happytechnology ago

Never stop digging, but...
The local police are well aware of him according to this post from his twitter. https://vid.me/5WVO https://twitter.com/augusta_maine/status/805917685355868160

dem6nic ago

"i love CP" by casiodarkmoon https://youtu.be/zxfnlNm6iyU

dem6nic ago

It's probably nothing but in one of this guy's pictures he holds up a large card with the words Leviticus 25:44-45 written on it. Looking it up it's a reference to slaves.

"44 As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. 45 You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property."

DooDooDoodle ago

You are suggesting people download pictures of child pornography?

skeetskeet ago

The link provided is now taken down. THIS IS WHY EVERYTHING HAS TO BE ARCHIVED.

OccamsTaser ago

I archived it on archive.is find it on there. People are watching this sub.

RedGreenAlliance ago

The crescent moon and inverted star is also a symbol of Satanism (link to Saturn if you watch Icke). It's also used in Ordo Templi Orientis (Aleister Crowley Satanism) - good vid here breaking down the occult imagery linked to PizzaGate https://youtu.be/OP4U2jiEb9s

dickface8 ago

The site has been taken down

OccamsTaser ago

There's an archive on archive.is

Blank902 ago


It's this video. I'm unsure how to save it though.

srayzie ago

The link to favorites is no longer there

very_concerned ago

That's not a bad thing.

SoundEffects ago

I found a couple users on Instagram connected to the Jimmy Comet rabbit hole. One of their profiles is already private after I got the images. Here are my findings Serious symbology, color code word messaging.

We_The_People ago

Fuck that. Started looking and shit got real way too quick. I'll stick to the other stuff.

CrackerJacks ago

Fuck, they know everything about him or is that him posting about himself?

TheGrimReader ago

this is amazing work. link users to CPP by looking for potential employees who might own accounts with this content. CPP says that they officially have 12 employees so its not too many names to look for. We should also look for what past employees are doing today.

baron_samedi ago

lets find the link to comet now

ScientiaPotentia ago

Now it's deleted. He knows you are on to him.

Rusdy ago

The link does not load for me...maybe its for the better.

BUT ARCHIVE EVERYTHING! Especially the pics from Comet Ping Pong and the relation to the pedo-pictures so the can't deny it anymore! This could be a close tie and a bullet proof argument that Alefantis and his business have connections to pedophiles!

RageGoddess ago

Also, notice that some of the pictures are from Brigthest Young Things.

fckItsReal ago

This guy is just the worst of trolls. He is an actual pedophile, but it seems no connection to Comet aside from liking photos of Comet AFTER pizzagate broke. Fuck this piece of shit. Anyone living near him needs to report him to the police, but simply becasue he deserves to be locked up for his own weird fucking shit. He has ANOTHER account ps https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/

KaliPhobos ago

yeah I was digging through the accounts he was following... had to go through hundreds of thousands of weird porn pics, too, really disgusting. >.< not even 4chan would want to have them...

I hope you find something so it wasnt for nothing.

l23r ago

Based on the 725-6185 phone number for Robinson Heating and Cooling I found in another photo (more info here) it might be connected. EDIT: I looked up "robert robinson pedophile" and got a shitton of results going straight to Maine. IT IS HIS NAME. (if you are going to do a search, use Duckduckgo. I tested with Google and got fewer results)

The address seems to match up with photos of his home.

Both the location of the heating place and the address which looks like his home are not that far away from one another. 47 min by car, which is a normal distance for people to travel to/from work.

NeverSober ago

Photos of mongrel people make me feel very sad. Human mud.

rutkdn ago

How the FUCK is Flickr allowing all this?

OccamsTaser ago

Eeeeeeeexactly. Just like twittergate on twitter, with the thousands of CP spreading accounts managing to stay live for YEARS. Meanwhile, a tweet bashing black people is removed within minutes of posting.

starseedlover ago

The fucked up thing is I've watched videos on YouTube about the "Jew NWO agenda" and it fits it perfectly. Encouraging sexual depravity and pedophilia and anti-white racism, forced diversity and tolerance (on white people). Not saying I believe this, but fuck they make convincing arguments. And seeing stuff like this makes me wonder

LolturdFerguson ago

I've been red-pilled so hard on it that I'm choking. Seriously. The pieces add up.

I've been studying the occult and have dove into the Kabbalah. This is all pieces of a bigger puzzle. It all fits into one sick puzzle. Reminds me of Tool's song Schism.

Pedophilia acceptance - Necrophilia acceptance - Necromancy.

Then I began thinking...what's with our obsession over the zombie apocalypse?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Check out Corey Feldman and Corey Haim (actors). Feldman interview claiming Hollywood pedophilia. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3611046/I-molested-passed-Corey-Feldman-details-horrors-Hollywood-pedophile-ring-reveals-Corey-Haim-just-11-raped-leading-life-drugs.html

Now go and watch LOST BOYS, the iconic vampire movie (1987).

Lost children. Vampires everywhere under the surface. Even in your own family. Satanic symbolism.

