPECIFY A PAGE that the protected section will give you access to. The protected page that shows the password text box is When you log in, it redirects you to a different page, something like for example. It would not allow you to create a new page called Contact, because it would cause a circular reference. Give it a try for yourself. I call BULLSHIT on the above screenshot, it was fabricated. I can't verify the data that's in the below thread but I definitely raise a RED FLAG for TheGrimReader. Need comments analysis to see any patterns of shilling.

*** original. I'm just curious, seeing a detail that's throwing me off and making me doubt this. If is the URL for the login page, wouldn't logging in end up having a different URL? Something like,, or any other name? Not sure about this one, it feels a bit suspicious.

That protected page could be a simple login page to access a web admin area. It's hard to take your screenshot above seriously because of the URL issue that I mentioned above. I think that screenshot was created by someone.

TheGrimReader ago

I appreciate you investigation but i must disagree that we should abandon it solely on your research. And i can assure you I'm no shill. Watch my next post for proof.

Your gracious servant, The Grim Reader

siriansun ago

See my response to this here: In conclusion, that screenshot appears to have been fabricated and the source of the possible disinformation, SYE PHAN, has been caught harassing a YouTuber who has been doing a great job until now. See video in question here: So I would take the original data that was used to start this thread with a grain of salt.

Anyone investigating this, should do so with the possibility that this could be a fabricated trail to divert people, or maybe even a Honey Pot.

I haven't looked at the rest of the data in this thread yet so I have no comments. Just happy to see so many people involved and passionate about this.

Just keeping an eye out for my fellow investigators. Keep on trucking boys and girls. Shit's about to get real.


This is also HUGE in the PG-investigation

WakeyWake ago

I don't know if someone already commented about this but if they did, just dismiss my comment, which is, the email is not saying they are going to be meeting or eating at Comet. Comet is written beside Alefantis name bc that's who owns Comet. Not bc that is where they are going or eating.

The 3 people listed in order on that wiki email are: Mossima (is a chef who owns) tosca James alefantis (is owner of) comet Amy brandwein (is a chef who owns) centralino

gonegoogling1 ago

And its a blue one and a pink one. Wtf

MAGABoomer ago

Something is wrong here posting...

MAGABoomer ago


Chocolatemilk7 ago

Lmao he actually is so creepy

SeanBox ago

I recommend somebody hack one of their computers and get the key. Idk how to do that shit.

bikergang_accountant ago

To be fair it probably goes the other way around.

bigDanold ago

I found some of the same old Satanic shit. Star and Moon together. Satanic head with horns thing. Demons, skulls and bones. This is under Main Menu > Promotions > Jam up of the month

Archived: Jam up of the Month

Scroll down to the bottom of the page

"Demons Spicy White Love Pie" WTF ?

Edit: If you go to the gallery, 2nd picture, picture of Devil with "Demon is Here"

Edit2: Satanic head with horns thing is: the Goats Head of Mendes Pentagram

Riva ago

Demon spicy white pizza pie? Yeah, totally above board pizza choice.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

I can't seem to find that pizza on here? I live right down the road from PLP. Gonna go do some investigating.

BB-3 ago

The "Demon is Here" looks like this guy

matcache ago

If you are looking for websites with the same login forms just use smart google queries.

For example google: "washington pizza "This page is accessible with a valid password only" inurl:/protected/"

comeonpeople ago

Am I crazy? I don't see anything about "members". Wouldn't this probably just be the url for the admin control panel?

Melitica ago

Agree. Especially since several of these sites have same page.

veritas_vincit ago

If he does have the password, best to keep it underwraps. Someone needs to quietly obtain these files, and keep Comet out of the loop, because you can bet their informants are everywhere.

siriansun ago

Guys, I was able to figure out that the screenshot is fake. I created a test account on jimdo and tested to see how the protected section works. Ends up you must specify a page that the protected area will redirect to and it wouldn't make sense that it would allow you to create a page named protected since that would result in a circular reference... meaning you'd be stuck in an endless loop == bad. So the screenshot is fabricated because the URL doesn't make sense.

veritas_vincit ago

I'm not sure how exactly this pans out in terms of the technical details you've revealed, but screenshots from the protected section came out of 4Chan a long time ago, and they looked exactly like this, so I don't think you're right.

siriansun ago

It's quite possible. I just expressed what I understand will leave it up to people to choose how they want to work with the info. I undertsand the technical side well enough to lean towards my findings so I'll stick to it until l change my mind. I don't think it hurts to have this out there so that people remain more viligant. The devil is in the details.

