TheGrimReader ago

look now friend.

Happy hunting.

TheGrimReader ago

This sort of paranoia is what distances people like myself from making contributions. All of my information has checked out and will continue to, your insistence on proving me fake makes you like like a shill. We are not living in McCarthy's Senate so you might as well stop acting like it. The screenshot was circulating and , just like you, I investigated and found a credible lead in the Pedestal emails where the date shown in the screen shot matches and I shared it as it seems like a pretty significant find. I would highly appreciate your defamatory comments about me but I urge you to keep your "proof" up. However your Url point does not make sense to me; a basic understanding of URLs shows a common URL for the whole site. You would not be stuck in whatever circle you are talking of. The /protected is simply a means of accessing a link not on the site or sitemap. No pedo would use /pedofiles as you suggest... I am trying to see your point, so if you would explain it better i would be very appreciative. We are all working for the same goal. Unless you have solid proof don't make accusations, my research points to the origin of the screenshot with a german computer whiz.

Happy Hunting.

siriansun ago

I disagree with you but that's fine, agreeing to disagreeing is an art. It's important that we keep each others in check. I was using /pedofiles as a joke for an example. Don't take things too seriously. I'm a software dev with 16 years of experience including 7 of which is web experience, so I do know a little bit what I'm talking about. I'm not an expert in URLs since my experience mostly involves GUI work and server side business logic development. is the base URL and changes as you navigate to different pages. You click any menu item and the URL changes (so not sure what you mean by common URL for the whole site). Try it. Goes from to for example when you navigate. So, it would need to go from to something else, like (if you absolutely wanted to create a new page called protected). To me, that's my understanding and my opinion and will probably stick to it until someone can prove otherwise.

Websites built as SPA applications (Single Page Applications) would work how you describe, where Ajax is used to load different sections of a page instead of reloading a page. It does't appear to be the case for this one. So the protected feature of Jimdo works by setting a /protected page and then redirecting you to another page of your chosing. Any web dev with a basic understanding of development knows that you can't have two pages with the same name. That's why when you attempt to create a new page with the name of /protected, it renames it to /protected-1 automatically, in order to dumb things down for the type of users who would use such a platfom. My original theory of a loop was eronous, but as I mentioned, their platform does appear to have some bugs and originally I was stuck in a loop when testing this out the first time but eventually got to a clear understanding. Could have been a bug, could have been me not having had my morning coffee yet. Who needs coffee with this shit going on eh?. Anyways, the Jimdo platform works as I've just described and not like what is pictured in the screenshot.

The source of the screenshot and text shared comes from SYE PHAN's account right? Well, he/she has been proven to be a disinfo agent. SYE PHAN's account can't be trusted They have been harassing YouTubers who are working hard to expose the truth. See reallygraceful's channel, she's been doing phenomenal work and has made a video on SYE PHAN here: She has proof that SYE PHAN has been harassing her. Telling her he was terminally ill and no $ etc... Well, his info was found including a twitch account... This guy is a College kid, goes to school and is fully healthy. SYE PHAN is a proven SHILL. His info very well might be as well.

That screenshot could have been created with the intention of creating a fake link to the emails in order to mess up information and throw a kink in investigations. So I'm just pointing this stuff out so that people can read it and make up their own mind.

People will be criticizing and double checking data and facts. This is required and extremely important in this environment and community. If you can't deal at all with criticism, maybe it's a sign that you need a short break for a breather, or a longer one. Get used to it cause plenty will keep double checking everyone's findings. It's important. I apologize if I caused you harm, especially if your intentions are pure.

I agree with you that this might not mean that people should stop investigating it BUT it would be wise to take the screenshot with a grain of salt. If it leads you to further facts, then good... follow the trail SUSPECTING that it may be a fabricated trail. Use your own judgement. And if you are indeed pure of intentions, I thank you.

Happy Hunting.

siriansun ago

Yes I know. All sites use that jimdo platform. What I'm saying is that the behavior shown in that screenshot can't be replicated. To my eyes, it'll be fake until proven otherwise. If I'm proven wrong, great! I'll change my mind, no big deal. Now, taking a break from all this stuff. Gets intense after a while. Good luck to all.

NerdyNoodle ago

There is no page named "protected". It is a DIRECTORY named "protected", as evidenced by the trailing "/" in the URL The displayed page is probably "index.php" or "default.php" but the name of the default index page will not necessarily show in the address bar if you access it using the trailing "/" I am a webmaster too so I know these things.

siriansun ago

ok, well, try to build a jimdo site that proves that the behavior picture in the screenshot and prove it wrong. Should be easy peasy for you right? Not saying you're wrong, I just want to see it in action. Software developer here with quite a bit of experience in web dev... none with jimdo though. Give it a shot and let us know how you make out.

NerdyNoodle ago

Hmmm, you seem to be correct. My guess is that the software works differently on the paid version with its own domain. However, with the free version, if the password protected area is in a subdirectory, the system does not add the "-1" Which really means nothing because in Sye Phan's image there is no subdirectory.

Screencap 1

Screencap 2

Also in the free version you can't password protect the uploaded files individually, there is a disclaimer to that effect in the admin panel:

Screencap 3

I really don't think it's necessarily a fake. I think it's very possible that the paid version of the software runs differently. Also, a skilled coder could easily change the "-1" behavior by adjusting the coding accordingly. If they are doing what we think they are doing, then I don't think they would have any scruples about modifying the Jimdo software running on their own server.

jmbatl ago

Yes, and aliases can be set up to display anything you want for a given destination. The underlying page being hit is a product of the way it is coded /protected/ goes to index.php and logged in can easily redirect to something else. I would have to see it at the source level of an install, but it's trivial to set up aliases to hide any given info from appearing in a URL -- just like the URL for this thread /v/pizzagate/1458145 - it just translates the number and passes to a script to give you the given thread and still leaves the URL alone.

therealwopD ago

I do not think v/TheGrimReader is a shill.

siriansun ago

I didn't think either but this leads me to believe otherwise. Unless he himself has been mislead but he's the one who shared the fake screenshot. Make it what you will.

PedoSniperrrr ago

Few questions. Did you try to make it "protected" and experience this endless loop? Could you add files like the screenshot?

siriansun ago

EDIT: What it does, if you create a page with the name "protected", it'll append "-1" to it, so the new page is called "protected-1", when you log in to it, it redirects you to that new page. You simply can't configure it so that logging in to the protected area redirects you to a page called "protected" like in the above screenshot. Instead it redirects to .../protected-1. I admit that their system is a bit flimsy... I got to a point where it was looping, but now it simply does what I describe. So above screenshot is not possible == fake.

PedoSniperrrr ago


password = test1234

contact works but protected will not work it seems.

Only difference may be this is a free account. Not sure if paid plans are different.

But I think op is right. Test for yourself people.

siriansun ago

Thank you, I was in the process of doing the same and you beat me to it!