Then read this https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/jaysanalysis.com/2015/03/08/lost-boys-1987-revelation-of-satanic-ritual-abuse/amp/?client=safari

After reading consider these kid actors who became megastars atlfter this but disappeared, were probably being abused during the making https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/jaysanalysis.com/2015/03/08/lost-boys-1987-revelation-of-satanic-ritual-abuse/amp/?client=safari

starseedlover ago

I was just about to say zombie apocalypse hah! Would not put it past them. Actually I'm curious now why they promote it so much in MSM and Hollywood?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Keep looking. Never fear information.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

How the hell is Flickr allowed to host these images?

KaliPhobos ago

that guy sure is an idiot... :P

CrackerJacks ago

Anyone know much about this website he uses in these pictures? https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/albums/72157643590609394

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

I was also considering shutter stock due to the fish symbol on JPs palm.

baron_samedi ago

dont spook the guy yet this is huge

research4real ago

**THIS IS WHAT I FOUND: ** Started my research from this account on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/76789827@N03/favorites/with/17161603051/

One flickr account linked to that account leads to the same man: https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/page9

I googled his name, Robert Casio Riplie, and found this Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ahmad.nofal.9887

I also found a youtube channel featuring the same man; https://youtu.be/uJF4JMQzDgYYouTube

But the rabbit hole goes deeper! Take a look at this: http://sor.informe.org/cgi-bin/sor/step3.pl?id=4683&search=2&city=AUGUSTA&limiter= He is a 3 time convicted sex offender in Maine. According to that source his name is Robert L Robinson, 32 y/o

KaliPhobos ago

indeed, it'S the same guy. and Comments like this will hopefully get him back in jail:


cantsleepawink ago

You realize that someone is taking the piss right ? Stay focused guys. Lots of misinformation and misdirection coming our way now.

very_concerned ago

I feel that I need to clarify how I found this. And also give credit to the right person. I've been following since before the election and am simply a youtube researcher. I go on youtube and search pizzagate, then sort by upload date to get the most recent vids. There was a livestream of a person researching the flickr page and it made me sick. They have since put up an edited copy of the livestream.

I don't follow this youtuber and can't promote any of her ideas or research. But I certainly share her views about this person. This "rabbit hole" may be a dead end as are so many others, but I wanted to share it with other researchers. You have all found out much more info about this already than what I am capable of.
If nothing else, I think it gives insight on how low level sickos find each other and share information. I'm sure the higher ups are much more sophisticated in their methods.

OccamsTaser ago

High respect for this, how vile are these people. How comes sites like Twitter and Flickr are so quick to take down 'offensive' posts that are just words, but genuine child porn is allowed up, and seems to have been there for years. What the actual fuck

CrackerJacks ago

This guy is really strange.

On this page he has loads of pictures on his wall with girls with long hair, also he had pictures of tablets/pills, the two bottles on the left look like the same label on Alefantis pills. https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/page2887

Is that a standard label in the US?

BB-3 ago

Can someone archive this information in case it starts to disappear from the internet? I don't really know where to start

SpikyAube ago

This guy seems to have recently favourited pictures from Bohemian Grove, as well as some screenshots/pictures from people investigating pizza gate. That's weird. Could it be that he's trying to get attention, could it be some kind of trap or something? Just seems weird. I mean, obviously it goes without saying the guy is the worst kind of weird anyway, but it just seems like pizza gate happens and then he starts favouriting things about it and also random pictures from a place that features in the whole satanic/Moloch powerful people conspiracy thing.

Hanshan ago

Remember you can use www.pizzagate.review to index all this in a wiki way. Thanks!

arigold ago

how come more people haven't mentioned this???? this is perfect way to organize.

is it legit? can someone verify that this was setup by us and cointel?

Hanshan ago

It's been setup by me ;) But if you do not trust, you can go through TOR/VPN/proxy, or copy/plagiarize it. I mean: please, mirror it so I do not control "The Single One" ;)

looking4truth ago

Jesus, can you archive it? Please link the archive links. Do you think they are going to keep these pics online after they got busted? Please be prepared and archive before posting your finds

OccamsTaser ago

Already archived along with a few other accounts I got a weird vibe from. Definitely do not want info slipping away, it's already happened a few times.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah but if you go back he was adding stuff on CPP years ago.

smoothassilk ago

can u link it? all cpp uploads i saw were uploaded by other accounts

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I was wrong, I didn't realise I was just looking at the favourites. I can't yet see any creepy Flickr accounts who have actually uploaded pics of CPP, if someone finds that, then link it. Otherwise I think this is a wild goose chase taking people away from the real stuff.

letsdoitnow ago


militant ago

That's very misleading.

The guy is an obvious pedophile, sure, but his interest regarding Comet Ping Pong is post-pizzagate. So are the pictures of him eating slice of pizzas.

It doesn't matter if the pictures of Comet Ping Pong are from 2010 or even older, he only liked/favorited them recently.

It doesn't prove anything, besides that an obvious pedophile like him thinks that Comet Ping Pong is really a part of a pedophile ring.

starseedlover ago

Yeah this was a concern of mine as well.