My wish is that it's a legit screenshot and that someone's going to hack into it at some point. But even as Jimdo states on their site, the security mechanisms are weak so I'm surprised that no one has been successful yet. Kind of adds to my doubts but, we'll see.

There's soooo much more evidence that this is like a needle in a haystack anyways lol.

Thanks for your input.

"Tread lightly, but with a strong heart" - Voat user

darnforgotmypassword ago

Holy shit. This is fucking deplorable.

I bet the media won't cover this though.

ARTColumbo ago

Isn't anyone else suspicious about why they haven't just taken down this part of the Comet website? especially if it's chock full of incriminating CP.... I dunno just seems like madness that in the heat of pizzagate they would leave evidence on their website "protected" or not.

Melitica ago

If is an admin panel...they can't take it down.

Prepper_Jack ago

Ok - so confirmed. Part of the default page.

Again, if I had to guess, judging from the file names involved, it's probably the site backups after they save changes to the site.

Edit: looking at the link you provided, it's possible that they could be storing files there for sharing (even though Jimdo says it shouldn't be done for security purposes).

Kastonomy ago

Me three. Some of the people on this page are doing some real exceptional work. Im proud of you guys!

southartful ago

Does anyone here have access to large scale GPU clusters? Run this through one of those and youll bust that shit wide open

justiceforever ago

Cheering you on!!

angry_mob ago

second that!

isthisreality ago

yeah whoa whatinthefuck. Who password protects a pizza place??

Odaat ago

Me, too.

Prepper_Jack ago

This is my concern. It could be a part of the default Jimdo management interface, or it could be part of a common app that's installed. It could be for financial transactions, we don't know.

I will say that the AMP.txt leads me to believe that it's part of the website interface, as that can easily stand for accelerated mobile pages. If that's the case, it could be the automated archives of the website, when they were making changes and uploading new content.

Melitica ago

I would agree that is a part of the basic build. Possibly a way to get into website w.o going to host. Similar to signing in to Wordpress but less familiar.

siriansun ago

Exactly, my thoughts as well. Will be interesting to see if anything comes out of this, but even the URL in the screenshot is throwing me off.

matcache ago

That's just not true.,, are all registered by different individuals on different web spaces.

apparatchik1488 ago

dr pong looks different. I do think the ones with JIMDO are the same in all likelihood.

devnulll ago

If whoever took the screenshot has the files or one of them we can brute-force the encryption key and open it. The names are just junk I think.

Godwillwin ago

I hope you can. We need solid evidence

LtSilverFox ago

Your a specialist bro ! Highly valued one at that

apparatchik1488 ago

OK, I'll take a look

dFrog ago

Good find, OP.

The guy who originally got into the protected section of Comet's website was a Germanbro from /pol/. He said he was going to dig and report back, but as far as I know, he never did.

Godwillwin ago

When did he say he got in? A few hours ago? A day ago?

dFrog ago

It was before the election. First week of November.

sixgorillion ago

Almost two weeks ago?

I hope he's still lurking.

LtSilverFox ago

Interesting I hope there are more people like you out there that are willing to take their time to become our personal hard drive hehe. I say it as a joke but it's more serious than that

LtSilverFox ago

Awesome sorry if I made it seem u didn't know how, it's the season to be paranoid lol

veritas_vincit ago

No, I followed the 2GB story all day when it broke awhile back.

The 2GB hacker did not claim to have penetrated Comet's protected page. Rather, he claimed to have hacked the WiFi network at another pizza restaurant (We The Pizza), which has a location in Washington D.C, but he also claimed to be at the location in Virginia.

(He changed his story, and later claimed he hadn't hacked the WiFi network, but actually socially engineered his way into their restaurant and loaded incriminating files onto a USB drive)

The protected page for Comet is real, has been known to be real, and you can access it (just click the link, dude). Unfortunately, the files were taken down, at least publicly, so that does make this new guy's claims dubious. We'll just have to wait and see.

rivercontrol ago

SMOKING GUN getting close.

chickenlover ago

Thanks but these are old news... The guy who made that picture told us the files are not accessible anymore and that he couldn't get them because he couldn't get around the dl key protection. As far as we known, these files never left that server.

stickittotheman ago

Im hoping if anyone is hacking them they keep it quiet until they get the goods.