Since this guy seems so open about, anyone thought of ASKING him what's up? Like, in a diplomatic way, not in a harassing way.

northernarcher ago

What's with this? Is this user investigating this too? https://www.flickr.com/photos/46389051@N08/30402312454/in/faves-76789827@N03/

CrackerJacks ago

Realitycalls "I think" is a YouTube account that has made some videos of Pizzagate.

smoothassilk ago

this guy isnt connected to pizzagate, hes just a fking loser who tries gaining attention

OccamsTaser ago

He is at minimum a pervert who needs to be arrested or questioned over his posts!

smoothassilk ago

while i am disgusted by this flicker account i doubt its anything illegal on there. still looking through though.

OccamsTaser ago

There is one photo he liked of a little girl being grabbed by her privates by a man helping her onto a water raft thing. I clicked on somebody who had also favourited the same picture,and their account was purely naked children from baby to adult teen. Look at his comments on stuff also. I'm sure there is something illegal here. He has an album of him and a little preteen asian girl as one of his first albums. It's a dirty rabbit hole.

momojaja ago

There is a pic labeled Bohemian grove.

LostandFound ago

just dial 001 before the number

starseedlover ago

This guy posted his number on a few youtube videos, I took a screenshot. I didn't call it. Edit: not sure if it's real


OccamsTaser ago

Yeah I really wouldn't want to scare him into deleting everything and warning any potential friends, but definitely worth saving until we've compiled enough that is incriminating.. Although any sane person looking at this would immediately be concerned.

OccamsTaser ago

I agree this needs to be done. I'm across the pond myself so can't call US numbers.

I also thing we should be gathering evidence like this, all his followers, his pictures, people who he follows, etc, before we take this to authorities. We need a day or 2 to find other people who are implicated, or it may be disregarded as a false lead and swept under the rug and covered up, before we have time to make important links.

research4real ago

BOOM! This guy is a convicted sex offender - and as we see on his social media he seem to be almost obsessed with CPP, since 2008. http://sor.informe.org/cgi-bin/sor/step3.pl?id=4683&search=2&city=AUGUSTA&limiter=

projection ago

Nice work.

rutkdn ago

Holy shit... some of these pics he favorited that CLEARLY SHOULD NOT be on Flickr were viewed over 150k times... what the fuck is wrong with humanity.

OccamsTaser ago

I know... what gets me, is that a lot of these photos being liked are from (what would seem like) family members of the children. There is one photo of a girls privates being grabbed by a lifeguard or something similar and it had thousands of views, if you scroll along it looks like her dads Flickr. Why wouldn't a parent delete this?

SpikyAube ago

Has HE actually been a customer of CPP though? Or has he just been favouriting old photos of CPP posted by other accounts? I can't find any pictures of CPP that he himself has uploaded.

SpikyAube ago

Those are pictures in his favourites though - see 'favourites' is underlined at the top. If you go on his account and click each of those pictures, you see they are actually posted by other people, unrelated people, and have just been favourited by this Casio person recently. He himself did not take the pictures or upload them.

LostandFound ago

Make a new post with this info, we need to dig and link him back as much as possible. Pro work r4r !

HelpingChildren ago

Seems to be blocking or removing some pictures, and I do not know how to save it before its all gone.

herbertbakunin ago

http://archive.is/ archive everything if anyone has finding always archive before posting

HelpingChildren ago

Yes I am, but the one I posted in my post it will not let it. Something is wrong, something bigger than I understand.

HelpingChildren ago

Thank you, and I saw he changed it, or was changing it while I was looking how to save it. It said it could add another saved page I saved it because I saw blacked out pictures and the video showed them all. Then it when I saved it it has hardly any pictures on the Flicker account. At least it will show he changed it.

OccamsTaser ago

Amazing find, keep it up.

starseedlover ago

OMG this is guy is no joke. I always hear about it pedos and CP online, but never actually come across it. I always asume it's tucked away in the deep web or something. But it's on Flickr?? His photos are definitely creepy. Get bad vibes all around from him. But also, truth vibes that he's a serious connect. Keep digging folks!

He's not even hiding it! And what are the fucking chances he has pics of comet ping pong of all places?

Edit: Apparently the Comet pics aren't his, he just favorited them

Warnos44 ago

I don't know how to use flickr to know dates posted. Do we know how long ago he posted the Comet pix?

ParadiseFaIIs ago

Taken on January 11, 2008

fckItsReal ago

In November

smoothassilk ago

these are not his own pictures, they were uploaded by other accounts. this guy is just a loser who tries to gain attention.

research4real ago

This account on flickr connected to Casio. https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/page7

Looked the name up on Facebook and found this: https://www.facebook.com/ahmad.nofal.9887

Also found this on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJF4JMQzDgY

user1212 ago

Go to Page one of the flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/page1

Half way down the page is pictures with "The Bridge to Total Freedom" Poster in the background. Scientology


DeckoGecko ago

https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/29941751991/ do you think he might be sharing on flicker for cp customers to access his site maybe?

user1212 ago

Possibly, That looks like he is in the same University Library he was before stalking some girl. He might just be taking a picture for him to remember for later use?