TheGrimReader ago

No. No one has made the connection that that date was night in which Podesta was EXPLICITLY in communication with Alefantis and had a "pasta" dinner that night. there are no coincidences here.

Freemasonsrus ago

Here's what stands out to me. Why is it "James Alefantis comet" as the name in the email? Here's David Brock's BF and #49 of most powerful dudes in DC, who has hosted stuff for HRC, and you're having an intimate dinner with him and a few other people, so why the need to attach him to "comet"? John doesn't know who he is? How would that be? And also, why not say "it's David's BF" as an identifier? Just thinking out loud really, but it struck me as strange, IIRC this isn't the first time he was ID'd like that in an email.

LtSilverFox ago

Just have an extra back up on stand by plz. Would be a great way to expose people that try to mess with us.

DystopianDaze ago

You also might look up the definition (2nd one) of his username.

apparatchik1488 ago

It's a joke making fun of the stupid russophobia. I'm an alt-right nazi not a communist.

DystopianDaze ago

Did you miss my reference to 2nd definition? That leaves the communists out of it.

LtSilverFox ago

He made that account 30 mins ago. Come on Bro smh

LtSilverFox ago

You must understand their encryption key infrastructure before you can nab one of those keys. I'm sure only 1 maybe 2 people have access to said keys.

TheGrimReader ago

Id there any way for us to figure out who? I don't have the understanding and you sound pretty knowledgable. lemme know your thoughts.

LtSilverFox ago

I'm already on it and trying to figure this out. What I can share with you publicly just for my own safety, is that the person who has it, more than likely is the less expected or the most trusted which is even harder to determine. I'll be quick to back and post any leads if I run into any. Thanks for the post, stay vigilant

Kastonomy ago

Good luck. Keep up the exceptional wirk

TheGrimReader ago

I was able access the cometpingpong/protected when it first broke but the login was then changed.

By running a brute force style password attack the page can be broken as, to my knowledge, it doesn't have any multiple attempt protocols. I heard a lot of suspicious claims about that hacker as well that make me doubt his credibility but cometpingpong/protected is an actual domain.

a simple downloadable program for this brute force attack should work, why he needed to be such a great hacker was something I further didn't understand as it is such an openly available process to use. Just time consuming. YOull see the same link traveling along these threads by others as well. I am not willing to waste any leads until all roads are exhausted.

These websites have secrets. We just need to listen to them.

LtSilverFox ago

Ehh I wouldn't have mentioned that. You might have drew a flag grim. Just watching out for you bro. Nvm just realized something lol

quantokitty ago

Awesome work. You can do this.

smokinggunspizza ago

if this is real, nice.


Big Cheese, LLC (at the bottom) is owned by a man named Jim Stevens who lives off Friendship Church Road, in Marietta Georgia. He has a big ass property with a barn in the back, but seemingly no land for animals, horses, etc.

Fenced in.

He also owns a chain down there called PLP Pizza which is also full of weird oddities.

Also related to that is a former PLP location and the owner is recognized as "demon dave", who was under fire for anti transgender comments online.

Dont forget, on my sticky post that merrill lynch ruski Konev lives in Atlanta. UBS has offices in Atlanta. Goat Hill launders out of Panama to UBS. Lots of roads to Georgia here.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

TheGrimReader is Sye Phan and has been debunked. He's a photoshopper not a hacker. Claimed to be CTRL Sec.. CTRL sec members deny him. ANTsec wouldnt claim him (he was ANTsec under Cyphon and Cyphon6).

siriansun ago

It's not real. I created a test account on jimdo and inspected how the protected area works. It ends up that you MUST SPECIFY A PAGE that the protected section will give you access to. The protected page that shows the password text box is When you log in, it redirects you to a different page, something like for example. It would not allow you to create a new page called Contact, because it would cause a circular reference. Give it a try for yourself. I call BULLSHIT on the above screenshot, it was fabricated. I can't verify the data that's in the below thread but I definitely raise a RED FLAG for TheGrimReader.

BerksResident ago

Wasn't there a photo of a man connected to jimmycomet Instagram standing in front of a peanut store in Georgia. .. Wish I could remember where I saw the photo.

totally_deplorable ago

Good location... considering ATL Int'l Airport is the largest human trafficking hub in the country...

Kazzy ago

Atlanta is notorious for its trafficking

pizzahthrowaway ago

Dates back to the 1800s when the North came thru, it was the nexus of materials throughout the south even then.

jml1201 ago

How do you know this is the Jim Stevens associated with Big Cheese LLC and Comet Pizza? Do you have any links because this is the first time I'm hearing this.

Nately ago

Currently in Atlanta. Can confirm that Atlanta is known as a huge human trafficking hub.

mildseven ago

Do you have links to verify this? There are numerous "Big Cheese LLC" businesses registered, including one in DC and Georgia. I would like to verify 100% we are looking at the correct Big Cheese LLC.

smokinggunspizza ago

I uncovered these leads on a deeper board a few weeks ago. If you google Jim stevens you'll find a blog called restaurant something where there was a press release about him buying over a dozen pizza franchises. I can't recall what I did exactly but I clicked thru some tags and found it.

Plus, you think PLP pizza is a coincidence? Demon dave? Etc?

Their Twitter is interesting too.

I'm not at home so I don't have my main evidence.

But really, how popular are these sorts of pizza places?

Also, I back traced a family photo of Alefantis ancestors to another guy who said it was his on his Reddit account. I looked through his post history and it was in Georgia. Lots of posts about hiking and biking in the woods.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Their gallery is slightly interesting. A devil head on the end of the counter in one pic and this... See if you can spot the Amoco gear oil can in the pic..

TheGrimReader ago

What you mentioned is very interesting in regards to the handkerchief email. Ive been trying to figure our what the field house is... obviously "farm" relates to bed rings. Could this be another possible holding place or location of these parties. Lazuttos come to mind.

If I get you some information, can you help disperse it? Re: "I'm dreaming of your hot dod stand in Hawaii..." email. Im moving to a new location right now so ill need about an hour.

smokinggunspizza ago

I'll try.

I'm in contact with some sources who are listening.

therealwopD ago


apparatchik1488 ago

Hey, I am skilled at webapp security. Let me know what's up I can probably help.

Prepper_Jack ago

I suppose the first step would be to start a site, and start adding apps to see which app they're using.

TheGrimReader ago

Right now there are multiple sites that are owned by an alias which created / I am extremely suspect of all of them as they have been created by the same individual and one contains flagrant pedo flair.

We know Comet has encrypted data and a members area.

Why does a pizza place share the platform set up of a porn site?

Why is there no accessible data on

Why is island distillery where all the wifi activity of "Biff Skipman" tracked back to? More importantly, why is it under the complex?

Biff Skipman is the alias also used on an eBay account which sells refurbished hard drives for ridiculous prices. (Cheeseybay).

Notice the play on cheese. Notice that you can't sell child porn but you could sell a hard drive, and hey, what if CP just happened to be on them?

These sites are linked, If we can pull down one card, this whole house will wall.

I specialize with internet data and research, I am limited on how to truly see where these backdoors could be or how these "members" access their content. Any one who can, look into the alias and lets get this trending not this Shill-induced Jew conspiracy bullshit being used to clog our threads.

TheGrimReader ago

BIG EDIT ON THIS COMMENT GUYS and are the same individual.

Comet Ping Pong and Dr. Pong are together as well but I should have shown these two pairs as separate that is my fault. All four are to the same person.

Prepper_Jack ago

From what I understand, the site is hosted on Jimdo. They're much like Wix. You allow them to handle your DNS record, and host the website on their virtual servers. Many businesses do this, as it's quite cheap. Pretty much everything is pre-built, though you can install myriads of apps, and customize the content however you like.

That said, it might be helpful for someone to learn what exact app they installed through Jimdo that would emulate this sort of service - with the /protected section. It's possible that this could be used for financial data, or something relatively harmless, and therefore a red herring. If it can be used only for secure file sharing, it becomes a bit more suspicious.

apparatchik1488 ago

I concur on all fronts except the Jewish Problem good sir, that is central - epstein, kushner, fogel, pedo stuff is like a jewish phone book.