DeckoGecko ago

did you guys see this https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/29842301120/ i've saved the image

Blank902 ago

In the video he says he recently made a website for the "North American Marine Boat Lifestyle Association " = N.A.M.B.L.A

Which he goes on to say is a wonderful organization who goes into school and get young men interested in the "seaman" lifestyle!!!!

Warnos44 ago

Isn't one of our trolls named ahmad?

l23r ago

Ahmad (Ahmed?) is a common Middle Eastern name, kinda like Mohammed or Muhammed. From the sounds of it, it might even be a shortened version, like Rob for Robert.

crazyworld ago

I agree there has to be something here, even registered just now to be able to comment but been following voat for about a week.

As one user suggested, if you go through the likes and comments of that Casio, the user "lgl 060708" is a constant. Going through him I got here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/76194589@N08/galleries/ You open the first expo, 2nd picture, one of the likes leads here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/139774044@N06/favorites/

None of this is normal !!

badintense ago

collecting pics of naked children is definitely not normal. it won't let me archive the second link. archive.is blanks out all the pics with nude children and babies.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

The comments on the photos in that second link are blatant. There's no ambiguity to any of that.

crazyworld ago

Sorry about that not familiar with the term I'm not from the U.S. https://www.flickr.com/photos/140655290@N07/favorites https://www.flickr.com/photos/145316803@N07/favorites Both NSFW, another two very creepy guys, and if you go on the likes and comments of the pics you'll get dozens and dozens more - How does Flickr even allow this ????????

dickface8 ago

I'm guessing these have already been reported?

badintense ago

The account has now been deleted. here is the archive. The naked pics were blacked out by archive.is http://archive.is/U5xvu

spez_dispenser ago

lgl 060708 probably means "Little Girl Lover" followed by the ages. This list of favorites is not normal.

Warnos44 ago

OMG put NSFW on that shit. It should be implied but definitely label it...

OccamsTaser ago

That's what I'm saying. Normal people don't act this way. Normal restaurants don't usually have convicted pedophile customers who are obsessed with their restaurants either. Archive all of this, I've archived a few Flickr accounts myself.

spidersinwinter ago

Been lurking for a week or two. Finally made an account.

This is a good find. If it does nothing to incriminate JA it at least heavily implies that CPP is a hot spot for low-tier predators.

The photos are unwarranted and very obviously candid and without permission. The poor woman in the library. Ugh.

I'm waiting to get Tails running before I decide to do any investigating of my own, but I hold all of you in high regards for putting your necks out.

Any idea of who this guy is? I imagine it won't be hard to find him. Maybe see if he's connected to anyone else.

OccamsTaser ago

This is the kind of stuff that could ruin the medias portrayal of pizzagate as 'bizzare' and 'evidence lacking'. If any normal person that hadn't been red pilled saw this stuff, they'd be concerned.

What is tails? Is it like Tor?

spidersinwinter ago

Tails is an amnesic operating system that boots from a CD or USB drive and lives only in your RAM. It wipes all evidence of it existing after the capacitors flush (about fifteen seconds after a full shutdown) and comes with a Tor suite built in.

I recommend it, but my SO wrecked my only good USB by accident so I gotta wait to run it again.

Anyway, YES, this is groundbreaking. The MSM will not stop demonizing us, but we aren't here to yell and shout until we get our way -- we're here to converse, investigate, and report. We may not be the ideal representation, but we ARE the representation that's doing something about this atrocity.

SpikyAube ago

Can you post this in the comments sections of some of these awful articles in the MSM saying it's all fake? Or would that be a dumb idea?

alliecapone ago

If I'm able to figure it out, if I can warn that girl, is that ok? I wont mention this sub or site at all. I definitely don't wanna ruin things here. So much hard work, and I'm grateful for you that are braving it. It's just that there's multiple pics that looked a creepy scary, and I thought she'd wanna know. I always trust my gut instinct and I immediately got a pang in my belly when I realized she was being low key stalked. I showed it to both of my girls, one's college aged (she's had creeps sit at her table, now I think I've ruined her day. Shattered the almost 18 yr olds view of studying alone ever. They said they'd appreciate an anonymous warning so that they can avoid that person. She'll remember him sitting there too, I almost guarantee that, she probably felt weird too. She looked a bit wary of him in one of those pics.

I just shudder to wonder how far he's progressed from just the photos. He's starting a definite pattern that a stalker displays. And damn, I'm sorry you had to stumble upon the other page of young ones. Heroes like you make me have faith in humanity, and you guys digging this stuff up, you are heroes. I'm horrified enough just reading some of it, and I'm not brave enough to sleuth yet. I might get to that point but I'm still in shell shock mode here. If it's ok to let the girl know, if anyone recognizes her, feel free to inbox me. I just think she might need a warning so that she's not doing her usual thing alone. He could be waiting for the time. If we can save people quietly, I think that might be a good idea. If not, no big deal. The "Mom" in me is worried is all :(

OccamsTaser ago

Of course. There are loads of pictures of little girls on there, and if you go on his albums and back to the last page, theres an album of 3 or 4 pictures of him and a preteen asian girl in a room of a house it seems. Definitely warn all people you can of behaviour like this because this man seems unhinged and we do not know what could be next or what he's already done.

Other voaters have discovered this man is a sex offender, btw.

alliecapone ago

Sometimes I think I watch too much Discovery ID, and crime solving shows. But it's times like this where it's coming in handy. I've learned a bit about psychos and how they escalate, there's really no exact time frame. Sometimes they jump in, sometimes they feel things out first. I've also had experience unfortunately as a girl myself. It's traumatic and it was hard to get over that kind of violation. I feel if I can keep that from happening to anyone else, I will.

We actually have an offender who lives on my street. This dude walks at least 10-20x a day. And in the worst weather too, with his poor dog. When pokemon hunting was the rage again this summer, you'd see a few teens up and down my street, apparently our yard spawns good ones? And about five minutes later, he'd walk by. My temper thinks it's bigger than me, so I march out to the road and make sure he knows I watch his ass. I did the "eyes on you" signal, and said, I DO know officers who'll be here in 5 minutes if I keep seeing you walking after these girls. ALWAYS girls. That's another thing too, if I can lowkey offer any assistance on legalities of things, I can ask my friends. One has been an officer awhile and is a K9 officer. Both are very protective of kids. I hesitate to tell them to come here quite yet...and I'll say like I usually say, "Someone I know was wondering, I told them I could ask you" it never gets questioned and they're happy to help out. Later on if I can convince them, and I'm positive I can the veteran one, to come and have a look at the stuff gathered here and tell me what they think. Can this be a charge on someone questions will be easier. He lost his son young, and he'll do anything to help a kid not end up traumatized for life if he can help it. I know he'd believe me now, but my best friend would cock her head and ask if I'm doing drugs again. I gotta ease her into it with a lil drinkie drink. Hopefully it wont be too long though before people do start going down. I think about the kids that all went missing in October alone in VA and it shook me up real good.

One more question, you're aware of the Arkansas case West Memphis Three? I was actually thinking on it, if you're not familiar short story, 3 young children, six yrs old I think were abducted after they'd been seen on bikes headed for a patch of woods where kids like to go. They all ended up dead. Hands and legs tied, thrown naked into a creek bed. It happened in '93 and if you think about sacrifices, I get an odd feeling that something like that happened. Three young men were put away for life sentences, one being a death row sentence. He got lucky, the case made rounds and they're out now. But, they targeted poor kids, and I think they thought nobody would pay it any mind. I've made offhand remarks thats how Clinton won Presidency, those murders. They refuse to find out who really killed these kids. They framed the young men, they even "lost" critical evidence. It was all swept neatly under a rug until Johnny Depp told his friend about it who produced the documentaries that started a big push to get them out of prison. One day, suddenly they were let free. Just suddenly, they were out. I was elated and cried all day. But there's still 3 kids who were murdered and never got justice. It's like they don't matter. Death follows those Clintons so you never know. I thought this was crazy too at first, but crazy can be quite true, just shocking. Though it wouldn't shock me now if the Clinton's didn't have something done...I'll let you go now, sorry for the novel, and I hope I'm able to help out. I can't deal with child predators, or any predator ever being free, they don't change. I figure the only way to conquer it is bust their butts online like this. After this case, others should be easy as can be. Have a good day!

spidersinwinter ago

If you can safely do it, sure. But if you do, her safety takes priority over yours as the guardian angel.

alliecapone ago

Oh without a doubt. I think of her being someone else's little girl, and how upset I'd be to know some creepazoid was stalking her. It's bad enough I nearly have to get myself arrested to make grown men leave my 17 yr old alone. It's actually disturbing to go to the store anymore, because these types are out and about. They just sit and leer at my girls. They haven't any social skills, they're used to clicking a picture, not real life. It's a disconnect from reality, a scary disconnect too. So many men think it's just fine to go and say what they wish too. If my husband had ever heard them, I'd be sending money to commissary instead of making his work lunches.

Warnos44 ago

As a full grown woman and mother I still experience this shit. It gets so old. Seeing this nasty guy leering and the things he's written makes me angry. I think the next time a man tries this shit I'm going to say something nasty to him. I used to think, eh I'll just be on my way. But really, this guy truly looks like if he has the opportunity he wont waste it. And maybe some of these guys I've seen wouldn't either. Maybe an unexpected confrontation in public would make them less likely to continue the behavior. Who knows.