Skanda ago

Is Peter Scully Jewish? Is Podesta Jewish? Is Alefantis? Why are you trying to derail this into your Stormfront worldview?

I'm not trying to censor you or point fingers at you. You can be a White Supremacist on /pol/ and other websites

You can make a subverse about this Jewish thing too, I just want to let pizzagate be pizzagate. It's not about Jews.

Don't try to make it about it, don't try to use it for your political purposes... let's focus on the research, not interpretation.

apparatchik1488 ago

Wow, there are a few useful goyim, loyal shabbos goyim who do the bidding of their hooked nose masters, that definitely is relevant. Man up and face reality, every type of sexual degeneration is Jewish. This whole scandal is not that there are pedos. it's that pedo is being used by kikes to blackmail the gentile front figures of world politics to do their bidding. You are missing the big picture here. Until we free ourselves from jewish tyranny, we can forget about stopping pedos, fags, and other degenerates.

SsupGuys ago


matcache ago

How do know that the sites are "...created by the same individual..."?

apparatchik1488 ago

I concur with grim reader, it is easy to tell it is the same individual. The protected login forms are all identical, for one.

matcache ago

Are you referring to "" login form? As the site was build with JIMDO this is just an out of the box JIMDO solution. See

Here is a random picked page using the same JIMDO solution:

Could you provide the other "identical" forms you are talking about? Could not find them.

Stab ago

He's referring to this:

Cheesybay aka David Flintstone and the Hawaiian site  

Dave Flintstone describes himself as a "poobah" in multiple profiles. The term "Grand Poobah" was used recurringly on the television show The Flintstones as the name of a high-ranking elected position in a secret society.  

"Cheesybay" is run by "Bif Skipman" and sells "faulty Hard drives" on eBay. All the reviews are GLOWING in ways that are bizarre given that he's self-reportedly selling "junk".  

Compound in Hawaii has vats/barrels with what looks like the remain of rendering processes (dissolving tissues). The residue does not look at all similar to what would normally be associated with distilling or byproducts of a mash.  

There's weak wifi signals coming from underneath the shed that indicate there's something underneath it.  

"Dave Flintstone" runs a "distillery" business at that address. David Stone/Dave Flintstone is "Bif Skipman" according to the g-mail cross authentication for both gmail accounts. David Stone also has used and e-mailed the same avatar photo for other pursposes. and whois lookup lists a home address in Honolulu. An address not used on their website or associated with the processing facility.  

E-mails dug out of his gmail account reference a "Richard Windsor" Pseudonym that Lisa P. Jackson was caught using.  

She works for the Clinton Foundation. The e-mail is possibly from the Music booker at Comet Ping Pong pizza.  

I looked up the property owners on Pakala through the tax assessor's office (someone's paying tax on the property). From the old wifi post, both the property with the concrete pad (577 Pakala) and the wealthy property next door with the building that off-the-book power lines go into (563 Pakala) are both owned by the same organization - B P BISHOP TRUST ESTATE - the wealthiest charity in the state worth $10B and has a 10% stake in Goldman Sachs.  

In a 3 year period the estate lost an unaccounted for $241 million and operating costs increased by $19 million, maybe accounting for the underground construction. This was in the late 90s though, and the WiFi OP said he was doing construction there recently.  

...quantity of available financial information about KS/BE (the trust) is amazingly limited. Even the court-appointed master compared his attempts to get information from these trustees to trying to get it from the CIA. The usually mild mannered master was "outraged" by the trustees' "specious rationale" for not properly disclosing vital information. He called their excuses "so pathetic as to border on the ludicrous."  

Really recommend reading the overview of BP Bishop Trust linked in that quote, it's plagued by scandal like everything else even tangentially associated with the Clintons.  