alliecapone ago

Yes, it's foul. I get it too, but I do make a commotion. I was grabbed by the pu&& at a concert. Bad move on his part, I was like five sheets to the wind, and not a happy five either. I grabbed his hand, clawed it and yelled as loud as I could to security to come get this guy, he'd just sexually assaulted me. It stirred up all of the males, and you'll usually find a few of the really protective ones around. Security was there in a flash. My poor daughters were SO embarrassed, but I told them not only did that piss me off, but it was wrong. You call wrong, wrong and don't ignore it. Especially in situations where you're actually groped. Here we have groups of mexicans that had done that, probably still do. As we rolled into the parking lot of the event that night one tried yelling hi, nice truck at us...when we ignored him, he called us puta, I yelled back culo...it's odd too, because we didn't used to have too big of an issue with mexican folks here. I grew up among them, so they're new. I suspect something odd is going on here in Michigan. I'm trying to put my finger on it, and archive it all and ask for the internet's help on it. Four women have vanished in a short time. One ring has been broken up, but we know full well now they operate out of many arenas to avoid full shut down, and topples. I think the internet could really nip this human trafficking thing in the bud if this investigating is a success. You can take the govt down? You can take anyone down. I refuse to go anywhere alone, nor let my daughters. I've even volunteered to ride down to a university with my oldest for an interview. And I'm happy for her, but I can't even tell you how nervous I am to be there for 3 hours alone. I swear I'm taking wasp spray. A tip, a cop told me this one too, it's not looked on kindly, but they'll "allow" it in self defense. Wasp foam. They make pepper foam, but I'm worried it wont affect someone, I've seen someone just laugh at the stuff. Wasp spray is something that you can shoot at distance with accuracy, and the perp has to go to the ER for an antidote or he can run around blind, I don't care. I've always said, if I gotta go to jail to save my life, I'll do that. I'll chance a judge and jury if need be. They ARE pests, predators, so I'm dealing with them like the pests they are. Anyone attacks with me around in a gun free zone, they'll be super soaked, and super shocked when more decide to chance it. I've tried pepper spray, twice..once when a dog had rushed me, it blew back my way both times I used it. In the case of the dog, he was very friendly. He even licked my tears from coughing so hard lol Guys chance, and bank on us being "ladies" It might not be awesome, but "Sir, I'm no lady" I've said that many many times, and of course it's left to interpretation. I could be in transition, or not lady like. One actually asked, uh, what did you mean by that did I hit on a man? Of course I said, YEP in the deepest voice I could. I like to make a scene because most times people have intervened. I thought one man was going to kill another, I was like I can run away now, you don't have to kill him, but thanked him and we both shot off in separate directions. I think this scandal will bring out the bear in men again, and we can start getting these guys put in jail.

thezodiac ago

Please archive it all.

SpikyAube ago

Can you archive whole social media accounts or do you have to archive each individual page of the account?

thezodiac ago

Don't know man.

l23r ago

FIY he is still updating his alt account (I checked the Archive, which was updated less than 8 hours ago) entitled Dr Robert Casio

Fave pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


The images on the "album" pages do not show up with I save them with Archive. DOES ANYONE KNOW OF AN ALTERNATE WAY TO SAVE THE ALBUM PAGES?

In an album titled "Pizza and Dad" there is a photo where you can kinda make out a phone number that says Business #725 6185 There is no zip code, but to narrow it down: in another album it says something about Front St (common street name, but a start) in one it shows a city bus, and I'm not finding it as I scroll through to confirm, but I could have sworn he had an album titled "Maine sucks" EDIT: I think I found the source of the phone number. If it is correct, it is a legit place of business in Brunswick, Cumberland County. I assume it is where his dad works.

Edit: In one album I saw a website Hangin-out.net. Based on the banner on the login page it looks like a Trump page, but I can't find any info about it when I search for it.

Edit again: OMG he has his own ED page Oh and here is a list of a bunch of other accounts and websites he's on

spidersinwinter ago

Looking into those pages is giving me a bad case of the "I wanna puke on this guy". What's terrifying is he looks familiar, but I've never been to New England.

Warnos44 ago

Yea I used to work with a guy who looks like this guy. He was really weird and off as well. And always leered at women.

l23r ago

He has the appearance of your stereotypical mouth breathing neck beard, so he probably looks like a lot of people / a lot of people look like him

Kastonomy ago

So looks like that painting with the alien in a bathroom is infact from CPP https://www.flickr.com/photos/flyingturtle/16954822217/in/faves-76789827@N03

thezodiac ago

I think we found something, guys. Don't know if pizzagate is a mega-conspiracy, but this guy Alefantis and his friends are definitely pedos, and the politicians are trying to protect him. We're hurting them a lot, expect payback, they'll come with a vengeance.


There's a photo of Terry McAuliffe at Comet in 2012. McAuliffe was one of the really big movers in the DNC takeover of the Democratic Party that brought Bill Clinton to office. It's him on the left:


BrickInTheVVall ago

Terry McAuliffe Sent Big Bucks to Wife of FBI Official Involved in Clinton Email Case (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/10/24/wsj-terry-mcauliffe-fbi-jill-mccabe-clinton-emails/))

l23r ago

I know these pictures aren't like the artwork or the posed pictures like of the kid taped to a table, but somehow I find these photos creepier. Especially the person in the library. You can tell she knows she is being photographed and feels super uncomfortable with it. I bet he tried talking to her too. This is the kind of guy those assembly events at school teach kids to watch out for.

dickface8 ago

The Back To The Future hat is fucking creepy. Like an ironic hipster pedophile.

alliecapone ago

His pedo glasses check out if nothing else, that pic of him with the sabers set off my gut alarm, he's not right at all...

BTW, before I forget. I've been reading here for a lil bit now, over a couple weeks. I have to seriously thank you guys for this. The MSM has people thinking we're crazy for believing it, and they're asleep, they really can't help that, until they wanna wake up, you can't wake em, just tell em. They're busy and maybe haven't visited here before perhaps, I didn't get to reading it til a couple weeks after AJ's podcast (he made me throw up, he did!). I honestly thought AJ was off his rocker until you heroes laid it right the fuck out in front of my face. Can't deny it, you just can't after coming here. Thats for sure.

KaliPhobos ago

it seemed just too obvious and I thought it had to be a trap. But the pictures from CPP were actually from 2008... We should definitely dig deep and try to get everyone connected to that guy as well. Once we're done we should probably send a copy of this to the authorities and let them arrest this sick bastard. If that actually happens, we should also contact the press for first pedo connected to Pizagate and CPP arrested. Might help us get more people believe the Pizzagate case is not just a fake story.

I'm thinking about joining that cuy's case, too. What information are needed to setup an account there to view NSFW contents as well? only an email adress? (unregistered guests cant see half of the stuff)

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

Here is his Twitter I'm now blocked but I found it last night.

michelonwheels ago

His twitter is highly suspicious and filled with creepy comments that hint at pedo interest as well as pgate/comet obsession.

IAmJohnBarron ago

well he's recently tweeted a video of himself calling us out

Fateswebb ago

He posted this, I don't see it calling us out as much as claiming his innocence. Or claiming he is in no way actually connected to comet ping pong, except by liking pictures of the place. https://vid.me/4CZ3

dickface8 ago

Do you know who the black and white old dude in the photo to the right of his cover photo? Could be something.

SpikyAube ago

I think this guy has just been recently favouriting old photos posted by other people, so it's not that this guy has taken/posted the pictures of CPP. More likely he heard about pizza gate and went around favouriting these kinds of photos for some weird reason, either due to being weird or to try and make people think he's involved or to lead people down the wrong path or something?

helpthem ago

This seems likely. I think to be a smoking gun we'd need to find them posting/favoriting CPP photos prior to October 2016.

fckItsReal ago

Thats exactly whats going on. He may be creepy as fuck, and needs to be locked up himself, but I think the CPP link ends there. He favorited photos from CPP in mid to end November of this year

smoothassilk ago

can u pls explain to me how this guy is connected to pizzagate? all pizzagate related pictures were taken by other accounts, he just favourised them and u cant tell when he did. this guy might be a pedophile hair fetish fking loser but thats all i can take from this account.

starseedlover ago

I wonder when those pics were favorited. You think maybe someone was able to access his account after PizzaGate broke and favorited those pictures without him knowing to link him to Comet Pizza?

EndThePizza ago

Then we need to look at the accounts of the people who DID post the CPP photos

l23r ago

Maybe he got an invite to Comet Pizza Pong through one of his pedo friends? It's strange that out of all of the places he could be posting pics from, he just happens to choose ones from a place known for pedophilia, especially since he is a known pedo himself.

OccamsTaser ago

Exactly what I was thinking. Look at his comments about 'cumming in her hair' regarding one of the little girls he's photographed....really vile shit. You're right. even if this guy isn't involved (unlikely) something needs to be done.

I think that's a good idea. You can use http://slippery.email/ for a 1 time email address to sign up with and use the URL they give to view your inbox (to verify account).

These guys are literally mixing full fledged adult pornography with photos of little girls just playing or standing there. It's clear they have ulterior motives/interests.

A good place to start is look at photos he's posted and the people that like them. Look at the people who follows him and who he follows..... awful stuff

KaliPhobos ago

yeah... as if his face wasn't awful enough >.< https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/31284830436/in/faves-76789827@N03/

will do so :)

Edit: Okey for those NSFW photos we cant get him as we cant proof thats really kids... but the creeper photos should be enough already

Edit2: this is probably the sickest shit I have EVER seen... and I already saw a lot O_o I'll provide short info on the other linked accounts here. Will update that post later


Casio: カシオ

Long Hair Love_24


RH+O fixed gear specialist!



They seem to be hardcore bondage photos combined with cutting hair... (like tied-up woman having sex, crying, while getting her head shaved). I have no idea how you can love something like that... but still that's not illegal. Just weird as fuck.

NSFW: https://web.archive.org/web/20020609005407/http://www.secret-agenda.com/content/preview/index.html

It's stuff like that

Has 1.5k followers, that makes me wonder how many of them are such sick bastards just like this guy...