Saved for later sorting: E-mails that involve "Parties" and "Food" - "Still in torture chamber"  

Podesta's "Handkerchief" e-mail theory Artists of paintings is Kim Noble. I do not recommend looking at the full sets.


apparatchik1488 ago

When I have seen the same form onthe sites, that I have not seen on any other sites, for two restaurants in the same block, it is in all likelihood made by the same people. Of course it is not 100% proof though.

matcache ago

Could you provide the "same forms" you are talking about? The domains are all registered by different individuals using different web spaces. I got 30 domains i can proof they are built by the same person who built I will post them as single comment or thread to reach as many people as possible although I could not find any connections. I don't want to harm any business.

apparatchik1488 ago

OK, my mistake, so I did not read his message closely enough. I was thinking he was referring to the ones with /potected interface, but he is not, those are not all by the same people. But the ones with the /protected are in all likelihood.

matcache ago

I just investigated in technical terms so of course there could be connections in content. In my post you can find 30 domains the IT company of the comet pizza site registered. Maybe they could be useful for investigation in terms of content.

MAGABoomer ago

Keep at it. Us normies fully support your efforts!

poly ago

Will normies and autists be added to the dictionary?

MAGABoomer ago

LOL should be!

DystopianDaze ago

Interesting those are the only two files with dates.

Anoeu ago

Hack this! I never heard about a pizza place with a Members Area to upload and download Data.

contrarianism ago

They probably cleaned it up already, with nearly a month of intense interest.

hedy ago

AGREED. At this point, Comet doesn't have control over their website snacks... I would bet anything that is still there is a honeypot - either for the purpose of snagging anyone associated who gains access to the goodies, or to "allow" hackers to do the dirty work in revealing content. Either way, I'd go ahead and see what's there. The truthseekers are not the target... yet.


Then why not wipe the Members Area completely?

contrarianism ago

because they think this will blow over

TealHighCloud ago

Whaaat? You don't have a KFC email?


It seems very odd. After all, pizzeria's don't have 'members' just customers. Maybe it's worth looking at other similar places to see if they also have a 'Member's Area' (e.g., Roberta's Pizza, Goat Hill Pizza).

bikergang_accountant ago

We should look for other pizza places with a /protected. Even if we can't access them that would be interesting.

I run a server and get hits on wp-admin and a million other odd locations that I've never heard of and I see them in my logs. To my suprise I haven't seen /protected so no major software uses /protected. It means it is custom developed and it other pizza places happen to have it it would be a real curiosity.

matcache ago

You can use smart Google Keywords for good results.

Try: "washington "This page is accessible with a valid password only" inurl:/protected/"

bikergang_accountant ago

Very interesting. All of them use a password only, no username. Many have similar visual layout in an odd way (large image at the top above the navbar, consistent bad design).

Ok, way more definitive. They all use the same class and id information in the tags. Done. All these sites were developed by the same person.

I'm about to cry. I clicked on one that was interesting. You go in expecting to have to dig.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Wowwww, the spiral in the hand...really...fucking really....good work here...

militant ago

Buck's Fishing & Camping also has a protected area.

Balour ago

Goat Hill Pizza: (

Source: (click "Current Members Click Here") (

Most likely nothing though

contrarianism ago

They could use a "rewards" section as a front, quite easily in fact !

Enter your secret code here:

Balour ago

Indeed but I'm no hacker and I''m not equipped for full anonymity, I'm just here to google stuff and discuss at most.


Interesting! Goat Hill has a rewards system for loyal customers, but there's no evidence that Comet does too, is there?

AdVict0riam ago

Ugh. If only we had a way to crack the encryption.

Prepper_Jack ago

There may be other ways. Looking through Jimdo, it says these files aren't necessarily secure, and can be reached by other means.

sixgorillion ago

Some of these people are stupid as fuck, I wouldn't put it past them to even send the fucking encryption key in an e-mail at some point.

reasonedandinformed ago

To break the encryption, check out the zipped portion hidden in the back-side of the pizza.jpg file. The file has zipped data but is small, so it is likely a password or code: (check the attachment)

I am not a techie, but I understand that you can see where the JPG data ends and the zip data starts when viewing the file with a hex editor.

The other email I know was suspected to have hidden data is this one: (check the attachment)

Investigate1999 ago

Wait. So, how do we know where the image data ends and where the key data starts?

badintense ago

The encryption key could be in one of those zip files that are added at the end of a .jpg file in the podesta emails.

TryOurSalsa ago

They aren't that stupid. They've been hiding this pretty damn well.

sixgorillion ago

I know I would have done a better job.

But then again, I'm a full-blown autist.

guwopthegod ago

Guaranteed at this point if anything damning was in there, it's gone now.