Gabriel Logan:

That account is connected to TONS of porn material of all ages and races, all kinds of shit. But no pedophilia there. Also no (obvious) rapes or anything else that might be concidered illegal. Just the random perverts.



lots ofphotos from wimen, many of them native american or asian. But no real porn, also nothing too weird. (except for "Pics of human remains from my reserve, i am an ojibway." with a couple of bone photos).


cosmicmind ago

crying, while getting hair shaved. Sherri Papini was abducted from a town near Redding California. When I first read the article on yahoo it said that the woman's hair was cut, she was branded and chained at the waste. Now the stories don't mention that she was chained or her hair cut and the articles I read have omitted information. Most of them have scrubbed that point. Add to that, the suspicious thing is that some stories are even calling it a hoax. What kind of cover-up is this! Sex perversion crimes/trafficking is being protected by mainstream media in timing of pizzagaate.

KaliPhobos ago

if that's truely the case we might have found something new. The photos show the faces of various wimen getting shaved while having sex...

Can you provide a link to this case and probably also a Photo of the victim?

cosmicmind ago

The dates of timing is interesting.


quote article: Sherri Papini “literally lived through hell” during her 20-plus days in captivity — being branded and beaten and losing about 15 percent of her body weight — her husband, Keith Papini, told ABC News in an interview that aired Monday.

Sherri appears to have coped by imagining she was with Keith and their children Tyler, 4, and Violet, 2.

“The things she told me,” Keith told ABC’s Matt Gutman, in an on-camera interview on Good Morning America, before breaking down in tears. “The things she told me that she did, talking to me each time, acting like she was tucking in our kids.”

“ told me she took a piece of cloth and rolled it up like it was Violet and she rocked it,” Keith said in an interview that aired Friday on ABC’s 20/20. “She was so strong.”

Sherri was abducted by force after going for a jog on Nov. 2 near her home in Redding, California, Keith said on GMA on Monday. The mother-of-two’s mysterious disappearance consumed her friends and community, who quickly went public with their fears that she was abducted.

“She didn’t get into a vehicle on her own,” Keith said. He said guns were involved and that Sherri did what her captors said.

Keith has said Sherri was hit, kicked and branded — and her nose broken — during her captivity, and he said in Monday’s interview she was “barely fed.”

When Sherri was found Thanksgiving morning on a roadside about 150 miles from her home, she weighed 87 pounds, having lost about 15 percent of her body weight from an already slim frame.

Keith previously said Sherri was found with a bag over her head and chains around her wrists and waist. Her hair had been chopped off. The woman who called 911 after seeing Sherri on the side of the road told PEOPLE she looked “panicked and frightened.”

When Keith hugged Sherri for the first time, he recalled to ABC News, “Her spine was sticking out, like a large clock with gears sticking out of it.”

During the entire ordeal, Sherri saw only two women, ABC’s Gutman said Keith told him.

Investigators said they have been looking for the two women, who Sherri told investigators were Hispanic, armed, use a dark-colored SUV and spoke in Spanish the majority of the time of her captivity.

Sherri said one of the women had long curly hair, thin eyebrows and pierced ears; and the other woman, who was older, had straight black hair, with gray, and thick eyebrows.

Authorities told ABC News that, because of the dearth of evidence so far, they have not ruled anyone out as a possible suspect. A private investigator who helped with the search for Sherri said that sex trafficking may be an element of the case.

The Papini family is now at an undisclosed location, Gutman said Monday, with Sherri spending every possible moment with their kids while Keith remains alert.

Gutman says that Keith told him, “Sherri may be free, but she is still haunted by the abduction.”

The idea of going back to their Redding house is so traumatic they may never move back into the house again, Gutman says Keith told him.

“When lights are off, when doors shut, when she hears certain sounds, I mean it’s something that I don’t know how to deal with, and we’ll need somebody who can help her through that from a professional standpoint,” Keith said in his 20/20 interview.

“It’s not just a long road,” Keith said, “It’s something we’re never going to forget.”

cosmicmind ago

note: originally the news articles were detailed. I looked for them last night, when I posted my comment and couldn't find anything with the original information (chains, haircut,brand etc). This morning, as I looked for some info in order to respond to your request I found a newly revised article dated today, (same picture but different date) but it's slightly different than the original article.
I'm shaking my head not sure what to think of media anymore, it's media gaslighting and obfuscation to a degree I can hardly believe is happening. The original yahoo article didn't focus on her weight loss as much. Mentioned that she was dumped at the side of the road with a chain around her neck. Sherri tucked the chain in her clothes thinking that the reason nobody was stopping because she had a chain.

l23r ago

Ewww and more ewww

KaliPhobos ago


It's a mixture of the WORST porn collection ever (mixed up everything from 18yo to 70s grandmothers) and mixed in a few photos of haircuts... and a per photos of weird sex while cutting hair...

Whoever collects this shit has no idea about youporn and is super super weird...

But I still dont see pedi or illegal content in the groups the others follow... The only thing I'd questiong is photos they took of strangers in public areas (photo of cute girl next table in restaurant, photo of women's ass while she's standing in the queue in McDonnalds, ...)

They're sick, they're weird, they fap to strangers in McDonnalds, but they're no pedos. (as far as I can tell)